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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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10 minutes ago, debieg said:

@janeadelaine i still think they are filming together. I think the picture was taken in a park.

@snowy21 that is sad where did you read about that news?


Hi I got the news from Instagram , 1/17-MC Hyeri in Inkigayo , 1/18-Idol star championship 1/19-Hyeri has fansign 1/22-Girl's Day go to Hong Kong for a concert. The schedule I got from twitter as well.

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Is that JH with DS by the swings?  That looks like PBG.  I'm not feeling the hair at the moment.  What if they're filming JH and DS's reunion after 5 years?  DS by the bus stop and JH sees her and gives her a ride home? The swings reminds me of a scene from The Producers.  KSH confessing to GHJ.

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@papulichan Chingu, I don't think the writers will show us the manitto scene in which DS gives something to JH. In ep 7, remember how DS indignantly asks JH why JB is orchestrating the Secret Santa game to get his MBC college music festival LP when they're rich enough to buy him whatever he wants. This gives me the impression that DS would not bother with a gift for JH since she feels she doesn't need to buy anything for the rich friend. At least at that point in the drama, DS wasn't thoughtful enough towards JH. Besides we already have the pink shirt birthday gift so I am not expecting another gift-related scene even at the very end. I'll be happy to be proven wrong though. :)

So some Tk-DS shipper posted on our thread? No comment on that except I still remember the number of Taek shippers on the main thread who had passive-aggressively replied back to my posts without directly addressing me implicitly wishing no comments implying JH is the husband be posted. And I was only ever discussing the drama basing my theories on what has been shown to us so far. Since then I haven't gone back in there to post anything. All hints point to JH quite strongly and if you don't get that or refuse to acknowledge that, well your choice. But I cannot bring myself to care about the consequences of stating the very obvious. If the truth offends people, then fault lies with them for being intolerant of contrary opinions. For instance, none of us feel the need to convince other people that JH is the husband right? That's because we're sure that he is and even if he isn't, we're not motivated by the urge to badmouth Taek. We love Taek as much as JH, maybe not so much as a romantic interest for DS but as a great character nonetheless.

Since everything depends on DS's feelings which many people are unsure of, I leave this single gif from ep 11. 



When BR asks DS if she and JH had gotten close and she replies that they were always close the underlying implication is pretty clear. JH and DS are pretty intimate as friends already and obviously care for each other a lot even if their only mode of interaction has been majorly through bickering. If anything their bickering is of a more healthy and believable type than previous Reply series couples in which I found Shi Won really loud and intolerable at times, especially the way she behaved with Yoon Jae. Thank god adorable DS isn't as shrill or OTT exaggerated as a tomboy/crazed-fangirl archetype. This comment more than anything else serves as an indicator of DS's true feelings. 

And I remember how hesitant DS was before warming to the possibility of JH liking her. She specifically mentioned to her friends (in ep 10) how uncomfortable she is with the idea of dating JH meaning she is aware of the sexual tension between them. She definitely sees him as a guy, as a prospective romantic partner which is why the discomfort. No such tension exists between her and Taek yet. And I don't think her actions towards JH now - shown through all the random things she does for him starting from ep 11 to 14 like waiting for him to go to school together, the b'day gift, the persistent pleas to go to the concert together - are entirely superficial either. It's just that she has newly woken up to the lovely possibilities of realizing the unexplored potential in their relationship. Okay maybe she is a bit obsessed with the idea of getting a boyfriend at her age but she is only 18. Of course she'd be a little immature and eager. This does not mean her feelings for JH are any less meaningful.

Btw are the spoiler related posts on netizenbuzz about someone from the 5 getting into Seoul Uni and DS becoming a flight attendant authentic? I cannot help but doubt their veracity. And I def do not think JH will become a pilot. 

The preview for ep 17 is again trolling us. I bet JH doesn't ask Taek if he has opened his wallet. Maybe he asks DS?

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Just now, honeywell said:

Is that JH with DS by the swings?  That looks like PBG.  I'm not feeling the hair at the moment.  What if they're filming JH and DS's reunion after 5 years?  DS by the bus stop and JH sees her and gives her a ride home? 


That looks like PBG too !...oohh.. JH giving DS a ride in his car..... I would LUV that !

