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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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1 hour ago, noname noname said:

Wanna ask something chingu, if TK gives JH honest answer, wut will it possibly happen? Because I just dont see the diff between him giving honest answer and not. Hehehe....

They both could have talked about the feelings they both know the other has for Deok Sun. Asked each other why they are then not pursuing her/owned up to their feelings but instead or doing the whole I'm so done with it bro code and actually talked and come to some sort of agreement on what to do now. Like both could have come to understand and agree that these feelings won't go away (feelings for Deok Sun that is), that they will always remain friends/have each other's backs, and may whomever Deok Sun likes treat her well for the both of them because both have agreed to confess to Deok Sun and let her choose. Basically they would have talked, progress would have been shown, and something different would have come out the non-triangle, triangle instead of being in the same place for a while now. I ain't even mad that Taek lied (though I side eye the writers for it) but had he told the truth a lot would have changed. Mostly neither boy would feel the need to continue "sacrificing" for the other.

ETA: @tituyphing I have 3 older sisters (one is just like Bora minus the hitting, ugh, still love her though) and one younger brother. It's not as all love and sacrificing wishes and dreams like dramas make it out to be LOL. I envy your being an only child (only half serious here). Most of the time it is arguing over the remote (and blocking the cable box/tv so they can't change), having everything (down to your underwear) borrowed/taken, hand me downs, sharing, can't afford, and you're older/younger give it to the oldest/youngest....i wish I was an only child and got all my mother's love (and I assume a better amount of Christmas and birthday gifts, and clothes, school supplies, etc). :P 

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@MrsSoJiSub I agree with you.. I wish they're more like Trash/CB in that aspect, but of course, they are friends first. Although I think what Taek did was not uncharacteristic considering they are both trying to be non confrontational. But as I see it, Jung Hwan asking about it was like opening up the floor to discuss it... When he didn't take it, status quo was maintained. Nobody at fault (obviously, JH could've still talked), just writer stalling... 

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Morning you all! (And good afternoon and goodnight) like @ihate0ni0ns said. Such a great feeling to have two episodes back to back. And kind of sad that if they didn't have that break today would have been the last day.

I see there was a new epiphany (I call them that cause two of them were posted on epiphany day - deliberately or not) that give light to the blind shippers. Minus some phrasing, they're interesting to read in a what-someone-else-ships kind of way. :P

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1 hour ago, Asha Mizuki said:


I've been a silent lurker in this thread for a while but there's something I want to point out from the main thread. The post about JH's self discovery. Personally, I don't view JH as someone who is not aware of himself. He is always like that, cold but caring and sweet. It's not like he couldn't read others' emotions well, he couldn't express himself when it comes to  love and expression well. Because JH is aware of the emotions of people around him, his mother's, father's, brother's, friends' and I'm sure he is aware of DS's feelings too.

And he is a dog, not yet a human...in others' eyes. It's because he is abrasive that other people (DS) viewed him as a dog and lacks a human. Through each episodes, layers of JH sweetness and considerations are revealed showing that he is pretty much a human. A sweetheart. IMHO, DS's introduction about JH being a dog is to make us think that JH is really kind of a jerk but as time goes by we get to see that he is not. Not all of JH's action is self discovery in my eyes, as most of the scenes is just a revelation of his true self.

I'm uncomfortable with the OP painting JH as someone who lacks self-awareness, is selfish, and develops from a jerk to a good guy. There's a post saying that JH is not typical kdrama hero that is rude and prickly and turned into a nice guy just for the sake of being worthy to be the female lead's love. JH is a kind person, right from the start.

Btw, if we were to compare the nurturing scenes between DS/TK and SK/MR then it could be safely said that DR/TK is a possibility too. Remember how DR helped TK with his chopstick, packed his luggage, and straighten up TK's clothes?

I agree with everything you said. To most of us here Junghwan is an awesome brother, friend, son, potential boyfriend, and husband. I myself (and I believe is true for most of us here) would not ship him with Deok Sun if I thought he was a jerk and or someone who wouldn't value her and treat her and her life with the love and respect she more than deserves and has earned. 

