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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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40 minutes ago, Nina Matti said:

So, how does this shipper contest work...? are we all automatically a team representing our couple...? do we discuss this in this thread? :) 


Hey hope u guys will participate!!! I'll repost what i I wrote in another thread. Hope you guys don't find me rude for bugging in like this :) i lurk here often lol

The "team" is you guys in this thread, the shippers of ksy+ksy. You are to discuss about each round of the contest in this thread and do brainstorming together. Those who are good with words should give it a try in round 1 (poem) and 3 (fanfic). Those who are good with fanart and fanvid should enter round 2 and 4. But of course, everyone can join and give it a try!!! You, as a team, MUST pick ONE final product for each round, for example by doing an open voting poll or by putting together a voting committee.

For example: those who want to enter in round 1 (poem) should sumbit their work a few days before the deadline. They can post the poems here or send their work to one person who will display the products in one post. You have to pick only one final product (make a poll two days before the deadline of round 1)! Pick ONE person who will be in charge of posting your (voted) entry in round 1.

Hope this makes sense... 

Fighting!!! Woohoo!!! (And yeah... choose your color and have it ready!!) ;) 

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34 minutes ago, Nina Matti said:

So, how does this shipper contest work...? are we all automatically a team representing our couple...? do we discuss this in this thread? :) 

 Nope. Our thread must chose 1 person as a representative, to post what name would we want for this shipper's thread. If you check some members of this thread, you can see they have different 'title' in color below their ID name. For example, @thesuitelife547 has goongjin, @khairunni has jjongah (if I'm not mistaken), sorry for using both of your names as the example, girls :). They got it from last year's prize since their thread won, so all the active members in those thread got those 'title' permanently. 

What's important now: WHO will be our coordinator for the shippper contest in the new thread? Only 1 person, with SOOMPi ACCOUNT that can represent us. I don't have soompi account, I login via facebook account, so of course not me. I recommend @seesaw_love or @larus To be our representative. What do you think, berries? And what do you think, seesaw and larus? For round 1, it's artwork or poetry right? I didn't check the due date submission yet but I think we have enough creative talent of berries to participate, so we can just start with choosing a representative first, and what name we would want as a badge of our thread. Let's put a list for some options of our thread's name. 

- Blueberry

- KSY Siso

- ....... Teng teng teng run out of ideas....  Dont vote this one berries. :)

Can we settle this in 2 days from now? *excited, even though I'm not gonna get that special badge anyway.*


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7 hours ago, kappy said:

I just want to jump on the bandwagon in saying that I luuuvvvvvveeeee the handholding.  They both have beautiful hands to begin with, but when they are put together - fingers intertwined or his hand in both of hers or her hand in both of his or hand/finger caressing or whatever - I just melt.  (Is there an emoticon for melting?)  

I don't see how anyone can watch that and NOT think there is something special going on.  I'm not saying it's 100%-head-over-heels-in-love love, but approaching..  Yes, I call it approaching...

agree, I also :heart::heart::heart::heart:  every their handholding, their handholding is what make me believe that's there's something between them, and that's how I began my shipper for them :wub:

thanks for @seesaw_love who made the slow motion vids for every Siso's handholding. I love it so much...  Thank U I like U


@anniepanda and @KalyanaV   thanks for the explanation about the shipper contest.. Thank U I like U chingu


Ahh, so that's how some people got their title shipper name in their ID, I thought they made it by themselves :lol:


I agree @seesaw_love to be our representative. @seesaw_love You're so JJANG... with your great efforts and love to Siso couples, by making all of those awesome videos, pictures, projects, and provide all informations about out beloved Siso couple. I hope you are not so busy in real life and can make it to be our representative


Another some options of thread's name :

- 2KSY

- Siso's berries




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In typical Soompi fashion, we’re going to start off with a bang! 


Members will compile their entries on the forums, but we will open voting on our news site. This means that we will not be counting votes on the forums for Round 1. The entries will be posted as an article, and everyone will be allowed to vote in Round 1, even non-Soompiers!


Round 1: Introduction and Smash Poetry
Entry Period: 2/14-2/19 (End of Day KST)

Voting Period (News Site Only): 2/20-2/24 (End of Day KST)


[Part 1] Briefly introduce your couple with their names, their first encounter, and their fandom name (if applicable), and up to three quotes that describes them and their relationship. The quotes can range from a section of song lyrics, lines from a poem, taken directly from the couple themselves, etc, but do not include entire songs or poems. Part 1 in its entirety should not exceed three paragraphs.


[Part 2] Compose a keyboard smash poem about your couple from one of the provided pre-generated smash letter set. (The options will be revealed in Round 1's thread.) Each letter set contains 15 letters, derived from actually “smashing” (but not hulk smashing!) your hands, fingers, palms, and/or fist across your keyboard. Select the letter set of your choice and compose your poem using the letters in the order they are given. Do not add words. Do not delete words. 


Examples of keyboard smash poem:




WHAT? So we onky have until Feb 19 to submit content for participating in round 1?? This is short in time.. Who can made a poem for SiSo here, please? @seesaw_love maybe you can announce it through your IG so we can gather some poem materials from your folllowers, and pick 1 entry to submit for this contest? On behalf of Siso thread, since larus and seesaw_love has not been here yet, I will try to post on the shipper contest thread to enter our Siso thread as 1 of the participant. Hope you berries don't mind. 

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4 hours ago, KalyanaV said:

 Nope. Our thread must chose 1 person as a representative, to post what name would we want for this shipper's thread. If you check some members of this thread, you can see they have different 'title' in color below their ID name. For example, @thesuitelife547 has goongjin, @khairunni has jjongah (if I'm not mistaken), sorry for using both of your names as the example, girls :). They got it from last year's prize since their thread won, so all the active members in those thread got those 'title' permanently. 


