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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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39 minutes ago, salz said:

and i see some say nothing change at all between Kongpob&Arthit after 2 years just because they don't hold hand or hug like normal couple on screen but i strongly disagree...for me their relationship have definitely change in very good way over the years and it just getting stronger and more affectionate..of course Arthit remain the tsundere and Kong still the biggest tease but still how they act around each other no longer how it is in beginning

mmmmh... I don't think we have much references to say if something changed or not during two years (we had ep. 14 where their relationship started and then here we are two years later... Plus this episode had loads of flashbacks so we didn't have a lot of time with the "current" K+A) ... Please tell me what changes you noticed because I couldn't see any differences except that they were maybe more comfortable with each other (?) I think that's the problem: their relationship started too late... People were complaining that it was going too fast but maybe it wasn't fast enough ? Because we had 15 episodes and they start dating at ep. 13, 14 they announce their relationship and then ep. 15 we see them two years later... I don't really like the structures of the last episodes... 

The ending was really good, but I didn't like the episode as a whole, I preferred the others... It's probably my least favorite episode actually but that's my opinion... 

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4 minutes ago, originalnickname said:

mmmmh... I don't think we have much references to say if something changed or not during two years (we had ep. 14 where their relationship started and then here we are two years later... Plus this episode had loads of flashbacks so we didn't have a lot of time with the "current" K+A) ... Please tell me what changes you noticed because I couldn't see any differences except that they were maybe more comfortable with each other (?) I think that's the problem: their relationship started too late... People were complaining that it was going too fast but maybe it wasn't fast enough ? Because we had 15 episodes and they start dating at ep. 13, 14 they announce their relationship and then ep. 15 we see them two years later... I don't really like the structures of the last episodes... 

to each their own i guess

i don't see Kong and Arthit exactly the same as before they dating and how they are now...we just have very different way of viewing..of course i wanna have more scene of them but well i just grateful for what i can get...and im not interested to argue to proved my point or whatever so i just end here :)


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1 minute ago, salz said:

to each their own i guess

i don't see Kong and Arthit exactly the same as before they dating and how they are now...we just have very different way of viewing..of course i wanna have more scene of them but well i just grateful for what i can get...and im not interested to argue to proved my point or whatever so i just end here :)


I was just stating my opinion and wanting to have your thoughts , no need to "block yourself" like that :) 

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5 minutes ago, originalnickname said:

I was just stating my opinion and wanting to have your thoughts , no need to "block yourself" like that :) 

im never good with my words like most here who good with presentation/flowery word or using difficult English word/better in argument so not the right person to discuss lol...most of the time i prefer to read others review

my opinion above is everything i already let out from my system in one go so that is all people gonna get from me lol

i myself might understand what i wanna say but it difficult to explain to people...if i say one thing and people gonna say they don't think the same and ask for more why i think that way so never gonna end which is why i prefer the word to each their own so feel free to disagree lol..

im not mad or anything but yeah my word tend to sound rude when i write :P

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9 minutes ago, salz said:

im never good with my words like most here who good with presentation/flowery word or using difficult English word/better in argument so not the right person to discuss lol...most of the time i prefer to read others review

my opinion above is everything i already let out from my system in one go so that is all people gonna get from me lol

i myself might understand what i wanna say but it difficult to explain to people...if i say one thing and people gonna say they don't think the same and ask for more why i think that way so never gonna end which is why i prefer the word to each their own so feel free to disagree lol..

im not mad or anything but yeah my word tend to sound rude when i write :P

:heart: I understand... I'm a lot like that too, I have a very hard time expressing my thoughts with words in my native language (french) so in english... Even on this forum sometimes I wanna say things but I don't because I don't wanna be misinterpreted (thank you grammar correction for this word lol) or I'm scared to offend people but more than anything I'm very weird because when people don't have the same opinion as me, it makes me hurt and angry, I don't know why, that's in my character... Also, I'm very influenced (?), other people's words about me and my opinion affects me a lot (I'm not saying that to you, don't worry please, don't feel guilty lol), if they say I'm wrong, even if they may be the ones who are wrong, it makes me wondering... Small exemple : I really liked Justin Bieber (back in ~2010) , a lot of people started saying he was richard simmons, so I believed them and stopped liking him xD 

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53 minutes ago, originalnickname said:

