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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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Here it comes, my long boring review of episode 14.

P'Bright gets the ball rolling. He is so, not Irish, can't imagine any of our twenty something male students asking for chocolates.

I think that Arthit forgot to put his false teeth in that morning because he is having difficulty getting his mouth around asking Kongpob to go shopping with him. Shopping ! That was just as poor an excuse as was used on him when Kongpob was trying to remain within the safety zone.

"If not, you'd get it hard" Yes @delightful you did write that. What you really meant to say was : "If not, he'd really have it in for you !". Perhaps that is no better, all things considered.

Haven't heard 'shoot' used like that in ages, and off they go shopping. Is there only the one store in that complex ? Who noticed that he is talking babies and has stopped in front of a range of ear-plugs ? A thoughtful and most excellent gift for the parents :)

I am not sure that dietary supplements would really do the trick. Anything like my nephew's wife a year's supply of pizza would be more in order.

In regard to the cord on Kongpob's wrist. I prefer the screened version where he takes it off and then, once Arthit gave him his answer, puts it back on again. It adds a touch more significance to the cord. I wonder If Arthit noticed that it had gone walkabout* for a few weeks ?

I do find it odd that Kongpob finds it so difficult to read Arthit's face. We can see there is a problem how come he can't. Later he will point out that Arthit - didn't ask. At this moment he really should have asked : "Listen you, you've got a face like a cat's RS. Fess up, what's your problem ?"

Kongpob leaves the cinema with a bucket of popcorn and a drink (don't tell me is carrying out the rubbish) but Arthit is hungry. This rather suggests : sharing bodily fluids, perhaps, but popcorn - no chance mister, I'll break yer wrist if ye try !

It could be argued that in the wee chat about Prae, Arthit was asking about her. He poses the questions about a boyfriend, and finally, when he says that he has her telephone number, Kongpob cotton's on that something is very wrong, but doesn't really ask.

Good thing the camera cut away before Arthit choked on those noodles ! Loved the fact that Kongpob has to run after Arthit with the brolly.

When Prae arrives looking for a table the one immediately in front of the camera is free or at least the only people who could be sitting at it are the camera crew :-) As soon as he sees Prae, Arthit does his impression of a cat's back end again and his humour is not helped by p'Brights innuendo. That was definitely a cold shoulder being proffered there. They went shopping on Saturday so how come the pair of them haven't spoken since ? They could shout across the courtyard if their phones are down.

Oak took the words right out of my mouth on first viewing. Is Aim really frightened of everything ?

"Did you forget to bring your mouth ?" Fabulous expression. But you note that p'Nott has every intention of going for the jugular. He's going to get to the bottom of the problem - in this case, Kongpob. I know that the word is gender non-specific in Thai but I think that p'Nott knows exactly which gender he is talking about. It is Arthit who is thinking that his friend is presuming that the partner is female. I say that because p'Nott not only knows full well that Arthit doesn't have a girlfriend but that he also gets confused, emotionally, whenever Kongpob is about, and, as he will state in a moment, has observed Arthit being possessive towards him.

"Don't laugh at me". Perhaps the greatest fear for us all is that of : rejection. If you have never needed to have this conversation with somebody else you are not in the club.

More power to his elbow then, that Arthit is going to open the door and step out into a bright new world. Not necessarily less scary than the old one but carrying less baggage.

I am in two minds about the 'silent' bit (Come on then, who are the lip readers amongst us ?). Arthit needs to feel really comfortable or he is going to be able to skirt the problem with Thai non-specific terms. If p'Nott comes straight out with : "This is about Kongpob isn't it?" that could well put Arthit on the defensive - would he be rejected if he says : yes ? So I'll go more with my second train of thought. P'Nott makes it clear to Arthit that if the person in question is male then that is okay, and "I'll presume Ai'Arthit, that the male in question is Kongpob".

I bet that Arthit hasn't realised that his concern over Kongpob's future merely proves just how much he is in love with him. BUT :

There are times in life when people must know when not to let go. Balloons are designed to teach small children this.” (Terry Pratchett)

By the party p'Prem also knows the situation. I think that we have to presume that Arthit intended to give his gift to Kongpob in a less public arena, which is why he gives him the wee token and then goes to walk off.

The smile on Arthit's face when he receives the envelope. He has obviously already bought the two cords which means that he has decided not to let go of his balloon. Knowing how Kongpob's mind works, the letter is going to be a declaration of love - either that, or voucher for a bucket of popcorn !

