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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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9 hours ago, delightful said:

Currently stuck on how to fully translate this sentence. I know Arthit is telling him to say he likes it up the backdoor... but the sentence doesn't really say it like that. It's more like saying he likes his balls to be .... ravaged by man?  It's sooo hard to explain this... :angry: For that reason, I'm asking P'Kate for help. ^_^


@delightful at times like this i wish i knew thai....so that i could help u....ifeelsouseless

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1 hour ago, jonginxtaeoh said:

Not sure if anyone realised but in one of the photos in this link, Singto is wearing the hazing uniform awww

those are behind the scenes for the special chapter Missing You part 2 I believe...That's where Kong's in 3rd year and Arthit has graduated.. 

excited for the bump bump. lol

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1 hour ago, delightful said:

Currently stuck on how to fully translate this sentence. I know Arthit is telling him to say he likes it up the backdoor... but the sentence doesn't really say it like that. It's more like saying he likes his balls to be .... ravaged by man?  It's sooo hard to explain this... :angry: For that reason, I'm asking P'Kate for help. ^_^



such a legendary phrase. see inbox

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Guest delightful
21 minutes ago, Jay BudLight said:

Rewatching the official EP2 on GMM-TV YouTube and clearly seeing Kongpob with a cigarette for the first time.

Really? You didn't see it in the Line TV one? When this part came up I was really shocked too, no worries though, P'Arthit will tell him to stop. ^_^


Sorry for asking/posting this here. I didn't know there were kissing scenes cut from LS, was this really a cut from LS? I skipped around a lot when I was watching LS so I didn't know I missed this one. There is also another scene in the car from season 1 when they just came back from the beach? Why would they do that?!?!?! PhunNoh's kisses are what sells the show!

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19 minutes ago, delightful said:

Sorry for asking/posting this here. I didn't know there were kissing scenes cut from LS, was this really a cut from LS? I skipped around a lot when I was watching LS so I didn't know I missed this one. There is also another scene in the car from season 1 when they just came back from the beach? Why would they do that?!?!?! PhunNoh's kisses are what sells the show!

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Yes the kiss from this scene in season 2 and from episode 10 season 1 (in the car) were both cut from even the uncut version. They showed the one that got cut from season 2 (the one in the video you have up there) at a fan event too. 

Here's the season 1 kiss:



Oh and here's the fan event version of the season 2 one:




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@delightful idk if you or anyone would interested in Phunnoh cut only from S01,yeah so sad they cut all their kisses and only get from not so clear fancam :( i heard someone say that it Captain mom who make them stop having real kiss after the first kiss broadcast??corrected me if im wrong but well if it true can't blame her since Captain is still underage at that time but well such pity as well especially season 2 they pretty much cut all and doing the fake angle kiss only :( yeah tbh i don't understand either since all already film should just aired in uncut, might not be the mom but another problem from broadcast station/production co/investor/complaint from non-fan idek there must be something that blocking the kiss it really ruin the story though Phunnoh still remain awesome but lack of kisses and over the top Jeed  unnecessary storyline ruin season2 :( 

sorry off topic...i will delete later if no one need this







my fave kisses scene is actually from this couple from LL :P sprry ooff topic but seem everyone else also off topic lol so


ohhh i just realize Kongpobe is smoking i should watch again properly wow such a bad boy he need to get private discipline lesson from P'Arthit

from everyone post of Singto IG post with his good English skill he give kinda the loner bad boy or rebel vibe lol making me interested to see more about him..kinda wish he have that badass hairstyle back :P

Edited by salz
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6 hours ago, biblioklept said:

ME ME ME~~~!! :D I keep rewatching it over and over again, and especially when Kong said to Arthit that Arthit might actually like him hahahah~ Arthit's face is the best part in it~ :rolleyes:

Ah i like that scene to!! Kongpob expression never fail to make us smile and iam very happy to look him even from laptop. Ahhh i really miss sotus very much! :sweatingbullets:

3 hours ago, megkf said:

For the person(s) who wanted a recommendation - someone has subtitled the BL story line from War of High School. 