:heart: I understand... I'm a lot like that too, I have a very hard time expressing my thoughts with words in my native language (french) so in english... Even on this forum sometimes I wanna say things but I don't because I don't wanna be misinterpreted (thank you grammar correction for this word lol) or I'm scared to offend people but more than anything I'm very weird because when people don't have the same opinion as me, it makes me hurt and angry, I don't know why, that's in my character... Also, I'm very influenced (?), other people's words about me and my opinion affects me a lot (I'm not saying that to you, don't worry please, don't feel guilty lol), if they say I'm wrong, even if they may be the ones who are wrong, it makes me wondering... Small exemple : I really liked Justin Bieber (back in ~2010) , a lot of people started saying he was richard simmons, so I believed them and stopped liking him xD 

Well don't worry too much if people agree or not to you lol..i might disagree on some but not saying you are wrong or anything.... If you think you are right then you are right but not necessarily need people to approve that because you have your own right to feel that way and others also have their right to think the opposite.. So not necessary mean if people against your thoughts then you suddenly feel you are wrong just because you don't have same opinion 

People always disagree to me because I tend to have different view from them.. Like in kdramas I'm always thinking differently from the majority.. Sometime I ship the non canon or less popular otp that never gonna end together but that my choice not to ship just because  the other otp who is canon or people gonna force on me why they should be ship I'm like sorry I like what I like and I dislike what I dislike that all doesn't matter if they not end together.....just different preference so yeah im the 2nd lead syndrome type lol though sometime i do ship main otp when they have great chemistry as example our Kongpope and Arthit.... Same with plot. For example current airing Goblin it like 99.9% fan think that the 2nd female lead is the reincarnation of Queen and the reaper is past King but I and some of my friend think differently which is the total opposite that the girl is actually reincarnation of the King and the reaper is queen and other fans totally judging me and some others who think that way because it already shown differently on TV but us minority still stand by our opinion.i don't care if I end up wrong but I don't need to agree in everything majority said.. Sorry off topic just as example that it's OK to think differently 

So please don't think my post is against you or something...it just me wanting to state my own opinion after finish reading everybody else not just yours XD

Edit :  yeah we actually mean talking about Sotus but just adding about other thing as example :P

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10 minutes ago, salz said:

Well don't worry too much if people agree or not to you lol..i might disagree on some but not saying you are wrong or anything.... If you think you are right then you are right but not necessarily need people to approve that because you have your own right to feel that way and others also have their right to think the opposite.. So not necessary mean if people against your thoughts then you suddenly feel you are wrong just because you don't have same opinion 

People always disagree to me because I tend to have different view from them.. Like in kdramas I'm always thinking differently from the majority.. Sometime I ship the non canon or less popular otp that never gonna end together but that my choice must because the other otp who is canon or people gonna force on me why they should be ship I'm like sorry I like what I like and I dislike what I dislike that all doesn't matter if they not end together. Same with plot. For example current airing Goblin it like 99.9% fan think that the 2nd female lead is the reincarnation of Queen and the reaper is past King but I and some of my friend think differently which is the total oppositethat the girl is actually reincarnation of the King and the reaper is queen and other fans totally judging me and other fans who think that way because it already shown differently on TV but us minority still stand by our opinion.i don't care if I end up wrong but I don't need to agree in everything majority said.. Sorry off topic just as example

So please don't think my post is against you or something...it just me wanting to state my own opinion after finish reading everybody else not just yours XD

I always worry, that's my problem unfortunately, it's gonna take time to change... I really like what you said in the first paragraph it makes someone like me feel better :wub: Small things can break me down and can also lift me up :bawling:

I also tend to think differently from the majority sometimes... It feels so good when you were saying something opposite to most people and you end up being right hehehe ^__^

Don't worry, I told you to not feel bad, that's just the way I am, I am weird I know, I just don't want people to be offended that I'm offended because it can never end that way lmao but I'm really happy we can share our thoughts and opinions :heart:

What happened to your post you posted like 3 times the same thing haha xD EDIT: Ah OK it's your phone xD

We are so off-topic btw, hope the admins won't come after our asses xD

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2 hours ago, originalnickname said:

Please tell me what changes you noticed because I couldn't see any differences except that they were maybe more comfortable with each other (?)


