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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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Here's the recap! I thought this episode was cute with the dogs and I thought their game was hilarious. I'm assuming that they only filmed this episode like a week ago because that's when So Yeon updated her Instagram with the picture of their fashion. Maybe they were too busy to meet frequently before that? But I guess they do somewhat contact each other off camera because So Yeon even said, during the game, that whenever she and Si Yang would talk on the phone, he could hear the sound of the ocarina through the phone, which meant that she was at home when they talked to one another.

But anyway, here it is!

And I didn't see a preview, so I'm assuming that there was no preview?


It’s a new day and Si Yang is waiting for So Yeon. He wonders to himself why women are always late when he finally spots her coming. He calls out to her and immediately complains asking about the time. So Yeon wonders if she’s late and the female MC says that women don’t run even if they’re late because if they do, then they mess up their bangs.


Si Yang asks her why she looks so fresh and So Yeon asks if him if he’s been well. He says he has and that there’s something he has to give her. He opens his coat to reveal a candy necklace, a very long candy necklace. He takes it off of himself and comments on how it’s taller than she is and puts it around her neck. As he’s doing that, So Yeon asks if it’s for White Day and he says it is. On White Day, a guy gives a girl chocolate. So then I wonder if So Yeon gave him something on Valentine’s Day, when the girl normally gives something to the guy.


In his BRI, Si Yang says that he didn’t want to not do something for White Day. Which then makes me wonder when they filmed it because White Day is March 14. We see the video of Si Yang making the candy necklace and the MCs are impressed. In the video he says that although it may be cheesy, he’s going to make one even saying he’s going to make a world record one.


Back to Si Yang putting the candy necklace on her, he says that he has to put it around her neck more times and So Yeon tells him to wrap her entire body with it. There’s something else too as Si Yang gives her a chocolate bracelet to go along with it. But that’s not the end as he pulls out a red box from his pocket. So Yeon asks if she can open it and in the studio, Park Mi Sun wonders if it’s a proposal ring.


So Yeon bursts out laughing as soon as she sees it and it’s a candy ring, a Ring Pop. So Yeon tells him to put it on and he does. She thanks him and he pulls out a bottle from his jacket, having it be a sort of energy drink or something among those lines since he said she would probably be tired from her drama filming. She thanks him again and says that she’s touched as soon as she arrived.


They begin to walk hand in hand where So Yeon expresses her liking of the candy accessories saying that she thinks they really match her. In her BRI, So Yeon explains that a wish of hers is to raise a puppy. She says that she thinks they’re really cute, lovely, and wants to raise one, but she never had an opportunity therefore she wanted to visit a dog café with her husband.


They arrive at the dog café, much to the delight of the dogs, and the cat that’s there. They head to their seat as So Yeon expresses that they’ve entered a new world. When they sit, she tells Si Yang that she likes dogs but never really had the opportunity to interact with them, such as holding them. She finds one and manages to pick the dog up, after taking off all of her candy accessories. The dog is named Marie Antoinette and is a Chihuahua mix. The captions also tell us that she’s like a therapy dog and first in popularity.


So Yeon thinks she’s cute and she immediately sits on the table. When Si Yang goes off to order, So Yeon tries to get the dog’s attention, but she won’t look. So Yeon wonders if she’s looking at Si Yang and the captions say that that’s correct. When Si Yang returns, So Yeon tells him that the dog is only looking at him, not her. They try switching seats and the dog follows Si Yang.


Si Yang plays with another dog while So Yeon just sits there before a puppy comes up to her. She picks him up. Their order arrives and the waiter explains to them that the puppy So Yeon is holding is deaf. A past experience with a human caused the dog, named Ruhui, to become deaf. He explains to them that the puppy’s actions are a bit different from the others because she can’t hear.


Another puppy comes over and So Yeon compares the puppy, named Corn (Oksusu in Korean), to Si Yang saying they look alike. She says it’s their eyeballs that look similar and even the MCs agree. Si Yang jokingly says that he may find his siblings there.


They try some tricks next with the instruction of the waiter and the puppies listen to Si Yang. So Yeon tries to make her puppy lie down, but it doesn’t work in the end. So Yeon tells the puppy that it’s alright if they don’t lie down. The captions then point out that So Yeon is unable to get close with the dogs as she gets ignored by them.


The big dogs are in the next room and the two go over to check them out. They meet an English Bulldog named Beyoncé who is listed as charming and a princess and listed as first in various things, one of them being hugging. So Yeon then sits with the dog and the dog lays across her legs and sits right next to her. They then meet a Chowchow and burst out laugh at the name, Go Chang Suk, it’s also the name of an actor. When the employees have the Chowchow sit on the chair, the MCs exclaim how much the actor and dog resemble one another.


