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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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just woke from the nap.....because that damn spoiler give me a dream about spoiler too. The spoiler that i got from my dream is picture with zoom in bride face and yeah but i havent see the bride face then arrrggghhhh..i woke up. WTF is this...somehow i am happy to see spoiler like i did in another drama, but this drama i didnt feel that happy and exicted seeing the spoiler. Why? its killing the exictment when watching the actual episode, when the husband games still on. (and mostly spoiler that i get isnt spoiler that i want...and didnt even happen like i want when actual episode airing...thats more reason why i hate it...fyuhh). Maybe feels a bit exicted when first time know there is a spoiler for next episode, but this exictment really easily killed with my fear, anxiety and nervousness . My heart beat faster and almost dropped because that feels this morning.Its better to get troll preview than spoilers for me. Its okay i seems to be a fool to that troll preview than from the spoiler (both of it really makes me expecting and hoping something about next episode  while i dont want to do it)...aisssshhhh jjajjingna jinjja...

36 minutes ago, fictionista said:

BTW I so hate the fact that they're still not done filming. Last minute shooting always puts a lot of unnecessary stress on actors and lowers the quality of acting/storytelling. Hope that's not the case with Reply 1988

i hate it too...so much...even 1 weeks canceling broadcast cant help this team to ended the shooting earlier. Thats really a bad thing from K drama industry, aisssh...and it will be difficult to change though already many drama that will airing this year publicize in the media they will prefilmed all the episode of that drama, (lets see if they really keep that words). I hope anthony kim accident (from drama king of drama) didnt happen in actual industry K-drama with this live shooting filming (especially at this drama in this week)

cant i hibernate until ep18 airing time?this fear,anxiety,and nervous from waiting will slowly kill me. hiks


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5 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

i don't even thought/imagine that they would show DS-JH wedding in the Reply series, if there's a wedding i thought it would be the SunBora. Well, i just thought because she's the eldest and all. Anyway, what i've always picture for DS and JH are the early couple life moments. Like when JH would be having his 2 weeks holiday/off from military and he'd be coming home to see his lovely wife. And the excitement (and hunger) of being together that DS would be running to JH once he appeared at the door and kiss nonstop/intensely until they rich their room. JH only pulling away to peel off his jacket and then continued kissing again, rolling on the bed, blanket everywhere and THUD, falling from the bed, DS on top.

Then they would laugh and JH would be the one to stop laughing just to stare at DS and DS would then stop laughing too and have a confused/inquiring look as to why JH is staring at her. And ever so gently, JH would lean in to kiss her forehead (DS closing her eyes while he kiss her forehead) then he would kiss/peck her on the lips a few times. Yeah that's all i'm even looking forward to, not exactly a coverage of their wedding


i don't even know what to say..

that was.. 

that escalated quickly.



oh my god.

what have you done.



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I'm seriously going crazy right now. I literally can't do anything because I'm so antsy about seeing the last two episodes. Plus I've been refreshing this thread and the main thread for @blue_angel_1004 novel regarding why she's sure Jung hwan is the husband. At this point I just want something to keep me sane until Friday. RIght now the spoilers that I'm seeing aren't helping because it makes me want to see the episodes even more. :anguished:

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27 minutes ago, starryskie5 said:

My heart almost dropped when all these spoilers and supposed tkxds wedding.. You lovely people.. I have no idea how you are so optimist and positive about everything. I'm the complete opposite (in real life too). It was fun reading your posts, made me happy. I have been burned before when shopping (because the freaking piece was named after the character the writer decided was not good enough at the end!!) anyways, as you can see I am still pretty bitter lol


i had a question: 1. was it later revealed that Jung Woo and Go Ara were told before the drama aired that they were OTP?  2. Did the writer say that they changed the story later because of the audience? I read so many conflicting info but never from a credible source..

 NAH.... those were  simply rumors about the writer changing the script . Lee Woo-jung ssi ..never once intended to make NJ-CB the Endgame ( She made that clear when CB shippers were raging mad ). Very rarely do the Writer change the K-drama  ending.Yes, there have been instances where the girl ended up with the "other"guy...due to  the audience ...but, that was solely because of the popularity of that particular drama character. And , if you really go by either of these pointers ... JH stands to be the winner. .....  both through....SCRIPT and POPULARITY....

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11 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

i don't even thought/imagine that they would show DS-JH wedding in the Reply series, if there's a wedding i thought it would be the SunBora. Well, i just thought because she's the eldest and all. Anyway, what i've always picture for DS and JH are the early couple life moments. Like when JH would be having his 2 weeks holiday/off from military and he'd be coming home to see his lovely wife. And the excitement (and hunger) of being together that DS would be running to JH once he appeared at the door and kiss nonstop/intensely until they reach their room. JH only pulling away to peel off his jacket and then continued kissing again, rolling on the bed, blanket everywhere and THUD, falling from the bed, DS on top.

Then they would laugh and JH would be the one to stop laughing just to stare at DS and DS would then stop laughing too and have a confused/inquiring look as to why JH is staring at her. And ever so gently, JH would lean in to kiss her forehead (DS closing her eyes while he kiss her forehead) then he would kiss/peck her on the lips a few times. Yeah that's all i'm even looking forward to, not exactly a coverage of their wedding

I want to see some playful kisses where JH keeps kissing DS like all around her face or a few times repeatedly on her lips. And maybe some backhugs and IDK anything playful AHHHHHHH


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@wizengamot Just say honestly. You're a closet fanfic writer aren't you? A kickass one at that. :glasses: if they show us this kind of scene of post-marital bliss, I'll be ready to forgive the writer for all the angst and agony they put our prickly marshmallow through. 

