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2 minutes ago, gashupingo said:

JY's careful/careful/gentlemanly hand, remind me again how many times have we seen this? ahaha :lol:

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Now give me reasons why there are people hating on JY and ZZ. Their personality is so good that I aimed to be like them, I respected them so much. Look at that manner hand and gaze, there should be no reasons to hate on this furball. Claims on ZZ being a terrible rebellious teenager baffles me off. He stayed till the end of the show without being on his phone and kept his posture straight. Their acceptance speech was well-said. I am so proud of them and I really love these two young men ;-;

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25 minutes ago, yuzhoulover said:

They both have now different works and also lives in different cities  but when we them like today it was our best hope and chance to see them together!!!

And why are they not following each other on instagram?

And i hate how jingyu came from dinner and zhouzhou left then for dinner while staying in the same hotel!!!its like they don't(or aren't allowed)to be out at the same time!!!

Film productions can be flexible despite their banning rules, it's a form of art. Addicted is banned not only because of its BL theme, it's named after a drug (Heroin) and the novel mentioned their government's corruption and such, so there are many factors that lead to the ban. 

About the rest:


JY is known to keep himself updated with ZZ's news. He can do so even without following ZZ on instagram. ZZ doesn't even update his account as of now, JY probably will follow him after he posted few updates.

Probably JY was too tired that he left the show early and went out to dinner first without waiting for ZZ, it's so evident that JY overworked himself these days. And the award show went for like 5 hours or so, it's very tiring to sit there and do nothing. I see no problem in this. Also, they could meet each other after ZZ finished his dinner, they're not obliged to publicize their meeting to us.

Edit: We tend to forget the real reason Addicted got banned, so just gonna say it once again. It's not because China ia 'homophobic', the novel itself contains many controversional points that contributed to the ban, which is why the best way to have Season 2 is by CJD changing the script while not changing the story overall.

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29 minutes ago, yuzhoulover said:

I have been 24hours on this page !!! I have big exams on monday but i still couldt learn anything because all i could think about was yuzhou and today i didnt see them together!!

And one thing i dont undertand 


And addicted is banned????

And now yuzhou are staying in the same city in the same hotel in the same show and we didn't see them together!!

They got fame because of the show and because people love to see them together !!!! They know we love their relationship but why are they doing this to us!#@

They both have now different works and also lives in different cities and to see them like today it was our best hope and chance to see them together!!!

And why are they not following each other on instagram?

And i hate how jingyu came from dinner and zhouzhou left then for dinner while staying in the same hotel!!!its like they don't(or aren't allowed)to be out at the same time!!!



There's nothing to stop gay shows being made. The problem comes when you want to broadcast them to the public either on TV or on streaming web sites. That's when they have to pass the scrutiny of the SAPPRFT.

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19 minutes ago, kmmyzz said:

Film productions can be flexible despite their banning rules, it's a form of art. Addicted is banned not ony because of its BL theme, it's named after a drug (Heroin) and the novel mentioned their government's corruption and such, so there are many factors that lead to the ban. 

About the rest:

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JY is known to keep himself updated with ZZ's news. He can do so even without following ZZ on instagram. ZZ doesn't even update his account as of now, JY probably will follow him after he posted few updates.

Probably JY was too tired that he left the show early and went out to dinner first without waiting for ZZ, it's so evident that JY overworked himself these days. And the award show went for like 5 hours or so, it's very tiring to sit there and do nothing. I see no problem in this. Also, they could meet each other after ZZ finished his dinner, they're not obliged to publicize their meeting to us.


But why didn't they say hiii to each other?????

It doesn't matter if it was before/while or after the show!!! It was a big day for them both and for us too to see them getting their awards but they could't even let us see them greeting !!!

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1 hour ago, gayyoxx said:

01:00 and I couldn't sleep yet :huh:

On to my delulu mind:

If you guys remember my periodisation of JY-ZZ's relationship, I think that we are entering a new Age here: Age of Public Separation.

Recap for the previous Ages:

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- at first period or the Age of Discovery (promoting Addicted until the fan meeting)

JY-ZZ could act as they wished, the more they expressed the deep bond between them, the better because BL fans would interpret that as sexual tensions. That is why we see them were very touchy-feely even used suggestive remarks, like ZZ said "Guess?" when the interviewer at NetEase asked about his sexuality. It was the period when their personal relationship and fan service are mixed, no clear distinction between GH/BLY and JY/ZZ. The bond was there but they did not feel the need to understand it.

