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[Drama 2016] Yeah, That's How It Is 그래, 그런거야 | 对,就是那样 | SBS @8.45pm KST


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Finally managed to catch up till ep 10. Loving this drama :) 

Btw, I'm fuming mad at soompi now:angry:...this morning, I'd typed in my thots and hit 'submit' but nothing showed here! My 'thots' were swallowed up whole! This is not the first! It happens some of the times and every time it does, it irks me. This new soompi platform is wobbly still. I wish soompi will 'toughen up' quickly, and also bring back the function of auto-save draft. Arrgh!:angry:

Now that I've calmed down, once again with my random thots....



I'm conflicted about grandpa Jong Chul. I understand seniority in an asian setting is very important and somehow, the menfolk still command respect. Not that they all deserve respect, but by seniority, they just do. I've no problem with this aspect and have lived with it myself ever since I was born. Even though am an East-West entity, the asian/chinese still looms large. My point about grandpa is...he's being curt and unkind to Sook Ja, his wife. I dislike his womanizing ways, and oogling ways with sweet younger things. I don't know why he'd go to noraebang often, despite it making wifey unhappy. I understand he prob should enjoy his life while he can, now that he can (afford), but does he have to rub it in grandma's face about sweet younger things? Grandma is resigned to the fact, and actually still loves and takes care of grandpa.The other members of the family just goes with the flow. Whatever grandpa says, it is the law. I was not at all surprised, in fact I'd suspected for some time, when grandma and sis Sook Kyung had their convo, and we were revealed how grandpa once had an affair in his younger days, was chased out of the home for a month, and finally let back in after begging Sook Ja for forgiveness, and promising he'll change his womanizing ways. At this rate of 'change' or 'no change',  I think writernim has a future development where one of those sweet younger things will cling onto grandpa, and be successful in causing mayhem. Poor grandma :( Yet this is so so so reflective of life. Btw, this situation is not peculiar to just an asian family. It exists in other family settings too, but not as pronounced, or not as tolerated. 

I love the Yoo siblings going to the movies together, and bonding. Though it was due to Se Joon's non-conformist 'dream' - to travel the world and blog about his travel, and start a travel agency - it was still good for the siblings to be concerned about each other, and each other's life. Btw, this(travelling/backpacking) has been quite a trend, and I can somewhat see the motivation for Se Joon. I don't think it is a bad move. But the best scenario would be travelling for reasons of a job, be it a temporary stint or a relocation. Travelling opens one's eyes and is an education in itself that cannot be learned from any classroom, or any advisory or familial setting.

Back to Se Joon. Seeing how weak Se Joon is does cause a problem for his 'travelling' dream. On this, I can understand Hye Kyung's worries, and hence her objection. I can also understand her need to see Se Joon prosper (which parent/mom does not hope their kid (lit.) to become a dragon 望子成龍  wàngzǐchénglóng - fig. to long for one' s child to succeed in life?) and basically, live a regular life - be a salaried-employee, date, marry, have kids, bond with family. I'm curious to see how this plot will develop, who will cave in or what will happen to cause a change in direction.

Se Hee, my heart aches for her. She knew Hyun Woo was such a man - who's not warm, not affectionate, likes her but not so much as love her - but she married him cos she loves him. Now, with the baby issue, it's sad for her to want a baby not because of love and motherhood, but because she needs the warmth and love that binds or will bind them? But will a baby help rather than hurt their union? I feel like the latter will happen, if they get to the baby stage. Something is really wrong with this marriage, and not just on this baby issue, but finance and trust as well. Can't wait to see what will happen.

I'm beginning to like So Hee more. It's sad how she's been missing her ex-doc-colleague crush who has gotten married to another gal.  It seems he married a rich gal? I'm so curious to see who So Hee will be paired up with. But somehow I don't think it will be Se Hyun. Se Hyun I think likes and pities Yoo Ri more than loves her, and his agreement to push ahead with the wedding was a knee-jerk reaction after seeing pitiful Yoo Ri who tried to flee from her mom, even leaving a 'suicidal final letter', because of him. In fact, I don't think the wedding will take place. Yoo Ri's mom will be their biggest obstacle.

I love the sisterly-and-bosom interaction between So Hee and Ji Sun. (in fact the 3 gals - Se Hee, So Hee and Ji Sun - are pretty close. They seem to confide in each other, know each other well and will rally behind each other). From their convo, it seems Ji Sun was showered with much love from her late hubby, and she somehow blames herself for his early death cos she 'felt tired' of his affection and so is being punished for that? (Did I get this right?). That's sad. Is that why she's still hung up on late hubby, after 5 years? Also why she hung on with FIL? kinda an appeasement to herself, not just in taking FIL as a father-figure she'd been missing in her life?

Though Ji Sun and Na Young are bio sisters, they don't seem close. Age difference? Though I don't find their age difference that wide. Or perhaps we haven't seen enough. About Ji Sun and Tae Hee. OMG, what kind of mom is Tae Hee? I'm scratching my head. I think Ji Sun has seen certain things in her childhood and knows more than she was willing to tell Na Young when asked. I think what Ji Sun knew or have seen in her childhood, was prob what made her mad at mom, and unable to trust, let alone be affectionate, to mom. I'm curious to see what caused the bad blood between this mom-dd pair. Also, I must have missed something, why did Ji Sun and Na Young end up in their uncle's family register? What happened to their dad? Are they really bio sisters? Are they really Tae Hee's bio kids?  

The scene where Na Young met a PD and writer, I wonder if that's anywhere near the truth in the industry. I thought that writer was rather harsh to an aspiring actress. Do they really have that much power in deciding the cast? 