Like you, I agree that Junghwan is a very self aware teenager turned man who has always been a good, caring, and loving person at his core. Even when Deok Sun was calling him a "dog" we saw him getting ready to fight and lose his shoes ( which like being first place in school he made no big deal about), we saw him beat and take a beating for Sunwoo (even though he had not agreed with Sunwoo not giving in just once. There are lines you don't cross and he knows it), his trying in his own small way to please his mom, his conducting the gag with his dad, the way he has always loved and valued his hyung, and all the little things since the beginning that he has done for Deok Sun (paying for her and her friends food, dancing to win her the walkman, being proud and knowing her enough to know that she "b***hed out the committee/fought back for her picket line spot, and the countless things-umbrella giving, gloves, now his childhood diary, etc-). Junghwan is and has always been awesome. Deok Sun's "magical fairy dust love" did not change and make him so. 

It pains me that viewers try to bring him down, twist his words or actions, or paint him as something he's not as a means to justify or "prove" something. It's just really unfair to the character and to the writers who have worked hard on developing him as they have all the other characters. Whatever, we're allowed to have different opinions so I read the post on the main thread but don't agree with it and will ignore it (as I ignore many others) just to keep the peace and status quo over there. 

@noname noname I see your points and agree and even understand why TK lied (and honestly it doesn't really bother me much) but it would have been nice to see them talk. Have him accept the reality of things. And get to see our couple confess and begin that dating life. 

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First post in this thread i just wanna share my opinion with everyone

Until now i'm sure 90% it's JH must be the husband from the preview i think maybe JH confess to DS and tell her TK like her too and then he  escape from DS to live in another place [like the air force base or apartment not Ssangmundong] and at the same time TK will confess to DS too but she reject him and tell him she doesn't love him

After long time ago [Maybe it a reunion pilot school party] JH and DS will meet again bcoz JH friend is a pilot in same cadet school with him and DS is an air hostess same airline JH friend His friend tell about JH is the popular man in cadet school to date with many girl and air hostess too DS would go to toilet but she saw JH in front of the toilet too and JH being a smoker [YESSSS] and after party JH invite her to comeback home with him and then in the car [same as YJ and SW 97] DS ask JH about his feeling again and she tell him she not date with TK bcoz she like him and then both have a kiss [YESSSSS] 


Maybe about rumors of kiss scene at Gimpo airport i think JH will send DS to airport after both has dating JH is the fighter pilot and he knows the pilot in other airline LOLLL

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What is this I'm reading ??? Analysis on uri JH !! HEOLLLLLLLLLL...... Eommaya...... JH being all sly and asking for more money from Cheetah omma and then feeling all embarrassed and guilty....PWAHAHAHAHAHHA......aigoo.... when will people understand that these are a bunch of 18yr.olds.... not some monks  on a path to salvation........  Do I even have to clarify the magnanimity of JH's heart which is made of pure gold ?? Or do I have to talk about little selfishness and slyness that streams through SW , TK , DR and all the other teens of the world..... Gosh.... hmmm... why bother eh??  I love uri JH even more than I love DS  but a little  less than I love JB oppa.... JB rocks !!  Hahahha.... And, why go on character dissection  in "saintly" mode on the teenagers ...even the adults have their little quirks..... C'mon you think Papa Bear never once thought about tapping SW's omma....  

Oh bless the Lord !! Finally,.... uri Cheetah omma finally got her husband where she wants  ---  in the sack.!!....Kim Sajang's virility is speeding through just like this thread...... HAHAhah..... no matter if their kids are nursing a broken heart...aigoo.... daebak !!


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This Episode not as bad as i though because i think i will cry so much because of this love triangle and that kiss, but i think just ignored that part and this episode is so warm :)

and of course the last part is the best that make me forget about it HAHHAHAHA

I really enjoyed brotherhood and sisterhood part :)


Lets pray for tonight episode :)

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5 minutes ago, phadungpon said:

First post in this thread i just wanna share my opinion with everyone

Until now i'm sure 90% it's JH must be the husband from the preview i think maybe JH confess to DS and tell her TK like her too and then he  escape from DS to live in another place [like the air force base or apartment not Ssangmundong] and at the same time TK will confess to DS too but she reject him and tell him she doesn't love him

After long time ago [Maybe it a reunion pilot school party] JH and DS will meet again bcoz JH friend is a pilot in same cadet school with him and DS is an air hostess same airline JH friend His friend tell about JH is the popular man in cadet school to date with many girl and air hostess too DS would go to toilet but she saw JH in front of the toilet too and JH being a smoker [YESSSS] and after party JH invite her to comeback home with him and then in the car [same as YJ and SW 97] DS ask JH about his feeling again and she tell him she not date with TK bcoz she like him and then both have a kiss [YESSSSS] 


Maybe about rumors of kiss scene at Gimpo airport i think JH will send DS to airport after both has dating JH is the fighter pilot and he knows the pilot in other airline LOLLL


STOP GIVING US JH GLOOMY MOOD again..i m sick of that.. 