- at second period or the Age of Silence (after the fan meeting until France Excellence party)

Because of the uncertainty and hostile environment, I think, they were actively trying to suppress any meaningful interactions between them. They were trying to put any attractions between them to GH/BLY and discard these as their past. They tried to "move on" from the bond.

I personally saw JY was closing himself more than ZZ was. Interestingly, at this period, JY was visibly looked very stressed to the point of losing weight, having constant glum expression, etc. ZZ? He sang Ten Years. That was the expression of his stress, in my opinion. If you take a look, the song's lyrics really reflect their circumstances: they had been strangers, then grew close, then the reason for their closeness (Addicted) was gone. ZZ, you broke my heart by singing that song!

- at third period or the Age of Revival (France Excellence party until Chinese White Day)

Anyway, the separation as in Ten Years did not happen. Instead, JY-ZZ were actively working together in various projects. Of course, none were requiring them to be as sexual as in Addicted but in my opinion, this is where their intimacy shine!

Considering the circumstances in China, the safest bet for JY and ZZ at most is to portray themselves as friends. More than that is suicide. They did try (are still trying?) to do that but at times, we saw bursts of (subconscious) gestures of affections from both of them. These gestures of affections were less frequent than during the first period and maybe less sexual (no suggestive/ambiguous remark) but for me, as intimate as ever. We have discussed these gestures here, starting from how they look at each other, how their spines curved inward, how they leaned to each other, shoulders brushing each other, etc.

Because they knew that they were not playing GH/BLY, they realised that (at least, a part) of the bond which they had attributed to GH/BLY is in fact belong to JY/ZZ. They tried to understand this, to work it out somehow.

- at fourth period or the Age of Romance (Chinese White Day until rumour of second ban)

Before, at 13 March, during Madame Figaro's interview, JY stated that he wanted to go home. The day after, 14 March, ZZ sent a White Day message saying "I am ready, bring me home." After that, there were subtle changes in how JY interact with ZZ. He liked a fan made romantic MV, he posted a bent pipe photo to ZZ's weibo. He also openly stated that he listened to ZZ's Moonlight released at 21 March. The most revealing is, the flirting gesture caught in fan camera during Happy Camp. Fan account on RFT2 also stated that they were extremely close to one another, even always together despite on different team.

At this stage, I believe that they had come into terms with their bond and accepted as part of their lives. Romance or platonic (I am leaning heavily toward romance), spoken or not (I believe spoken), they know that they are an item now, bound together by whatever magical connection that they felt months ago. This brought them comfort.

To be honest, I was expecting this Age to last longer, at least until Thailand fans meeting, giving us lots and lots of sweets lasting for months. After Thailand FM, I was suspecting that we are going to enter a period of separation because of schedule (JY on Amazing Race, ZZ promoting album and doing movie). Well, Fate threw that prediction right on my face.


So, now we are entering the Age of Public Separation:

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As @liesl had said, somehow this week's event (starting from rumour of second ban to tonight's award's setting) is geared toward separating JY and ZZ's public appearance completely and putting them together might become a taboo. I am still hoping for HC, RFT2 and more collaborative projects between them but to be honest, I expect there will be none. Nil. Zip. Even HC and RFT2 might be pulled out completely, making these episodes as mythical as the beach scenes from season 1. We know they are exist but we do not have the means to access them (unless someone is kind enough to leak that for us, and turned them into our holy relic).

This is very much different than the previous two Ages, where starting from Men's UNO, media raced to use them together. Maybe, Thailand fanmeeting will be the last occurrence when we can see them together.

What intrigued me the most is: who push for this new Age and why? My guess is: the established entertainment industry patriarchs/moguls/what have you. They do this to control the influence of JY and ZZ, or even if they could not control it properly, tone it down to more manageable level. They also seek to put JY and ZZ into the established framework, with rules and regulations familiar to and written by the patriarchs/moguls. So, instead of a pair of wild, uncontrollable young men with cult-like power, now they have two aspiring new comers. MAYBE still hard to control but at least easier to understand. From understanding, you gain some measures for control.

I am not saying this as good or bad for JY and ZZ, because every coins have two sides. It is entirely up to them on how to spend these "coins of acceptance" that they have gained on the award (with the cost that they have to pay is: together in public is big no). One thing for sure, the rule is changing and perhaps no more sweets for us, shippers.