LOL the speedy travel of 'gossip', I agree it's pretty fast and quite reflective of life in a close family like theirs. Somehow, I'm not sure if the gossips are as a result of care and concern, or just being nosy, LOL. I wonder what's up with Min Ho's blind date. Does she enjoy 'casting her net' more than netting? What's up with her keeping up with blind dates and having selfie pics with her blind dates? Bragging rights or weird quirk? LOL.  I see Min Ho will prob end up with Kyung Ho's capable employee, Soo Mi.

Kyung ho, the loud and brash hubby but warm father to So Hee and son to grandpa+ma. Yet his behavior is contrary to his love for Myung Ran. A mixed bag he is - cute how he'd yell and snub her without a second thought, yet show his love in thoughtful acts like buying her books that she loves to read, helping with housework, running a biz well, and so on.  


Lastly, I'm still very surprised that neither Viki/SoompiTV nor Dramafever are looking like they will take this drama on. A stellar cast like this, a star writer like this, I just don't understand. A wider audience is what this classic family drama deserves. Thankfully, there are sites, albeit non-official ones. I also don't understand the low ratings for a family drama like this. I thought SKers love this genre? What's happening to the ratings system these days? Many good-to-very good dramas are getting dismal ratings. 

Can't wait for ep 11... :wub: 

19 hours ago, seungshin said:

PSS:  My screen keeps freezing on Soompi lately, is this happening to anyone else?

PSSS:  There is constant playing of commercial videos in this thread which is annoying but also gets in the way of watching and listening to videos posted on the thread. Is this happening to everyone?  If so does anyone know how to disable it?

18 hours ago, ororomunroe said:

@seungshin try installing Adblock plus to your browser. 

Yes, I have that 'freeze' prob some time. I don't know why either. I think it's the server of this new platform that caused the issue. No, I don't have those 'annoying ads' probs. You def have to install adblock or adblock plus. I now have peace when on soompi threads (except for the occasional postings that disappeared into the twilight zone:rolleyes:)

Ratings start to rise... (good news, finally!) :P 



Yoo Siblings - BTS :P 



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Kim Hae Sook and her narration give an overwhelming impression. 

(she is the 'YEAH Superwoman' - Housewife, Wife, Mother, Daughter In Law, Relative, Friend, Office cleaning lady, and ...)


CR: SBS ARTICLE (an interesting article about KHS and her role.)

That scene (forgot which ep) - top left in photo - where Hye Kyung was getting some beverage, and as she drinks it, she reflects and cries a stifling cry, afraid her sadness will disturb others, or that it will be discovered/heard. It was a very sad scene but another real slice of life. (I remember seeing my mom like that during my childhood:tears:.) 

Awesome performance!:wub:


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2 hours ago, jadecloud said:

Btw, I'm fuming mad at soompi now:angry:...this morning, I'd typed in my thots and hit 'submit' but nothing showed here! My 'thots' were swallowed up whole! This is not the first! It happens some of the times and every time it does, it irks me. This new soompi platform is wobbly still. I wish soompi will 'toughen up' quickly, and also bring back the function of auto-save draft. Arrgh!:angry:

I hear you sister, it's happened to me quite a few times.  Lucky for me I have not put down anything long, thoughtful or interesting on the thread for a really really long time :)  I also do hope whatever is the problem will stabilize soon otherwise if I decide to write something good, I will have to draft it on a word program and copy and paste!

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3 hours ago, jadecloud said:

I dislike his womanizing ways, and oogling ways with sweet younger things. I don't know why he'd go to noraebang often, despite it making wifey unhappy. I understand he prob should enjoy his life while he can, now that he can (afford), but does he have to rub it in grandma's face about sweet younger things?

Your write up on this made me think of what the writer-nim said about the grandpa's character (it's from one of the vids you posted earlier where the writer-nim is sitting around with the whole cast (apparently she shows up to every first reading of the script) and she gives out her advice freely and in most detailed manner (I still need to post those - I am trying my new (old) photo hosting site (photobucket) since my usual site (Imgur) is refusing to upload screen caps citing proprietary issues (has anyone experienced this lately too?).  

Anyway the writer-nim didn't have anything to correct with Lee Soon Jae the actor obviously but she described his character by saying this 'for our grandpa whenever he sees young women stars just come out of his eyes.'  That seems to be the essence of his character description it appears.


He is definitely living his life the way he sees it and how he wants.  He is always happy and goes around having fun whenever he can.  May be it's in the translation of the subb but in his conversations with his wife he is constantly inviting his wife to come along with him.  He is adamant he is not doing anything fishy with them.

In Episode 10 when they are having dinner and all the kids were out for various reason, he complained he has no where to look (he likes looking at young people even at family dinners).

I don't condone his womanizing ways at all but I can say one thing about older folks wanting to hang out with younger blood.  I know a lady who is in her 80's and very healthy and vibrant.  She is more of a home buddy so she doesn't go out to socialize in karaoke bars or anything but she certainly does not like hanging out with other seniors much.  She lived in an independent unit in a seniors complex and she hated it when people wanted to know why she would not come to senior events and lunches etc.  According to her they serve bad food (i.e. soft food or soups out of cans) and talk too much about what ails them physically.  She prefers to cook up a storm for herself and family and go for long walks instead.  She also loves watching 'beautiful people' on TV!

So other than his womanizing past, I see this grandpa as someone with very clear outlook about his life.  He knows he doesn't have long on this earth and he is going to make the most of it.  He says what's on his mind and enjoys every minute of his day. So that part I like about him.

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Chingus, I need your indulgence.  I know this is so irrrrrrelevant and I could post a lot more interesting thins about this great drama but I must get this off my chest..........

