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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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@sk0317  SW   didn't claim that DT had forced himself on her but rather that he had "come to her" and by all indications been eagerly received.  If this (imagined) act ruined SW's life, I would say she ruined her own life.

Perhaps @stroppyse knows something about the following.  My wife uses the term "flower snake" as a synonym for "temptress," but apparently there is also a whole body of Korean law re "flower snakes/," defined as women like SW who use false accusations of sexual misconduct to extort things of value. See, e.g., http://blogs.angloinfo.com/korean-law-matters/2015/02/09/the-problem-of-the-flower-snake/

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4 minutes ago, anbud said:

what is a  straw  investor?


37 minutes ago, jimb said:

@valsava @sk0317  Re DY being "book smart," do you suppose the writers have buried a subversive subtext in this drama? 

SW, failed farm girl and (likely a "C" GPA) high school graduate is totally dominating her putative social and intellectual betters.

SW is a veritable human banana peel upon which the rich and/or smart slip and pratfall in virtually every episode.  

@auntyem A "straw investor" or "straw purchaser" is a front for the actual buyer.



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53 minutes ago, anbud said:

I  swear  when one    goes to  sleep , you all  type  pages. my  bratty  cat   thinks he is a teenager, his cat  girlfriend came over   and  he starts  making  those  sweet  love  noises. . so they having breakfast together in  his  house outside. can't have her  inside . she  smells  different. one time she did  come inn,   then i  had to  wash 1meter  from  the  floor  upwards. cause  after she  left  my  cat was  going  around  smelling all the  places  she  was  at.. had to wash all  my  curtains too. ...  all this i was  doing  at  5am. cause   my bratty  cat  will not  go to sleep.

 well after reading  .I believe  for the  first time ever on a  drama   we all on the  same  page...lol  we  need someone to  protest to get   a  more deep   conversation.lolol

 read there is  some talk   about  DY/YJ  might  get  back together. that  is a  good  start..

 but,DY is  so morally  correct it  hurts. would  DY  after all the   hell YJ  put  her  through  go back to    YJ  if and when he  divorce HR?

YJ is like a  speeding  truck, bam he  wants  DY  back..

 i call the  brat ,  dominion,  child from hell.... but i  will  type  brat to be  polite.lolol

To your lovely cat, the lingering 'smell' left by his girlfriend in your house is considered the 'scent of a woman':).

I am not sure if DT and DY will ever get back together. Maybe the writers write their script in phases and the plot keeps changing...But if DT agrees and succumbs to the pressures of a marriage to SW, I think it would be better for DY to wait for YJ to get out from jail before committing herself to any relationship again. DY is a weakling and I think she needs a strong and dominant man to guide and lead her. So YJ seems to fit these qualities and is a better choice for her now:sweatingbullets:. I believe YJ will treasure DY more the second time around after having HR as his spouse:P.

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7 hours ago, stroppyse said:

I know why I keep coming back to this thread. It's because everyone who posts here is such a riot. :) Plus, we can collectively dislike/hate SW, JR, and HR, plus the writer. And, things do change. Even a week ago, I probably would have put YJ in the collective hate bucket, but under a paraphrasing of the principle of the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing, I guess we're giving YJ a bit of a pass now as long as he successfully takes out JR from her smug seat of doom dealing?

I do wonder about redeeming qualities for JR, HR, and SW. I think someone mentioned that JR does love for her children, even if her idea of love is to force them to her will. HR showed concern for GJ though feels that it's her right to go blabbing about GJ's affairs everywhere and loves YJ albeit in a stalker kind of way. SW's redeeming feature I think is supposed to be her concern for her grandmother? Except that concern is of a selfish nature since her grandmother seems to be her ultimate patsy. Just out of curiosity, anyone remember any actual non-qualified redeeming qualities for these three women?

I am so glad posters here are enjoying each others' company and are having a ball with the discussion we bring to the forum. Well if TUF's plot sucks and the roles its characters are playing are unbelievably doomed and stupid, isn't it more fun for us to 'collectively dislike/hate' the three harpies and the TUF's writers?

YJ appears to be the alpha male now. Before he was tempted and lured into a marriage to boast his social standing, he was going through the right channel/steps by working really hard social climbing. He was capable at work, reasonably smart/intelligent, and had a stable presence in DY's life. He also showed he cared enough for CJ to put up a fight in defense of him after CJ was insulted by the man YJ beat up. It was greed and persistent prompting on the part of his mom that led him off track and now has landed him where he is. YJ looks more appealing now as he is the only one who has the ability and brains to bring down the arrogant JR. Even though his role in cheating Bonjour will land him a place in jail, I reckon his stay there will be short as he will probably have enough money to engage himself with a top notch attorney to defend him and be sentenced lightly.