BTW: I don't think we need to make a Puppy Honey thread, I already think of this as the Sotus/Puppy Honey thread. :wub:


Is that frame who sit back of the class. I think i found another BL series while waiting sotus. :w00t:


3 hours ago, fani308 said:

i live at denpasar. yeah meet up will be good one day. spazz about sotus together will be fun. 

I'll be waiting that day. :D

@dreadaeleonkvothe ah thank you for your late post, i think iam gonna read that novel again from beginning while waiting sotus airing again. And of course so many thanks for @delightful for translating the novel and the series without you we can watch this series until now, i hope you will continue translating until this series end. Fighting for chapter 3!! B)

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Guest delightful
50 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:


Yes the kiss from this scene in season 2 and from episode 10 season 1 (in the car) were both cut from even the uncut version. They showed the one that got cut from season 2 (the one in the video you have up there) at a fan event too. 

Here's the season 1 kiss:

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Oh and here's the fan event version of the season 2 one:

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I want to ask again.. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THEY CUT THIS AFTER SHOWING THEIR FIRST KISS IN SEASON !?!?!??!! I get that Captain was young, but this was already filmed and also they showed the kiss from season 1 already, so who cares!!!

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23 minutes ago, delightful said:

I want to ask again.. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THEY CUT THIS AFTER SHOWING THEIR FIRST KISS IN SEASON !?!?!??!! I get that Captain was young, but this was already filmed and also they showed the kiss from season 1 already, so who cares!!!

@delightfuli've always wondered that myself. captain was 16, but they'd already filmed everything AND aired the first kiss. and stuff like the kiss in season 2 was important narrative-wise because its the first time noh reaches out to phun instead of the other way around (in the tv series, not the book). usually in the series phun is always reaching out and noh is always resisting/ running away/ playing hard to get. i always thought they took them out because the censors came down on them or something but who knows? they did the one kiss thing in MIR as well so maybe its the production company? is there a quota for web series on how many underage (under 18) kisses can be shown in one series?

as for pick and rome...what i love about pick is how utterly clueless he is for most of season 1. he's throwing all these signals and everyone can see it and he treats rome differently than the other juniors but has no idea that he's doing it right up to the kiss where he goes from "huh, whats rome doing?" to "huh, why didn't i hit him?" every time that hallelujah music came up when they were together i'd laugh because pick would do or say something unexpected and the music would choke off midway through. pick is having a hard enough time just accepting the fact he might like a guy, there's no way he'd bottom strait off like someone else suggested. rome is pretty impressive though, isn't he?

also....i miss sotus.



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31 minutes ago, delightful said:

I want to ask again.. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THEY CUT THIS AFTER SHOWING THEIR FIRST KISS IN SEASON !?!?!??!! I get that Captain was young, but this was already filmed and also they showed the kiss from season 1 already, so who cares!!!

This kiss was actually shown a bit in the preview for the episode.....or maybe in the end credits, I don't remember...but they cut it from the episode....But anyways all the kisses in LS were more like pecks on the lips than actual kisses.....they just used trick angles and moved their heads a bit to make it look real. I too fast forwarded a lot of season 2 and even some of season 1....they put a lot of unnecessary drama which slowed everything down when I just wanted to get to Noh-Phun parts. I think thats why I stayed away from the book for a long time....then one day I tried chapter 1 and loved it so much...I got mad at the creators of the series for screwing up a truly funny, and touching love story of these two guys and inserting ridiculous girl clique drama.... the girl who played Jeed must've got so much hate mail...thank god I watched it after it was finished....otherwise if I had watched LS like I'm watching sotus now, one epi every week waiting for Noh Phun scenes and getting nasty jeed instead I'd have broke my screen a thousand times.

I am so relieved everytime Sotus does stuff right and its mostly when it sticks to the book.....

