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21 minutes ago, zeppy10 said:

Yeah .. i was wondering if it's for the dad's cancer treatments or YH's cancer treatment.. 


the translation wasn't very good.. but i am thinking it's the dad's treatments cus the doc said YH has recovered from his cancer which is a miracle already... 

Thanks, Zeppy. That's what I figured too. I know the subbers work so fast and I'm grateful for them but some interpretations and meaning can get easily lost. I was in a panic the whole time. 

one more thing i noticed:

JE and HW are wearing similar colours for their dress.. i thought it's abit of clash.. thought they should have made the girls wear different colours.. #justsaying

and why is only YH not wearing a jacket?? haha.. the rest of the men are!


(Answering my own question: BECAUSE uri SJS just looks DAMN SEXY in a button down white shirt.... *swoons*) :w00t:

Good fashion point. Looking at it from this balcony angle, if I didn't know, I would've guessed it was a friggin' wedding with those theme colors! SMA doesn't typically wear much pink but there's honestly something about the pink color in this whole drama ("pink and lovely"?). Her BFF here reminds me of SMA's real life homegirl, Gong Hyo Jin (former SJS lover in Master's Sun) whom she's really close with. The hair, the chic clothes-- reminds me of her. 

Btw, could we get some gifs of the Christmas party gaze exchange? SJS, you yummy thing you. SWOON. 



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13 hours ago, zeppy10 said:

Anyone noticed that the cake has slices of chicken breast meat + broccoli on the cake? hahaha.. talk about DETAILS!!! 


*PS the look on KYH's face when he left JE's house.. i felt that it's more like he realised just how much he made her worry about him and missed him.. he felt very sorry for the hurt he caused JE... based on what i see on the overall picture.. needs subs to confirm.

I honestly think next 2 eps we will see them resolve family issues and happy moments will be back. No climax... just like SWP... a simple happy drama..


Ahhh-- I thought it might have been sashimi (which would have been even weirder).

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7 hours ago, ladychan1984 said:


Dying to see EP 14 now!!! Some sad telling faces. I'm curious if our couple's happiness will be taken away...

-That embrace. Puts fire to my shipper heart!

-Chief Min is F-I-N-E for an older uncle-like man. It's the way he carries himself. His galactic suit is so on point. He couldn't wear his typical work suit. I bet that's how he dresses on the weekends and in his own private room. Ohhh yeahhhh.


:w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:

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6 hours ago, jemmaca said:

so well said. and it really is a lovely feast. There is no reason at all that we can't appreciate both of these fine men.

@Lady_Fay are you also a member of the Chief Min appreciation club? Your post was pretty appreciative of his efforts I thought. And I agree with everything you said. I think Min did something to help her out. Unlike others I liked the scene of her breaking down at work. It showed just how much pain she was in. Even with updates from Min or the lads she is having her heart ripped out from missing him and worrying about him.

I have now gotten back from my quick trip to the UK and I enjoyed the episode very much. I like how viki translate the lyrics. they really do add to the story even if I am not liking the music per se.

I didn't have a lot of thoughts that were not already said but here are a few very minor ones:

- why was he wearing a toque (the hat) and vest in the hospital? Even if he had a head injury and had it shaved it would not need covering by the time we see him sitting up and having knit that much. A hospital should be warm enough for patients not to need a vest.

- that dating book seems pretty odd. Why was it about separation and not about being together?

- The bandaid did strike me as unsanitary. But I do like how our uber-observant Min has even protected that. And I like how KYH answered my question from yesterday - yes Chief Min is indeed a mind reader :)

- I liked how his father said "of course I know, I'm your dad", and the look on KYH's face. the penny dropped there I think.

- I hope KYH goes and fixes the situation for step-mum and half brother.



Wasn't that weird?!?  I did not understand why a book about dating would be so depressing-- from first page  Not like final pages a la, "And if we ever are separated, remember..."  Writernim definitely using it for dramatic effect instead of realism for sure...

