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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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2 hours ago, delightful said:

Okay! Finally, it's done! I only got to do a VERY quick re-watch of it so if there are some glitches that I didn't know about then sorry. There are two big things, well to me anyways... 1. My signature came out bigger than usual, we don't know why that is but Baw and I both didn't do anything different. So.. sorry about that if it's annoying. 2. The glitch/pause at 35:58, don't freak out and just keep watching, it'll be fine. Any questions let me know!

Please thank @baw74 for all of his patience in re-encoding over and over until we got it right. Will there be an episode where we don't have to run into any trouble? There's only 4 episodes left, let's hope we can do the next one smoothly. Thank you so much Baw!!!!

To the streaming sites, again, do NOT cut up the videos. Upload them in full. Thank you!!!!!!!! :heart:

SOTUS The Series EP.12 ENG SUB:  https://mega.nz/#!Ak1BFCxQ!6NMPXVovBt-D2oTTV4eqrO5nk6aQCDjNxvx1Z6BEDmM

Thankyou so much for your hard work! @delightful @baw74


I hope you keep share the translate novel :wub:

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12 minutes ago, delightful said:

You're welcome! Actually everyone here is all welcome, I just can't quote everyone. I'm sorry, I might get in trouble if I quoted everyone. I had to quote salz since I still haven't congratulated her/him for the LEGEND status! I'm sooo glad I'm not the only obsessed one here. :lol:

it a her lol :grimace:

thank you:wub: i guess im the 2nd person who get Legend status because of Sotus obsession lol

anyway yeah i actually never expected to get promoted to Legend ever bcos i have been member since 2007 lmao but always stay the same status for years hahaha i guess my obsession with Sotus is too obvious lmao

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Guest delightful
1 hour ago, Mio- said:


Thank you so much @baw74:wub:

@delightful look...

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Just for you!

Thank you! :wub: 

I love you... SO MUCH! 

Kim Jaejoong is going to be the death of me. I seriously love this guy to pieces. Believe it or not I am willing to leave everything I have here and go live with him if he ever tells me to go. I am willing to move into his house as a maid.. no, servant. He doesn't need to pay me, I will work for one meal a day. I will do everything and anything for him. This is me, Jaejoong! Tell me to do something and I will do it! My goal in life is still go to your fan meeting and hug you. I will whisper that my life is only for you. I love you to the moon and out of this galaxy! I will end my confession here, because this is not where I should write everything I feel for you. Just know that I love you soooooooo much. I'm happy to just know you're well. It's true love for me, I swear. You're number one and will always be!


25 minutes ago, tinyinhawaii said:

@delightful and @baw74 you guys are truly superstars. I greatly appreciate this so much. Now I can go on and talk about my new found appreciation for Aim! 


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Sooo am I the only one who was delighted that M told May that she didn't have to like him? Like for me that made me so happy that he didn't try to play the "friendzone" card. He just didn't want her to change and he said he was alright just supporting her and I just was like M!!! you are BAE for real! 

Besides that some parts of this ep tugged at my heart strings. Like obviously the part at the pink milk stand. And I felt the rejection to may on a personal level. But ugh such a good ep. 


Honestly, I agree with you about Aim's confession and reaction in this episode. I have to say that he and P'Nott were my favorite characters in this episode. How does a guy that's describe to be shy and socially awkward be so good with words? Like he wasn't intentionally trying to say those words to look cool, but he ended up saying all the right things to a girl that was just rejected. "I'm only a supporting character." When he said that I was so shocked! He even referred to May as the female lead, I think it just shows how highly he thinks of her. 

And yes, the 'you don't have to like me back' remark was perfect. I'm sure May felt a lot more at ease at that moment, knowing that he wasn't rushing her for an answer. 'Just don't change,' remember his talk with Kongpope? It shows how much Aim values friendship, that was the other reason he didn't confess besides knowing that May likes Kongpope. He didn't want his friendship with May to be in jeopardy. 

And May's answer was perfect for that situation. She was super nice to him. And she was honest and that's what I love about her. Telling him that she wasn't ready was the best thing. 


24 minutes ago, apeach said:

just watched ep 12 with eng sub and that part where may confessed to kong, @delightful's comment is sooo on point:

"Damn horoscope! These filler episodes aren't so bad."

hahahaha I'm soooo agree with that. and also, if anyone noticed, kong's last statement is also a 'trigger' for may to confess:

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also, the scene where m tries to console may is so cute. lol

I know!!! When he said that I was like.. NO! Kongpope, you're being too nice! I get that the guy is overly nice and caring when it comes to his friends, but darn! He never sensed that May liked him? I guess a person can't have it ALL, right? 