Si Yang tries his hand at tricks again and Go Chang Suk’s sticking out of his tongue makes the MCs laugh. They try other tricks with him and Si Yang laughs when he starts calling the dog because she’s speaking informally and the actor Go Chang Suk is a sunbae.


In her BRI, So Yeon says that she wanted to go to the dog café and they went and that seeing her husband’s appearance of taking care of the dogs made him seem like a man. She says it’s another moment when she fell for him.


Back at the café, So Yeon tells the dogs to rest and Si Yang jokingly says that he should play with his wife now. Beyoncé, the Bulldog, falls asleep on their knees and So Yeon says that she wishes there were a TV right in front of them, as though they were at their house with the dog. While they’re talking, the dog starts to snore and Si Yang says that she resembles him. we see past footage of him snoring.


The two go back to the side with the small dogs to play a board game. They decide to play Halli Galli. The captions, as well as Si Yang, tell us the rules to the game which is basically if 5 fruits come out, the first one to hit the bell wins. And of course, they decide to do a bet, a forehead flick. The game begins and Si Yang gets the first one and then the second one as well.


The game continues and So Yeon finally gets one. She finds the enjoyment in the game and says that they should buy it for their house. However after that, Si Yang keeps hitting the bell. They finally make it to the end of the game when So Yeon runs out of cards for Si Yang to announce that he won the game because she ran out of cards. She exclaims that she finally understands how to play and says that they should play again. So Yeon begins to wonder, with a bit of aegyo put in, how he wins all of the games and asks what the problem with her is.


The effect doesn’t work on Si Yang who asks if she should receive the punishment first. He goes to flick her in the forehead and So Yeon is nervous. He tells her he’ll do it with his left hand, his non-dominant hand, and So Yeon throws caution to the wind as she says that she’ll just die. Si Yang hesitates for a long time until So Yeon can’t take it anymore and stands up and shakes him. Si Yang complains that he can’t flick her and he goes to do it again, but doing it very lightly. The caption says that her plan succeeded.


In the studio, Park Mi Sun says that her and her husband also had that type of thing, I guess a bet where the loser had to get flicked. She says that she won and slapped him across the cheek saying it was what he wanted.


A mission card appears at that time when Si Yang is cleaning up the game. So Yeon gets it and says that it’s been a long time since she’s seen one. The card tells them that with the concept of like spring cleaning, they’re going to up their fashion level saying that whoever wins is going to be crowned the ‘Fashion King’ and asks for them to show their fashion sense. For the steps on the card, the first says that they’ll be like given 10 questions relevant to them, the second says that through the couple scholarship quiz, they’ll try to get the other person’s answers. In parenthesis, it says that one correct answer is 10,000 won and that the winner will be given an additional 50,000 won. The third part of the list says that with their obtained winnings from the game, they have to go buy spring styled clothes for the other person like the shirts, pants, accessories, and shoes. The fourth says to wear what they pick out and upload it onto SNS. And finally, the last step says that the loser has to listen to the winner’s wish.


Ahh, so they like literally filmed this episode a week ago because So Yeon updated her Instagram with a picture wearing matching spring outfits.


After they read the mission, So Yeon says it seems like it’s going to be fun and asks Si Yang what style he would like to see her in asking him for the style of his ideal type. Si Yang smiles at the thought as he begins explaining a neat skirt while wearing a shirt and a cardigan and holding a book. Si Yang asks the same question and So Yeon says she likes black slacks and a t-shirt, but it doesn’t have to be too white. She says she wants to buy it and have him wear it.


They prepare for the quiz and it’s Si Yang who goes first. His first question is: Until middle school, the subject I did the best in is? So Yeon wonders if it’s something they spoke of before and Si Yang is automatically flustered.  She tells him that she doesn’t look up his name in search engines every day and she gives a try at guessing, saying the answer of PE. That’s wrong, though and she keeps guessing with Korean, but that’s wrong, too. The answer is math. So Yeon is surprised at that answer saying that that’s interesting. That means she got the question wrong and Si Yang gets 10,000 won.


It’s So Yeon’s turn and she says she wants to rewrite her question because it’s too easy. Si Yang says that he’ll give her a different one and she says that she’ll show him. Her question is: When we first met, what was my nail color? Without any hesitation Si Yang answers red and he’s correct. The MCs are impressed wondering how he could guess that. Si Yang says that he doesn’t forget when they first met.


