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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2016] Love O2O 微微一笑很倾城


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Now Apple AppStore has the game for iphone and the characters there has one that looks like YY.

Can't believe that the drama is ending soon...

Still could not get enough of the sweetness of XN and WW OTP. They are too loving and the type of trust that they have for each other.

Love the fact that XN does not force his opinion on WW and he respected her. And that they have so much chemistry even though I wish that WW is more responsive towards all the kissing scene and being more proactive in responding to the kisses. But I could see that it is getting better in all the kisses that followed and she is more relaxed in XN's present now.

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Looking back on some cute scenes:

Episode 3



The look of a man SMITTEN.. *swo0on* When I saw this reaction of XN seeing WW again since the internet cafe, I knew - JUST KNEW - I was gonna go crazy over this guy. Such a telling reaction right here. And when Yu Gong was talking to him, well, dude can't keep his eyes off her. Can't say I blame him. 



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Streaming in a few minutes, everybody! :blush:

Some more throwback from Episode 5 



That fierce 'you're dead' look Da Shen has when he found out CG likes his Furen... :wub:



When Da Shen started acting on his stalker admirer tendencies.. That small smile he showed when Furen peeked at him: So. Cute. And this part gave him an idea that WW is not a bimbo, and is actually a diligent student. Smitten mode: level up! :heart:


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Today's episode's delaying a bit. The G-20 Summit is worthy news :)

 @wishingand @IMOmusings are ready?

Nooo, @IMOmusings say it ain't so :dissapointed_relieved: YESSS, you heard my humble prayers :)

Here we go

Episode START


Starts from where we left off last episode with XN calling a meeting, presumably to deal with the leak?

LOL MZT, looking at your spouse through the window

Aww, everyone's wiped out from working so hard

WW looks like she's taken on the role of Mother to XN's kids

Urgh, River's back on my screen.

MYR just made it worse by appearing too

What does this snake of a brat want with EX? I guess we're about to scene the EX-WW tagteam against MYR-the other girl's whose name I never learned.

I wonder what she told EX? EX seems quite contemplative...

CG, are you becoming smarter? Using the cat to lure EX back.

Finally, these 2 idiots are having a conversation. I hope they iron things out. They're pretty cute together when they aren't causing problems for others.

XN's wife just fell asleep, and XN in his capacity as husband intercepted a call from wifey's BFF.

So domestic. He's leaving her a note...

Did you really have to stick it on her face, XN, huh?

Aww, she's so excited about meeting EX.

They met. So cute. These two are #friendship goals for real. I think I'm a little bit in love with their friendship :)

They're having a heartfelt conversation, which I hope means they iron out any and all misunderstandings.

XN seems pretty close with KO. Let's face it, amongst the people around him at work, KO's more his level than the cute brothers-in law

MZT, stop eavesdropping on your 3rd bro's conversation with your 3rd sis-in-law

EX's meeting the Spoiled Brats, like we saw in the preview video. She and WW have a plan

EX, is the plan to eat on their dime? Good plan :)





Whut? Ended when WW met up with EX and the Brats.

There isn't another episode today, right?

Preview: the shitty spy did something to the presentation so XN and them can't access their presentation. I'm guessing it's so River's company will go first and present the stolen idea ahead of XN. I'm 100% sure XN knew something like this would happen and has even done something so they would know who the spy is.



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I'll not be doing a live re-cap today...as I feel that I would not survive having to sit through the entire episode xD I'll wait for the uploads in about 1.5hrs

I TAKE IT BACK, i just remembered Rain gets schooled today xD

T_T my sister is taking too much of the bandwidth so I can't steam *sigh* LOL

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8 minutes ago, IMOmusings said:

guess I'll go watch some anime in the mean time~

we're relying on you today @millie10468 ^.^

I'm really not worthy :bawling:

3 minutes ago, wishing said:

Yes, @millie10468~ up to u tonight! @IMOmusings and I will be chilling"...

Will go watch the Italian Grand Prix in the meantime! Jiayou! :wub:


Not you too...