I think HR is unfortunate to have inherited both the good and bad qualities of her parents. Under the right guidance, HR can be really sweet and kind. When her behavior and temper goes unchecked, she is a terror and all hell breaks loose. She needs to undergo anger management to become a better person. CJ will be a good influence on her I think.:)

JR does love both her children but I think she meant good even when she tries to force her ideas on them without respecting their feelings. Her own marriage failure makes her think it is better for DT to marry a partner with the same or higher social status. She bribed YJ into a marriage as she couldn't bear to see HR suffering. I don't see or find any or much redeeming qualities in JR. The only time she seems 'vulnerable' and 'let her guard down' was when she tried to ask her love rival, SA to help her convince MS to return to her side. Her presence is not very pleasant and makes those around her wary and uncomfortable due to her snotty and obnoxious demeanor.

SW does have a soft spot for her GM as she was the one who pampered her all her life. Growing up seeing how her GM abuses and talks down to DY made SW what she is. Instead of teaching SW to respect DY as an aunt, her GM's way of treating DY made her think it's perfectly alright to belittle, talk down and look down on her. Will her GM's death cause SW to reflect on herself and become a better person? I doubt it and I think SW will put DY responsible for the death of her GM by saying she neglected her GM's symptoms and will also accuse her for not taking care of her GM full-time when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I could be biased but I see SW as the last person who has any redeeming qualities among the three harpies. She is so toxic, evil and 'rotten to the core', it might take forever to reform her twisted mind and entitlement mentality.

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@desertflower    scent of a  woman...  aggggg .  it took me  2  hours to  clean  the living room... love is  cute  and  such.  but   lord    why do i  have to  suffer   for their  love.lolol

  if  HR  had no  money, no man  will  want her..  . she is loud and  mad  ,not something one  want to live   with  to the  end of  their  days....  pretend to be poor. then  ones knows  who their  friends  are..




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13 hours ago, stroppyse said:

DT: That night I slept over at Se Ra-shi’s house, truthfully, I don’t remember what happened.

SW: Director doesn’t have to love me. 

KC: Thank you, Gong Ju. Being here can’t be easy for you.

Brat: Dad. What are you doing?

YJ: So, as soon as you separate from Kang Dan Yi-shi, you act like that with Lee Se Ra-shi. Shouldn’t you have some manners at least?

JR: Kang Dan Yi-shi, doesn’t it make you uncomfortable to see Director Sul? Shouldn’t you make a choice now?

DY: Are you telling me to submit my resignation?

I wonder how living expenses in the Kang household are covered. DY used to work in the farm with SA before being offered a position in Bonjour. The Kangs don't seem to be too short on money although SA does hold the purse string tightly. DY could afford to enjoy her kind of therapy in farming on the two occasions she left her job at BHS. There was no urgency for her to find another job and her mom even told her to quit after her breakup with YJ and also told her to stay home before finding a right man to marry. Are they using some form of compensation they received as a payout from the insurance company after MS's automobile accident or some form of severance? pay to a public servant (MS) as he had worked as a teacher in the village?

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1 hour ago, jimb said:

@sk0317  SW   didn't claim that DT had forced himself on her but rather that he had "come to her" and by all indications been eagerly received.  If this (imagined) act ruined SW's life, I would say she ruined her own life.

Perhaps @stroppyse knows something about the following.  My wife uses the term "flower snake" as a synonym for "temptress," but apparently there is also a whole body of Korean law re "flower snakes/," defined as women like SW who use false accusations of sexual misconduct to extort things of value. See, e.g., http://blogs.angloinfo.com/korean-law-matters/2015/02/09/the-problem-of-the-flower-snake/


So a "flower snake" is actually more than just a temptress. The English word equivalent would be a gold-digger. They are women who provide their company to rich men in the expectation of a payoff of some kind typically of money, expensive gifts including cars and apartments, marriage, etc. So, they are not prostitutes in the truest sense of that word since they are not for sale for one tryst or one night for cash. Rather, they tend to cultivate longer term liasions with their targets so that they can get as much as they can in material wealth from that relationship. For example, a woman who is a mistress to a rich man, for instance, would be called a flower snake by Koreans.  Also, there doesn't necessarily need to be sex in the equation. She is a temptress in the sense that she uses her looks and mannerisms to seduce men either literally or figuratively into providing for her on some level.