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me being all-hinged for mushy ballads... this OPV cuts deep as much, more so with the nice touch of slow-mo'ed zoomed close ups of the lovelorn looks of SIngto and Krist - all together in one achingly beautiful poetry in motion...

especially loving the one around 0:33 to 1:05 - as it captures the moments that just seemed to whizzed by in the episode... hauntingly heart-breaking moments at 1:46 to 2:11 :( Singto's love-filled yet sad puppies eyes with the regretful and internally-struggling look of Krist's face just drained me of the will to ever let go. :tears: :tears:

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44 minutes ago, taurean10 said:

This kiss was actually shown a bit in the preview for the episode.....or maybe in the end credits, I don't remember...but they cut it from the episode....But anyways all the kisses in LS were more like pecks on the lips than actual kisses.....they just used trick angles and moved their heads a bit to make it look real. I too fast forwarded a lot of season 2 and even some of season 1....they put a lot of unnecessary drama which slowed everything down when I just wanted to get to Noh-Phun parts. I think thats why I stayed away from the book for a long time....then one day I tried chapter 1 and loved it so much...I got mad at the creators of the series for screwing up a truly funny, and touching love story of these two guys and inserting ridiculous girl clique drama.... the girl who played Jeed must've got so much hate mail...thank god I watched it after it was finished....otherwise if I had watched LS like I'm watching sotus now, one epi every week waiting for Noh Phun scenes and getting nasty jeed instead I'd have broke my screen a thousand times.

I am so relieved everytime Sotus does stuff right and its mostly when it sticks to the book.....


My thought exactly, i first watched season 1 and i loved it then watched season 2, and was so diseaspointed by it, i still dont understand why the chose to focus on Jeed, as far as I am concerned she had too much screentime that she deserved, i skipped almost all of her scenes while watching. I was so pissed that i have decided to read the novel.. and what a novel  the story of Phun and Noh is just so beautiful, so cute, so funny, so everything... i ended up being even more pissed off of the season 2 lol, they destroyed the story :''(.


About Sotus, the story seem true to the novel, wich i am relieved about, i ve been crazy about both the novel and the series. I just wished we r in november already, i keep replaying the episodes over and over again , i missed it so much.. Love them so much ♡♡♡

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Guest delightful
1 hour ago, Jay BudLight said:

Any good translator here? :) I believe he's the director of Sotus The Series. @delightful ? :rolleyes:


@erngust As I said before Kongpob is a perfect submissive Top and Arthit is a very powerful dominant Bottom LOL :wub: This happens when you are in love with an older guy. :wub:

That was already posted a while ago, it's P'Lit talking about how he was offered to be the director for SOTUS and the struggles he went thru.

2 hours ago, momobae said:

@delightful I think that I heard that Captains mom asked them to cut out that scene :( It's too bad b/c we got so many almost kisses in s2 but I don't think I remember them actually kissing at all, the directors just trolled us 

Yes, but they already filmed it. If she told them not to film it then I would understand, but my frustration is that CT and WW already filmed the kisses and then the show decides to pull them?  I remember back when SS1 was playing and they showed the kiss scene in Phun's bedroom, IT WAS A HUGE CONTROVERSY back then mainly because it was two guys who were underage kissing. BUT I thought that was dealt with and it was okay. If they had issues in SS1 then why was it even filmed in SS2 and then not aired? Such a waste, we could of had gotten lots of good scenes.

2 hours ago, Nana1313 said:

@delightfuli've always wondered that myself. captain was 16, but they'd already filmed everything AND aired the first kiss. and stuff like the kiss in season 2 was important narrative-wise because its the first time noh reaches out to phun instead of the other way around (in the tv series, not the book). usually in the series phun is always reaching out and noh is always resisting/ running away/ playing hard to get. i always thought they took them out because the censors came down on them or something but who knows? they did the one kiss thing in MIR as well so maybe its the production company? is there a quota for web series on how many underage (under 18) kisses can be shown in one series?

as for pick and rome...what i love about pick is how utterly clueless he is for most of season 1. he's throwing all these signals and everyone can see it and he treats rome differently than the other juniors but has no idea that he's doing it right up to the kiss where he goes from "huh, whats rome doing?" to "huh, why didn't i hit him?" every time that hallelujah music came up when they were together i'd laugh because pick would do or say something unexpected and the music would choke off midway through. pick is having a hard enough time just accepting the fact he might like a guy, there's no way he'd bottom strait off like someone else suggested. rome is pretty impressive though, isn't he?

also....i miss sotus.