Now, there was previous Age of Silence when there was no public display of affections between JY-ZZ but I believe this Age is different because now, JY and ZZ are already feeling secure with their bond. They already accepted it, they are comfortable with it and this taboo nonsense is just a weird way of fan service (yes, servicing the top ranks in entertainment business plus servicing the anti-CP fans. Poor us CP-fans being left alone). This is nothing more than them playing giant hide and seek with the public; but they play the game together and maybe they even enjoying it (extra adrenaline rush!).

When will this Age end? I do not know! But I surely hope that it won't last long (long as in one or two weeks, LOL)! Not because of the boys, remember that they are comfortable with their bond at this moment, but because of my selfish desire: I want sweets God darn it! Or maybe, we (I) can find another coping mechanism.



Interesting. You've made a lot points that i've never thought about. I'll need give that some thought later.:)

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1 minute ago, yuzhoulover said:

But why didn't they say hiii to each other?????

It doesn't matter if it was before/while or after the show!!! It was a big day for them both and for us too to see them getting their awards but they could't even let us see them greeting !!!

They probably did it off camera. Like I said, they can choose not to publicize every interaction to us. JY also went missing when ZZ performed and received the award, he could be at the backstage to congratulate him or anything

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42 minutes ago, liesl said:



It would be more believable for me, had QingYu the CP who won the award. But that doctor couple in CA... what? It's like a side couple just like YQ and YM. How could they even beat YuZhou (and beat QingYu as well apparently)? The poll is just suspicious and weird for me.

Will fans surround the side couple from CA in the airport when they're there? Will they surround them just like they surround YuZhou or maybe crazier since they're apparently more popular than YuZhou now?


Really!!!! They actually won!!!! But they were not a couple in CA. At least not that i saw. 

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1 hour ago, liesl said:


Heh... Obama and his Nobel Prize. I could argue and discuss about this for long but let's not talk about politic.

I would think that Zhouzhou and Johnny are welcomed to get individual awards as newcomers. But as CP is a whole different matter.

If the Chinese show-business support them then why are they seated far apart from each other? It's far more simpler matter than the award. Is this a recognition? No, it's not. They could acknowledge ZZ's and Johnny's popularity (separately) from Addicted but that doesn't mean that they support them and their popularity as CP. They probably see it as an abomination to see a "gay" CP being so popular and loved by the public. Popular enough to create a wave in the industry.

No obstacle for season 2? Well... let's just say that the recognition for their popularity couldn't and wouldn't solve all problems and obstacles that are coming for filming the season 2 and for the season 2 itself.

If they were deliberately seated apart then that's down to the organizers who were Enlight. The big question is why. One of the reasons might be they don't want to stir the interest of the SAPPRFT. Even a big show like the awards comes under the eyes of the regulators. In fact, it's very normal for members of the SAPPRFT to actually be at the awards ceremony. 

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Huang Jingyu wins the Media Award for Best New Idol in China.

Johnny we're all so proud of your achievements. 


Jingyu and his partner in crime, Xu Weizhou will also appear on Happy Camp this April 16, 2016! Stay tuned for these kings' upcoming slayages!
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2 hours ago, gayyoxx said:


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- at first period or the Age of Discovery (promoting Addicted until the fan meeting)

JY-ZZ could act as they wished, the more they expressed the deep bond between them, the better because BL fans would interpret that as sexual tensions. That is why we see them were very touchy-feely even used suggestive remarks, like ZZ said "Guess?" when the interviewer at NetEase asked about his sexuality. It was the period when their personal relationship and fan service are mixed, no clear distinction between GH/BLY and JY/ZZ. The bond was there but they did not feel the need to understand it.

- at second period or the Age of Silence (after the fan meeting until France Excellence party)

Because of the uncertainty and hostile environment, I think, they were actively trying to suppress any meaningful interactions between them. They were trying to put any attractions between them to GH/BLY and discard these as their past. They tried to "move on" from the bond.

I personally saw JY was closing himself more than ZZ was. Interestingly, at this period, JY was visibly looked very stressed to the point of losing weight, having constant glum expression, etc. ZZ? He sang Ten Years. That was the expression of his stress, in my opinion. If you take a look, the song's lyrics really reflect their circumstances: they had been strangers, then grew close, then the reason for their closeness (Addicted) was gone. ZZ, you broke my heart by singing that song!