So many times in episode 14 when I stopped to think if writernim is Soompi member hah

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3 hours ago, nubianlegalmind said:

Three Words: A. WARM. NIGHT.

LISTEN....So Ji Sub could ask for a lukewarm night and I'm on board. He is so sexy! This episode was perfection! The recovery and rehab was hard but necessary. Just like with the band-aid, healing can be difficult and hurt at first, but if you can get through it, your healing will come. All of the leads showed growth, and yes, the chemistry between SJS and SMA is off the charts. I love this couple!

One more week chingus...FIGHTING!


Hee hee hee hee......

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Ok, so I see that everyones been talking about that last kiss and how YH kinda retreats back...

He's been saying lets have a comfortable and "warm" night as opposed to erotic. Warm in this sense means, homey/comfortable/at home sort of feeling. He wanted to just spend the night together soaking in her presence and enjoying the warmth of simply being together. No hankypanky. But when JE kinda goes in for that last kiss, she's sort of turning that vibe from warmth to erotic...and he's kinda moving back thinking "oh wait..... so this is whats going down...." But I think in the next episode we'll see him go for it. Kind of like a tease. 

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3 hours ago, zeppy10 said:
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Yong pal? their love... i don't even know WHEN it begin.....it was a weird love relationship that i don't even know when it started!!!


Yong pal is BAD writing. ARgh. Waste of the talents. The idea was there, and despite extending, the writing was so badd..... *end of rant*




Wrong thread but the love in YP was definitely there!!!!!!!!!!!  To reconnect with OMV, maybe viewers did not relate because they started with sincere basis as friends, and had a mature relationship based on honesty and clear communication.  None of this push and pull foolishness that kdramas seem to equate with romantic feelings.

Sorry... OT... but had to share my thoughts.  YP was not best thing ever made, but in terms of kdrama relationships, I really liked the OTP and found them refreshing in a lot of the same aspects as our OTP in OMV. 

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O My Venus..what are you doing  to me ?  The mood swings are terrible to behold !  Me during ep 13 & a good part of 14:


then, at the end of 14:




I truly, truly don't understand the separation (and there have been many proposed rationalizations offered)  If it had been me, I would have been  literally  camping outside KYH's hospital room until he let me in.. how EVER   is it  less painful for KJE to cry everyday & worry than to be able to see him & comfort him..it's better to have someone to cry with than cry alone..it kills me ! You wouldn't even leave your DOG alone if it was injured  & suffering.. I always am wondering WAE I put myself through this when I know very well this is gonna happen with k-drama...and then I come back for more !  sick..

ep 14 almost seemed like the end of the drama..but there's still the other characters story lines..so please concentrate on those writer nim & please, please give our OTP just lots of loving & happy moments..is that to much to ask ?  (don't answer ! )

Here's hoping for 2 more healing episodes to start the new year & less angst in next years k-dramas (need more like  Splish Splash ) Is that to much to ask ?  (don't answer !)

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21 hours ago, AdelaM said:

Me too! I would prefer that cf queen to not be an option in this show! If the writer would have made her role a clever girl maybe I would have liked this story line!

Honestly, I would prefer very heart warming nights between our leads and not a "hot" night. Love is more beautiful when there are touching heart moments. 

I think that scene from today's episode when she is with her laptop and him on the coach it is her becoming possessive :) and not letting him out of her sight and maybe she is working from home. That would be a cute scene if she becomes " your body is mine"


I will take anything they want to give us from this OTP.  But writernim has been setting the stage for something more than warm since episode 1...

19 hours ago, uphie_ajah said:

Finally watch this drama with sub.  OMG so much feeling.  I feel so miserable,  like JE. Good acting, all of them. All their expression really show their emotion.