In his BRI, Si Yang says that although he was flustered the first day they met, his eyes looked around a lot. He finishes by saying that it was a very special day. In hers, So Yeon says that because Si Yang is a guy, she thought he wouldn’t have paid that close attention to that kind of stuff, but she felt good when he answered correctly quickly.


Si Yang’s second question is: My favorite person is? Park Mi Sun says that the question is too easy. Si Yang asks So Yeon who she thinks his favorite person is. He begins to joke around by bringing up Produce 101 causing So Yeon to burst out asking what he’s talking about. Si Yang continues by saying that it’s someone who’s appearing in the hot drama ‘Happy Home’ and wonders who it could be. So Yeon guesses herself and Si Yang opens the second page to show that it reads ‘Of course…you.’ That causes So Yeon to become embarrassed and move away.


When So Yeon is going to reveal her second question she tells him that it could be easy or hard for him. The question is: The name of my closest friend is? Si Yang gets it right with his answer of Teacher Su Ah. Her next question is: What is my favorite thing to do on my day off? Si Yang gets that right as well with his answer of going to a café. So Yeon is surprised that he said it in the exact same way she wrote it and jokingly wonders if he’s cheating.


For Si Yang’s third question he says that he thinks he said it before. His question is: The animal I hate the most is? So Yeon is correct in her guess of snake. His next question is: What is my shoe size? And So Yeon also gets that one correct with her guess of 270mm. Si Yang says the answer could be anywhere from 265-270mm. His next question is: Who was my favorite artist when I was in school? So Yeon expresses her desire to get the answer wrong because it annoys her, but guesses Jang Na Ra and she’s correct. The captions tell us that Si Yang was in a Jang Na Ra fancafe.


So Yeon’s next question is: My first debut work is? Si Yang hesitates a little and So Yeon begins the countdown. He admits that he’s confused and So Yeon continues her count. He says he really is confused and he ends up not answering. He stutters ‘Change’ at the end, but he knows that that’s not right. The captions say that ‘Change’ was a project she had three years after her debut. Pretending to be angry, she tells him to search ‘Kim So Yeon’ and shows him the answer of ‘Dinosaur Teacher.’ Upon seeing the answer Si Yang remembers.


Si Yang jokes around wondering if that was 22 years ago then and he leans forward on the table where So Yeon hits his arm. In his BRI, Si Yang admits to frequently searching So Yeon’s name. He says that right below the search, the debut work comes up and in that moment, he couldn’t remember what it was.


They move on and the next question So Yeon gives is: During WGM, when was the moment that my heart beat the fastest? Si Yang isn’t entirely sure as he thinks about it. So Yeon gives him a hint by saying that it was at the camping site and Park Mi Sun guesses that it’s when they were lying next to one another. Si Yang guesses when they were playing basketball but he’s wrong, it’s when they were lying while watching the movie and their eyes met. As So Yeon crosses out the question, to mean that Si Yang got it wrong, Si Yang sighs and says that he has to guess them well so he can buy his wife pretty clothes. So Yeon tells him to guess well then.


It’s time for So Yeon’s last question: My mother’s hobby is? Si Yang tries to think and So Yeon begins to count down. He says that if it’s not mountain climbing then he thinks it’s flower arranging. So Yeon laughs at the mention of flower arranging wondering whose mother and asks Si Yang if he really doesn’t know. In the end he says that her mother’s voice was polite and gentle when he heard it, so he guesses flower arranging, but he’s wrong and collapses when he sees the correct answer of ocarina, which is an older type of wind instrument.


It turns out that her mother is always with the ocarina and Si Yang slowly starts to remember as he talks about playing it in the mountain. So Yeon explains that in the mountains if you play it, squirrels are supposed to come and how that’s her mother’s goal before saying that she’s talked a lot about it, disappointed a bit that he didn’t guess it.


In her BRI she explains that she plays it as though she’s someone who’s practicing to be in a competition so that when she and Si Yang sometimes talk with one another over the phone, he can hear it. She says that it was a bit regretful he didn’t get it but she wasn’t sad.


So Yeon thanks Si Yang for writing easy questions and asks if hers were hard. It takes a moment for Si Yang to tell her no as he gets up and kneels down in front of her, apologizing. So Yeon tells him to quickly get up saying that it’s alright. In his BRI he says that he was sorry and thought that he should pay a bit more attention and also figured that So Yeon might have been upset.


The final result is that So Yeon gets 150,000 won to go shopping with and Si Yang gets only 30,000 won. That means that he only got 3 questions right and then I guess they gave So Yeon the first question since she got an additional 50,000 won as the winner. Si Yang worries over what he can get with just 30,000 won.