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Okay so from girlfriday's comments on the recap post, I think she believes the kiss was a dream too. Guys, everything about that scene looked like a dream right from the awkward posture of both and the way they held hands and the way they kissed - everything felt artificial and orchestrated.

On a side note, why are these guys so cute? :wub:


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This might be the most delusional thought ever and nothing i imagine ever turns out to be real  but still i will say it :huh: there was this spoiler pic of how deoksun was sitting in a swing with taek atound? That scene has not yet been shown.(was that even a scene or were they just sitting there?) anyways i think that will most probably be a flashback scene showing how deoksun realizes taek likes her and they both have a talk abt it? Ugghhh my delulu mind imagining all sorts of things

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1 hour ago, wizengamot said:


what post? i'm gonna go now to the main thread.


lol, are you referring to the long post? i didn't read it.

piece of advice guys (and i know it's not easy)

just don't let anyone comment/post bad mouthing uri couple or JH or DS affect you. Their comment will not change anything in the series so don't let them not change or messed up your mind. :)

Yup. Leason learned :bawling:. But, but, but I just can't help it. I'm the type of girl that just have to check if the killer still hiding at back of the door or not despite everyone's telling me not to. Or can't help to open an old music box despite everyone's telling me if I did, the ghost will shown. The type of character that would die first in a horror movie, because of her curiosity. *hahaha

But anyway, back to happy us :wub:


The question of the day? Would we see him again in uniform on today's episode? :wub: 

Though I'm probably already fly high just seeing him in black driving that black jeep XD

Edit: @einYoshiChan I see you join the dark side, and use JH's in uniform as a prof pict now XD

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1 hour ago, gogo92 said:

Long time no see, everybody.:wub:

I think last time when I was here was on page 280 something and now we are over 350 pages. Wow. I don’t know how I can back track all those pages. Anyway, I know this is very late but, I wish all of you a happy new year with good health.

I just finished watching the newest episode and I have to say that I’m very disappointed with the writer Lee woo Jung. Don’t worry, I still believe JH will be the endgame. I’m just so mad because the writer went over the line with DS character to continue the tiring husband guessing game. Like I said before, I adore DS character the most in this drama and I saw her character crumbling down in this episode. I used to get upset whenever people say that DS falls in love easily with whoever likes her and got strong urge to defend her every time. I remember I heard that a lot when DS started to reciprocate JH’s feelings in earlier episodes. However, with ep. 17, I don’t think I can defend her from that accusation. Why can’t the writer keep the flow of emotion of her character consistent? In my opinion, she just sacrificed the most endearing character for the sake of husband guessing game. Geeze… If I’m a TK-DS shipper, I won’t be so happy that DS shows interest to TK in this episode because like some people argue, it seems that DS’s feeling is not real since she likes back easily whoever likes her in this episode. I don’t know how the writer will recover the damage done to DS character. I visited some Korean sites before coming here and I see so many people are mad and disappointed about this. Of course, they are criticizing the writer for this. Maybe, I’m overreacting. After all, she’s just a naïve 18-year-old girl who fantasizes about romance and doesn’t know true meaning of love, yet. Maybe the writer will show how DS matures regarding love slowly after time jump. I really hope so.

Kissing scene between TK and DS… I love how Shin PD directed the scene. It was so cute and pretty even though I believe it was just a dream. But I still wonder why we need that scene if it is a just dream and won’t change the flow of the story. Still, it was well- done scene and I loved it.

Especially, I loved the heart-warming scenes between Kim brothers and Sung sisters so much and this is why I still love this drama even with ongoing tiring husband guessing game. Also, I’m so glad to see how Ssangmundong kids realized their dreams in the future and grew into wonderful adults.