There is a glimpse of p'Nott looking towards the couple just after Arthit says "Help me tie it on". He and p'Prem then do their comedy act - thus p'Prem was in the know beforehand, he isn't standing there thunderstruck.

We then had the very sad moment when p'Bright becomes a widower, for the first of a number of occasions during this episode. As Kongpob goes for the evade, Arthit doesn't just open the door, he rips out the wall as well. If you don't find yourself smiling on watching that moment, I have news for you. You are clinically brain dead.

Not sure what to make of p'Prem's chat with Arthit. The pat on the shoulder is one of those : good luck with that, rather you than me, gestures. 

Kongpob's declaration to Aim is a bit like saying "If it wasn't my wife, I wouldn't like girls". Kongpob has at no stage gone through the thought processes that his partner has (yes we can now officially call him, partner). He was entranced by Arthit and went for it, like a snow-plough in a drift. Good thing opposites attract because we have one under-thinker and one over-thinker.

Phone the undertakers again, we are coming to that moment. So glad we missed the basketball game.

Arthit, for an engineer you certainly know how to turn a romantic phrase. And yay ! my favourite melody cuts in.

As Kongpob begins to move in for the kiss Arthit's eyes close and there is that touch of a grimace on his face. Are we going to do this? Afterwards he sits up all pleased with himself. (Going to need new windows in that wall as well, by now).

And finally we get Prae cleared up. Thai obviously uses the verb 'to like' to cover a lot of ideas. Arthit presumably means that he doesn't 'fancy' Prae when he says that he doesn't like her. And as the pair of them have just declared their love for each other he obviously doesn't mean that he thought that Kongpob 'loved' her. Between that and all these non-gender nouns I am beginning to be amazed that there are any baby Thais on the planet :)

In answer to the question. Cut and paste from a previous post : "I can think of numerous 'its', and reckon that whilst they quite probably didn't do 'it' on their first night they almost certainly did 'it' followed by 'it' and possibly 'it' as well, I hope to heaven they didn't try 'it' on their first encounter: that takes years of practise and ..."

Listen to that tune folks, you already know it's a 'yes' even before you see the doll.

And now the reveal. It was all Arthit's fault that Kongpob ended up where he was. "Because I like it here" is in fact a pre-echo of Kongpob's reason for staying at the end of the previous episode.

* Aussie for : missing

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On 12/28/2016 at 2:11 AM, shinnu said:

At least we are in this together, we will survive!....haha i'm not a good liar....I'll totally be crying on January 7.



I have an idea, I really wanna let them know how much we love SOTUS;

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and I've been thinking about this for a while...so maybe on January 7 (or 14 wherever u want to) we can use a hashtag like #THANKYOUFORSOTUS ( and add one more hashtag like #sotuschangedmylife haha) on twitter, ig for them to see this (maybe even trend in Thailand? lol). I just wanna thank them, the producers and Bittersweet <-especially for creating sotus* for everything they have done for us...for making our lifes brigther and better, for making our hearts break several times, for making us smile and sometimes even cry, for letting us be a part of their love journey, of the whole character's journey throughout the novel/series. I wanna let them know how perfect their acting was, how amazing they represented their characters, how they brought them to life.

*it's become so long omg i'm sorry guys*

Do you think it'd be a good idea? I'd really like to do this because it'd for sure make them happy! And emotional as well haha! (I'd really want this to spread all over the international fandom so everyone could do this if you will express your opinion about this idea).:blush::heart:





Let's do it then!! #THANKYOUFORSOTUS sounds really cool and moving, hopefully they will have another season or spin-off if they know how big their international fans has grow :heart:

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10 hours ago, nimbus0410 said:

I was watching episode 14 for the 4th time when I noticed that banner on the right:

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I have an apple (?) ... I have a banana... :blush:


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I never watched till you you said it!!! XD I just watched the ep. 14... and really  i wanna sing the Opening song from de Serie... XD 


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I am in denial right now. Next episode can't be the last one......since the past two days the withdrawal symptoms have been crazy. I woke up at 6 am to watch ep 14 again today. T.T I don't even know how to react to that.... What am I going to do on Saturdays (Sotusday), Sundays (Subday) and Tuesdays  (OfficialReleaseday) from January 7 onwards? 

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16 hours ago, JAN said:

Arthit is such a great actor...really
i'm amazed by his acting
sometimes i can't believe he is gay


Do you mean that Krist is a great actor and that you can't believe that he 'Krist' isn't gay ?

Or do you mean that Arthit (The character) is a great actor and that he is so 'masculine' in his ways that he easily manages to mask the fact that he is gay ?