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Status: Downloading Episode 12...

Wait a quick question: If P' @delightful is The Golden Crown Princess of SOTUS Kingdom... and maybe P' @baw74 is her right hand?

and if P' @WeLoveSoompi is the ROOT of SOTUS Kingdom? and what about P' @salz she/he got also the Golden Title?

Suggestions anyone?!!!!

Laters my SOTUS FamBam!!! :heart:

PS: Is it only me that loving M in that episode? To be honest I really love his face... CUTIE!!! LOOL :phew::phew::phew:

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5 minutes ago, two5four3 said:

PS: Is it only me that loving M in that episode? To be honest I really love his face... CUTIE!!! LOOL

i love M lol since first ep actually but im bad fan since i don't mention his handsome gorgeous face&great personality as much as he deserve since Kongpope and Arthit took majority of my mind :dissapointed_relieved:

but he truly shine this ep12 from his talk to Kongpope and May he know the time to be good friend and also nice to confess without pressuring the girl it like extremely mature young people which kinda rare when i watch drama with really good main and supporting characters which no villain but everyone just being normal everyday people and dealing with problem in mature way..i like this drama and most of the characters so much :heart:

am i the only one think whenever M and Kong in one screen they just such amazing visual pleasure since both just too gorgeous for my poor eyes

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3 minutes ago, salz said:

i love M lol since first ep actually but im bad fan since i don't mention his handsome gorgeous face&great personality as much as he deserve since Kongpope and Arthit took majority of my mind :dissapointed_relieved:

but he truly shine this ep12 from his talk to Kongpope and May he know the time to be good friend and also nice to confess without pressuring the girl it like extremely mature young people which kinda rare when i watch drama with really good main and supporting characters which no villain but everyone just being normal everyday people and dealing with problem in mature way..i like this drama and most of the characters so much :heart:

am i the only one think whenever M and Kong in one screen they just such amazing visual pleasure since both just too gorgeous for my poor eyes

Let me correct myself by saying yes, I love M even in the 1st few episodes like you said... very shy, the under rated, the under dog, very slow to pick up, very childish, and paired up with Kongpope on that wonderful scene!!!! let me say it as a very STIMULATING VISUAL SATISFACTION!!! DIED!!!!

I guess I'll call you The Great P' @salz Title!!!!

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13 minutes ago, two5four3 said:

Let me correct myself by saying yes, I love M even in the 1st few episodes like you said... very shy, the under rated, the under dog, very slow to pick up, very childish, and paired up with Kongpope on that wonderful scene!!!! let me say it as a very STIMULATING VISUAL SATISFACTION!!! DIED!!!!

I guess I'll call you The Great P' @salz Title!!!!

lmao no no no nothing great about me..just usual normal member usually a lurker but maybe once obsessed with something just keep showing up my face at one place acting like at home lol

but hi5 for more love to M..i would be happy if he and Singto can work in another drama together they seem to get along well off screen and of course nice chemistry as bff in drama :wub:

don't remember if this posted before but love this pic..well i just love whenever they share a chair lol.yeah Krist your leg is sexy






p.s please don't quote the pic lol

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26 minutes ago, yokas said:


I downloaded file, trying to watch but still there is something wrong, like watching in slow motion, only subtitles are ok. Does enyone have the same problem or is it only in my file ? :scream:


 I didn't have any issues with the video.
I watched it with GOM player.

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Ok guys, like seriously I can't get over them! I just finished watching episode 12 and I couldn't help myself but be in awe.

I love them so much!! AHHH!

Thank you @delightful and @baw74 again for your time and support! You guys are the best!!!

Anyways, since Arthit didn't cry at the last scene while drinking that milk tea that's supposedly mixed with "tears", I will take his place as I cry in both sadness and excitement.

I'm sad that they can't share each other with the love they want to give yet, and that this series is almost near to its end.

But, I'm also so excited because I can't wait for the next episode and I want them to be together already so badly!!!

I think by next episode, once they start mingling again, I would be so pregnant by their happiness and love affections. 

I am so fanboying right now. Hahahaha Forgive me for my thoughts. lol

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39 minutes ago, alex_ana said:

 I didn't have any issues with the video.
I watched it with GOM player.

Problem solved :) , thanks. 