This drama is making me have a major 'fridge/freezer' envy.  I just can't help but notice.  These beautiful side by side fridge/freezer in all of the brothers' households.  So much so that I've been trying to get them in my own home but no one seems to sell such combination (full size fridge/freezer side by side) in my neck of the woods in western Canada.  

Thank you for indulging me.

PS:  The writer-nim vids had a lot to say about the decorations of each household and how they reflect their character/personalities which I do hope to go into eventually....

The first son (and his daughter in law):


The second son and his wife:


The third son and his wife (and grandparents)


Seriously, isn't South Korean one that lacks space like Europe.  How can people fit in these massive appliances?  Most people don't have these sizes in Canada with its big wide spaces!


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4 hours ago, seungshin said:

my usual site Imgur is refusing to upload screen caps citing proprietary issues with them (has anyone experienced this lately too?).

I don't know what's the prob with imgur and don't know why 'that message' was cited. I'm also using imgur and haven't had any probs so far. Not with uploading screencaps in particular. Perhaps you need to tweak your imgur settings? Also, if you're using chrome browser, an imgur extension would be handy.

4 hours ago, seungshin said:

Anyway the writer-nim didn't have anything to correct with Lee Soon Jae the actor obviously but she described his character by saying this 'for our grandpa whenever he sees young women stars just come out of his eyes.'  That seems to be the essence of his character description it appears.

LOL what a description. Love it! 

4 hours ago, seungshin said:

So other than his womanizing past, I see this grandpa as someone with very clear outlook about his life.  He knows he doesn't have long on this earth and he is going to make the most of it.  He says what's on his mind and enjoys every minute of his day. So that part I like about him.

About the grandpa, I get that he is just trying to live his winter years the way he wants to. I do remember he has asked this grandma to go too if she wants to (and that he' s on his best behavior), but I thought that was like an empty gesture, knowing the answer was gonna be a no for grandma, esp when grandma is a homebody and has a hearing issue. Even the tv volume was too loud for grandma's hearing issue. His fun would be her torture, really. It seems their time of enjoyment together revolves around eating, watching tv, and having family gatherings. For her, it's also about taking care of him, really taking care of him, poached egg done just right, drink of choice every time, down to cleaning his feet. I only see grandma being nice to grandpa but not yet what he'll do for her that's nice or kind. (Although I think this grandpa did do something for this grandma in their younger days. It was hinted at in one of the earlier eps). For now, I guess I'm somewhat biased.

I agree with what you've stated so well about this grandpa. I agree he should enjoy and make the most of his remaining years. I guess this grandma(in fact the whole fam too) seems inclined to tolerate him anyway. I just wish he could be a lil sensitive/considerate and 'enjoy' not at the expense of the wife who has been by his side for so long, who loves and cares about him, and who obviously has an issue with his 'no-nonsense with sweet younger things' noraebang escapades.

One incident I fully 'approve' and like about this grandpa was when he shocked everyone with his attitude and wise words to Hyun Woo. I'm surprised that Hyun Woo still wants to remain married to Se Hee when he doesn't love her, and finds love 'childish':rolleyes:. I'm curious about his past and his background. Something there could have triggered his disregard and fear of affection and baby burden/responsibility.  

Btw, I hope I'm wrong, but this grandpa prob isn't done with his womanizing (or rather, writernim prob isn't going to let him just see starsB))


I totally get that 80yo woman. I can understand why she dislikes gatherings among seniors, My mom in her 60s is like that too, and slowly we/her kids, grew to understand why she'd rather hang out with young peeps, grandkids, then with seniors/her peers. So I agree the vibes and vitality of young peeps are important to older folks. Who wants to hear about or witness pain and possibility of death when mortality dictates one's remaining time is near? Also why I'd applaud with no hesitation some places/countries that will build/had built communities and housing that cater to a mixed population - the young and the senior - rather than just old folks towns/villages just for the old.  

PS: About those freezer/fridge combos, I love them too. What an irony, big spaces vs nil availability. Look farther. Good luck sista :) 

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I'm loving grandpa who isn't slowing down whatsoever. He loves to go and dance and try to sing his heart out as I give all promps and more power to him :P

Well it looks like Se Hyun has a change of heart by getting married, but I want to see how YR mother's reaction will be when SH tell her he wants to marry her daughter.

I felt so bad for Na Young who didn't get the part but would like to add, I think she didn't look to old and how can the director talk about someone being to old should I say more :rolleyes:

As I continue watching, I agree with @jadecloud, that Se Hee husband Hyun Woo may not be cheating but having financial problems that's leading him to be stress at work.

Lastly" I love the ending theme song playing the harmonica. Every time I hear it, it definitely reminds me of my grandfather who can play it so good that we'll all be surrounded and watch him get down :D


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7 hours ago, suchadiva42 said:

Well it looks like Se Hyun has a change of heart by getting married, but I want to see how YR mother's reaction will be when SH tell her he wants to marry her daughter.

Doesn't it look like Se Hyun is about to do what his sibling Se Hee has done with Hyun Woo? i.e marrying Yoo Ri cos she loves him when he is, like Hyun Woo, merely liking(accommodating) her? Are we seeing the irony of marriage being fleshed out in this pair of siblings? I too can't wait to see how Yoo Ri's mom will vehemently object to their marriage. Looking at the preview of ep 11, we get a feel of how ominous that 'meet the MIL' scene will be. I wonder if this couple can endure it? My sense is, there will be no wedding for these two.