12 hours ago, mraf98 said:

:open_mouth: Does having feelings towards one man mean that you're gay? 

Just asking though - don't judge :joy:


As I said in my long, long post above. That is a bit like asking the man that married the first love of his life if he is straight.

I think it depends on your history. If the first person that you fall in love with is the person that you end up with on the rocky road of life then that defines you. Neither of the two lads is known to have ever had a girlfriend (that they have openly courted). May was hunting down Kongpob in the same manner that he was chasing Arthit, and Kongpob never noticed (Aim did though).

My brother's neighbour left his wife for another man. That was after they had had children. Does that mean he was straight ? He was obviously quite capable of functioning with a woman - but his heart lay elsewhere. His ex-wife definitely defines him as gay !

What I find interesting in our story is that Kongpob falls in love with Arthit very early on. He pursues Arthit quite happily. It is only when Arthit indicates that he might not return those feelings that Kongpob is brought down to earth. Even in his love letter he tells Arthit that he doesn't insist that Arthit be in love with him. If right from the very start Arthit had been happy with the situation they would have naturally become drama-free boyfriends - and we would have far fewer episodes !

Right then ladies, ponder this. May has declared her affection for Kongpob and been rejected. If she had continued to follow after him like a lost puppy and sent him letters saying how much she thought of him and that she didn't need his love in return, what would you think ? STALKER ! I think that you would be screaming at her to get a life and aim for a nice guy (Phun intended - so was that one).

Arthit on the other hand has fallen for Kongpob's courtship and suddenly realised : I really like this guy and I don't mean in a 'let's go down the bar and have a few beers' way. Everything he does has an emotional effect on me. Arthit, by kissing Kongpob on the bridge, shows that he has accepted what he (A) is. He then backs off when Prae comes into it because he wants Kongpob to be happy and have a future. Fine, he is saying that it would be better if it happened now rather than later but isn't that just as much for himself as for Kongpob. He's just kissed a guy and everything seems to be crashing around him. P'Nott understands (and has always understood) which is why he asks - what about you ? What about your happiness ?

Arthit is the one that announces to the world that he is in love with a guy. He isn't ashamed of it. He has a moment's hesitation when p'Prem talks to him but decides to be honest. He would rather risk his friendship than his boyfriend. Kongpob on the other hand is still in semi-denial because he has never thought about it. He doesn't think of himself as being gay. Merely in love with a man !

"Right now. This minute." You can chalk them up as being gay. As for the future - they're tricky, those tides of fortune.

Edited by dustinmyeye
Poor English
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Would it not all have been so much simpler if at that crucial moment when Arthit told Kongpob that he had Prae's telephone number, Kongpob had told him :

"I can tell you here and now sunny Jim, that you would stand no chance with Prae. AND I would point out, YOU are very much spoken for. If you think for one moment that I am going to let you go running after women forget it. And if you even glance at another guy, well, we wont be having children any time soon :)."

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Guest delightful
5 hours ago, momobae said:

I'm back to see that everyone is moving to the pinkmilk forum!!! @delightful will the registration page open up again? I haven't been online because of exams :(( 


PM me your email dear. And I'm guessing you want to use your username from here, right?

Also, you guys need to go see Khun Ploy aka Bittersweet's new update on FB. She gave us a very short special chapter and also... read all the way to the end of her post. Her 'P.S.' is special .. to me at least. ^_^

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On 12/28/2016 at 3:31 PM, dustinmyeye said:

Here it comes, my long boring review of episode 14.

P'Bright gets the ball rolling. He is so, not Irish, can't imagine any of our twenty something male students asking for chocolates.

I think that Arthit forgot to put his false teeth in that morning because he is having difficulty getting his mouth around asking Kongpob to go shopping with him. Shopping ! That was just as poor an excuse as was used on him when Kongpob was trying to remain within the safety zone.

"If not, you'd get it hard" Yes @delightful you did write that. What you really meant to say was : "If not, he'd really have it in for you !". Perhaps that is no better, all things considered.

Haven't heard 'shoot' used like that in ages, and off they go shopping. Is there only the one store in that complex ? Who noticed that he is talking babies and has stopped in front of a range of ear-plugs ? A thoughtful and most excellent gift for the parents :)

I am not sure that dietary supplements would really do the trick. Anything like my nephew's wife a year's supply of pizza would be more in order.

In regard to the cord on Kongpob's wrist. I prefer the screened version where he takes it off and then, once Arthit gave him his answer, puts it back on again. It adds a touch more significance to the cord. I wonder If Arthit noticed that it had gone walkabout* for a few weeks ?

