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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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Congratulation!!! OMG, 300th pages...

I thought I'm gonna stay out of sotus for a whole month. I'm not trying to be rude for thai people, but waiting 1 ep per week already too much for me. But that decision is certainly wrong. Everyday is like a torture. I forget how this forum can light up my weekday. I'm sorry guys. I miss you..

BTW, will there be 1 ep on 12 november? or it will be 4 ep in marathon? (God please... that's all I'm asking for.. Please....)

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2 hours ago, seoha said:

Oh, my.....already 300 pages? :wub::wub:


Dear friends.

I couldn't stand still, waiting for the next ep.

so I started writing, and regretted doing it. (keep repeating these two steps) 

but once started, better to finish.....:rolleyes:

so I give you this writing below.


* not good at writing at all even in English,,,,,:sweatingbullets:

* possibly have grammatical errors (surely a lot)

* this is the second one, so the first one also attached in it  

please just enjoy it.


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it might happen after the beach scene. Arthit vaguely knows what Kongpob feels for him. 



Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody (1) -if you didn't read the first, open this up

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scene 1.


It was already half past 5 pm when all the classes were over. Arthit ran to the student body‘s office. He was supposed to have a meeting at 5 with Not and Bright but when he entered the office, there was no one.


'Where are these assh......forget the meeting?'


He called them a few times but not answered. He sighed gazing into space. After waiting for a while, he decided to go out to buy a pink milk and some snacks for dinner.


'U....Um......It's Kongpob.'


Half way to the canteen feeling hungry, he saw the 0062 sitting on the bench with his head down. Though his face not seen, he seemed seriously occupied with something. He didn't notice Arthit when he just passed by before him. Actually it never happened before to Arthit. It was always Kongpob that first found Arthit, came close to him and talked to him or teased him. He stopped walking and turned his steps toward the 0062.


'How dare this 0062 not recognize me.'


He stared down at Kongpob still sitting, half in wonder, half in worry. Arthit poked out his lips unconsciously while staring. then, unable to resist, he was about to talk to the 0062. but unfortunately the 0062 said first.



He stood up rapidly, looking startled.

"Where is your 'P'' before Arthit?"

“.....Sorry, P'Arthit.”


Seemingly, Kongpob's pretending to be normal failed this time. Arthit felt something serious in his gloomy-puppy eyes.


'If you were a real dog, I would keep you in my room really, 0062.'


Arthit always thought this boy's eyes are really something, difficult to read but gentle and smart sometimes so aggressive, anyway attractive....no, not that attractive. Arthit shook his head slightly, blinking fast and asked,


"What are you doing here with that dumb face?"


Kongpob lightly smiled without answering. It touched Arthit's nerve.


"Answer me, Kongpob."

"Well....nothing. you don't need to care about, P'Arthit."

"Who did care?"


Arthit talked back right away lifting one eyebrow and asked,


"Did you eat anything?"


Kongpob just shook his head weakly. He seemed really exhausted.


"then....I, I, can buy you di....nner....if you desperately want....some, thing to eat."


Arthit 'kindly' suggested him, stammering a little. But,


"No. Thank you. P'Arthit."


He shortly refused his offer.


'No? did you say just no?'


Arthit simply ignored Kongpob's saying 'Thank you' in his head.



".....Just because....I don't want to."

"So Why."


He tilted his head up to Kongpob with his arms folded. He even made eye contact with Kongpob to detect what made this 0062 serious. While Arthit doing that, Kongpob could not help smiling and thinking,


'This serious face is always cute.'


"You really want me to tell the reason, P'Arthit?"

"Not really."

Arthit answered quickly and continued saying.

"but if you want, I can listen to you."

Arthit purposedly looked away with his hands by the sides.


"................Okay. then please, let me tell you why, P'Arthit."

"Go on."


After a while, Kongpob started explaining to Arthit what had happened.


"Aim and I happened to meet Prea at the library this afternoon"



Arthit recalled her face, pretty enough to be The Star of this year. he even got her phone number and picture the other day when she asked for his signature.


" She was almost crying.........."


Their mood was just good to some extent.


"............we went to the bookstore together to look for the book titled......."


It was by the time Kongpob almost finished his story.


"...............her parents called her when we.........."


Arthit's face went stiff but Kongpob didn't know that Arthit wasn't okay.


"they said it was not published any more......."


He kept saying all obediently to Arthit because he was bit excited that P'Arthit was listening to him, very carefully. Kongpob seemed like a very handsome, submissive pet dog wagging his tail to his owner, Arthit.


"........I promised her that I would look for a new reference book."

"Enough. stop there."


Arthit interrupted him and gave the cold shoulder, saying,


"Playing a hero again? What a busybody."


and walked away in the blink of an eye.





Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody (2)


scene 2.


''........should I not have talked about it? How come we never meet without your being mad at me, P'? '


Kongpob stood hopelessly looking at the door of the dorm building where Arthit had already disappeared. Since coming back from the trip, Kongpob had kept scared that P'Arthit would be more disappointed in him and keep himself far distant from him.


'it would take me forever to get one more step closer to you.'


It was the first heartbroken experience for Kongpob to be terrified of possibly losing someone he didn't dare to touch a finger on easily and someone he truly wanted to know all about.


"Two of us........the parallel lines that never meet each other, P'Arthit."


'You all talk but no action. so childish.'


"there might be no intersection between us."


'This is the last warning. Kongpob. don't try to be a hero.'


"always, no exception.....right, P'?"


'Go away from my face. There is nothing else to talk about'


The stabbing feelings of rejection and hurt swept over Kongpob and he felt his heart scratched here and there by an invisible knife. The more obsessed he became in love with P'Arthit, the more he was driven to despair than ever.


Prea had lost a library book so she tried much to find a replacement. When Aim and him met her at the library, the book had already been two weeks overdue. she seemed terribly panicked. Besides, when they were in the bookstore whose owner told the book had been out of print, she got a urgent call from her parents to come back home as quickly as possible. At that time Prea didn't look stable so Kongpob let Aim take her home first. He himself voluntarily promised her to try his best to find the replacement.




Kongpob would like to explain the whole story to make Arthit more understandable but P' stopped him before he could finish it.


'if she doesn't return the book by tomorrow, she will get punished by a big fine and the one semester suspension of borrowing books as well.'


he called a few more bookstores for checking out if they could get the book. He didn't want to stop his trying, because he totally understood how serious this situation could be to a freshy like her. He thought it could have happened to him.




Arthit dashed back into the room, slamming the door. he lay face down on the bed thinking of how annoying the 0062 had been.


'How come you are always meddling in others' affairs?'


Giving a handkerchief to a crying girl. Getting signatures instead of his friend.

Passing his name tag to the girl whose name he couldn't remember......


Thinking back to, he was a real nuisance.


'As I gave all my heart to you, I need some to replace.'


He stopped Arthit from having the freshies run 54 rounds as punishment by saying only he himself was given the hearts by the missing freshies that hadn't shown up. What a cheesy man with plenty of guts. But deep down, Arthit was relieved, because he knew that running 54 laps could be too hard for the freshies. So it was like Kongpob saved not only his friends but also the hazers including Arthit.


And all of a sudden,


''P'Arthit has been running all day long!'


Arthit felt his heart beating fast so he had to exhale out deeply for a while.


'If you don't stop, I will run with you!'


Still hard to breathe, he lay on his back and slowly sighed again. Soon later unable to lay still, he stretched his arms out to the sides, and looked up at the ceiling.


'Can't freshmen worry about the 3rd year senior?'


To be honest, Arthit felt guilty when Kongpob cried out those words. That night, Kongpob did really seem in pain as if he had run on the track all day long.


'What a busybody.....but.....well......That's the way he is.....,'


It is undeniable that the 0062 is a man with a warm heart willing to help others. Moreover, Kongpob's proved himself more than competent in all ways.


"P'? this is Arth.....ye.....How have you been.....Um......."


Arthit sat up on the bed, picked up the cell phone and started making a few calls.


"I was wondering if you have the book titled 'XXXXXX.'"


He kept talking and talking on the phone.


"One of my freshes lost the book borrowed from the library. ye, that kid left it on the bus. it is out of print now. A.....you don't have it."


By the time he finished phoning some of his graduating seniors, it was already past 8 pm.


"it is a reference book for.....yes....the professor is still using old ones."


His mouth became dry and his throat was really sore. his cell phone was too hot to hold.


"..........Who....? oh, thank you P'."


To his relief, Arthit finally reached a graduate with the book. Fortunately living near the university, the senior told him to drop by his house at any time. When allowed to visit him in one hour, Arthit sprang up from the bed and said a big 'Thank- you' to him with a bright smile. Though forgetting to have dinner, he was filled with sufficient energy but he couldn't explain where it came from. it was totally unexplainable.




It was almost half past 8 pm when Kongpob saw Arthit again from some distance away. Arthit was a bit restlessly hanging around the bench which Kongpob had sat on.


'Why is P'Arthit over there? is he looking for me?....but... no way.'


But just his watching P'Arthit's back, a very warm feeling filled his heart briefly and a feeling of despair in him completely disappeared. He realized it again how much he cherished this beautiful human being.


Kongpob waited for a while wanting Arthit to notice him but he showed no sign of having seen Kongpob.




Kongpob could not help but smile softly, feeling himself like a fool. He felt like flying towards his only sun.