7 hours ago, suchadiva42 said:

I'm loving grandpa who isn't slowing down whatsoever. He loves to go and dance and try to sing his heart out as I give all promps and more power to him :P

LOL I guess this grandpa has many fans - @suchadiva42 @seungshin @b2stsb2uty and who else? I don't dislike him terribly, and I'm all for more power to him as well. But, aish, alrighty, have as much noraebang fun as he wants, but I just wish he'd be nicer to grandma, just as he's being nice to strangers of the 'sweet younger thing' kind, that's all I ask/hope :P  

Wait a sec, reading your post @suchadiva42 about your grandpa and harmonica, I know why I'm biased against this grandpa - he reminds me (so so much) ^_^ of the way my late dad was with my mom - the curtness, the verbal unkindness, the oogling, aso, - who was unfailingly too too nice and accommodating to him, a lot of the time. But thankfully, there was no 'sweet younger thing' headaches for mom in their winter years. I wish that - winter years peace - for this grandma too.B)


CR: FOCUS News (past photo of cast wishing viewers 'Happy New Year')

PS: Btw, some other interesting versions of drama title from google translate of k-media news... 

'Well, Would You Do That?'


'Yeah, That's The Way It Is!' 

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Ji Sun - Can you feel the melancholy vibe in her? I want to see her smile and be happy soon.

Writernim, juseyo :) 



Ji Sun in happier days - looking pretty in her wedding dress with late hubby, and late MIL. 



Ji Sun and the 'father' she yearns for in her FIL 



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6 hours ago, jadecloud said:

'Well, Would You Do That?'


'Yeah, That's The Way It Is!' 


Well, this adds more confusion to the title @jadecloud.  Honestly I've thought about this title, in Korean and in English forever and I have no idea what the writer-nim is saying with this.  Between these two, I would say the latter is more accurate and reflects the Korean title mostly closely.  Still what does it mean?


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On 3/15/2016 at 5:50 PM, jadecloud said:

Btw, this(travelling/backpacking) has been quite a trend, and I can somewhat see the motivation for Se Joon. I don't think it is a bad move. But the best scenario would be travelling for reasons of a job, be it a temporary stint or a relocation. Travelling opens one's eyes and is an education in itself that cannot be learned from any classroom, or any advisory or familial setting.

Back to Se Joon. Seeing how weak Se Joon is does cause a problem for his 'travelling' dream. On this, I can understand Hye Kyung's worries, and hence her objection. I can also understand her need to see Se Joon prosper (which parent/mom does not hope their kid (lit.) to become a dragon 望子成龍  wàngzǐchénglóng - fig. to long for one' s child to succeed in life?) and basically, live a regular life - be a salaried-employee, date, marry, have kids, bond with family. I'm curious to see how this plot will develop, who will cave in or what will happen to cause a change in direction.

I must say I don't feel the full impact of the chaos Se Joon's outlook on life has created for the family but it must be a society issue because well the writer-nim is tackling it and one of the vides you posted earlier were a 'street talk' collection of what regular people think of a young man not going for a full time job (career) but going after a series of 'alba' (part time jobs).  I believe Korean word 'alba' is a 'Japanized first and then Koreanized foreign word' for 'a-r-b-i-t-e' (what language is that I have no idea, German?):

The question on screen says, 'Do (we) have to have an employment (full time job, career)?

The first lady is horrified to hear that it's become very trendy for young people to go for PT jobs, some even quitting perfectly good real job to do 'alba.'  She thinks people would go as far as 'de-registering' young people from family registration record if they go to this route (she didn't say she would, but I think it's the ambiguity in Korean language where the subject is not clear or buried and we need to assume).

The next guy is a professor type and says there is no guarantee that a currently 'safe job/career' will stay safe in future and that it's better for young people to be not so 'wedded in reality' (over realistic - ie. live your dream aka Se Joon).  

Next are two university students, the first one says it is expected that when they finish school they should be pursuing a job/career.  The other one says her dream is to be a 'barrista' and she will be doing multiple 'albas' in different cafes so that she can learn the trade.  Her dreams is to own a cafe eventually so as long as she can support herself this is the right way for her.  

My mom told me she saw a recent program where a bunch of unemployed young people started a restaurant in run down place and it's become so popular neibouring businesses are getting jealous and the land lord is trying to kick them out (which makes no sense) but this is somewhat of a social revolution for a society like Korea where for all these years after post-war (since 1950), everyone (I mean everyone who can afford it, male or female) were expected to go to university and get a job and stay there until they get kicked out or get married (Misaeng anyone?)

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A Look At STAR writer Kim Soo Hyun

Writernim Kim Soo Hyun, through the years, and her various superb screenplays, and her recasting(in YTHII of actors/actresses from prior projects. At 73 now, she looks spunkier than ever. No? Btw, I want that kind of skin/complexion when I become her age. It's so shiny smooth and wrinkle free! She's in more than the pink of health. JJANG! :glasses:

At Present...


Past and Quite Recent...


Through the years...


Her repeated casting...


CR: SBS/Daum

Her Projects Todate (not incl. prior 2004)...



CR: hancinema

1 hour ago, seungshin said:

Still what does it mean?

I hear ya sista :) The ambivalence of the title alone, besides the issue with kor-eng translation, that's prob one of her creative intent with this script, and is a skillful 'hook' over viewers. Let's hope by the end of this drama, we can come to a conclusion on what the title 'meant to convey'.

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Now that I got the Ad Block and Chrome installed (thank you chingus), I need to tacklet this awesome video (no time for subbing, will translate highlight screen caps):

This video is entitled 'Yeah, That's How it is: the beginning' and it's made up of many parts:

1. the script reading with the writer-nim

2. what famous lines and scenes are to be expected

3. how the sets (various household and rooms are) are decorated and what they say about the character who occupy them with sub topics of the challenges of the art director and the prop director in making of the drama.