Yes, their kisses were what kept me sane at times. Because Phun was still dating Aim so they couldn't sleep together, all their hugs and kisses meant so much to us fans.

And the stuff you said about Rome and Pik is so on point. Pik always unknowingly complimenting Rome... "your face is like a girls, your lips are pink," and so forth. LOL! I do like how it was edited too with the music playing then stopping then playing and stopping, I wish SOTUS was given that much attention. At times in SOTUS the voices weren't even audible or it cut in and out. In PH even though they barely touched lips and barely moved their heads it was still a BIG leap for Pik to 'accept' that kiss. And when he said 'why didn't I punch you?' hahahhahaa I literally laughed so hard it hurt. Rome is such a lovable character, like who does Pik think he is? He can't but help look at Rome with those eyes, even when he doesn't like men. I need their season two now. Actually I'm looking forward to both Secret Love : My Lil' Boy and Puppy Honey. If you're okay with older girl and younger guy coupling then you should check it out too, and guess who plays the girl's ex? It's WHITE aka PHUN!!!!!! I was so shocked at first, but he was only a guest starring role, so not so bad. I heard TopTap is going to be in season 2 also.


2 hours ago, taurean10 said:

This kiss was actually shown a bit in the preview for the episode.....or maybe in the end credits, I don't remember...but they cut it from the episode....But anyways all the kisses in LS were more like pecks on the lips than actual kisses.....they just used trick angles and moved their heads a bit to make it look real. I too fast forwarded a lot of season 2 and even some of season 1....they put a lot of unnecessary drama which slowed everything down when I just wanted to get to Noh-Phun parts. I think thats why I stayed away from the book for a long time....then one day I tried chapter 1 and loved it so much...I got mad at the creators of the series for screwing up a truly funny, and touching love story of these two guys and inserting ridiculous girl clique drama.... the girl who played Jeed must've got so much hate mail...thank god I watched it after it was finished....otherwise if I had watched LS like I'm watching sotus now, one epi every week waiting for Noh Phun scenes and getting nasty jeed instead I'd have broke my screen a thousand times.

I am so relieved everytime Sotus does stuff right and its mostly when it sticks to the book.....

I know what you mean about the girl drama in LS. I watched season one Phun + Noh cut only, so I didn't get any of those girl's dramas and still to this day have no idea who they are, except Yuri and Aim. They weren't needed for our main couple's story, why did they even add it in? So the series can be longer? Did they not know that no one cared about them? BL is already an interesting enough topic and I felt that those other stories took away from Phun and Noh's screen time/story. It was as if the series was trying to ruin the novel/book. So weird. I am also relieved that SOTUS doesn't try to add in another story to mess with our couple's attention. The stuff with potential PremxWad and MayxAim isn't really in your face like how LS was. I'm also glad that I read the book/novel, that's when I fell in love with Noh. I feel so attached to him, like I would act like him in his situations. So weird. I'm looking for my Phun too.. lets just hope he's not as dumb as Phun was in the series and leave me waiting for that long. ^_^

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10 hours ago, cadburygirl said:

Hi guys, I'm really feeling the withdrawal of SOTUS and the boys. Usually when I miss my favorite shows (Star Strek, Teen Wolf, Supernatural etc. ), I will read fanfics at Ao3 to cope with it and tide me over. I only found 4 fics there on SOTUS. Why are not more authors writing SOTUS fics? :tears:   :bawling:    Are there any fics published elsewhere in English that I don't know about? I've read @delightful fics and translations so many times already. At the mo, I don't even care if it's Pick/Rome. I need to read fics. :sweatingbullets:  Can anyone help me? Please?  Any suggestions? You can even pimp your own fic. :wub:   Anything's very much welcome. As long as it's BL, I can deal. Some Advanced Bravery would be awesome too. Thanks. :wub: :wub: :wub: 


P.S. Quite frankly, Oak/Oat is the only character in SOTUS I find it hard to love. I just can't do it. He annoys the hell out of me. :sweatingbullets:  Because of him, Kong got into trouble with his P'Arthit.  :angry:

Some Krist eye candy as a thank you. :heart:




Hi @cadburygirl, have you read the fanfic of Prem and Wad?




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