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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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if elimination of couple is based on popularity (korean only)...i guess our couple is the most candidate. even though they are being loved by international fans...but it didn't matter for them.

when we all berries could feel their sweetness and sincerity...how come they couldn't feel it?

sometimes when i read comments on other sites...it's so annoying. i can get it if they like idol couple. but they said that the new couple is real?? although i understand everyone has different preferences.

like soyeon said...(whatever happens in the end,right now i'm so happy it's our 100th days).

i would say too...whatever happens in the future,i am so happy because of siso couple.

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@6u2n7a I came across bad comments in Siso IG too. Even though, I really like reply back all these negative comments, but, sometimes just not able to control such situations as some "loyal" fans are quite possessive and I really feel relieved most of Siso Fans are quite matured & didn't bother all these comments instead still shows supports & send their encouragement to Siso. 

Me too, whatever Siso futures is, they already bring all the berries fans a happy & sweets memories. Of course, our loves for Siso couple will still continue here & one of my wishlists, more & more of their fans will accept uri Siso Couple :)

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19 minutes ago, 6u2n7a said:

if elimination of couple is based on popularity (korean only)...i guess our couple is the most candidate. even though they are being loved by international fans...but it didn't matter for them.

when we all berries could feel their sweetness and sincerity...how come they couldn't feel it?

sometimes when i read comments on other sites...it's so annoying. i can get it if they like idol couple. but they said that the new couple is real?? although i understand everyone has different preferences.


It's a really different culture in Korea entertainment altogether, celebrities and pgms are are marked by alot of factors. Agencies play a big part in charting the actors' direction and worse if celebrities change agencies.

i think So Yeon's image has been "cast in stone" in Korea after her portrayal of the bad sister in "All about Eve".

But i love her for being such a cutting-edge actress, willing to take up different roles to challenge herself in her 22 years of showbiz. i'm just very glad to see her in WGM, showing her vulnerable side to the audience. N it seems like our dear Si Yang has melted her heart and also got to really know how So Yeon is really like as a person in the process.:P

Si Yang mentioned during the BRI after the boxing game that she could be feeling alot of stress from him..just wonder what could it be..??

i also read about bad comments on some sites that how come Si Yang can even get a role in his upcoming drama after the "scandal" report on his earlier days, which leads me to think that if their ratings for WGM is not good in Korea, the agency will have to do something to prevent further damage to his image.

Which is also why i think both of them will not disclose their actual status of relationship, and we Berries can only pick up and keep us in "delulu"..n i think i will stop shipping them only when news of them seeing other people surfaced. :confounded: (which i hope will not happen at all)

My '5-cent's worth



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..nuh do.. sometimes would like to strike back at those viewers that kept on saying that they only watch WGM for this (other) couple.. in my mind : yah! no one's asking you!! .. and when i read something like , "KSY couple are such boring couple".. in my mind: kindly define "boring".. coz i dont see nor feel any boredom when im watching them.. then i'll just put in my mind that those viewers are just "a jealous viewers".. they cant accept someone's happiness other than those they like.. which i think is unfair.. i get that we all have differences, but do we have to pull others down in order for your bias to shine?? for me, it's a sign of insecurities.. and those viewers are taking SiSo's fans for granted since we dont fight/comment back.. we dont stoop down to their level.. why?? BECAUSE WE ARE ONE CLASSY BUNCH OF FRUIT HERE.. and im glad to be a part of this tree..

(and another thing, since im mostly in english site.. i just console my mind and my heart that these viewers are not koreans.. otherwise, they don't have to wait for kshowonline just to watch WGM.. hehehe.. so it means, we are at the same boat.. their opinions are not counted too.. :P )

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1 hour ago, alou said:

..no SiSo cut english sub yet for download .. my anxiety doubles.. :( 




Me too I was waiting for it... 3 episodes were also missing or deleted all of sudden... now I'm trying to download everything for backup purposes but the internet here in my country is too slow it will take me days to finish.  

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5 hours ago, eyra said:

I wish i'm really wrong about that....

I hope in their last ep in WGM, they will say....

  Hide contents

from now on, we will continue as real couple and will get married soon.... please looking forward on our participation in 'The Return of Superman'  :w00t:


Hahaha.. I feel a little bit better with this my own scenario :P



I hate thinking about them leaving WGM so I don't want to focus on it I'll just enjoy it as it is. I don't want to to dwell on things that hurts even I know it will happen it makes it harder for me to savor the happy moments. 

Instead being negative about I will stick thinking the best scenario that could happen. Since someone talked about babies and return of superman in KBS, I'm imagining them like Eugene and Ki Tae Young in the near future. 

I refrain reading comments from other forum and the comments in KSO too, I want to save my self from being annoyed. No matter people will say I'll be a berry and a fan of them as individuals anyway.  I also want to appreciate who ever was given the chance to be in the show. I hate when people criticize people too much even they are in the entertainment industry they are still humans I wish people will be more positive instead. Life is too hard as it is already. 

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20 hours ago, Summer Ryn said:

Yes ! I saw a few times Siyang wanted to say something out but his Soyeon will prevent him leaking out  their 'secret' ...might because of Siyang still green in entertainment circle so sometimes, he accidentally just say out his heart words directly. Beside Soyeon is shy, she will stress if everyone eyes focus on her. 