No problem haha. And yup, got it from last year's contest. I think the color and the name was picked, if I'm not mistaken

I can try to help the best that I can for how sort of "limited" I'm on here now because of homework and schoolwork. Still working on those articles, promise! :P 

Is there a link to the thing, though?


And while I'm thinking about it now, since it says that there can be like sections of song lyrics, we can take like memorable songs from them, like 'Why Did You Come Now' or maybe even get like how Si Yang told So Yeon 'Thank you for being born' and then So Yeon made a sign for Si Yang's birthday that said that as well. I dunno, just brain storming here haha.

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Soyeon posted a song on DC, on Feb 8. This song is an OST from very popular TvN drama, Reply 1988. My most favorite drama in 2015, that has ruin my taste for any ucoming dramas until now. Nothing compares to it, yet! 

Probably not suitable for this contest, but check for the eng trans.. Don't you think she's speaking to a certain someone through this song? :) 

Also, preview article is out. 


I haven't checked it yet, but I got info from IG group chat that Soyeon shared her painful past due to fans-bashing to Siyang. Soyeon also check on Siyang's wallet and it turned out Siyang lost their couple pic, and they both had arguments because of this matter. 

Someone here had posted before, her wish for Siso to be put into difficulty and see how they overcome the problems? Told you to be careful with what you are writing here, seems like your wish has just come true... From now on I'm gonna write just a lot a lot of good wishes for Soyeon and Siyang, they may come true too :) 

@thesuitelife547 thanks for starting the brain storming. I had no idea about poetry, but I can suggest some 'keywords' for sentences that represent Siso. We have to make 3 sentences, right? Keywords are: walk beside me. Forever love. Thank you I like you. Stay Positive, Thank you for being born. That's all I can think of, as of now. Any other ideas, berries? 

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14 minutes ago, KalyanaV said:


@thesuitelife547 thanks for starting the brain storming. I had no idea about poetry, but I can suggest some 'keywords' for sentences that represent Siso. We have to make 3 sentences, right? Keywords are: walk beside me. Forever love. Thank you I like you. Stay Positive, Thank you for being born. That's all I can think of, as of now. Any other ideas, berries? 


I could probably help throwing out some ideas with the poetry. In what you posted it says that they already have options that you have to choose from and I'm curious as to what kinds of things they have.

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I hope their argument over the loss of the couple pic  is nothing too serious and that So Yeon will accept the loss in the same way that Si Yang accepted the loss of her couple bracelet. I also hope she'll not check on him too much. Lol....guys might feel restrictive.

Will that be shown tmr?

I wish all blessings on them forever. :)

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46 minutes ago, thesuitelife547 said:


I could probably help throwing out some ideas with the poetry. In what you posted it says that they already have options that you have to choose from and I'm curious as to what kinds of things they have.

..i can also help with the poetry.. have already made a very short one before.. if you want to, another berries can add more paragraph into it.. at least it will be a group effort.. or should we make our own poem then do some voting ??.. here's my short contribution just in case, since the time frame is short..

..walk beside me.. this i ask of you.. on the next phase of our lives together..

..walk beside me.. this i plead.. as we take our first step to forever..

..walk beside me.. this i request.. as i know the path for us will not be smooth at all..

..walk beside me.. heed my call.. and hold my hand trustingly and tightly..

..as we take this journey called love.. please.. WALK BESIDE ME

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5 hours ago, anniepanda said:


Hey hope u guys will participate!!! I'll repost what i I wrote in another thread. Hope you guys don't find me rude for bugging in like this :) i lurk here often lol


Fighting!!! Woohoo!!! (And yeah... choose your color and have it ready!!) ;) 

.. thank you~~!!!! as ever you're still wonderful~~!!!! mwaahhhh~~!!! i miss our JjongAh days.. mianhe if this ahjumma have strayed but i am still a silent lurker in JjongAh thread and will be JjongAholic forever who is planting blueberry tree in her garden of love.. hehehe.. and for future help.. thank you in advance.. mwaahhhh~~!! :wub:

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8 minutes ago, jl08 said:

From the example, it seems they'll churn out  some random sets of alphabets and we can pick one set and write a poem based on the exact order of the alphabets. Correct me if I'm wrong?


You are right. I am confusing why is it in exact order? If we can't rearrange the alphabet's order, doesn't that mean we just copy paste it somehow? Very confusing, but let's just wait for more infomation from the contest's moderator. 

@alou ooooh that's beautiful. We can opt for your poet. Thank youuuu.... Anybody else can add more into the poetry? 

@thesuitelife547 we have to write an introduction about SiSo couple, in no more than 3 paragraphs. We also should incorporate in the introduction, maximum 3 sentences that represent SiSo couple. That's why I suggest some keywords to be incorporated into the introduction sentences. 

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@KalyanaV   doesnt it make any different to use FB to login or having a soompi account?   I am using FB to login too.  

I have no experience with such contest.   What is it about?    With my poor English, I am not sure if i can be of any help here. but if announcements on IG to get people to vote, i have no problem doing that.    

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50 minutes ago, alou said:

..i can also help with the poetry.. have already made a very short one before.. if you want to, another berries can add more paragraph into it.. at least it will be a group effort.. or should we make our own poem then do some voting ??.. here's my short contribution just in case, since the time frame is short..

..walk beside me.. this i ask of you.. on the next phase of our lives together..


..walk beside me.. this i plead.. as we take our first step to forever..


..walk beside me.. this i request.. as i know the path for us will not be smooth at all..


..walk beside me.. heed my call.. and hold my hand trustingly and tightly..


..as we take this journey called love.. please.. WALK BESIDE ME

Wow.....goosebumps as i was reading this...

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