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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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this is my first post here after so many years i didnt post anything in soompi..

just being a silent reader until now..

i just cant hold my feeling...epi 19 really make me frustrated..omg..im so upset..

i love all the characters but how the writernim make to our jungpal...i really cant accept it..

i felt betray...so many episodes that show how junghwan gather his own feelings to confess to DS..

but he ended up to let go his first love..pity him...he such a good son, a good brother, a kindhearted friend..

i think the writer want junghwan belong to us....

i hope the finale will have a good ending for junghwan..jaebal....



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I know tomorrow I will wake up sober (lol) and regret much of what  I posted but for today richard simmons it all. I don't want to be  understanding and I don't want to appreciate episode 18 or the message of a first love that couldn't be...richard simmons them and richard simmons this richard simmons! Not one richard simmons kiss. I curse this writer and this team and everything that comes after this....I am so upset when I think of what everyone one in this franchise (if I shipped it or not) got that we didn't.....oh lawds...I'm happy for you Deok Sun and for you Taek but I hope your marriage tanks. I hope he is infurtile and that you never have kids. I hope that despite your interview you are miserable all the days of your life and thinking of what could have been with Junghwan LOL (I'm crazy I know) Taek I hope your baduk career tanked and that since the day you made it to the concert, you have lost each and every single match since. I hope all your sponsors left you high and dry. I hope the two of you are broke as richard simmons. I am being petty as richard simmons right now and don't mean half this richard simmons LOL but I wish you two nothing put pain and misery all the day of your lives...Deok Sun every day that you wake up I wish you nothing but misery...I want you to always look at those pink gloves from Junghwan and think of all that could have been that you missed out on. I want you to feel nothing but regret and pain when you think of those times...yes i am truly irrationally raging now LOL....Junghwan I hope you are the happiest dude in the world married to the most beautiful woman that all the squad including Taek lust after and I hope you are rich as richard simmons living in a mansion traveling the world and like you are a nationally loved pilot and i hope you are not friends with some richard simmons richard simmons deok sun and taek and i just....WE DIDN'T EVEN GET ONE richard simmons KISS!!!!! MY SOUL HAS DEPARTED FROM THIS WORLD....

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I have this ember of hope (and I am holding on to Jin Joo's prediction) that DS realises that being with Taek does not feel right. Yes, she found the one who reciprocates her feelings and it's the giddiness of that emotion (love)  but is it truly long lasting love? I didn't watch Ep 19 and don't plan to watch Ep 20 (but I might lurk to get a summary of what happens in the finale).

I still love PBG/Taek and he is an utterly decent person but it just isn't right - call it gut feeling. I don't have a list of evidence to prove my feelings and I think @blue_angel_1004 has expressed it clearly and logically. All this while the build up was JH and DS and to spin this around. I can't be but suspicious that in the preview for 20 there was hardly any sign of JH. The only 'out' I can see from this is that DS (finally) realises for herself who she loves, who has always been there for her - the ring was ultra important because JH has never given to any girl until DS. I wanted to smack DR for thinking it was a joke considering the conversation with JH regarding confessions. 


My initial reaction to Ep 19 was like In-Ha (from Cheese in the trap)

Thank you for letting me share my thoughts here. I am too afraid of being accused as a hardcore JS/DS shipper if I posted this in the MT. And think about this - anything can happen in two hours. 

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Now the song little girl will forever bring a bittersweet feeling reminding me of the scar that this show gave me...... I don't regret shipping JW but i offically dislike 1988.... Duck, what the duck , i seriously have develope a bad case of trust issues.....

Atleast a sane happy part of me was happy to have been broken and scar by JW, our boy was unique and refreshing character, he did good maybe not in the love department but he did well, now he knows better. Time always kills the pain... JW go now !!! Go find your happiness my little sugarplum !!!!

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3 hours ago, gangurhar said:

Guys do you know what hurts the most? That NO ONE will ever know.

NO ONE will ever know how much Jung Hwan loved DS.
NO ONE will ever know how much he cared for each and every moment. 
NO ONE will ever know the turmoil he went through and his ultimate sacrifice for his love and his best friend 
NO ONE will ever know that his confession was real 
DS will never know that he treasured that pink shirt 
That he loved her so dearly 

THIS IS WHAT HURTS ME. ITS NOT EVEN THE HUSBAND THING. ITS THAT NO ONE KNOWS. All that people will know is how great Taek's love for DS was NOT how powerful JH's love for her was. And how much more beautiful it was. 

I need a drink.

This! People hurt for him, that poor soul. Reminds me of that confession again. Oh, my heart :tears::tears::tears:

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3 hours ago, gangurhar said:

Guys do you know what hurts the most? That NO ONE will ever know.