Yes.....the entertainment world is a "cruel world" and you need to be smart and focus to be able to survive there long. Many are waiting for you to make a mistake which will cost you your career. Kim Hyun Joong is having a hard time and making a comeback will need a lot of work. When Si Yang said that there will be times that he wants to rely on So Yeon...then she is taking the steps to protect him from making mistakes which he might not be aware off (he is after all being himself  -   engrossed in his conversation and attention towards her that he could have forgotten about the mic in front of them)

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49 minutes ago, dj_blue said:


I hate thinking about them leaving WGM so I don't want to focus on it I'll just enjoy it as it is. I don't want to to dwell on things that hurts even I know it will happen it makes it harder for me to savor the happy moments. 

Instead being negative about I will stick thinking the best scenario that could happen. Since someone talked about babies and return of superman in KBS, I'm imagining them like Eugene and Ki Tae Young in the near future. 

@dj_blue So did you watch the lastest series Return of Superman? One of the scene, 2PM member Taecyeon gifted Lee Beom Soo two kids one toy which Siyang & Soyeon played when their friends came for house warming? It a toy which biting their finger & they must play along what their friend requested & Siyang did hugging & kiss his Soyeon after that...i have a good laugh when saw this scene in this week Return of Superman. I always imagine our uri Siso like Eugene & Ki Tae Young too when watching this show:D

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@6u2n7a and @Summer Ryn......there is nothing much we can do about anti fans...if we do response it will be just like playing ping pong with them and to me these species are selfish and arrogant and they will always wanna win so just don't bother about them.....we here are matured beings....and let's support our couple and not say bad things about others :wub:  CREDIT -  to disney quotes :heart:


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.. and on the lighter side let's give a warm greeting to our debutant.. 


..without Soompi i wouldn't have met the JjongAholics and the Berries of the world~!! the most awesome WGM fans i've ever met.. :D

edit: OMO! that was yesterday. hahaha.. better be late than never.. hehehe.. :D


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5 hours ago, alou said:

..nuh do.. sometimes would like to strike back at those viewers that kept on saying that they only watch WGM for this (other) couple.. in my mind : yah! no one's asking you!! .. and when i read something like , "KSY couple are such boring couple".. in my mind: kindly define "boring".. coz i dont see nor feel any boredom when im watching them.. then i'll just put in my mind that those viewers are just "a jealous viewers"


Well, I watch only SiSo so what does this tell them? Comments like these are useless and people who wrote them sounds immature and bitter. I watch only our couple but that doesn`t mean that other two couples doesn`t have their charm. I don`t have time or interest for the others but I can`t comment on something I don`t like, I don`t watch or is highly subjective. It is common sense. I agree that responding to such people is worthless unless they are very rude. We should treat them with indifference like such comments deserve.

 Now, about the picture at the Karaoke. People are speculating that it is their good bye episode? If it is true, I still don`t understand why MBC denied something when it was obvious not true. Maybe they did not have time to film something else, but I hoped their last episode to be different. I wish they will end on a high note, like a final mission (red card), remembering their special moments.  We`ll see if that was their last filming. I am disappointed that MBC did not have the courage to say it upfront if indeed that was their final episode.

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Its been a while since my last post. Last week been such a rollercoaster. Try to hypnotizedmy self with many positive mind and calm my self with do picture editing. So @eyra @KalyanaV and @Alilla it was my pleasure in doing those editing, and i really do wish can be part of dispact and stalk SiSo :lol:

I will enjoy every SiSo moment to the fullest. All the best wish for them and for all of you here my dear berries. Happy to know you all... 

No matter what you all here will be special for me #bearhugs 

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i watch full episodes, i have to admit that there are some scene that i fast forward, but i never see the need to flame anyone.

All couples have their charm and draws, even those that i fast forward at time make me laugh out loud at times...I even enjoyed those couples whose fans flame a lot. These fans does not change my impression of the cast.


Dun be too bother by haters....they will hate whatever the situation.  

It is their life and they chose how they live it, i do not have the energy or intention to care or change them. Nor do i have the energy to give them the attention they may be craving.

In fact, i think i wrote too much on this topic....


Next week's episode should be good.....

8 minutes ago, larus said:

We`ll see if that was their last filming. I am disappointed that MBC did not have the courage to say it upfront if indeed that was their final episode.

Companies always does not say stuff un-necessarily unless it is over \ caught etc......they are a company, only thing that matters is profit

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12 minutes ago, Rose Perfecto said:


Hi berries...........hoping for the best for them...were they sending hints to us by posting to their IG around the same time....I wonder if they are aware that we here in soompi loves them very much :heart:



Their IG photos look like they are dressed for secret outing - did So Yeon not say before that she normally has to wear a cap and cover her head n face when she goes out?  Let's hope it was a secret date between them...:blush:

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7 hours ago, Summer Ryn said:

@dj_blue So did you watch the lastest series Return of Superman? One of the scene, 2PM member Taecyeon gifted Lee Beom Soo two kids one toy which Siyang & Soyeon played when their friends came for house warming? It a toy which biting their finger & they must play along what their friend requested & Siyang did hugging & kiss his Soyeon after that...i have a good laugh when saw this scene in this week Return of Superman. I always imagine our uri Siso like Eugene & Ki Tae Young too when watching this show:D


yes i did :) I watch this variety show too... yes that reminded me a lot too honestly I looking for a toy like that i think it quite fun. I can't help think like that since Eugene has been in the industry for long and known for her beauty and acting skills and Ki Tae Young seems to be really hands-on and reliable husband which reminds me of Si Yang a lot. Both are very sweet and very good looking couple :)  

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