- at third period or the Age of Revival (France Excellence party until Chinese White Day)

Anyway, the separation as in Ten Years did not happen. Instead, JY-ZZ were actively working together in various projects. Of course, none were requiring them to be as sexual as in Addicted but in my opinion, this is where their intimacy shine!

Considering the circumstances in China, the safest bet for JY and ZZ at most is to portray themselves as friends. More than that is suicide. They did try (are still trying?) to do that but at times, we saw bursts of (subconscious) gestures of affections from both of them. These gestures of affections were less frequent than during the first period and maybe less sexual (no suggestive/ambiguous remark) but for me, as intimate as ever. We have discussed these gestures here, starting from how they look at each other, how their spines curved inward, how they leaned to each other, shoulders brushing each other, etc.

Because they knew that they were not playing GH/BLY, they realised that (at least, a part) of the bond which they had attributed to GH/BLY is in fact belong to JY/ZZ. They tried to understand this, to work it out somehow.

- at fourth period or the Age of Romance (Chinese White Day until rumour of second ban)

Before, at 13 March, during Madame Figaro's interview, JY stated that he wanted to go home. The day after, 14 March, ZZ sent a White Day message saying "I am ready, bring me home." After that, there were subtle changes in how JY interact with ZZ. He liked a fan made romantic MV, he posted a bent pipe photo to ZZ's weibo. He also openly stated that he listened to ZZ's Moonlight released at 21 March. The most revealing is, the flirting gesture caught in fan camera during Happy Camp. Fan account on RFT2 also stated that they were extremely close to one another, even always together despite on different team.

At this stage, I believe that they had come into terms with their bond and accepted as part of their lives. Romance or platonic (I am leaning heavily toward romance), spoken or not (I believe spoken), they know that they are an item now, bound together by whatever magical connection that they felt months ago. This brought them comfort.

To be honest, I was expecting this Age to last longer, at least until Thailand fans meeting, giving us lots and lots of sweets lasting for months. After Thailand FM, I was suspecting that we are going to enter a period of separation because of schedule (JY on Amazing Race, ZZ promoting album and doing movie). Well, Fate threw that prediction right on my face.


So, now we are entering the Age of Public Separation:

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As @liesl had said, somehow this week's event (starting from rumour of second ban to tonight's award's setting) is geared toward separating JY and ZZ's public appearance completely and putting them together might become a taboo. I am still hoping for HC, RFT2 and more collaborative projects between them but to be honest, I expect there will be none. Nil. Zip. Even HC and RFT2 might be pulled out completely, making these episodes as mythical as the beach scenes from season 1. We know they are exist but we do not have the means to access them (unless someone is kind enough to leak that for us, and turned them into our holy relic).

This is very much different than the previous two Ages, where starting from Men's UNO, media raced to use them together. Maybe, Thailand fanmeeting will be the last occurrence when we can see them together.

What intrigued me the most is: who push for this new Age and why? My guess is: the established entertainment industry patriarchs/moguls/what have you. They do this to control the influence of JY and ZZ, or even if they could not control it properly, tone it down to more manageable level. They also seek to put JY and ZZ into the established framework, with rules and regulations familiar to and written by the patriarchs/moguls. So, instead of a pair of wild, uncontrollable young men with cult-like power, now they have two aspiring new comers. MAYBE still hard to control but at least easier to understand. From understanding, you gain some measures for control.

I am not saying this as good or bad for JY and ZZ, because every coins have two sides. It is entirely up to them on how to spend these "coins of acceptance" that they have gained on the award (with the cost that they have to pay is: together in public is big no). One thing for sure, the rule is changing and perhaps no more sweets for us, shippers.

Now, there was previous Age of Silence when there was no public display of affections between JY-ZZ but I believe this Age is different because now, JY and ZZ are already feeling secure with their bond. They already accepted it, they are comfortable with it and this taboo nonsense is just a weird way of fan service (yes, servicing the top ranks in entertainment business plus servicing the anti-CP fans. Poor us CP-fans being left alone). This is nothing more than them playing giant hide and seek with the public; but they play the game together and maybe they even enjoying it (extra adrenaline rush!).

When will this Age end? I do not know! But I surely hope that it won't last long (long as in one or two weeks, LOL)! Not because of the boys, remember that they are comfortable with their bond at this moment, but because of my selfish desire: I want sweets God darn it! Or maybe, we (I) can find another coping mechanism.




Many good points here and I agree with your insight! 