Si Yang suggests that they eat some tteokbokki and So Yeon says that that sounds good adding that she can tell him a bit about herself and tells him to remember.

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28 minutes ago, thesuitelife547 said:

Here's the recap! I thought this episode was cute with the dogs and I thought their game was hilarious. I'm assuming that they only filmed this episode like a week ago because that's when So Yeon updated her Instagram with the picture of their fashion. Maybe they were too busy to meet frequently before that? But I guess they do somewhat contact each other off camera because So Yeon even said, during the game, that whenever she and Si Yang would talk on the phone, he could hear the sound of the ocarina through the phone, which meant that she was at home when they talked to one another.

But anyway, here it is!

And I didn't see a preview, so I'm assuming that there was no preview?



A mission card appears at that time when Si Yang is cleaning up the game. So Yeon gets it and says that it’s been a long time since she’s seen one. The card tells them that with the concept of like spring cleaning, they’re going to up their fashion level saying that whoever wins is going to be crowned the ‘Fashion King’ and asks for them to show their fashion sense. For the steps on the card, the first says that they’ll be like given 10 questions relevant to them, the second says that through the couple scholarship quiz, they’ll try to get the other person’s answers. In parenthesis, it says that one correct answer is 10,000 won and that the winner will be given an additional 50,000 won. The third part of the list says that with their obtained winnings from the game, they have to go buy spring styled clothes for the other person like the shirts, pants, accessories, and shoes. The fourth says to wear what they pick out and upload it onto SNS. And finally, the last step says


The final result is that So Yeon gets 150,000 won to go shopping with and Si Yang gets only 30,000 won. That means that he only got 3 questions right and then I guess they gave So Yeon the first question since she got an additional 50,000 won as the winner. Si Yang worries over what he can get with just 30,000 won.


Si Yang suggests that they eat some tteokbokki and So Yeon says that that sounds good adding that she can tell him a bit about herself and tells him to remember.

@thesuitelife547  thank you so much for the recap

there is preview for next ep, MBC just forgot to upload it on YT, but @seesaw_love already upload it in above post

I'm kinda confused  about the money they gain from the quiz, I get it Si Yang only can answer 3 question about So Yeon, then it's right that he only got 3000 won, but So Yeon got 150.000 won, if it is reduced by 50.000 won of additional money for the winner, then she got 100.000 won for answering the question, which means she got all question (10 question) right, but she loss the first question... so if she was right for the remaining question, then the money should be only 90.000 won + 50.000 won =  140.000 won....

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3 minutes ago, eyra said:

@thesuitelife547  thank you so much for the recap

there is preview for next ep, MBC just forgot to upload it on YT, but @seesaw_love already upload it in above post

I'm kinda confused  about the money they gain from the quiz, I get it Si Yang only can answer 3 question about So Yeon, then it's right that he only got 3000 won, but So Yeon got 150.000 won, if it is reduced by 50.000 won of additional money for the winner, then she got 100.000 won for answering the question, which means she got all question (10 question) right, but she loss the first question... so if she was right for the remaining question, then the money should be only 90.000 won + 50.000 won =  140.000 won....


Ah, okay thanks haha.

And I think Si Yang might've just given her the first answer as correct because he was flustered when she asked if they had talked about it before and he wasn't sure.

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5 minutes ago, thesuitelife547 said:


Ah, okay thanks haha.

And I think Si Yang might've just given her the first answer as correct because he was flustered when she asked if they had talked about it before and he wasn't sure.

ohhh, so that's the explanation, thank you....

wow, it means So Yeon can anwers the rest question, while Si Yang only can anwers 3 question, that's why he felt so sorry to the extent to kneel down for apologizing :w00t:


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8 hours ago, Alilla said:

My reaction and new comedian MC reaction is same "How come you noticed/ remembered it" when siyang answer right answer about soyeon nail colour for their first meeting.

Yes Siyang Ur so awesome one of million young man.:w00t::w00t:


Actually, i remember it too...but we have the benefit of the broadcast closeup, repeated re-watches, and i remember that i thought to myself that her nail color is the same as the ink they use to stamp the contract.  haha.

and i remember one more nail color, a weird dark greenish color but i cannot remember when. (unless i go refer to past episodes. )

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7 hours ago, kappy said:


@LeeK - Watch out and don't get caught by your boss!  Falling asleep at desk ... can you just say you're taking a power nap?  Or how about that you're just not feeling well and had to lay your head down for a bit?  It wouldn't be telling a lie.  You're not feeling your best because eng subs are not yet out.  