He even liked his own voice calling the name, Arthit.




Arthit turned around as Kongpob called out his name. Their eyes met, and the senior's eyes were likely flashing with delight for a second. That gave Kongpob some courage. He finally decided to move close to Arthit. As he carried his motorbike, he just walked towards him pushing his motorbike.


"Where have you been, Kongpob?"

"I got back to my room for a shower."


"........what are you doing here, P'? Are you looking for some....thing?"


Kongpob asked him with some anticipation but P'Arthit didn't answer him. Rather, he just continued asking.


"Why are you carrying your motorbike."

".............I am....."

"Are you going somewhere?"

".......I am on my way to a bookstore near the school."


P'Arthit looked a bit astonished as Kongpob said.


"..........Did you find a replacement for the book already?"

"I am not sure but the owner wants me to check some books he found. I've got his call right before."


For a few moments there was silence between them.


"I think you don't need to go there."


It was Arthit who broke the silence first.


"................Why not?"

"I......I found the book that belongs to one of the graduating seniors."

"You found the book for me?"

“No. for N'Prea.”


His answer came very quickly and there was another silence coming.


"....,,,.I see. of course I guessed so."


This time Kongpob broke the silence first but his face clouded with a mild disappointment.




-to be continued




*thank you for reading




Ok iam getting curious again with this series. Still can't move on to real life if I keep follow this forum. :sweatingbullets:


You have responsibilities to continue the story. By the way thanks for the story so much. B)


Nice to meet you all of my friend in this forum. regards from indonesia. I just keep fo be a silent reader for a couple of the day. But because of SOTUS not continue until mid novembre i very miss this series so much. And i hope with this forum i can continue my real life without thinking kongpobe and arthit everydY until the series continue. 55555

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:oHot damn Singto..!!...Whats this dangerous vibe.....so opposite of the nice guy vibe of kong...He could play Arthit the scary head of the hazer team looking like this....or someone like Bai Lou Yin, even though both characters seem very different they both have the same silent, stoic nature and the same I'll-keep-my-feelings-deeeeep-inside-my-heart which drives their partners crazy.

6 hours ago, originalnickname said:

I found a link for Front Cover, I added it to my list ;)

Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm watching and reading everything bl/yaoi I've bookmarked to get me through the long wait. 

The people posting fanfics....thank you so much....You guys make missing sotus and the gang a bit easier to bear...

@delightful hope you feel better soon.....how about another rome-pik ff....after you're all better of course....I heard rome will be more slutty in season 2...I don't know if that's an appropriate word to use for him when the poor guy hasn't done anything to be labeled as such.

@hcpoirot .....I like that you're fleshing out the backgrounds of both prem and wad while still keeping in the events from the original book....thats what I missed in the original, not much background info about anyone else and there wasn't much about the main leads either. 

@seoha....keep going....liked it a lot.

sorry if i missed anyone...

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Nite guys (it's 11pm here)

Wohooo....we've been on page #300++ already,

Shout-out to all new members - welcome guys. :):) Thankyou @seoha for the ff - it's really fun to read it - such an oase to my sotus-thirst.

Anyway,  i've found this, i really like Singto's hairstyle here,  don't know if it's already posted here tho.


And speaking of our 0062, really love the way he stared at his P'Arthit in this scene


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I wanna eat both pork omelet and chikin basil with a sunny side up egg.....:lol:

I found recipe and it says that pork omlet is cooked with oyster sauce, soy sauce and white pepper. Chicken basil is seasoned with chilies , galic, sugar, fish sauce and soy sauce.....  Woo! It seems spicy....:sweatingbullets:

Is there anyone who ate chiken basil?  Is that soooo hot???




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9 hours ago, teamperaya said:
3 minutes ago, oldgregg said:

so there's been posts saying it comes back mid November and posts saying the ban's been lifted.... so I'm confused, which is it?


I think it's still unclear - the verbiage that states the ban has been lifted seemed to imply that the shows that run have to be about the King, etc. I still think we're in the "wait and see" mode...

Edit:  I don't know why Soompi embedded @oldgregg inside the @teamperya quote... weird.

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3 minutes ago, oldgregg said:

so there's been posts saying it comes back mid November and posts saying the ban's been lifted.... so I'm confused, which is it?


Nothing's official. GMMTV didn't post anything related to SOTUS airing, they just posted about Meet and Greet... so I wouldn't relay on any of those sites. Let's just wait for GMMTV. I hope they'll post something so we will be sure it's Mid-November or not. 

Let's wait for this Saturday and see. I am really absolutely okay if we need to wait for Mid-November, after all, their King died and just reading about how much people loved him and what kind of person he was... it's only right to do something like this. :tears:

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