NO ONE will ever know how much Jung Hwan loved DS.
NO ONE will ever know how much he cared for each and every moment. 
NO ONE will ever know the turmoil he went through and his ultimate sacrifice for his love and his best friend 
NO ONE will ever know that his confession was real 
DS will never know that he treasured that pink shirt 
That he loved her so dearly 

THIS IS WHAT HURTS ME. ITS NOT EVEN THE HUSBAND THING. ITS THAT NO ONE KNOWS. All that people will know is how great Taek's love for DS was NOT how powerful JH's love for her was. And how much more beautiful it was. 

I need a drink.


Im crying reading your post.. I felt sorry for Uri Junghwan.. He Deserve Better Girl than Her.. 

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WTF WHY I  CRYING LIKE A CRAZY ONE. i spend a lot of time on this movie, a lot of emtional on jung hwan's story and i really fell exausted. i just hate all of this richard simmons.  What kind of friend are they when they just leave jh in pain without knowing anything. He just can't eat, can't sleep , can't date but no one know. Like NO ONE. No one know, no one share, he just give everything he had, he even punch his sunbae for sun woo and what sun woo did it just madly in love, he don''t give a richard simmons about his friend. Junghwan ah, just stay away from them, and start a new life. I just lose my faith in love and in friendship. Wow thanks a lot

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13 minutes ago, yellow and green said:

Irrational, sexist, angry words ahead by a 640 page lurker, who experienced her first drama-death today after ep 19.

A part of me died after today's episode, much like how Boromir died in Lord of the Rings (my death really starts at 1:17  part of this clip). The writer, Lee Woo Jung, appears first at the 1:17 mark and then you get a real good look at her by the 1:33 mark.

Back to my point: I know this is going to be a really F'd up/sexist thing to say, but I'm sorry not sorry - this is how irrational/irate Lee Woo Jung has made me today: as much as I wanted JH/DS to be the OTP, I now quite frankly don't even want JH to get TK's sloppy, used seconds (omg I said it - I am the devil incarnate - please lay down your arrows DS fans). So the 1% miracle I was hoping for, can kiss my irrational behind that actually ships a rational script.

If by the end of ep 20 DS doesn't give JH closure - a reciprocation to his sincerity - and all she ends up giving him in return to his confession was that pathetic/patronizing smile at the bar/restaurant, then BYE FELICIA.

I wasn't always this nasty, I swear.


You're not nasty at all. We have been nothing but fair to DS all along and have tried to rationalize her actions to the best of our capabilities. But she is literally the least developed Kdrama heroine in a long time. I think last night's episode established that beyond all doubt. I don't mind her for choosing Taek but I mind her reasons for choosing the guy she did choose in the end. 

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32 minutes ago, EMM! said:

Took crack (no i'm kidding, i just slept well and rewatched the ep again haha) and decided to convince myself at least at the possible scenarios that is coming or should be coming, if they do wrap up this series with Junghwan as end game.

these are things I pondered on

a. Taek x Deoksun was necessary because WTF she needs to experience first love at least! First loves are sweet, bubblegum-y, pink, and just like candy. She needs a love that is reciprocated, since her lovelife during her highschool years are messed up.

I would like to believe, again, I took crack so hahahahaha that this happens in the 1989 - 1993 window when Junghwan wasn't there. It's possible and realistic because they're always seeing each other, love is proximity and after that '89 kiss Deoksun had better chances with him that any other guy in the block.

The hotel room kiss happened. It was real. But there is still no confirmation on what year it happened. 
The cute sweater scene happened. But we don't know when it happened.

b. Of course, for Junghwan to be end game, this TK x DS phase has to come to a clean end.

They tried, but it didn't work. This can be of many reasons, not just Junghwan, he's away for god's sake how can Deoksun even think about him and she has her hopes and dreams and work-- so this relationship needs to end because it just won't work for the long run.

Hence, a new window of chance for Junghwan came during 1994.

But this will only work if they tied up their relationship nicely. Kkeut. No hard feelings.

c. The seemingly messy timeline of ep19 was deliberate.

Deoksun always wears the same clothes. And has the same hairstyle. So the timeline is pretty much messed up this way as we don't know how the scenes took place what happened first, second, and last (yes i took crack don't worry about it i'm fine really HAHAHAA). And by the cut of the hotel room kiss, it made us feel and think (yeaaaah i know) that she was giggling of happiness and sweetness after they kissed.

Well yeah, it could be. After the kiss she left even though Taek would've wanted her to stay. If it was an epiphany moment, she could've thought "ahhhhh he'll be my husband" and agree to sleep in his room because there weren't any chances she'll lose if she sleeps with a guy in the same room, after all, if he's gonna be the husband. (remember her not wanting to sleep in taek's room during ep18)

But it could be that they kissed, but she still felt awkward, but still wanted to try dating him, so yeah. Idek what's the point really of this sentence. HAHAHAHA

If they kissed and she still felt awkward, hence the preview was telling us exactly what it meant. There would be relationship struggles along the way. But the coat-hug scene.. what about that then? 