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2 minutes ago, fictionista said:

@papulichan Chingu, I don't think the writers will show us the manitto scene in which DS gives something to JH. In ep 7, remember how DS indignantly asks JH why JB is orchestrating the Secret Santa game to get his MBC college music festival LP when they're rich enough to buy him whatever he wants. This gives me the impression that DS would not bother with a gift for JH since she feels she doesn't need to buy anything for the rich friend. At least at that point in the drama, DS wasn't thoughtful enough towards JH. Besides we already have the pink shirt birthday gift so I am not expecting another gift-related scene even at the very end. I'll be happy to be proven wrong though. :)



Chinguya, that could be possible and maybe there may not include the "manitto" flashback. But, what got me thinking was how the camera was panned for a minute or two on DS's drawer and the paper chit. That's what got me thinking..if there is something more to it... but, I do hope if it is for a second or so they put in a little flashback snippet...keekekeke


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What swings? Wait the gang has a last hurrah at their middle/elementary school before some leave for college? (in the preview it looked like Taek and Junghwan were having their talk on the play ground field) Did they all go to the boys school to watch the shooting stars? Why am I still here....but swings...a jeep...I guess it's a blessing my computer is not showing these pictures. A sign from the kdrama gods that I should not spoil myself...how does his hair look? I just need to know the hair style...

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1 minute ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

What swings? Wait the gang has a last hurrah at their middle/elementary school before some leave for college? (in the preview it looked like Taek and Junghwan were having their talk on the play ground field) Did they all go to the boys school to watch the shooting stars? Why am I still here....but swings...a jeep...I guess it's a blessing my computer is not showing these pictures. A sign from the kdrama gods that I should not spoil myself...how does his hair look? I just need to know the hair style...

 middle parted.. kind of 50:50 hair style.. erghhh

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Honestly, is that JH at all in that car? Augh it's hard to make out. I want better pics and I want Friday to come sooner. /cries

@papulichan I think the manitto game's purpose was to foreshadow the way the lovelines would play out in the succeeding episodes. DS picks Jung Hwan, Taek picks DS's name while JH draws Taek's name which is exactly what happens in the later episodes no? Since JH chooses friendship with Taek over possible romance with DS. But of course it would be fun to see a thoughtful side of DS towards JH even when she was unaware of his feelings. I really hope she bought JH something. It's the thought that counts after all. :)

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Guest wizengamot
1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

You guys know the show 'Community' Well there's this episode where one of the characters (Troy) goes to buy a couple of pizzas and when he comes back World War III has broken out in his apartment....it feels like that here. I go to sleep, I wake up...and we have spy espionage happening?....why are we going on people's profile pages to check their ship...?....what does it matter that someone believes Deok Sun don't give a richard simmons about Junghwan and only has eyes for Taek in episode 7...and no, no, no we are not waiting for the big reveal to go in the main thread and be all "I told you so. I told you so. I, I, I told you so."

Both sides have gotten too deep. Come on now ya'll! We got only 4 episodes left and "they doth protest too much me thinks" Let it go. We love Taek but we don't always have the nicest words for him or his shippers so let's just take it as something we all do. Also no don't be all "I told you. Didn't I you? Cause I told you. Mmmhmm, and when did I tell you? A long time ago. And what did I say would happen? Exactly what just happened!" (though I am petty enough to do it in my head to some poster, heh). NO resist that temptation. It's just a show. Treat others how you would like to be treated and for some of ya'll remember how it felt when Chilbong didn't get the girl? You would have hated it, if we Jeong/Oppa shippers had rubbed in your faces about how right we were right? Right...2 weeks left. 4 more episodes and then it's done. Let the show do the talking for us and let's just try to be a chill and civil and above some noise okay?

Sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to parent, school, or tell people how to behave. I do not mean to offend with this post. It's just ya'll getting too deep LOL and I want to bring it back to the teamlowexpectations and my solo teamsohyped fun *passes out pizzas in the mist of the burning inferno*


i know. i know of course you mean well by this. and you're right. and i really want to agree with you. i really do. and not only that i want to agree, i also know i should agree. i barely come to the main thread and if ever i see a disagreeable post there, i rant here. and i don't lurk to other ships thread so i can find something to rant here about their posts because that's not only low but somehow irrational because well that thread was created for them to do the same as what we're doing in our thread, spazz over their ship. so basically the content of that is in favor of their ship so why would i go there and rant about it. but i do have a habit of clicking on new usernames/faces in the thread (well i have that habit even on the other threads i joined before), when they first appear here. i did not click her name to check her ship because i don't even know what she is a TK shipper, because i wasn;t even expecting that a TK shipper would comment here (to correct me at that). her correction was well received and she know that, and some shipper here greeted her. so when i click into her profile i saw the "jh-ds shipper" plus rant/negative comment. even before my brain could tell me to not read the whole thing about the quoted shipper, my eyes were trained to read letters when they are readable. and her comment was not even about the topic she corrected but something in the line (because i did not memorize or reread her post) "they say hello-hi but they were not even expect us to comment" giving the vibe that we're not welcoming and making the greetings insincere which was not true. i know if i had not click on her i would be clueless that i was being the topic for something blown into epic but wrong proportions. but still, it's not even about the drama, it's about picking on someone's behavior, wrongly accused. and even though i know it's a waste of time to rant about it. i feel offended by her so i can't help but rant. well that's that