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Soooo that spy hasn't acted on his conscience huh? What a wus$!! U don't go around looking all guilty but don't do a blo0dy thing about it! Who's gonna benefit from that p!ss poor face u sport around? Ugh~~ how ungrateful of him!

*breathe in , out*

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lol from ep 25:

"Are you really going to let me use your room(/house)?"
"I don't have faith in my self control. It's a good thing I can still move back to my parent's house other wise I could only go sleep at the office."


"Are you trying to get rid of me?"
"No, I'm just worried that my walking back and forth will bother you."
"Then why don't you bring your laptop and sit with me."

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Live streaming from my side is always terrible so I never bother to try anymore. Will wait patiently till raw is out. Hope there is lots of interaction between XN and WW.

Could not get enough of them as for CG and EX, hope they cut it shorter. What will XN do now he knows that he has another rival in love (River)?


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Alrighty~ time to see how crazy this episode makes me

My advice....don't eat or drink for the last half of this episode...



ooft spy spy knows something is up~~~~

=.=" I smell the work of a rat...

LOL Mei Ren is jeaalllouuussss~~~~~~~

oooohhhhhhhh XN knows....he knowwwsssss~~~

PPPWWWAHHAHAHAHA Yu Gong always gets caught badmouthing Da Shen

oh lord AHAHAHAHAHAH "just like you wanted, i'll start living at the office"

O_O woah...busy busy bees....

LOL WAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAH how does K.O not feel awkward....

GODDAM Hao Mei is freaking creeper O_O

LOL "They're looking down on my IQ and won't let me work with them"

more like they know you'll cause more trouble than you're worth with both you AND K.O around xD

awwwww poor child needed a pep-talk from his momma xD

I just want to pat those poor boys on the head T_T

ROFLMAO K.O got the blankets meant for XN xD

XN = the strict and work oriented dad, WW = the caring, loving mother xD

ROFLMAO PWHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA you literally gave her all your savings xD


wow the aired episode had so many weird cuts O_O

=.=" Rain....MYR...

how is Na Na so stupid...


finally you see the truth *sings* "I see the light~~~~"

*face palm*

o.o this is like a massive slap in the face to CG...but I guess....at least the truth is set free~~~~~~~like a butterfly~~~~~~~


*splutters* "Sleeping? WITH YOU?!?!? =X No No what I meant is..."





ehgheheheeheheh father and son-in-law get along so well :phew:

"What do you think my place is that you can come and go as you please."


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13 minutes ago, IMOmusings said:

Alrighty~ time to see how crazy this episode makes me

My advice....don't eat or drink for the last half of this episode...


  Hide contents

ooft spy spy knows something is up~~~~

=.=" I smell the work of a rat...

LOL Mei Ren is jeaalllouuussss~~~~~~~

oooohhhhhhhh XN knows....he knowwwsssss~~~

PPPWWWAHHAHAHAHA Yu Gong always gets caught badmouthing Da Shen

oh lord AHAHAHAHAHAH "just like you wanted, i'll start living at the office"

O_O woah...busy busy bees....

LOL WAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAH how does K.O not feel awkward....

GODDAM Hao Mei is freaking creeper O_O

LOL "They're looking down on my IQ and won't let me work with them"

more like they know you'll cause more trouble than you're worth with both you AND K.O around xD

awwwww poor child needed a pep-talk from his momma xD

I just want to pat those poor boys on the head T_T

ROFLMAO K.O got the blankets meant for XN xD

XN = the strict and work oriented dad, WW = the caring, loving mother xD

ROFLMAO PWHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA you literally gave her all your savings xD


wow the aired episode had so many weird cuts O_O

=.=" Rain....MYR...

how is Na Na so stupid...


finally you see the truth *sings* "I see the light~~~~"

*face palm*

o.o this is like a massive slap in the face to CG...but I guess....at least the truth is set free~~~~~~~like a butterfly~~~~~~~


*splutters* "Sleeping? WITH YOU?!?!? =X No No what I meant is..."





ehgheheheeheheh father and son-in-law get along so well :phew:

"What do you think my place is that you can come and go as you please."



You are making me want to watch the raw now.

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