For ep.18, I get the feeling we have to prepare for another heart-breaking scene for our Jung hwannie. I think he will confess his feelings to DS but say goodbye to his first love at the same time. He might try to move on with his life and start to date many girls casually. Also, TK might confess his feeling this time. So, again, the key to solve this love triangle will go to DS. Will DS be mature enough to choose her real love? I guess we have to wait and see.

Again,  thank you all for this wonderful thread. Now, I'm going to sleep.

Eh, I don't think there is anything wrong with her questioning or coming to some realization that Taek is not the baby that she likes to mother (though to me a part of her will always see him as that) nor is there anything wrong with her pondering on her own feelings (why did I feel something? did I feel something?) I think it's normal and reasonable. I honesty didn't see her questioing as liking Taek. I saw it as her coming to understand that she really doesn't know Taek as she thought she had and that yeah he's a man. I don't think her feelings changed at all in this episode nor do I believe she has suddenly and magically fallen for Taek. I think that kiss was just a dream like you said, or it could be real. If either one is true it changes nothing because as we see Deok Sun denied it happened (meaning maybe she was testing herself to see if these newfound wonderment meant she liked him, and she sees that no she doesn't) and treated him as normal. This tells me that no she doesn't like Taek and although he may be very much a man in her eyes now. He's still now the man that makes her heart pitter patter nor the one she wants forever with aka her husband.  

From my earlier rant it's known that I agree with you that when it comes down to it, the kiss was pretty pointless and just a means to prolong something that should have been done by now. However I feel people are being a bit harsh on Deok Sun's character from this episode. What did Deok Sun do that was so wrong? Are she and Junghwan dating? No. Has he confessed to her and tried to have some claim or commitment with her? No. Has he even bothered to try and clear up the pink shirt incident that is another thing keeping things in a stalemate on her side? No. I clearly see that Deok Sun been had and still has feelings for Junghwan (how strong of feelings is up in the air) but until he makes a move he has no claim over her, and frankly I don't want her sitting around being some ever loyal to one dude lead that's just waiting on his confession (as much as dramas like to show this, that richard simmons ain't real). Deok Sun go on and kiss all the boys you want, date as many as you want, and question yourself and your feelings until you are sure sure of who and what you want. I see nothing wrong with having dated around a bit before settling with your one. Nor is it wrong for her to question her feelings so that she can be sure of her own heart and go after what she wants without hesitation, doubts, second guessing, and wonderment of if it's what she really wants. 

As much as I hated some of it, I  believe it all falls in line with Dong Ryeong's speech about thinking on who she likes and wants to be with whether they like her back or not. I feel the audience needs to see this so that when she finally does get with Junghwan people can't be all "it's only because she didn't/doesn't know how Taek feels/felt about her, or if she knew Taek liked her she would have liked him back" (even though we all know people are still going to use the above and more excuses and reasoning to try and say the endgame was a bad/wrong/not really developed conclusion). We need the exploring, closure, and assuring of where her feelings truly lay in order to continue to believe that Junghwan was her choice. The person she wants and choose to be with (even knowing all the other options aka Taek and the men she's dated over the course of 5 years).

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Just now, boranoona said:

This might be the most delusional thought ever and nothing i imagine ever turns out to be real  but still i will say it :huh: there was this spoiler pic of how deoksun was sitting in a swing with taek atound? That scene has not yet been shown.(was that even a scene or were they just sitting there?) anyways i think that will most probably be a flashback scene showing how deoksun realizes taek likes her and they both have a talk abt it? Ugghhh my delulu mind imagining all sorts of things

There's also JH's jacket left on the bench of the park. As Taek was carrying DS away the camera angle (lol) widened to show the jacket on the left and TK-DS on the right which the writer might use in the future in any way she likes. So no, it's not delutional. :)

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What the.....ppl trying to say JHs character is what?? Yeah not even gonna bother to look into it because.

NOT EVERYONE CAN GIVE UP ON THEIR OWN DREAMS just to fulfill their brothers dream. In today's episode we find out why JH kept changing his dreams it was all for JB :tears: I cried! No wonder when others poke fun @ JB, JH always stands up for him. He loves his odd ball brother more than we know. Awwwwww my heart hurts.

I'm not even going to get started on how JH is one of the best written characters in kdrama history (minus that he has not confessed argh) lol it will be too long & his character is already speaking for himself :P WHO'S NAME WAS TRENDING ON TWITTER AFTER 17 aired? #Kimjunghwan haters will always find something to hate on! #peace

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