I've also noticed some differences with their relationship. And I need to emphasise SOME because they were very small changes :P We know that Arthit warms up very hardly to people and keeps his emotions inside. While reading Kong's diary he was showing a bit of aegyo, he was going high-pitched with his voice which was quite adorable. And I think aegyo should be hard to display for Arthit. But I don't know it really was a small change. Oh and I think getting shy and awkward around your lover is normal even after 2 years cause you love them and get nervous around them..? Or maybe I'm just too romantic :P (then again I was disappointed with the episode and the lack of enthusiasm between the couple too so I don't even know why I'm defending)

And about The Lover drama


I guess we should be thankful to be even able to see a gay couple in Korean television including a popular idol, Takuya, without it getting banned. But I'm also devastated that the most skinship we got from them was the back rubbing scene when they had so much potential and looked adorable together :'(


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33 minutes ago, -Eva- said:


I've also noticed some differences with their relationship. And I need to emphasise SOME because they were very small changes :P We know that Arthit warms up very hardly to people and keeps his emotions inside. While reading Kong's diary he was showing a bit of aegyo, he was going high-pitched with his voice which was quite adorable. And I think aegyo should be hard to display for Arthit. But I don't know it really was a small change. Oh and I think getting shy and awkward around your lover is normal even after 2 years cause you love them and get nervous around them..? Or maybe I'm just too romantic :P (then again I was disappointed with the episode and the lack of enthusiasm between the couple too so I don't even know why I'm defending)

And about The Lover drama

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I guess we should be thankful to be even able to see a gay couple in Korean television including a popular idol, Takuya, without it getting banned. But I'm also devastated that the most skinship we got from them was the back rubbing scene when they had so much potential and looked adorable together :'(


I had error 500 for 2 minutes and couldn't log to the forum I was so scared I was about to send an email to Soompi support :sweatingbullets:

Haha I understand I also have a love-hate relationship with this episode :) Arthit is indeed not affectionate to begin with...


You're right about the lover... I'm really glad they got a happy ending but it's kinda weird how it happens : Joon Jae hears Takuya's conversation were he says "I also..like him", then Takuya comes back for a little while, then he goes away again, then I didn't understand what happened... Did Joon Jae go to Japan to find Takuya ? If that's the case, then that's the best they could have done about their reunion ? Touch hands accidentally ? --'

But as you say, we should be glad we had a gay couple in a kdrama... So far, this one and I think another drama called Happy Together were the only ones and since then nothing... As I said, it pisses me off how the only way they treat homosexuality in Kdramas, is by having accidental comical kisses --' No gay couples, and when we have a real couple they don't even hug, kiss, touch each other or hold hands .... Even Arthit and Kong had more skinship than Takuya and Joon Jae hahahahaha xD

There aren't a lot of idols who play gay characters, there was a guy called Hoya, and he received so much backlash, no other idol played a gay character (except Takuya, but he's japanese, I guess it's a little bit different...)


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4 hours ago, originalnickname said:

I had error 500 for 2 minutes and couldn't log to the forum I was so scared I was about to send an email to Soompi support :sweatingbullets:

Haha I understand I also have a love-hate relationship with this episode :) Arthit is indeed not affectionate to begin with...

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You're right about the lover... I'm really glad they got a happy ending but it's kinda weird how it happens : Joon Jae hears Takuya's conversation were he says "I also..like him", then Takuya comes back for a little while, then he goes away again, then I didn't understand what happened... Did Joon Jae go to Japan to find Takuya ? If that's the case, then that's the best they could have done about their reunion ? Touch hands accidentally ? --'

But as you say, we should be glad we had a gay couple in a kdrama... So far, this one and I think another drama called Happy Together were the only ones and since then nothing... As I said, it pisses me off how the only way they treat homosexuality in Kdramas, is by having accidental comical kisses --' No gay couples, and when we have a real couple they don't even hug, kiss, touch each other or hold hands .... Even Arthit and Kong had more skinship than Takuya and Joon Jae hahahahaha xD

There aren't a lot of idols who play gay characters, there was a guy called Hoya, and he received so much backlash, no other idol played a gay character (except Takuya, but he's japanese, I guess it's a little bit different...)


I also had the error so I'm guessing everyone else also did...