At the risk of losing any of the posts, I will post these separately:


'Yeah, That's How It is: The beginning'


'Even the veterans practice non-stop for this writer'


Se Joon says of the script reading with the writer-nim "It's a battle field, at the first reading, ah...really. It went grey, my hair."


Se Hyun says "Always the night before the reading with the writer-nim, I can't sleep" (sorry about the closed eyes)


'Scary first reading of the script that makes the actors shake with fear'


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2. Next part of the Video is some of what the writer says to the actors (I can't get over how fuss/detailed/perfectionist she is):


'Tae Hee yah "Hello, I am Ji Sun's mother." This one I want you to say it more 'shalala' '

Here she stops Lim Ye Jin (Lee Tae Hee) in mid sentence and tells her how she would like her to say the line.  She says to do 'shalala' I don't know what that means exactly but may be more soft and rhythmic?  


' can you make it more 'shalala' ? '

Lim repeats it for the third time and the writer-nim is still not happy but says it's closer.  When Tae Hee enters she wants her to speak softly.  She doesn't want her yelling with this one though it's ok in other times.  So may be it's the writer-nim who's responsible for Tae Hee talking so loud all the time.


'Kim Soo Hyun nim does not miss any of the actor's expression or tone of speaking'


KH: We have no choice but to memorize every word, every prefix, every postposition of Writer Kim's project (script) because, otherwise you can't bring it alive (bring out the taste is what he said literally).


SM: "Writer-nim always comes to the script reading (practice) and she looks at (listens to) everyone from the most senior to the most junior actors"


"She compares it (the reading) to her own picture (vision) and tells us what she likes and what parts are moving in somewhat different way" (very diplomatically put I say)


Writernim:  'You know Se Joon, you have strong conviction.  It's not because it's written here and this is your role but you have to think this is you.' (or you have to think like him?  You have to be him.)

Here writer-nim was not happy and Se Joon offered to do it over and she didn't say nay or yey (ouch).

BTW, the writer-nim calls everyone by their character names and speaks to them as though they are the characters (interesting).


'So that the drama and the script become one, Kim Soo Hyun pays attention (worries) about the smallest parts'


'She does not go short (spares nothing) on the advice for the truth between the actor and the role'


'Academy made a mistake'

Here the writer-nim did not like the way Se Joon read his line and learns that SK (the aunt) had told him to do it like that.  The writer-nim is not pleased and Kim Hae Sook apologizes on behalf of all academy by saying 'Academy was wrong' ('Academy' appears to be the industry nickname for all veteran actors).  Writer-nim says Se Joon should change the 'academy' as in a mentor?).


'The dreaded (feared) red pen of the writer-nim'


'No exception for one accent of a word!'

This is where the writer-nim is correcting Na Young's accent at the last two words on a very very long sentence.  It's crazy she would pay that much attention.  I am not sure if I could be an actor especially for Writer-nim.  I could never memorize all that or do exactly as told.  Too much of a free agent me!


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3. Next part of the video deals with the writer-nim's famous lines in her previous drama:


'Yeah, That's How It is View Point 1: Kim Soo Hyun's 'life like (real) and clearing your heart/mind piercing (cutting) script!'


'Honey, I will destroy you'


'What I fear is I will not be able to see you again.  That's the only thing'


'Innovative subjects and uninhibited script have made the writer's projects hot topics in the industry!'


'What famous lines and famous scenes will be born this time around?'


'He threw away wife and son at the same time and his eyes are open all alone, is that someone living like a human being?'

(This is literal translation of the screen)


'You create one more problem I won't look at you mother.'


'Even if the world is full of 'bird-talk' and 'dog-talk', a family can't do (say) that!' (This is about the rumor between him and DIL)


'Of course~ He probably wants to blow (break) the world 12 times a day'


'It's all your fate, if I didn't have you my fate (life) would not be so twisted!  I'm not a woman to live like this!'


'Please look forward to famous lines, famous scenes!


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Good morning everyone :) I tried to post this yesterday but somehow it didn't show up after I've submitted a couple of times. I'm trying it again this morning... (fingers crossed):mellow:

On 3/16/2016 at 0:40 AM, seungshin said:

The question on screen says, 'Do (we) have to have an employment (full time job, career)?

Thanks a lot for your translation. You're right! The vids on writernim and Se Joon are interesting and full of insightful nuggets. 

On 3/16/2016 at 2:57 AM, seungshin said:

'He threw away wife and son at the same time and his eyes are open all alone, is that someone living like a human being?'

Btw, have we seen this scene yet? I don't remember. Who is this 'he' that this grandma's referring to? Anyone?

Writernim is obviously a keen observer of life and pretty much the pulse of the people in SK. Not exactly surprising for a writer, although I must say she does it better than most and is bolder in bringing certain issues, even those social issues that are known/seen but thought to be better left unsaid/untouched, to the fore. Hats off and kudos to her. 

Poor Se Joon, the rookie actor JHI. The pressure and the demands of this writer is 'scary'. But well, I guess she earned her 'scare' :osince many actors/actresses are dying to be offered her script/a chance to work with her. But yeah, what a torture!

About the character Se Joon and his unemployment/under-employment dream, he actually is a poster boy for the trend in SK. However, it is not unique to SK alone. A look at the survey outcome shows us it's also looming large in other parts of the world. Opportunely, I came across this news from YTN.

Mar 16, 2016 YTN News: What are the worries of the world's youth? (First 4 mins of vid).

In which, the top issue explored was: #1. A Happy Life, Criteria and Economics (of attaining/affording it).