Thank you. but it was 10 plus PM then. Desk as in at home's table where my laptop is....anyway, could not take it as i am old so went to sleep. 

now going to start watching chinese sub....notice the dear recap by @thesuitelife547 is out.  so i am going to skip that post until i finished. haha.

(and @thesuitelife547, namgoong min is looking good in Hyomin's MV)



6 hours ago, larus said:

YAY for the preview. Thank You!

That simulation game it is so fun. I want one too. We can see how happy they are in WGM. It will be another nice episode but we already knew that. :D

And of course they will hold hands. :)


from the preview, she have reaffirm the fact that she can appear in action films...the punch looks "woah".....

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started watching....siso starts at 40 sec.

laughter at siyang's "compaint" about ladies being late..(please dun flame me)

and soyeon's tone when she ask " because white day?" wow.  

and even thou it is a candy ring, she asked him to put it on her....OMG...and it just past 3 min only.....

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6 minutes ago, catgoh92 said:

The voting resultsis out!!! Though we dodnt get first place but we got 2nd place!!!

So at least we get to move on to third round!


really? where?  the position is actually higher than what i expect. so who won? the box?

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Ya. results out.

seems to be in the same page as the voting one.



details are in the forum post.


the box art really won by a lot. (i was actually impressed by it too)

Elimination seems to be using the total rounds vote.  Looking at first and second round, our vote count is about the same while the  Gaeddeok couple increased by almost 5k.

THink they have a lot of new blood. (maintaining ous should will be good enough, hopefully)


Round three link: 




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Finished sis segment. (after many pause for reading subs,replay of the last few seconds, interruptions, visit to this forum, etc)

just their segment took me about 50 min to complete.  think i will die if i watch live....


they start at 40 sec. end at 22:10. not too bad i guess. 

some MCs comments in the middle but still not too bad...


Edit: Byuu starts at around 33.20, end at about 56.04.

22-23 minutes. similar to siso. 

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:heart::heart::heart:CONGRATULATION FOR US, BERRIES, THE SHIPPER OF SISO COUPLE:heart::heart::heart:





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Agree @LeeK  the treasure box fanart is really good...more than deserves the votes... Im just glad we are still in - one couple will be eliminated and judging from our vote count,,, we shd clear round 3 too cos the others are like 2000 votes and less.


I really missed all the action yday -out from 8am -11pm,,,catching up on the 8 pages I missed... so many quotes I am going to reply to starting from page 466 (lol hehehe) :D

@aynaed thanks for posting back!  Wishing you a full recovery, able to eat and sleep well soon and better than before.

@rachhan So Yeon's such a pretty lady - she will look good with any man and will also make that man look good!

@co4city okay, its official - you've got blueberry blood!  All other species like humans and animals have to wait in line to get your attention...

@merryluna88 thanks thanks... I've got a joker DNA...i like to crack jokes so i try to think of funny or interesting captions - am not so good with photoart, just know how to use software and do collages.

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Frankly, yup, the other fan arts are so beautiful, personally I love the monopoly one, from Suntaek couple (though I dislike this couple, I'm more into Gaeddeok couple, that's why I still can't finish Reply 1988 :D).

But, since SISO couple is my bias, so absolutely all my votes belong to them :blush:

I think our votes kinda constant, just increased a bit, in first round it was 4.799 votes while in second round it was 4.821 votes. I think we should find a way to increase the number in the third round, fighting!!!!

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@catgoh92 I will pm you later about Coffee...can?

SiYang covering her with his coat, arms around shoulder - yes, its like a natural thing to do and So Yeon so comfy with it - could be an excuse too for skinship...hehehe...in the cafe, I wouldnt want to be kissed too in front of cafe staff and crew...hopefully in the home there will be opportunity for kiss...  :D


The touching moment during Camping trip - its interesting how their different answers shows the difference between men and women :):)... MBC played that scene 3 times at different angles/zoom in that particular episode..


So Yeon admits to being messy and not into details - yet she's so naughty to ask husband all the details - what will happen if Si Yang asks her some small detail about his life? She might fail miserably. Im sure Si Yang watched the broadcast of 1st few episodes many many times - tis how he planned out the string of events for wifey's birthday andhow he remembered to compliment her bare face during their 2nd meeting.. Si Yang must really love her alot to accept that she's not going to be good at details... sometimes such things that are sweet during courtship turn into reasons for war, u know! 

Which Berry asked about age? Surprised that no one answered... hehehe.. maybe we should just have a age band? just for fun la... no need to reply if you feel shy or unsafe to share this...:phew:  Im in Band 4 :grin:

1: 19 yo and below

2: 20-29

3: 30-39

4: 40-49

5: 50 and more

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