The most affection we saw from Arthit was when he gave Kong and Aim those oranges lol (except the "I miss you" scene in the last episode)


Through hearing Takuya's "I like him" Joonjae could at least confirm that indeed Takuya also felt for him. But then they were both scared of the responsibilities and complications of being in a gay relationship, and Takuya was gonna go back home to Japan anyway. Then Takuya came to the house to check up on Joonjae before going back to Japan. If I remember right, it was a week after their parting, and Joonjae had drowned himself in alcohol without washing, eating or getting out of his room. That's probably why Takuya even came back. The "touch hands accidentally" scene was a throwback to episode 1 when they met and the same thing happened back then too :D We can only assume the steamy moments they had after going in to the apartment lol (I'm imagining a very hot first kiss :sweatingbullets:). But I like how Joonjae went to Japan for Takuya, that was a happy ending that I was satisfied with.

Yeah I also hate it when gay moments are seen only as comical and Korea does that a lot because they are too scared to admit that there are lots of homosexual people in the country :/ Oh I didn't think Hoya received many backlash..? Or maybe I have only seen the positive comments...


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18 hours ago, originalnickname said:

 I'm really demanding when it comes to kissing scenes (it's not that I wanna see a make out session with tongues lol don't get me wrong haha),  in movies they rarely disappoint me actually, it's more of a problem in dramas...

Hormones, Tee and Phu, Season 2, Episode 4.

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10 hours ago, dustinmyeye said:

That is just so unfair to Richard Simmons:)


4 hours ago, sensiblemateria said:

Hormones, Tee and Phu, Season 2, Episode 4.

Aaaah yeah I saw that one, not bad indeed : p 

7 hours ago, -Eva- said:

I also had the error so I'm guessing everyone else also did...

The most affection we saw from Arthit was when he gave Kong and Aim those oranges lol (except the "I miss you" scene in the last episode)

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Through hearing Takuya's "I like him" Joonjae could at least confirm that indeed Takuya also felt for him. But then they were both scared of the responsibilities and complications of being in a gay relationship, and Takuya was gonna go back home to Japan anyway. Then Takuya came to the house to check up on Joonjae before going back to Japan. If I remember right, it was a week after their parting, and Joonjae had drowned himself in alcohol without washing, eating or getting out of his room. That's probably why Takuya even came back. The "touch hands accidentally" scene was a throwback to episode 1 when they met and the same thing happened back then too :D We can only assume the steamy moments they had after going in to the apartment lol (I'm imagining a very hot first kiss :sweatingbullets:). But I like how Joonjae went to Japan for Takuya, that was a happy ending that I was satisfied with.

Yeah I also hate it when gay moments are seen only as comical and Korea does that a lot because they are too scared to admit that there are lots of homosexual people in the country :/ Oh I didn't think Hoya received many backlash..? Or maybe I have only seen the positive comments...


I do think Arthit is getting more comfortable with Kong and more affectionate, I guess it's just "suggested" (as we know Bittersweet doesn't like to describe skinship/bed scenes etc...) 


AAAh that's what I thought! Thanks for the explanation :) I know it was a throwback, I just thought that they could at least hug, I dunno xD

I hope Korea moves forward on LGBT issues, there's no censors (and I hope there won't be), so I hope they make more movies to help the cause

Yeah, I haven't seen the show he was in, but I do know he received a lot of bad comments -especially coming from Korea- , people saying he was gay (as it's a bad thing...), he also had a lot of people discouraging him from playing this character but he insisted on playing him (gg Hoya!) Although there's this, maybe it was mistranslated but he said he was "traumatized" that people thought he was gay...  It's so painful to hear that he was traumatized, the word is so strong! I was so happy when I saw him defending his role then I saw this :tears: 


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13 hours ago, salz said:

im never good with my words like most here who good with presentation/flowery word or using difficult English word/better in argument so not the right person to discuss lol...most of the time i prefer to read others review...

...i myself might understand what i wanna say but it difficult to explain to people...if i say one thing and people gonna say they don't think the same and ask for more why i think that way so never gonna end which is why i prefer the word to each their own so feel free to disagree lol...


12 hours ago, originalnickname said:

I understand... I'm a lot like that too, I have a very hard time expressing my thoughts with words in my native language (french) so in english... Even on this forum sometimes I wanna say things but I don't because I don't wanna be misinterpreted or I'm scared to offend people but more than anything I'm very weird because when people don't have the same opinion as me, it makes me hurt and angry, I don't know why, that's in my character... Also, I'm very influenced (?), other people's words about me and my opinion affects me a lot, if they say I'm wrong, even if they may be the ones who are wrong, it makes me wondering...