As far as the law is concerned, false accusations of sexual misconduct is prosecutable by the law, but this is the same as prosecuting any false allegations even without sexual misconduct. As far as compensation paid to the victim in order for charges to be dropped, I believe that is quite common, unless it is a criminal act of some kind in which the prosecution can make a case regardless of whether the victim cooperates, e.g. violent rape, any killing (murder and manslaughter of various degrees), etc. It's because with a majority of those types of cases, it becomes a dispute between two people and the alleged victim has to press charges in order for the police to even open an investigation. So, if a suitable amount of compensation is made to the victim, they would drop the charges and the case is closed. In Korean, that kind of compensation is called "ha bi gum." False allegations are a category of criminal act in which the prosecution office decides whether to pursue the case or not rather than the victim having to cooperate. 

Btw, as far as I know, back in 2013, rape laws were changed in South Korea to make it a criminal act that does not require the victim to press charges. Having said that, rape in South Korea is typically defined as having a physical violence element to it or the victim being in an unconscious or otherwise mentally altered state. Not to mention, that just having a law on the books does not automatically mean that it will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law given that prosecution services everywhere seem to always have tenfold more cases than they can actually handle. So, I can see women basically holding out for a payment to not even bring up charges since once charges are made, it is no longer up to the woman to decide whether to go forward with it or not. 

Anyway, SW is definitely a flower snake. And, if DT can come up with evidence that she planned it in any way, she is liable for fraud. 

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14 minutes ago, anbud said:

@desertflower    scent of a  woman...  aggggg .  it took me  2  hours to  clean  the living room... love is  cute  and  such.  but   lord    why do i  have to  suffer   for their  love.lolol

  if  HR  had no  money, no man  will  want her..  . she is loud and  mad  ,not something one  want to live   with  to the  end of  their  days....  pretend to be poor. then  ones knows  who their  friends  are..

You 'suffer' because you are his mommy and also because you can't trust him to clean up after himself and the 'mess' left behind by his girlfriend:P. Although the thorough cleaning and washing was hard and tedious work, you got to observe and watch the cuteness in them:). Pet parents live for their pets' welfare and happiness:wub:.

In my opinion, I find HR to be the prettiest among the female cast in TUF when she is not screeching, wailing, hysterical or angry:lol:. She could be rich or poor, I don't really mind being her friend TBH. I don't think she is 'rotten to the core' like SW;  she is rather simple minded and doesn't have a hidden agenda like SW. If she mixes with the right crowd, she could be pleasant, fun and nice. HR's redeeming quality to me is she is eager to please the person she likes/loves. She does need some babysitting and occasional coddling (as some form of encouragement) though:sweatingbullets:.

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DY deserves YJ. More importantly, DY deserves YJ's mother who will probably always hold a grudge that DY somehow turned YJ bad and/or kept him from becoming a more successful version of himself. 

As I've said before, DT deserves SW at this stage.

I still don't like YJ. I still think he's a snake in the grass. However, he probably deserves DY at this point, since DY won't get over DT ever. So, YJ will have to live with a wife who longs for another man. Good.

I don't think CJ and HR will get together, regardless of what the opening montage shows. As YJ's ex-wife, there is far too much yucky factor for YJ's brother to get together with his little brother's ex-wife. 

Then again, I guess that would then make them the strange family.

Or perhaps MS becoming both parent and in-law parent, assuming he gets to marry SA, to both DT and SW would make them the strange family. 

Either way, both of these have some seriously yucky factors. Actually, I can't imagine the Koreans holding still for that kind of yucky-ness since it smacks too close to incest. It's not birth incest, but it is legally incestuous, and pretty stomach turning for lots of Koreans. I guess we'll see if the writers decide to go there. Actually, if they do, I think that would be something new and would be all sorts of conversation fodder. 

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@stroppyse  It doesn't seem that YJ and HR have done enough yucky for CJ to be concerned about.

Either YJ  is working or YJ and HR are fighting.  Or both.

Their mattress could probably be sold "as new," if you catch my drift . . .

@sk0317  My nominee for prettiest cast member is the Attractive Gossip Lady.

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10 minutes ago, jimb said:

@stroppyse  It doesn't seem that YJ and HR have done enough yucky for CJ to be concerned about.

Either YJ  is working or YJ and HR are fighting.  Or both.

Their mattress could probably be sold "as new," if you catch my drift . . .