I totally would have posted a hyperventilating gif rn but can't since I'm on the phone.

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14 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

i don't even thought/imagine that they would show DS-JH wedding in the Reply series, if there's a wedding i thought it would be the SunBora. Well, i just thought because she's the eldest and all. Anyway, what i've always picture for DS and JH are the early couple life moments. Like when JH would be having his 2 weeks holiday/off from military and he'd be coming home to see his lovely wife. And the excitement (and hunger) of being together that DS would be running to JH once he appeared at the door and kiss nonstop/intensely until they reach their room. JH only pulling away to peel off his jacket and then continued kissing again, rolling on the bed, blanket everywhere and THUD, falling from the bed, DS on top.

Then they would laugh and JH would be the one to stop laughing just to stare at DS and DS would then stop laughing too and have a confused/inquiring look as to why JH is staring at her. And ever so gently, JH would lean in to kiss her forehead (DS closing her eyes while he kiss her forehead) then he would kiss/peck her on the lips a few times. Yeah that's all i'm even looking forward to, not exactly a coverage of their wedding


10 minutes ago, einYoshiChan said:



YESSSSSSSSS, OMG that's hot. Okay I thought about that later when I get home. That scene is way too hot to think about at work :phew:

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spoilers, spoiler, spoilers everywhere....."spoilers are the devil's playground. spoilers are the devils playground. spoilers are the devils playground..." LOL I know it's dramatic but this is how I keep form hitting that "reveal" button and just let it all hit me Friday and Saturday. "spoilers are the devil's playground"

23 minutes ago, papulichan said:

You my lovely peeps... I know most of your cried at JH's heart tugging confession....while I was furious with him...HAHAHA..... BUT....but , who else had a lump in the throat at this scene...... ME ... I CRIED !!  


Look at him.....aigoo....he even wore the pink shirt ...Mi-ok had gifted him.. ,,Heolll... what with the blessed "pink shirt" and these KIM brothers....

I always knew behind the funny memes and perfectly hilarious gifs, you were devoid of a heart :P shaking my head. how could you not be moved by that confession. you didn't even fake dramatic korean drama cry in spanish LOL....at least you do have a good eye in knowing that my Bong is the sweetest thing this drama ever blessed us with and his little brother could learn a lot from him (I swear I am going to use the Vienna of my heart line on somebody some day).

Maybe at some reunion in the not so distant future we may see that pink shirt again. Honestly I'm over the pink shirt incident. As soon as he said in his confession that he was so happy he thought he would go crazy in relation to the shirt, the fact that he remembered to mention it...I'm over it. He made sure she knew it means a lot to him. It ain't his fault she obviously needs glasses because: HOW ARE JUNGBONG AND JUNGHWAN THE SAME SIZE!?! see it upsets me so much I can't even call him "my jungbong" was she blind!?!

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Guest wizengamot

@einYoshiChan HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! i know right? haha while i was typing, i thought this sounds like something from a fanfic heh

@EMM! i don't even know too. I just woke up from dreaming RJY (for the first time) and that thought just came to my mind while staring into space being woke up from a dream hahahahaha!!!

@ricenamja yes, i want to see that too. him planting kisses all over her face


okay so i went to the MT. and i'm sorry but no matter what other shippers say i don't think i can give credit to that faux-script-shipper for the so called " amazing summary of JH's growth and characterization" because the way she presents her post is not even an opinion but as a fact that she kept saying 'had anyone seen that?' di you notice?'  giving off an arrogant impression.


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3 hours ago, mojobobo said:



Maybe he's driving Bora to her wedding hahaha.



Hahahaa...that would be epic...bora shouting and terrorising him to drive faster and what if he keeps doing the same hilarious parking stunt he did in ep 18. I loled just imaging this. 


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27 minutes ago, NRGchick said:


There is a highlighted part. So if you do not want to be spoiled, don't click ^^

yikes.. scary.. luckily that person didn't reveal and deleted his post phew.. I don't want to get spoiled.. dam those ppl. otherwise it won't be fun.. omg I am at work.. I afraid I can't finish and had to work overtime.. what have R88 done to me..T.T I keep coming back to this thread and keep refreshing after 5 or 10 mins.. I got to stop!!

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Guest wizengamot

@fictionista i thought i've given away myself on that post hahahaha!!! i admit, i'm a former fanfic writer heh ;) anyways, yeah i'm willing to forgive the team if they could give me intense (the non stop kissing) and yet lovely/full of love (pecks on the lips/face and kiss on forehead) JH-DS scene. 

@hailaft @noname noname you should have not come here while at work. omg. now you can't unsee or unthink it now. and the scene will hunt you while at work hahaha


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2 minutes ago, noname noname said:

HAHAHA, this installment is really full of spoiler. I cant imagine how severe Shin PD's and Lee SW's headache is. HAHA...


If the spoiler is true then 


Obviously JH is marrying DS because why would they show us the wedding ceremony of the "2nd male lead"? Even Chilbong didn't get his wedding scene shown. 


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