1040 hours

It does work both ways though. This is a forum, a place for talking, interaction and discussion. If you do not express what you think or pose questions, how are the rest of us going to be able to think about what you have said ? I will accept that, for some people, I do, in all probability, use flowery/difficult words, and I spend a lot of time choosing them. But then I have to look up Japanese words like Tsundere to know what you folks are talking about. You also have to remember that the subtitles are not being created by professionals and at times, I, as a native English speaker, am completely lost as to what they mean. Heaven knows how you folks cope. That is why I pose questions. Perhaps it is street slang and I am just too old to understand. Sometimes I find myself reading the subtitles and entering what I call French mode. I don't understand everything that is said to me (or I read) in French. Sometimes I have to go with the flow until I can catch up.

We all come from different backgrounds, have different life experiences. Some of youse are young enough to think that Justin Bieber is old school and some of us are old enough to have never heard of him in the first case :) (I have by the way - my neighbour plays him non-stop - if I never have to hear "Let me love you" again, I'll count it as a blessing).

I still consider myself an intruder here, because I arrived here over one particular series. I don't do Anime, am not in the slightest bit interested in K-Pop or the latest Korean idols and I am constantly looking up the Urban Dictionary to find out what some of youse are talking about. So I am learning.

Perhaps it is just me but I believe that you can use these forums to learn about life from those already old enough to have experienced it. That will only happen if people express their thoughts. You might be surprised as to how many people agree with you and if they do not then you might learn from them. They may have experienced a situation and be able to say - in real life I doubt that would happen. (Yes they would have used tongues - mentioning no names :)) You will be better armed for later years. Sometimes the prince gets eaten by the dragon long before he reaches the prince(ss).

As for your abilities in English - I have said before - I think that youse all do just fine. My only complaint : why do so many foreigners use gonna and wanna when writing ? Aaaaghhh ! Going to / Want to be...

And for those of you who think that I just sit down and type away. Reality check. This has been re-read a lot of times, punctuation corrected. I have needed to use a French dictionary twice because ideas came into my head (French kissing doesn't officially translate to the phrase I have learned from my neighbours) and the Oxford dictionary once to make sure that if you do look that word up it does mean what it needs to mean and not what I think it means. Are you not relying on me - a Brit - to get my own language correct ?

1138 hours, so almost an hour to compose and be happy with that. Until I push the button and scream at the screen - no, no, no that should have been a full-stop and a new sentence.

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12 minutes ago, dustinmyeye said:


1040 hours

It does work both ways though. This is a forum, a place for talking, interaction and discussion. If you do not express what you think or pose questions, how are the rest of us going to be able to think about what you have said ? I will accept that, for some people, I do, in all probability, use flowery/difficult words, and I spend a lot of time choosing them. But then I have to look up Japanese words like Tsundere to know what you folks are talking about. You also have to remember that the subtitles are not being created by professionals and at times, I, as a native English speaker, am completely lost as to what they mean. Heaven knows how you folks cope. That is why I pose questions. Perhaps it is street slang and I am just too old to understand. Sometimes I find myself reading the subtitles and entering what I call French mode. I don't understand everything that is said to me (or I read) in French. Sometimes I have to go with the flow until I can catch up.

We all come from different backgrounds, have different life experiences. Some of youse are young enough to think that Justin Bieber is old school and some of us are old enough to have never heard of him in the first case :) (I have by the way - my neighbour plays him non-stop - if I never have to hear "Let me love you" again, I'll count it as a blessing).

I still consider myself an intruder here, because I arrived here over one particular series. I don't do Anime, am not in the slightest bit interested in K-Pop or the latest Korean idols and I am constantly looking up the Urban Dictionary to find out what some of youse are talking about. So I am learning.

Perhaps it is just me but I believe that you can use these forums to learn about life from those already old enough to have experienced it. That will only happen if people express their thoughts. You might be surprised as to how many people agree with you and if they do not then you might learn from them. They may have experienced a situation and be able to say - in real life I doubt that would happen. (Yes they would have used tongues - mentioning no names :)) You will be better armed for later years. Sometimes the prince gets eaten by the dragon long before he reaches the prince(ss).