PS: 팍팍 현실을  (pardon me if I'm wrong) I believe she said these words which I believe to mean 'stark reality'. Love the verbal emphasis of this term.

My take from the little I could understand of this news, and with much help from my faithful go-to, Mr. Naver :). @seungshin or anyone, please feel free to correct or opine. I could be wrong in some aspects of it(and if so, biyane) . Personally found the findings interesting, enlightening and quite astonishing :astonished:

Backgrounder: In an attempt to get a feel of the mindset of the young undergrads in 7 nations, a Korean university conducted an online survey last November.  Youths from 7 countries invited to participate included those from SK, Japan, China, Germany, India, Brazil and US.

A look at the survey outcome that's in line with Se Joon's mindset... 

Heading on chart - Employment after graduation possibility 


L to R: Korea 21.5%, China 53.3%, Japan 30.4%, India 38.6%, USA 35.1%, Germany 53.8, and Brazil 37.2%.

Over 50% from China and Germany indicated they'd look for employment after graduation, Japan hovers at about 30% which is barely better than SK at only 21.5%(and the lowest), reflecting a cause for concern on the issue of unemployment/under-employment. (And here, applause to writernim for highlighting this issue for her fellow citizen viewers) (USA also is a concern, at only 35.1%).

Also in line with Se Joon's mindset:

top pic: Basis of Happy Life/Pursuit of Happiness? China 'Stable Homes', Japan 'Peace of mind'; 

bottom pic: Korea Univ Students  'Live Freely' (Se Joon wants to do exactly this!) 



About their basis of a happy life - the basis and basics of what makes one happy varies among the youths of the 7 nations. For China and Japan, 'stability at homes' and 'peace of mind' are respectively top priorities, while for SK, top priority is 'doing what one wants to do'. followed by economic conditions/situations, while for US, economy and employment availability are their biggest headaches.

Kinda O/T... 

  Hide contents


  • top pic: Heading on chart - Marriage - To Do

L to R: Korea 47.5%, China 73.6%, Japan 40.7%, India 75.0%, USA 28.7%.

  • bottom pic: Heading on chart - Cohabitation For Lovers

L to R: Korea 52.5%, China 75.1%, Japan 47.4%, India 56.6%, USA 72.3%.

About getting marriage - only 47.5% for SK's youth but on the issue of cohabitation, over 50% were in favor of it. (More alarming are the findings for China 75.1% in favor of cohabitation, while for the USA, hmm...I guess the high rate of marriage 28.7% vs cohabitation 72.3% shouldn't come as a surprise?)

PS: Btw, click on photos for an enlarged view if needed.


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A couple of old Joongang Daily news, published right after completion of broadcast of 'Life Is Beautiful', which gave an interesting glimpse into this spunky writernim. 


2010-5-20 Writer pushing buttons on TV, again


Veteran writer Kim Soo-hyun’s goal is to make homosexuality a subject that is no longer taboo.


Homosexuality was once thoroughly dismissed in Korean society, discussed rarely even among friends and certainly not a subject to be treated lightly. In recent years, however, the topic has moved a bit farther out of the closet, with (seemingly and openly) gay characters appearing on the big screen. But television dramas have largely shied away from having an openly gay character, let alone a couple, as the focus of the show.

Enter the new SBS drama, “Beautiful Life,” which is about a doctor named Tae-sub who is in a relationship with Gyeong-su, a photographer. In the show, the attraction between two men is both physical and intellectual. They even consider marriage.

The show is written by Kim Soo-hyun, a veteran soap opera writer with numerous hits to her credit. In bringing the couple out into the open, she is once again proving that she can raise social issues within the context of a family drama and still get good ratings.

“I don’t think homosexuality is a choice. Just because something or someone is different, doesn’t give anyone the right to be hostile,” Kim said. “But I expected an uproar from the public.”

Kim’s main goal is to make homosexuality a subject that is no longer taboo. 

“Although there is the occasional complaint from the broadcasting company, it has still been fairly well received,” Kim said. “I actually thought there would be more objections to it, so I’m writing with a lighter touch.”

Her emphasis is on not the love between two men, but between two people. The main characters are handsome, smart and appealing.

“I requested that the actors be two men who looked sharp and would make the perfect pair,” Kim said. “I thought it was a way to eradicate the prejudice and tension that the public may have toward gay couples.”

Kim is known for telling stories about real people. Her scripts depict lively characters, believable plots and the problems that exist in every family. With this formula, she has earned No. 1 ratings throughout her 40-year career.

When asked her opinion of “makjang” dramas, which use racy material including sex, betrayal and violence and have become increasingly available to the general viewing audience, she was firm in her response.

“Many producers and writers point to the ratings or viewers as reasons why they are popular, but I think they are very irresponsible,” says Kim. “People in the industry have a responsibility to maintain high standards for the viewers, not bring the bar down.”

The secret to writing a successful drama, she says, is in writing not with your brain but with your heart.

“All the characters are basically an embodiment of me. I get inside each and every character and write about their lives,” she said. “If this is done only with your head, the characters fail to come to life and viewers don’t want to know any more about them.”

Although Kim’s dramas are popular, she has also been criticized for her overly conservative depictions of the Korean family. The families she writes about are often of the traditional variety, with grandma living with mom, dad and the kids.

In response, she said, “Maybe that’s because I write about family life.”

Despite the show’s serious subject matter, Kim worked to keep things light. “I wanted to write a bright and happy script this time. My characters sometimes suffer pratfalls but that’s just to give it a whimsical twist,” she said. “I do worry about my actors though.” Kim keeps in touch with her fans through the social networking Web site Twitter. She now has over 10,000 followers.