I do find it odd that Kongpob finds it so difficult to read Arthit's face. We can see there is a problem how come he can't. Later he will point out that Arthit - didn't ask. At this moment he really should have asked : "Listen you, you've got a face like a cat's RS. Fess up, what's your problem ?"

Kongpob leaves the cinema with a bucket of popcorn and a drink (don't tell me is carrying out the rubbish) but Arthit is hungry. This rather suggests : sharing bodily fluids, perhaps, but popcorn - no chance mister, I'll break yer wrist if ye try !

It could be argued that in the wee chat about Prae, Arthit was asking about her. He poses the questions about a boyfriend, and finally, when he says that he has her telephone number, Kongpob cotton's on that something is very wrong, but doesn't really ask.

Good thing the camera cut away before Arthit choked on those noodles ! Loved the fact that Kongpob has to run after Arthit with the brolly.

When Prae arrives looking for a table the one immediately in front of the camera is free or at least the only people who could be sitting at it are the camera crew :-) As soon as he sees Prae, Arthit does his impression of a cat's back end again and his humour is not helped by p'Brights innuendo. That was definitely a cold shoulder being proffered there. They went shopping on Saturday so how come the pair of them haven't spoken since ? They could shout across the courtyard if their phones are down.

Oak took the words right out of my mouth on first viewing. Is Aim really frightened of everything ?

"Did you forget to bring your mouth ?" Fabulous expression. But you note that p'Nott has every intention of going for the jugular. He's going to get to the bottom of the problem - in this case, Kongpob. I know that the word is gender non-specific in Thai but I think that p'Nott knows exactly which gender he is talking about. It is Arthit who is thinking that his friend is presuming that the partner is female. I say that because p'Nott not only knows full well that Arthit doesn't have a girlfriend but that he also gets confused, emotionally, whenever Kongpob is about, and, as he will state in a moment, has observed Arthit being possessive towards him.

"Don't laugh at me". Perhaps the greatest fear for us all is that of : rejection. If you have never needed to have this conversation with somebody else you are not in the club.

More power to his elbow then, that Arthit is going to open the door and step out into a bright new world. Not necessarily less scary than the old one but carrying less baggage.

I am in two minds about the 'silent' bit (Come on then, who are the lip readers amongst us ?). Arthit needs to feel really comfortable or he is going to be able to skirt the problem with Thai non-specific terms. If p'Nott comes straight out with : "This is about Kongpob isn't it?" that could well put Arthit on the defensive - would he be rejected if he says : yes ? So I'll go more with my second train of thought. P'Nott makes it clear to Arthit that if the person in question is male then that is okay, and "I'll presume Ai'Arthit, that the male in question is Kongpob".

I bet that Arthit hasn't realised that his concern over Kongpob's future merely proves just how much he is in love with him. BUT :

There are times in life when people must know when not to let go. Balloons are designed to teach small children this.” (Terry Pratchett)

By the party p'Prem also knows the situation. I think that we have to presume that Arthit intended to give his gift to Kongpob in a less public arena, which is why he gives him the wee token and then goes to walk off.

The smile on Arthit's face when he receives the envelope. He has obviously already bought the two cords which means that he has decided not to let go of his balloon. Knowing how Kongpob's mind works, the letter is going to be a declaration of love - either that, or voucher for a bucket of popcorn !

There is a glimpse of p'Nott looking towards the couple just after Arthit says "Help me tie it on". He and p'Prem then do their comedy act - thus p'Prem was in the know beforehand, he isn't standing there thunderstruck.

We then had the very sad moment when p'Bright becomes a widower, for the first of a number of occasions during this episode. As Kongpob goes for the evade, Arthit doesn't just open the door, he rips out the wall as well. If you don't find yourself smiling on watching that moment, I have news for you. You are clinically brain dead.

Not sure what to make of p'Prem's chat with Arthit. The pat on the shoulder is one of those : good luck with that, rather you than me, gestures. 

Kongpob's declaration to Aim is a bit like saying "If it wasn't my wife, I wouldn't like girls". Kongpob has at no stage gone through the thought processes that his partner has (yes we can now officially call him, partner). He was entranced by Arthit and went for it, like a snow-plough in a drift. Good thing opposites attract because we have one under-thinker and one over-thinker.

Phone the undertakers again, we are coming to that moment. So glad we missed the basketball game.

Arthit, for an engineer you certainly know how to turn a romantic phrase. And yay ! my favourite melody cuts in.