As for your abilities in English - I have said before - I think that youse all do just fine. My only complaint : why do so many foreigners use gonna and wanna when writing ? Aaaaghhh ! Going to / Want to be...

And for those of you who think that I just sit down and type away. Reality check. This has been re-read a lot of times, punctuation corrected. I have needed to use a French dictionary twice because ideas came into my head (French kissing doesn't officially translate to the phrase I have learned from my neighbours) and the Oxford dictionary once to make sure that if you do look that word up it does mean what it needs to mean and not what I think it means. Are you not relying on me - a Brit - to get my own language correct ?

1138 hours, so almost an hour to compose and be happy with that. Until I push the button and scream at the screen - no, no, no that should have been a full-stop and a new sentence.




I think there's also a lot of freedom on this forum. Although, I bet that we couldn't have such peaceful conversations if we were on a thread about KPOP or KDRAMAS xD If you disagree with someone about KPOP or KDRAMAS it goes into a war xD 

I wish my english was better but I think it's good enough :) I think I can say that I'm fluent because I watch movies without subtitles, and I used to watch interviews and founding myself understanding the jokes that the people there were saying... Now I'm trying to learn japanese (by myself), and it's very hard, much harder than I thought, I'm trying to find methods and also some cheering up (I just have a hard time with grammar more than anything)...


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23 hours ago, aeislaeigh said:

Credit:  kanglin_zl / Finnian-色色

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NOW KISS *Insert meme*

@aeislaeigh thx for sharing♥

10 hours ago, dustinmyeye said:


1040 hours

It does work both ways though. This is a forum, a place for talking, interaction and discussion. If you do not express what you think or pose questions, how are the rest of us going to be able to think about what you have said ? I will accept that, for some people, I do, in all probability, use flowery/difficult words, and I spend a lot of time choosing them. But then I have to look up Japanese words like Tsundere to know what you folks are talking about. You also have to remember that the subtitles are not being created by professionals and at times, I, as a native English speaker, am completely lost as to what they mean. Heaven knows how you folks cope. That is why I pose questions. Perhaps it is street slang and I am just too old to understand. Sometimes I find myself reading the subtitles and entering what I call French mode. I don't understand everything that is said to me (or I read) in French. Sometimes I have to go with the flow until I can catch up.

We all come from different backgrounds, have different life experiences. Some of youse are young enough to think that Justin Bieber is old school and some of us are old enough to have never heard of him in the first case :) (I have by the way - my neighbour plays him non-stop - if I never have to hear "Let me love you" again, I'll count it as a blessing).

I still consider myself an intruder here, because I arrived here over one particular series. I don't do Anime, am not in the slightest bit interested in K-Pop or the latest Korean idols and I am constantly looking up the Urban Dictionary to find out what some of youse are talking about. So I am learning.

Perhaps it is just me but I believe that you can use these forums to learn about life from those already old enough to have experienced it. That will only happen if people express their thoughts. You might be surprised as to how many people agree with you and if they do not then you might learn from them. They may have experienced a situation and be able to say - in real life I doubt that would happen. (Yes they would have used tongues - mentioning no names :)) You will be better armed for later years. Sometimes the prince gets eaten by the dragon long before he reaches the prince(ss).

As for your abilities in English - I have said before - I think that youse all do just fine. My only complaint : why do so many foreigners use gonna and wanna when writing ? Aaaaghhh ! Going to / Want to be...

And for those of you who think that I just sit down and type away. Reality check. This has been re-read a lot of times, punctuation corrected. I have needed to use a French dictionary twice because ideas came into my head (French kissing doesn't officially translate to the phrase I have learned from my neighbours) and the Oxford dictionary once to make sure that if you do look that word up it does mean what it needs to mean and not what I think it means. Are you not relying on me - a Brit - to get my own language correct ?

1138 hours, so almost an hour to compose and be happy with that. Until I push the button and scream at the screen - no, no, no that should have been a full-stop and a new sentence.

@dustinmyeye we are so alike.......Yet so different ............alike as in how meticulous we are when writing about something and be actually happy about it......and different as you really posses some great writing skills not to mention your extensive vocabulary while I on the other hand fumble my way with words no matter how hard i try lol xD Also I think its betta to let go somtimes ya know~ 

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