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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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It looks like that song and Sotus are both really relatable. Must be why we're all obsessed! I don't think I have any good advice though :sweatingbullets: I've never dated anyone or been in love before :sweatingbullets: I hope that things will work out for the best for everyone :heart:


1 minute ago, ironyshines said:

Same! I honestly take Nott/Knot/Not/Knott as the voice of reason xD like in the first episodes when Prem is getting all worked up and he's like 'guys be patient'. I prefer Arthit/Bright but I really like Arthit/Knot because the latter is so nice? He picks up his friend all the time apparently??? I love him. Good guy. Looks like a Transformer, but still. 

Looks like a Transformer LOL ... and now I'm thinking of his IG posts again :dizzy:

Yeah you're right! He is the voice of reason :wub: I can't help but see Arthit/Bright as Off and Krist every time they appear LOL (I mean that in a good way though :)). Especially the bus scene. He seemed so Off there haha

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13 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:
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It looks like that song and Sotus are both really relatable. Must be why we're all obsessed! I don't think I have any good advice though :sweatingbullets: I've never dated anyone or been in love before :sweatingbullets: I hope that things will work out for the best for everyone :heart:


Looks like a Transformer LOL ... and now I'm thinking of his IG posts again :dizzy:

Yeah you're right! He is the voice of reason :wub: I can't help but see Arthit/Bright as Off and Krist every time they appear LOL (I mean that in a good way though :)). Especially the bus scene. He seemed so Off there haha

lol you're adorable, apologizing for things you don't have to. come here *pat with a broomstick* 

What are the IG posts you're thinking of ? lol I only follow Krist and Sotus the series (only reasons why i'm on IG tbh) 

True!!! but I'm sure Krist would have woken Off up, or at least tried to xD maybe he would have drawn on his face! (for me, i'm too nice, i would have taken pics while being irritated, ,and published them on FB to get revenge ) 

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2 minutes ago, ironyshines said:

lol you're adorable, apologizing for things you don't have to. come here *pat with a broomstick* 

What are the IG posts you're thinking of ? lol I only follow Krist and Sotus the series (only reasons why i'm on IG tbh) 

True!!! but I'm sure Krist would have woken Off up, or at least tried to xD maybe he would have drawn on his face! (for me, i'm too nice, i would have taken pics while being irritated, ,and published them on FB to get revenge ) 

Okay so... try and keep breathing -->



And....... then.... this one too..... O_O -->



Oh yeah I actually joined IG for the first time this past summer because of Thai BL tbh :sweatingbullets: That's when I first discovered Thai BL

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9 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

More Attitude Thai photos have been released :) I like this one of Krist because of the way he is smiling:

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Okay these smiles too:




Here's the rest:

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Petition for them to do more photoshoots like that together. They are the hottest hotties in the world.:wub:

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2 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Okay so... try and keep breathing -->

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And....... then.... this one too..... O_O -->

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Oh yeah I actually joined IG for the first time this past summer because of Thai BL tbh :sweatingbullets: That's when I first discovered Thai BL

...that was...an Experience.

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39 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

Me too! I love Knot/Nott/Knott... I've seen it spelled too many ways :blink: lol... He really is a good friend to Arthit and it's cute how he notices Arthit's feelings. 

Yay you're back ksylove! :) Yeah soompi was weird a little while ago and no one could log in for a bit :scream: 

72 hours! can't wait! It's probably less now ^^

Yes Levi is :wub::wub::wub: I love him (says while wearing Levi shirt, hugging Levi plushie, wearing SNK hoodie, looking over at Levi body pillow...) :blink: lol I'm just kidding... But I actually own all those items... and even more... I have a 3D Levi analogue clock..... It might be a good thing that SOTUS merchandise isn't available where I live... I would most definitely be broke... I almost bought a Shizaya duvet cover...

Ahh but now that I'm talking about all this my otaku heart really wants to just own a ridiculous amount of cute SOTUS merchandise and T-shirts and pillows and plushies :love: Ooh posters... SOTUS posters would be great :wub:

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The bike picture with Kong and Arthit is in a short special chapter, but I'm pretty sure the bike scene with May is not in the novel because she doesn't like Kong in the novel.

I totally agree. Those sport T-Shirts the Freshys wear, would directly buy one :rolleyes: But what I would like to have even more is the small gear! Would be even better if it had the same meaning over here^^ Maybe I can convience my studdy buddies to make something like that for everyone for graduation (since we are also Engineering students there might be a chance....):wub:

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58 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

 It might be a good thing that SOTUS merchandise isn't available where I live... I would most definitely be broke... I almost bought a Shizaya duvet cover...


Ahh but now that I'm talking about all this my otaku heart really wants to just own a ridiculous amount of cute SOTUS merchandise and T-shirts and pillows and plushies :love: Ooh posters... SOTUS posters would be great :wub:



@dreadaeleonkvothe Are there any merchandises of SOTUS? WOW I would really like to have some!

@scheela Your ideas are great! During my high school graduation they didn´t even manage to make a yearbook or at least some T-shirts....