Arthit talking with Nott;  -

he doesn't know why Kong gave notes not by himself,

he doesn't have problem with Kong, 

there is junior that likes him,

he likes this junior, but he's confused,

and finally Nott saying about no need to be the reason...

Nobody says nothing, but everyone knows everything !   :wink:


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8 minutes ago, salz said:

lmao no no no nothing great about me..just usual normal member usually a lurker but maybe once obsessed with something just keep showing up my face at one place acting like at home lol

but hi5 for more love to M..i would be happy if he and Singto can work in another drama together they seem to get along well off screen and of course nice chemistry as bff in drama :wub:

Then I'll address you as The Obsessed Legendary P' @salz 

Well definitely I'll look forward to see Singto and New in a different project... maybe a Badboy Singto and his Cutie Nerdy BFF New!!! :wub:

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I finished watching ep. 12 and I catched with the new posts.

I know that some of you didn't like last episodes. They think that there are too much fillers, but i liked them.

We can't see the main characters' thoughts, thus we needed help from the supportive characters and it was made good enough.
I liked Shingto's playing. You can see his pain in his eyes, in his  gestures...
I saw Arthid's struggle.
I liked the interactions between May and M.

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11 minutes ago, two5four3 said:

Then I'll address you as The Obsessed Legendary P' @salz 

Well definitely I'll look forward to see Singto and New in a different project... maybe a Badboy Singto and his Cutie Nerdy BFF New!!! :wub:


but yessss to bad boy Singto preferably with current hairstyle lol

Cutie nerdy New would be cute..though i wonder how he gonna be as the perfect cool guy role as well

i can't wait to see Krist in Puppy Honey too i hope his character not gonna be annoying third party in main otp life lol

im also curious for Singto role in Uprince as well just happy to see him with August lol

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You know, I'm really beginning to see a weird correlation with people named Knott/Nott (or however we want to transliterate it). . . back in the Love Sick days I used to say that "N'Knott knows everything" because he always seemed to pop up in just the right place, at just the right time to see Phun and Noh having a moment, and always had these little off hand comments that said "Yeah, I totally know what's up with you two, just tell us already" . ..and now, yet again. ..we have N'Nott (I'm old[er], I can refer to him as Nong. ..lol) seeing things, knowing things, telling things. . . . . I mean seriously. . .

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Saw the subbed episode....

► I do feel bad for May, she seemed to really have high hopes that something would happe between her and Kong.... But I'm glad Em was there for her, that he confessed too and I also really liked her answer.... Em heard Kong saying that he liked someone, he was probably surprised, because he probably thought that he liked May

► Nott I love yyouuuu you're the best friend ever :) You know Arthit is lying and you made him confess that he may have feelings for Kong *O*

► I think there was a lack of Arthit in this episode.... 

► Please Arthit, give him your answer next week pleeease! Don't let us hanging another week --' @delightful the last scene from the teaser is right before he kisses him, right ? Omg I already said it but amma say it again: IF THEY CUT THERE AND PUT THE KISS AT THE BEGINNING OF EPISODE 14 I'M GONNA KILL A BETCH!!

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Just now, delightful said:

Okay! Finally, it's done! I only got to do a VERY quick re-watch of it so if there are some glitches that I didn't know about then sorry. There are two big things, well to me anyways... 1. My signature came out bigger than usual, we don't know why that is but Baw and I both didn't do anything different. So.. sorry about that if it's annoying. 2. The glitch/pause at 35:58, don't freak out and just keep watching, it'll be fine. Any questions let me know!

Please thank @baw74 for all of his patience in re-encoding over and over until we got it right. Will there be an episode where we don't have to run into any trouble? There's only 4 episodes left, let's hope we can do the next one smoothly. Thank you so much Baw!!!!

To the streaming sites, again, do NOT cut up the videos. Upload them in full. Thank you!!!!!!!! :heart:

SOTUS The Series EP.12 ENG SUB:  https://mega.nz/#!Ak1BFCxQ!6NMPXVovBt-D2oTTV4eqrO5nk6aQCDjNxvx1Z6BEDmM

thanks for your hard work P' @delightful and @baw74


Hasil gambar untuk sotusGambar terkait


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14 hours ago, gogole mongol said:

Certainly the world longer phrase i have read in my life, without any comma and point (as an open phrase?). Congratulations!:crazy:

For the text, I'm not far to think as you!

lol sorry for the super long text reading with one breath you have to read

i guess my sleep deprived self just wanna type and finish fast while too lazy to include any comma or . lol

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