41 minutes ago, papulichan said:


Chinguya, that could be possible and maybe there may not include the "manitto" flashback. But, what got me thinking was how the camera was panned for a minute or two on DS's drawer and the paper chit. That's what got me thinking..if there is something more to it... but, I do hope if it is for a second or so they put in a little flashback snippet...keekekeke


well, like i said few post ago, i also doubt the flashback of DS manitto gift for JH. but i'm open about the idea of it being shown. Any JH-DS flashbacks is welcome, really. i think, it was only focus so that we could see who DS picked on the secret santa, because in the episode, no one asked her who did she pick or she never mentioned it to anyone. just like how BR manitto paper was also focused on camera (after DS rummaged through her things heh) :)

@hailaft FANFIC! FANFIC!!! FANFIC!!!

*goes to rewatch @ihate0ni0ns fanvid for the nth time


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Guest nchoerunnisa
On 5/1/2016 at 10:55 AM, tituyphing said:


hai my dear friend, I love your post I should say we think alike almost everytime. Bout Bora, no matter how her fans shield her, I never think I could like her, but I should admit her character is "just fine" to watched nowadays. I remember I posted on main thread about her calling her parents crazy few times. uuugh...

also about the double standard people gave to JH and Taek. actually i gave up going to main thread after I read those kind of posts. I will come back laughing after the show over. I lost my cool when people talk bad things bout my Junghwan. If they fail to see whatever in front of their nose, no point to pointing it to them anyway..

most viewers fall for Junghwan is because he's beautifully written, he's smart, loyal, strong, honest, thoughtful, and caring to people around him INSIDE. Taek is sweet, tender, and loyal too. They are both beautifully written actually but I feel taek's character is more typical character in Kdrama, and beside he is soooo handsome to begin with. Aside from appearance it is just about preference, which one do you like more among the two. But to explain and pointing a preference, we don't need to bring down the other side. that's what the other ship ALWAYS DO.. 

And about that super long post cray cray neutral posts, I better ignore, because I read many of her post during 2014-2015, she always been like that.. "detailed" but vague in her shot, like we need to read her mind to know who she directed the 'name calling' to, geeez if I need to direct a post to someone I just mention them openly why do I bother being vague anyway?

in a lighter note, I love the BTS~~ I keep rewatching it before I go to sleep. Hyeri and Junyeol chemistry is good but, I feel brotherly love, when he listening to Hyeri finish her story about how similar 'Oppa' to Bogum lol.. I'm so happy that Ryu Junyeol getting praise over and over again.. Seems the Production team haven't do it enough, they put a nice caption everytime he appear on the BTS. and I am proud to say I am his fans, kkkkk I can feel that he is loved by the production team.


the preview i released how nice~~~

I was freaked out when first i watched it but then I saw the position of Taek laying down and DS's position, hahaha~~~ they're not even in one frame. But indeed I don't think the necessity for taek lying here, ugggh.... and that eyes of Junghwan at the end huhuhu... my baby~~ don't hold it any longer, just cry if you have to, araji? 



Yay! Virtual high five!!!

OMG... It's so funny I'm still laughing...

So... My friend recommends... let's say this "x" drama for me to watch... So I lurked on that drama thread... and guess whose post did I find? Yep! The one who posted that "Neutral Post" in the main thread! I'm not gonna say anything about her post there because I don't want to cause any riot and ruin our fun here... but I need to say this to warn you guys:

I think she's gonna post another comment in main thread and WE'D BETTER NOT REACT TO HER POST. Ignore it just like what @tituyphinghad said.

@Kelly86comment brought me to think another double standard case that I often find...