In addition, I also think both the boys agree (reluctantly or otherwise we would never know) to tone down their CP focus and keep a relative public distance from one another. They could very well have said f*k it, we don't care and went ahead with all sorts of PDA and social media postings and rantings (many celebrities complain and rant about their private affairs online anyways) but so far, they seem cooperative towards this "trend" to be more low profile as a pair. Why? I think they care about their careers and want to go far in the industry. Friendship, relationships etc don't have to be shown to the public and that wouldn't change anything between them. Looking at it this way, it is not a sacrifice at all. Shining as successful individuals would only make them even more powerful as a couple in future when they collaborate again.

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4 minutes ago, kmmyzz said:

They probably did it off camera. Like I said, they can choose not to publicize every interaction to us. JY also went missing when ZZ performed and received the award, he could be at the backstage to congratulate him or anything

This hurts to hear as i am a couple fan

1)they live in diffrent cities 

2)the have diffrent works/dreams that they want to achiev

3)as you said they may be greeting when the camera is of

You don't get my point i am not expecting to see every interaction of them !! So what you are saying is that even though they have their separate ways we should accept the fact that we may see them in any shows and its okeii if they act as strangers?

Pls tell me if they got so far by been seeing together why cant they be together on this big day??????? 






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5 minutes ago, purpleedamame said:


Many good points here and I agree with your insight! 

In addition, I also think both the boys agree (reluctantly or otherwise we would never know) to tone down their CP focus and keep a relative public distance from one another. They could very well have said f*k it, we don't care and went ahead with all sorts of PDA and social media postings and rantings (many celebrities complain and rant about their private affairs online anyways) but so far, they seem cooperative towards this "trend" to be more low profile as a pair. Why? I think they care about their careers and want to go far in the industry. Friendship, relationships etc don't have to be shown to the public and that wouldn't change anything between them. Looking at it this way, it is not a sacrifice at all. Shining as successful individuals would only make them even more powerful as a couple in future when they collaborate again.

True. They're newbies so they have to put a lot more effort into getting their careers off the ground. Once they become established then they can start to do some things that they want to do without any constraints. 

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4 minutes ago, yuzhoulover said:

This hurts to hear as i am a couple fan

1)they live in diffrent cities 

2)the have diffrent works/dreams that they want to achiev

3)as you said they may be greeting when the camera is of

You don't get my point i am not expecting to see every interaction of them !! So what you are saying is that even though they have their separate ways we should accept the fact that we may see them in any shows and its okeii if they act as strangers?

Pls tell me if they got so far by been seeing together why cant they be together on this big day?????

You don't get my point either. How do you know they act as strangers? You don't see them interacting on camera and you assumed they don't talk and act like strangers? Probably the seats were divided into the ones performing and the ones who don't. JY sat with actors and others who came to receive awards only, while ZZ mostly sat with artists who performed on the show.

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Waiting for analysers cuz I'm too busy to join


Cr: 许魏洲你真好看

ZZ gif spam



Oh, his habit of rubbing chin


Don't expect yesterday event's  gif and pic spam from me, I'm like


and too



Whatever confusion/diversion I find after getting back on this thread, I'll try to be chilled cuz the only richard simmons I give is to the toilet. And I'll be watching FMVs and surfing Weibo and scrutinizing other stuffs to calm myself. I know, I sometimes struggle with my patience. So don't be surprised if I just hit likes and reply none or barely post'spam.


Good news, I just adopt a 2 year old and a 3



Yah, *adopted* tbh they're like my sons tho lol

I was like, "son, why so skinny?" "Son, feed your wifey." "Son, it's your turn to the stage, mama trust in you.' LOL






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4 minutes ago, kmmyzz said:

You don't get my point either. How do you know they act as strangers? You don't see them interacting on camera and you assumed they don't talk and act like strangers? Probably the seats were divided into the ones performing and the ones who don't. JY sat with actors and others who came to receive awards only, while ZZ mostly sat with artists who performed on the show.

Okeii 1)they didn't greet each other (lets say they may have of camera)

2)they didn't metion each other while getting award

3)at the end of the show zz was showing respect and stayed till the end but he looked very lonely 

4)lets  say yingyu was tired and left alone/ come on even if he was tired he could have waited for zz!!!

5)jingyu came from dinner and then zz went to dinner

Lets say everything is fine between them but if the act like this it only means they dont want fans to see them together and they knoow many fans of them want to see them together!

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