All these photos of Krist and Singto, do you guys want me to get a nosebleed!  :astonished:

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about arthit not thinking any different about kongphob being male.........

in my personal experience my crisis was over "being gay", not liking girls. i'm not sure if i can explain very well but. i always liked girls but i didnt always see myself as gay thats something you have to actively do but liking girls just accidentally happens. i realised i was gay before i first ~liked~ a girl so when i liked her there wasnt really much of a crisis and i think thats what it might be like for arthit, also i just think he's really similar to how i was 2 years ago obviously very different because i was much much younger than he is but i do think he lowkey knows (maybe ignoring) he likes boys. i've never read the novel so i don't know what it said he feels but my gay interpretation of the series in my gay opinion.....

and i feel like kongphob already knows and is at #peace with it but mentioned about them both being men because he was afraid arthit would think like that. basically arthit is me 2 years ago and kongphob is me right now and i'm definitely projecting my self and identity on these characters. about me relating to the characters i've never read the novel

just my gay opinion

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but then also i have a friend who was much younger than i was when she first liked a girl (she was 9) and that was how she realised and she just didn't think anything of it but she is very confident so maybe it depends on personality but still this is just me relating to the characters in different ways

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10 hours ago, delightful said:

Why do I keep reading this part over and over? WHY!??!?!!! It's just like I like to torture myself or something! This is when Arthit sees Kongpope on the balcony and he calls him...:tears:



“I want you to return the books to the library. And you can just keep the comic books, I’ll go pay the fees at the store. That’s it…”

“Hold on… Are you mad at me?”


“Then… Why aren’t you talking to me? Or are you mad that I wouldn’t answer your question that night? If you still really want to know, then I will tell you.”

Kongpope looked in the direction of Arthit’s balcony. He wished his words would carry over to the person over there.

“I don’t know when it started, I don’t know how it started. Even though you’re a man, and I’m a man. But I just can’t help these feelings.”

Everything went quiet just like the breath of the person listening. This was followed by words that were filled with every emotion and feeling he had left in him.

“P’Arthit, I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time that… I……”

Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep…

:tears: YOU PINK MILK MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reading their actual conversation makes me hurt even more *sobs*

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3 hours ago, originalnickname said:

I think someone is straight or not, you shouldn't confess to someone who already has a gf/bf.... Because if you know he isn't gay/bi (do you know if he is bi?) there's nothing to do about it that's gonna change his mind, and even if he is bi, you would ruin his relationship with his gf.... But that's just my opinion, probably not legit since I've never gone out with anyone, I've never even had a guy friend, can you imagine....Guys wouldn't even wanna be friends with me ? I don't know why.... Guess it's because I wasn't "popular"... (guys and girls would always say that I was ugly....)

One thing I remember, is (when I was about 13/14), a guy (I liked) said (jokingly, but you're gonna notice that's not funny) about me : "I'd rather kill myself than go out with her"..... I was such a victim, I wouldn't do anything but if someone would say that to me, now that I'm grown up and mature enough, I would kick his a$$

Yeah.... It's never good to go back and forth with someone :/ It's best you try to forget each other (romantically)....It's great that you still talk to each other but I do think you must make things clear about your relationship with her


in my case i'm not someone who can easily open up to somebody i never did before him .. sometimes when you're in love you don't know what's happening to you and you don't have any strenght to control your feelings .. i think now ''you shouldn't confess someone who has already a gf or bf'' but the circumstances are not always this clear.. people can mislead you, tell lies to you that's what happened to me .. and when i relaised i was wrong to say my feelings, i also figured that he was just having some fun and not just with me but with his gf too.. so what i'm trying to say is i know what is right or wrong but sometimes you cannot act that way.. and sometimes saying everything and having an answer in retun is just giving you the best opportunity to move on..


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15 minutes ago, ichigok380 said:
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in my case i'm not someone who can easily open up to somebody i never did before him .. sometimes when you're in love you don't know what's happening to you and you don't have any strenght to control your feelings .. i think now ''you shouldn't confess someone who has already a gf or bf'' but the circumstances are not always this clear.. people can mislead you, tell lies to you that's what happened to me .. and when i relaised i was wrong to say my feelings, i also figured that he was just having some fun and not just with me but with his gf too.. so what i'm trying to say is i know what is right or wrong but sometimes you cannot act that way.. and sometimes saying everything and having an answer in retun is just giving you the best opportunity to move on..


I did say that it was my opinion and that I wasn't legit so.... yeah I might be wrong 

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34 minutes ago, originalnickname said:

I love how no one talked about the very personal things I said about myself --' I wish I could delete it....

I think we should stop being so off-topic, there was an admin once who came here to say that we shouldn't do that......


 nope why, you can share if you want!
I'm sorry for what happen to you, I must say I did it once (say those things to a guy) and I don't know why I said it... I was really embarassed...so maybe that was the case of "your guy" too :( but I felt terrible
I think one should confess and try, even if the person is gay not gay, married, with child etc... ONLY if you're sure you can make him/her happy...truly
Indeed we space a lot ahaha XD
omg I just want to jump to the happy 12 episode**

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