Side note, at accident scene,  in the car.  When sec min put his scarf  to YH wound and press it i can't  help my self  to not worry.   Sec min,  i  know u care YH so much,  but putting your scarf to YH wound is not sanitary at all, espesially when there's a lot glasses.those glasses will go deeper to his wound.  When he press his hand to YH wound o feel like ouch,  sec min you hurt him more. If that really happen in real life,  doctor will curse u. Thanks god it just drama. 


And all the jostling about-- both JK and stepmom.  I was screaming at my computer, "STOP touching them."  But yes, kdrama... they didn't do anymore damage than accident itself.

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3 hours ago, rain719 said:


touché! I wouldn't mind then sharing JK aka coach-nim aka KYH aka SJS - don't tell anyone... our secret dont-tell-anyone-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301@julie721 might hear you and wrongly claim - again - the situation! you are now part of the private joke amongst us @Ahpheng@mathi one for you..... one for me.... one for you.... two for me...... one for you..... three for me......

Thanks for caring and looking out for URI SJS while I was busy with his other commitments  applause-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948991  thumbs-up-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949014   kiss-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949000  .... I'm done and can take over now so don't worry... I'll be his florence nightingale....  I'll (WET) NURSE him back to health like a mommy cow to her calf, a mommy horse to her foal, a mommy deer to her fawn, a mommy sow to her piglet, a mother to her infant......you know what I mean, in fact we have started already.... take a look at my siggy below.............. angel-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948989  drooling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948997   blushing-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948993  big-grin-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948992  GO HOME!! oh-go-on-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949004  wave-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949015  peace-sign-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006  rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009

@rain719 What!!!! (WET) NURSE????!!! rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009 Yah chingu, you sounded more like a farmer wife than you so call a "wet nurse"!! For your infor, while I was taking care of our JK...... he was so....so...so wet enough *cough *cough I meant he was so wet during his exercise to strengthen his legs.... big-grin-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948992 And also after his tiring day I had even privately scrub and sponge him to relax his body....really trust me....if you don't believe you may asked my witness @Ahpheng!!! Muahahaha...... rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009 My dear ar, I think you came too late.....as our dear John Kim is already fit now..... Nah he don't need your help ..... as our KJE already locked him and she herself will "wet nurse" him by herself and make all of us drooling here!! You, me and the rest of the chingus here will be ended up like this.....dead onion headdead onion headdead onion head Seriously, I hope that your Chief Min is not going to disturb their erotic night together!!! Shooooo....shoooo...shoooo Chief Min!! rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009

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8 hours ago, docster6 said:

Okay, this will be a bad post. This is my last defense for the CF Queen story. The Snake is poor, until recently was an orphan not claimed by his own mother. The CF Queen needs an escort to keep her admiring fans away, she is famous, she is rich. But she is so in love with the fighter that she would go seek out an abused woman, befriended and respe,cted her, with the intention of having a long-term relationship with a young man she loves. As much as Snake is now the champion, but one punch or one kick from an opponent could end all that. So I feel that part of the story is worthy of a new script actually. I know the CF Queen's acting was not too good, but she has landed another role in "Remember" and that has been running for three weeks. I like that part of the story, I apologize, at least you get to see Henry teasing SH mercilessly.


@docster6, I'm on your sude regarding CF Queen's story. Obviously, she's a spoilt brat who's also in need of healing .She and JS will heal each other in the sense that she'll teach JS how to love as she has too much to share?:blush:

Joke aside, our JS who's starve of love needs affection as he has implied to KYH in the 1st episode. I dont think his US adoptive parents treated him well as he  cursed at KYH when he mentioned them at the place he was found by KYH.  Most probably he joined gangs and was attacked. KYH took him in and turned him into a professional fighter.

So JS needs HEALING just as much as KYH! He was awkward when YJ approached him at first but finally smiled at her quoting SJS's famous lines in the car. KJE when told by JW 'that YJ was interested in JS, was surprised and mentioned that YJ is very chosy about guys.