“I started using it out of curiosity but now I’m addicted,” she said. “One follower shared his painful story about being homosexual and how he was dealing with it.”

Beautiful Life airs Saturdays and Sundays at 10 p.m. on SBS. 

By Yang Sung-hee [estyle@joongang.co.kr]



2010-11-9 'Life is Beautiful' broke barriers for gays'.


Writer Kim Soo Hyun. CR: SBS

While some viewers were outraged, the show’s writer says ‘this is the face of any family.’

Veteran television writer Kim Soo-hyun is no stranger to controversy. And by bringing the taboo subject of same-sex relationships to prime-time television in Korea, she once again thrust herself into the spotlight.

In the SBS drama “Life is Beautiful,” which came to a close this Sunday, Kim brought up the issue of gay relationships to an audience that had rarely, if ever, given them any thought. Along with this, other touchy subjects such as abortion and adultery were addressed in the 63-part series.

“This is the face of any family,” said Kim in response to criticism of the television show in a recent one-on-one interview with the JoongAng Ilbo. “When there are many people in a family, there is the possibility to have a gay member. I did know that I could touch a sensitive spot, but I never intended to make this much controversy. This is simply an issue that can be raised in any household.”

Life is Beautiful centers around a family of four generations that runs an inn together on Jeju Island. On the outside, they are like any other family in Korea. But behind closed doors, the family struggles to deal with one of the most taboo topics in society when they learn that Tae-seob is gay. “I don’t think sexual orientation is something that you can control. It’s simple - I don’t like discriminating against others,” Kim said.

But as averse as she is to discrimination, she said the rest of Korean society is still very closed to openly gay people. The drama reflects this. By the end of the series, Tae-seob’s family had been made aware of his sexual orientation, but his relationship with Gyeong-su, who works at the hospital with Tae-seob, was kept a secret from colleagues. “If I had let their hospital colleagues know, it would have been too cruel for the couple,” Kim said. “It’s very different revealing this sort of thing to your family and to society in general. Many gays have more difficulties coming out to their family, but I think when your family accepts you, it would become a lot easier for society to do so as well.”

She revealed that some viewers told her they have come out to their families after watching the groundbreaking drama. Because Life is Beautiful digs deep into modern relationships - perhaps deeper than most people care to look - not everyone was receptive. Some were hostile.

A national mothers’ group, for example, ran an advertisement in the Chosun Ilbo, one of the top three newspapers in the country. The September ad said: “When my son becomes gay and is inflicted with AIDS after watching ‘Life is Beautiful,’ SBS should take the blame.”

In another instance, this one slightly more baffling than outrageous, gay-rights groups were up in arms when the Ministry of Justice banned the drama from Korea’s prisons. Officials said they were concerned the show might “negatively affect prisoners.”

Not surprisingly, Kim takes a much more liberal position. She fervently opposed editing out any scenes that were deemed too sensitive, including one particular scene in which the gay couple promises their undying love for one another inside a Catholic cathedral. “The Catholic Church now isn’t what I thought it was,” Kim said.

“A cathedral is a place where even a murderer can find sanctuary - but I guess gays can’t. Actually, I was more angry at the television network because it should be the one doing all it can to alleviate discrimination, not chickening out.” Even with the uproar the show created among conservative parts of society, the drama recorded an average rating of 19.1 percent, according to AGB Nielson Media Research.

Kim’s previous hits, “My Man’s Woman” and “Angry Mom” recorded average ratings of 24.7 percent and 28.1, respectively. Kim emphasized that she is especially appreciative that so many viewers tuned in to watch Life is Beautiful. “Many avoided watching, just because of the issues it dealt with,” Kim said. “But at the same time, those who were able to maintain a bigger perspective on things complained that there weren’t enough shots of Gyeong-su and Tae-seob’s lovey-dovey moments.”

She is quick to emphasize that the show is not only about Gyeong-su and Tae-seob’s relationship.

She allocated more screen time to the relationships of other characters because she didn’t want the focus of the drama to be squarely on sexuality - there were a lot more stories to tell, Kim said.

“All characters that I showed had their own attractive qualities and you just couldn’t hate them,” Kim said. “I think it’s only up to you to decide whether life is beautiful or not. “We tend to hurt others without intention, but all you need to do is be truly sorry and ask for forgiveness. When you are able to embrace others and their faults, wouldn’t life be beautiful?”

The famed writer received some pressure from producers throughout the show’s lifespan, but she refused to make the show something it was not.

Using Twitter as a mechanism to voice her concerns - Kim said she’s pretty hip for a 67-year-old woman and keeps up with all the modern trends, including Twitter. She posted that she was asked to change certain aspects of the show’s direction so it could gain a higher market share in its time slot.

“The production company, hungry for ratings, had asked me to send Gyeong-su and Tae-seob somewhere far away in the middle of the drama,” she posted on Twitter after the last episode.

“I just won’t take that kind of obsequious attitude as a writer until the day I die.”

By Kang Hye-ran [estyle@joongang.co.kr]



2016-2-12 Korea Times: Veteran writer Kim Soo Hyun returns with new drama.



By Kim Jae-heun
Popular screenwriter and novelist Kim Soo-hyun, 73, returns with new weekend drama series, "That's the Way It Is" on SBS, which premiers today.

The star-studded television series depicts the story of a typical Korean family, focusing on conflicts of traditional and new values. The episodes also reflect ongoing social issues, such as low employment among the young generation and more women struggling to have a bigger say at home and work. But, in the end, Kim conveys the message of the importance of the family and that "life is the way it is."