So... usually... some people doesn't really like the idea of JH and DS end up together because:
1. They bicker
2. JH is mean to DS... he often calls her ugly, teases her, etc

but but but...
1. DS and "The Husband"... bicker... they bicker in every scene they had
2. "The Husband":
----- said "You WERE pretty back then"
----- revealed her embarrassing "first snow" experience in the middle of interview!
----- teased DS because she thought "The Husband" always remembers the most peculiar thing about her... again in the middle of interview

If those people are neutral... well then there's nothing we can do about it, whoever the husband is... they won't like him
If those people like TK... then they shouldn't ship TK with DS... because TK will turn into someone they don't like...
If those people still ship TK with DS... then they shouldn't have any problem with JH in the first place


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6 minutes ago, fictionista said:


@papulichan I think the manitto game's purpose was to foreshadow the way the lovelines would play out in the succeeding episodes. DS picks Jung Hwan, Taek picks DS's name while JH draws Taek's name which is exactly what happens in the later episodes no? Since JH chooses friendship with Taek over possible romance with DS. But of course it would be fun to see a thoughtful side of DS towards JH even when she was unaware of his feelings. I really hope she bought JH something. It's the thought that counts after all. :)


BINGO !! Aptly said. The manitto game did indeed put the love-lines in perspective...:)...

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Guest wizengamot
7 minutes ago, fictionista said:

Honestly, is that JH at all in that car? Augh it's hard to make out. I want better pics and I want Friday to come sooner. /cries

@papulichan I think the manitto game's purpose was to foreshadow the way the lovelines would play out in the succeeding episodes. DS picks Jung Hwan, Taek picks DS's name while JH draws Taek's name which is exactly what happens in the later episodes no? Since JH chooses friendship with Taek over possible romance with DS. But of course it would be fun to see a thoughtful side of DS towards JH even when she was unaware of his feelings. I really hope she bought JH something. It's the thought that counts after all. :)


daebak!!! i didn't think of that as foreshadowing of choosing. i only see it as the triangle. i thought, they can;t make DS pick out JH and JH picking out DS (or TK picking DS and DS picking TK) because it would be too obvious. Especially when they teased before the picking time that those who picked each other means they are destined and they chanted "get married" lol. nice deduction :D


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am i the only one that fine with Jh hair? whatever his hair style change later, i think i will be fine...yeah, i am already getting used to see all my bias with that middle parted 50:50 hair. I dont care at all.. never changes my view of him, and yeah south korean really love that kind of hair style to sometimes.

17 minutes ago, hailaft said:

Okay I couldn't resist not to write fanfic about this. BRB after writing.

aigooooo........ yes please...do write the fanfic...i am waiting chingu....hahahahahaha

ah i forget to reply high five from @ihate0ni0ns...its your first time to made the fanvids?? wahhh...you great chingu..yeah i am your fanvid fans and @hailaft fanfic fans too. cant wait to see and read your next creation...:wub:

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15 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


daebak!!! i didn't think of that as foreshadowing of choosing. i only see it as the triangle. i thought, they can;t make DS pick out JH and JH picking out DS (or TK picking DS and DS picking TK) because it would be too obvious. Especially when they teased before the picking time that those who picked each other means they are destined and they chanted "get married" lol. nice deduction :D



As much as I appreciate the manitto game's symbolic meaning, I hope this does not mean that DR ends up alone in the drama since he picked his own name. :lol:

I guess the fact that Taek likes DS who likes JH is also represented metaphorically in ep 11. Taek leaned on DS who leaned on JH's shoulder.

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22 minutes ago, Nurul Choerunnisa said:

well then there's nothing we can do about it, whoever the husband is... they won't like him
If those people like TK... then they shouldn't ship TK with DS... because TK will turn into someone they don't like...
If those people still ship TK with DS... then they shouldn't have any problem with JH too


sorry for cutting your post < 3 but i think you got the point here.

i mean tk-ds shippers always said they didn't like jh because he often saying bad things to ds and that's why they choose tk so they could protect ds. but then they insisted on saying tk will change his personality like future hubby. this is not making any sense hahaha

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Guest wizengamot
5 minutes ago, fictionista said:


As much as I appreciate the manitto game's symbolic meaning, I hope this does not mean that DR ends up alone in the drama since he picked his own name. :lol:

I guess the fact that Taek likes DS who likes JH is also represented metaphorically in ep 11. Taek leaned on DS who leaned on JH's shoulder.


so i dig my memory of the time the three of them are sitting together or something, and TK leaned on DS and DS leaned on JH. it's only now i realized you mean two different scenes/events. TK leaned on DS was the scene after a tiring match where he lost. and DS leaned on JH was the bus scene. 

@Nurul Choerunnisa @minyeonhan 


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