When YJ came over while KJE & the 3 Amigos were eating, KJE was surprised at her persistence  BUT KYH looked WORRIED at JS who showed no interest. To me, he was worried that JS is gay as he may  not have shown any interest in women as he only trains and mingle  with himself and JW. I really admire KYH very much as he really cared for JS in every aspect.

JS NEEDS HEALING TOO, whether he ends up with CF or not as her Dad might object to their relationship, as he needs to mix with women.:heart:


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2 minutes ago, gladys57 said:


@docster6, I'm on your sude regarding CF Queen's story. Obviously, she's a spoilt brat who's also in need of healing .She and JS will heal each other in the sense that she'll teach JS how to love as she has too much to share?:blush:

Joke aside, our JS who's starve of love needs affection as he has implied to KYH in the 1st episode. I dont think his US adoptive parents treated him well as he  cursed at KYH when he mentioned them at the place he was found by KYH.  Most probably he joined gangs and was attacked. KYH took him in and turned him into a professional fighter.

So JS needs HEALING just as much as KYH! He was awkward when YJ approached him at first but finally smiled at her quoting SJS's famous lines in the car. KJE when told by JW 'that YJ was interested in JS, was surprised and mentioned that YJ is very chosy about guys.

When YJ came over while KJE & the 3 Amigos were eating, KJE was surprised at her persistence  BUT KYH looked WORRIED at JS who showed no interest. To me, he was worried that JS is gay as he may  not have shown any interest in women as he only trains and mingle  with himself and JW. I really admire KYH very much as he really cared for JS in every aspect.

JS NEEDS HEALING TOO, whether he ends up with CF or not as her Dad might object to their relationship, as he needs to mix with women.:heart:


gay??? where did that come from!?!?!? hahahahahah!! you have wild imagination.. 


i think YH hyung nim just doesn't want JS to be distracted!!! 

By the way, i know that JE likes to call YH .. YHHN or Coach-nim.. i wish she can just call him OPPA ... even if they are in front of the boys!!! :heart:

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Guest julie721
2 hours ago, rain719 said:

NOT!@#$%!!!!!!  shame-on-you-yahoo-emoticon.gif?13019490  liar-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949000phbbbbt-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006  thumbs-down-yahoo-emoticon.gif?130194901   YOU SILLY GIRL!! silly-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949011  thumbs-down-yahoo-emoticon.gif?130194901rolling-eyes-yahoo-emoticon.gif?13019490  talk-to-the-hand-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301  yawn-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949015as KJE (even KYH) would signal to the other  bring-it-on-yahoo-emoticon.gif?130194899 


ok back to watching with subs... had to take a break from crying... I really can't stand to see URI SJS cry ... hear that @julie721??



Okkkkkaaaaay.... I hear you. I too can't stand to see SJS cry, it bring outs my natural instinct to hug him and give him comfort... lolololol :phew::lol::w00t:


2 hours ago, rain719 said:


touché! I wouldn't mind then sharing JK aka coach-nim aka KYH aka SJS - don't tell anyone... our secret dont-tell-anyone-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301@julie721 might hear you and wrongly claim - again - the situation! you are now part of the private joke amongst us @Ahpheng@mathi one for you..... one for me.... one for you.... two for me...... one for you..... three for me......

Thanks for caring and looking out for URI SJS while I was busy with his other commitments  applause-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948991  thumbs-up-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949014   kiss-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949000  .... I'm done and can take over now so don't worry... I'll be his florence nightingale....  I'll (WET) NURSE him back to health like a mommy cow to her calf, a mommy horse to her foal, a mommy deer to her fawn, a mommy sow to her piglet, a mother to her infant......you know what I mean, in fact we have started already.... take a look at my siggy below.............. angel-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948989  drooling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948997   blushing-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948993  big-grin-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948992  GO HOME!! oh-go-on-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949004  wave-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949015  peace-sign-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006  rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009


Ahhh... I'm sorry if I often misunderstand, my english is not really good anyway.. :phew: So, is it Alberto or KYH/JK/SJS or IWS or Director Choi who you "love" here? Just to clear up the misunderstanding. :P:D

About Episode 14...