The screenwriter rose to stardom with her television drama series from "What is Love" in 1992, "Men of the Bath House" in 1996 to "Childless Comfort" in 2012 on cable channel JTBC, which recorded 10.71 percent viewer rating. An average Korean cable show barely makes it to over a one percent TV viewing rating.

In 2007, Kim's drama series "My Husband's Woman" hit the jackpot and became the second highest-rated Korean drama series of 2007. Actress Kim Hee-ae, who starred in the show, won the Grand Prize at the 2007 SBS Drama Awards and the screenwriter's work became a must-experience for Korean actors.

"If you've been acting your whole life, you come across both good and bad work," said 81-year old veteran actor Lee Soon-jae during the press conference at SBS headquarters in Mok-dong, Seoul, Thursday. "I've appeared in several drama series written by Kim and I think I have been very lucky. Her work is good enough to choose without asking or judging it."

Many of the young actors who participated in the press conference, emphasized that they were honored to get cast for the series and they decided to appear without hesitation once they learned it was written by Kim.

"I so very honored that I grabbed the chance to work with Kim. Her script attaches meaning to every detail from a period to the word and to the full sentence and I tried to catch it all. Young actors were all united in putting out their best efforts and we also learned the value of family love and became a family ourselves," said actress Wang Ji-hye.

"I watched the drama, "What is Love," when I was young and asked my mom what an actor was. A long time ago, I decided to become an actress and I did. But I never knew in my life I would ever appear in Kim's show and it was my dream to do so. It took 13 years and I am very honored and happy," said actress Yoon So-yi.

The 60-episode drama series will air every Saturday and Sunday.


A (reporter) writer's view on writernim....

2015-6-29 ‘Who is your favorite author?’ (an excerpt on writer Kim Soo Hyun)

I recently met with aspiring journalists and they asked me who my favorite author was. I mentioned a number of young writers, but then I changed my mind. “Actually my real favorite writers are television drama writers like Kim Soo-hyun, Jung Sung-joo and Kim Young-hyun. In fact, I have great respect for them.”

Kim Soo-hyun has been known as “the alchemist of words” and the “hands of Midas” throughout her career. Her works often see the essence of life by focusing on the lives of families who live and eat together as they fight and reconcile. Her greatness comes from proving the value of television dramas that are often considered trivial and low, addressing the meaning of everyday life. In partnership with director Ahn Pan-seok, Jung Sung-joo wrote “A Wife’s Credentials,” “Secret Love Affair” and “Heard It Through the Grapevine.” Her works reveal the vanity and greed of the privileged class and those around them. Every one of her dramas is a bitterly funny satire. At the same time, her writing style is often compared to naturalist authors. 

(CR: The author is an editorial writer of the JoongAng Ilbo. JoongAng Ilbo, June 27, Page 27 by YANG SUNG-HEE) 

Some interesting notes on writers like Kim Soo Hyun? Is she really classed within this category? Just food for thought.


Often, a naturalist author will lead the reader to believe a character's fate has been predetermined, usually by environmental factors, and that he/she can do nothing about it. Another common characteristic is a surprising twist at the end of the story. Equally, there tends to be in naturalist novels and stories a strong sense that nature is indifferent to human struggle.

Naturalistic writers were influenced by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.[1] They often believed that one's heredity and social environment largely determine one's character.

Naturalistic works often include uncouth or sordid subject matter. 

Naturalistic works exposed the dark harshness of life, including poverty, racism, violence, prejudice, disease, corruption, prostitution, and filth.

As a result, naturalistic writers were frequently criticized for focusing too much on human vice and misery.

CR: wiki LINK


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On 3/17/2016 at 6:57 AM, jadecloud said:
On 3/16/2016 at 0:57 AM, seungshin said:

'He threw away wife and son at the same time and his eyes are open all alone, is that someone living like a human being?'

Btw, have we seen this scene yet? I don't remember. Who is this 'he' that this grandma's referring to? Anyone?

@jadecloud this video was filmed/released prior to or at the beginning of the airing of this series.  (The video itself is called YTHII: the beginning) and this dialogue is about the rumor of the first son and his daughter in law living together and the new found 'need' of the family to find someone for him.  I don't know how it was translated but I would think this dialogue between the grandma and her sister would have aired first 1 or 2 episodes.

There is a lot of dialogue like written like this by this writer (and some other writers in other Kdramas too) which makes sense to native ears but impossible to translate in another language without interpreting and 'putting words' in the writer's mouth sort to speak.

So here basically the grandma is saying the first son lost his wife and son (in short time) and he lives because he is alive because he has to keep going but not really alive.  I know 'throwing them out' doesn't sound anything like dying but that's how the writer chose to express it.  Perhaps it is to be understood as 'he let go' of them.  He had to didn't he?  They died.

Interesting that youth and employment choices becoming such an issue ...... who knew? If it weren't for the writer.....

PS:  Sorry for the late response.  I've travelled to another city to make a presentation tomorrow.  So, I've had to live my RL stuff.  Probably couldn't catch up the weekend episodes until Monday.  Talk to you all then chingus!

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Thanks for the clarification @seungshin Now I get it. I was 'thrown off' by the term 'threw'. What a word writernim chose to make her point. Sounded harsh and heartless to me, in view of Min Ho having lost both his wife and son under unfortunate circumstances. I do remember now the convo the sisters had. (PS: Good luck to you in your upcoming presentation. Be safe.) 

Helloooo everyone! So quiet in here. This drama is sadly so under the radar of many. I have to once again lament the fact that neither Viki nor Dramafever is carrying this title. I hope one of them will soon, so more global viewers can enjoy this warm family drama.  

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