As Kongpob begins to move in for the kiss Arthit's eyes close and there is that touch of a grimace on his face. Are we going to do this? Afterwards he sits up all pleased with himself. (Going to need new windows in that wall as well, by now).

And finally we get Prae cleared up. Thai obviously uses the verb 'to like' to cover a lot of ideas. Arthit presumably means that he doesn't 'fancy' Prae when he says that he doesn't like her. And as the pair of them have just declared their love for each other he obviously doesn't mean that he thought that Kongpob 'loved' her. Between that and all these non-gender nouns I am beginning to be amazed that there are any baby Thais on the planet :)

In answer to the question. Cut and paste from a previous post : "I can think of numerous 'its', and reckon that whilst they quite probably didn't do 'it' on their first night they almost certainly did 'it' followed by 'it' and possibly 'it' as well, I hope to heaven they didn't try 'it' on their first encounter: that takes years of practise and ..."

Listen to that tune folks, you already know it's a 'yes' even before you see the doll.

And now the reveal. It was all Arthit's fault that Kongpob ended up where he was. "Because I like it here" is in fact a pre-echo of Kongpob's reason for staying at the end of the previous episode.

* Aussie for : missing

@dustinmyeye ahh it was so boring....so " boring" that i read all of it and loved it ♥ also one more thought considering wat kong said to Aim in the party "he wouldn't love any guy if they werent artihit" soooo i think that kong might be bi instead of gay.....just sayin lol once again thx for the "boring" review ♥♥♥

14 hours ago, Limerence Subs said:

I am in denial right now. Next episode can't be the last one......since the past two days the withdrawal symptoms have been crazy. I woke up at 6 am to watch ep 14 again today. T.T I don't even know how to react to that.... What am I going to do on Saturdays (Sotusday), Sundays (Subday) and Tuesdays  (OfficialReleaseday) from January 7 onwards? 

@Limerence Subs tell me when u hav figured out how to cure those symptoms... I cant deal with it either! =(

@delightful or anyone else..... Wht did bitter sweet said on fb? Its all in thai and "translation" doesn't make any sense!

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7 minutes ago, OTAKU-KUN said:
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@dustinmyeye ahh it was so boring....so " boring" that i read all of it and loved it ♥ also one more thought considering wat kong said to Aim in the party "he wouldn't love any guy if they werent artihit" soooo i think that kong might be bi instead of gay.....just sayin lol once again thx for the "boring" review ♥♥♥


Glad you enjoyed it. These things take me more than a few hours to write.

As I have explained elsewhere. In Kongpob's head, he isn't gay. It just so happens that he is head over heels in love with a man.

Why not ? After all there are plenty of men who fall in love with a woman at first sight, and go for it. If it works out and they live happily ever after then they will never look at anybody else in the same way. So they will never know.

This is drama, so perhaps there is a need to suggest to them'uns who are watching : Now if you had been around he might not have been chasing Arthit. We have not seen any indication that Kongpob has any amorous intentions towards a girl . As for May's advances he was as blind as Leo in The Way He Looks.

Arthit is different, he obviously has had some feelings for girls (or at least the one we know about) but Kongpob comes along and pushes buttons that Arthit didn't even know he had. He is making a conscious choice - it felt weird at first but this is who I want to be with.

Time will tell. If the two stay together and are faithful to each other that would settle the argument.

But we wont know - only in our dreams.

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Hi all :wub:

I saw about twitter thingy and I'll join too, I really don't use twitter, but for this, I can't miss it. I will definitely tweet on the 7th, to thank all the people that worked on this wonderful series.

I checked Bittersweet's FB, as delightful said and OMG... that P.S. at the end :wub::wub:

I don't have much time, so I scrolled pretty fast through last few pages. Happy holidays! I'll still come before year ends. lol :phew: *hugs to all*

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On 12/28/2016 at 11:47 AM, nimbus0410 said:

I was watching episode 14 for the 4th time when I noticed that banner on the right:

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I have an apple (?) ... I have a banana... :blush:


Lol I noticed that too :joy:

6 hours ago, OTAKU-KUN said:
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@dustinmyeye ahh it was so boring....so " boring" that i read all of it and loved it ♥ also one more thought considering wat kong said to Aim in the party "he wouldn't love any guy if they werent artihit" soooo i think that kong might be bi instead of gay.....just sayin lol once again thx for the "boring" review ♥♥♥

@Limerence Subs tell me when u hav figured out how to cure those symptoms... I cant deal with it either! =(

@delightful or anyone else..... Wht did bitter sweet said on fb? Its all in thai and "translation" doesn't make any sense!

She wrote something in English at the end of one of her posts for international fans.


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