@sk0317  My nominee for prettiest cast member is the Attractive Gossip Lady.


They may not have had sex, but their marriage was registered. So, HR will always be known as YJ's former wife. That's actually a yuck factor as big as the sex part.

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38 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

I wonder how living expenses in the Kang household are covered. DY used to work in the farm with SA before being offered a position in Bonjour. The Kangs don't seem to be too short on money although SA does hold the purse string tightly. DY could afford to enjoy her kind of therapy in farming on the two occasions she left her job at BHS. There was no urgency for her to find another job and her mom even told her to quit after her breakup with YJ and also told her to stay home before finding a right man to marry. Are they using some form of compensation they received as a payout from the insurance company after MS's automobile accident or some form of severance? pay to a public servant (MS) as he had worked as a teacher in the village?


So, the farm is probably a long held family farm, so no mortgage payments or rent or anything like that. Property taxes are local jurisdiction, so no idea how much they would owe, but I wouldn't have thought it was that much. So, other than food, fuel, and the expenses related to farming, they probably don't have a lot of expenses is my guess. What they raise and sell from the farm may be enough for subsistence since the Kangs are not portrayed as wealthy. 

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9 minutes ago, jimb said:

@stroppyse  It doesn't seem that YJ and HR have done enough yucky for CJ to be concerned about.

Either YJ  is working or YJ and HR are fighting.  Or both.

Their mattress could probably be sold "as new," if you catch my drift . . .

@sk0317  My nominee for prettiest cast member is the Attractive Gossip Lady.

Sorry to sound crude:sweatingbullets:, HR was certainly not YJ's 'mattress'...

I changed my mind:P, I should have voted SA to be the prettiest and most graceful cast member.

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I think kdramas tend to have characters who are purer than pure, and are virgins no matter what their age until they're married when reality isn't like that. Standards and appearances do need to be maintained, but Koreans tend to be a pragmatic people in general. 

SW demanding that DT make good because they happen to have spent one night is just ridiculous. DT should just flat out refuse which is what any normal guy, Korean or not, would probably do faced with an ill-conceived night of passion with someone that they absolutely don't have any feelings for. And, if a baby is produced, probably demand some proof, i.e. DNA testing, before agreeing to support the child. There might be some social embarrassment to the man's family if he comes from a respectable family if the woman kicks up a fuss, but probably not that much aside from some gossip, but the embarrassment and shame to the woman and her kid would be much higher than to the man. It sucks, but Korea is still very much a double standard country.


5 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Sorry to sound crude:sweatingbullets:, HR was certainly not YJ's 'mattress'...

I changed my mind:P, I should have voted SA to be the prettiest and most graceful cast member.


At least SA can put 2 and 2 together. Plus, she does have some backbone. 

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25 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

I think kdramas tend to have characters who are purer than pure, and are virgins no matter what their age until they're married when reality isn't like that. Standards and appearances do need to be maintained, but Koreans tend to be a pragmatic people in general. 

SW demanding that DT make good because they happen to have spent one night is just ridiculous. DT should just flat out refuse which is what any normal guy, Korean or not, would probably do faced with an ill-conceived night of passion with someone that they absolutely don't have any feelings for. And, if a baby is produced, probably demand some proof, i.e. DNA testing, before agreeing to support the child. There might be some social embarrassment to the man's family if he comes from a respectable family if the woman kicks up a fuss, but probably not that much aside from some gossip, but the embarrassment and shame to the woman and her kid would be much higher than to the man. It sucks, but Korea is still very much a double standard country.

At least SA can put 2 and 2 together. Plus, she does have some backbone. 

Thank you for the explanation @stroppyse. From @jimb's recaps, I doubt a heavily intoxicated DT was able to 'perform' and it just makes SW's side of the story rather ambiguous although she can cry foul all she wants.

Yes I like SA and sometimes wish DY could have modeled herself after her.

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6 hours ago, sk0317 said:

LOL. I meant YJ didn't find HR 'irresistible' enough to sleep with her:P. I would describe their marriage/relationship as more like 'platonic love':).

Platonic marriage? :w00t:  unless he is gay. Men don't have to find a woman irresistable to you know what a woman. Women may want an irresistable man. 

Not that I am a great expert on relationships but I am surrounded by guys every working day. I got the impression that 90% are not selective much less picky about bedding women. I think the marriage of HR-YJ is consummated, maybe nothing hot:rolleyes:.

oh yes I am back to chat, skipping all those recaps. It makes me violent.

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