So what I'm trying to say is..

A lot can really be turned around for tonight's episode.

But that doesn't make me feel any better from last night's ep. Both teams are gonna be pissed and it's not even a clean win for either guys.
It's like a contest-- which sides gets effed up more HAHAHA

If it makes it any better, I want them Deoksun to show she's worthy of Junghwan's ever greeeeen love. (cue music: Evergreen)
We know how much Junghwan cared for her, and I want her character to show me that she understood what he did for her and that she could reciprocate or more.


D-day guys, this is it.

Wooow, daebak...!! I love your crack chingu..please share it with me :D THIS IS WHAT I CALL "THAT 1%" CHANCE!! This is the thing that goes running in my head since last night..it does kind of make sense now. (is it this crack talking?)  ;)

I do agree with most of your post here,chingu..i don't want to blame Hyeri's character. It does seem like she's the portrayal of most young girls, how they face their first love, and try to be realistic in real life. Naive, sweet, and sometimes, just sometimes.. kinda dense..Aaarrgh, i miss my 20's so much now.

I do hope that if it still in the 1994 timeline (hopefully after TKxDS debacle,kiss,n fights and others that u mentioned), after JH's confession and the fiancee ring, they will have the kiss in that 2 months before the end of 1994. That'll explain the kiss in 94, which the adult version said. #finger'scrossed. And i do hope a bit, that JH too, have dated a lot girls in those timeline or before that. But finally, he realized that he can't love another girl, as much as he loves DS. So it's like both of them have been equally through many things before they can be together. But what make me still confuse, is your sentence : after that '89 kiss Deoksun had better chances with him that any other guy in the block. This really need explanation from PD n the writer, because the adult version mentioned this kiss too :( Ottoke?

My heart is broken, i feel like crying whenever i remember this episode, n realize that tonight is going to be the BIG revelation. I cried buckets last night :bawling:  I don't wanna give up, until my last 1% proven wrong. NOPE!! My sister told me to to prepare a lifeboat, in case this ship is really sunk in the end. And yeah, now i'm preparing my heart, my lifeboat,.. to all the things that's going to happen tonight..This is it.

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Guest wizengamot

He’s leaving for another match in Beijing that night, which is where Deok-sun’s next flight is headed too. Her co-worker brings up the famous Choi Taek and asks why Deok-sun doesn’t date him if they’re so close. Deok-sun clarifies that they’re just friends and have been for twenty years. The co-worker asks, “So… why aren’t you dating?”

cr from dramabeans

*sigh*  so it's like SW and JH all over again. hahahahahahah!!! the difference is it's not MO and Ja Hyun who said this haha

basically, the only chance TK-DS to happen is to reduce RJY/JH presence or screentime in the series. LAME!

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I have no hope left tbh! I'm just DONE! I never foresaw this richard simmons, but it did happen, so there is that. But, whoever is watching the live stream, if you lovely individuals could summarize/write the the ending that happens to Jung Hwan, I will be VERY VERY grateful. Because I don't want to spend a second more mooning over a hopeless case if Jung hwan is not the husband. Good night, you lovely people! I pray Uri jung hwan gets a nice and truly happy end, however unlikely it seems now. <3

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10 minutes ago, luffypyon said:

Wow even wikipedia has comfirmed that Taek is the husband Wow WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Chingus....WIKIPEDIA...is a one big HELL of a JOKE...anyone can edit to put wrong information in there...

when I'm still a student back in college....even once...I did not tried to lurk there...lol



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7 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

I have this ember of hope (and I am holding on to Jin Joo's prediction) that DS realises that being with Taek does not feel right. Yes, she found the one who reciprocates her feelings and it's the giddiness of that emotion (love)  but is it truly long lasting love? I didn't watch Ep 19 and don't plan to watch Ep 20 (but I might lurk to get a summary of what happens in the finale).

I still love PBG/Taek and he is an utterly decent person but it just isn't right - call it gut feeling. I don't have a list of evidence to prove my feelings and I think @blue_angel_1004 has expressed it clearly and logically. All this while the build up was JH and DS and to spin this around. I can't be but suspicious that in the preview for 20 there was hardly any sign of JH. The only 'out' I can see from this is that DS (finally) realises for herself who she loves, who has always been there for her - the ring was ultra important because JH has never given to any girl until DS. I wanted to smack DR for thinking it was a joke considering the conversation with JH regarding confessions. 


My initial reaction to Ep 19 was like In-Ha (from Cheese in the trap)

Thank you for letting me share my thoughts here. I am too afraid of being accused as a hardcore JS/DS shipper if I posted this there. And think about this - anything can happen in two hours. 

LMFAOOO!!!! Omg Baek In Ha is the same thought and reaction every time I think about episode 19! 

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