  1. Love everything about  how KYH struggling to get better.  It's not an easy process...  Solid acting from SJS
  2. Love how KJE reaction after their meeting, the mix up feelings she has because of their reunion are projected brilliantly by SMA... she's a good actress, and gorgeous too!!
  3. Not Really interested with OSJ-IWS relationship. I'm more interested with her problem with KJE, but that was resolved in Episode 13...
  4. I hope KYH will settle his family matter in upcoming episodes. His step mother is not a bad person. Hope he can notice that his father is exactly missing his wife in his way... Grandma?? I still think she's selfish woman up until episode 14. we'll see how this progress..
  5. I'm not really worry about arranged marriage, KJE-KYH has been through more, so I don't think that will shaken their relationship.

that CF Queen, sigh.. I want to believe many people dislike her is the result of bad acting. Perhaps if the role's given to other actress who can deliver better, the character can be more tolerable. She could be cute instead of annoying, and likeable instead of pushy...

And I'm digging SMA peach lace dress... Me want one!!!

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Sorry for all the posts today chingu.  Soompi multi quote feature makes my computer freeze every time so better to reply one by one.

So many random thoughts on ep 14:

The rehab flashbacks did seem to take up a lot of time but it was good to actually feel a real separation and not have a quick fix as some of you have already commented.  BUT I have to say I was not 100% sympathetic with our JK.  He put himself in the situation—for reasons I can understand—but it is not like there were outside forces (impending illness/death, spouses/children involved, etc.) that forced his hand.  So while I felt bad, I kind of wanted to shake him.  Hard.  Haha  This does not take anything away from SJS doing an excellent job portraying the character’s pain.  He convincingly showed how difficult it must have been for both the character and the actor. 

Too cute:

JE workout video for JK during separation

Henry so excited to see JK in US he almost kissed him—a few times.  Haha

Min asking JK if JE scarf is “too pink?”

Did JE really have bandaid in her pocket when she visited hospital after accident?  Kdrama…

Crazy decorating in JK US apartment.  Incredibly minor point, but much more distracting for me than short, short pants. By the way, JE entire work wardrobe should be burned.  How could stylists have made JE so work-a-day as lead when SJ was so fab (although sometimes more appropriate for disco than workplace)?

Korea Snake mom needs all those coats he buys because he keeps making her meet outside. WHY?!?



So did JK dad get a divorce, or was he just hanging with granny for dinner that night and has moved out too?

I will be disappointed but not surprised if we do not get any passionate scenes between JK and JE.  Again, disappointed only because we have been prepped to expect one.  Writernim, don’t think too hard.  You only need to put OTP in dark room and have SJS make same grunting noises from rehab scenes.  KBS can’t censor that, right?

Sorry—I promise that will be my one and only PAC comment.  Hee hee


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19 minutes ago, luv2skulz said:


So did JK dad get a divorce, or was he just hanging with granny for dinner that night and has moved out too?

I will be disappointed but not surprised if we do not get any passionate scenes between JK and JE.  Again, disappointed only because we have been prepped to expect one.  Writernim, don’t think too hard.  You only need to put OTP in dark room and have SJS make same grunting noises from rehab scenes.  KBS can’t censor that, right?

Sorry—I promise that will be my one and only PAC comment.  Hee hee


I am laughing so much at your comments in BOLD... Yeah.. come on, they made all sort of noises back then during excercising and behind the door in the hotel suite room.. Surely these "sounds" are fine to air right???

KBS...please show us some erotic moments.. i don't care how!!!!! 


one more thing i noticed... YH's phone used to record KJE as Daegu Venus.. but it has changed to Oh My Venus?And Joon sung's phone recorded Kang Joo Eun as something super duper long... something like, Sister-in-law, Attorney Kang Joo Eun? Is that right? need to rewatch ep 13 to confirm.... 

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