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1 hour ago, ka77 said:

@demarchelier what are those pictures ?! 

And what is the book that KYH is reading? The how to date book ? :P

Could JE actually have seen KYH at the hospital before he left for his rehab? I so hope so. I so hope they both decided on what was best for the both of them. If they both agree with whatever decision it is, then I'd feel much better!


According to articles coming out, the pictures with JE and YH hugging in the hospital is for episode 14. YH is missing JE while he's reading the book JE gave him on dating. 

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Ay "lucky number" 13....

Usual random thoughts:

- Brother in law makes kdrama understatement of 2015 (it is awards season) with the line, "No... uncle did something stupid."   You don't say!  We should all be so fortunate to experience kdrama karma-- it's so sweet and forgiving.

- Thought baby bear and big brother bear were excellent this episode.   Great job boys!

- I live in warm climate, which suits me perfectly, but damn kdrama stars can really rock some winter coats!  Makes me wish for winter just a wee bit.  Wee...


3 hours ago, ObsessiveCompulsive said:

I know a lot of people are having a hard time grasping the 1 year seperation. But, if we think about their relationship its not a very conventional one. I remember when she first saw him hurting, and the fact that she saw him was hurting him more then the actual pain. JE then proceeded to tell him "I wish I could be in pain instead of you". JS later tells JE that "YH hurts more when he sees the people he love's hurting because of him". She knows his pain is both physical and psychological. I think YH and JE both did what was necessary in this situation for them to be healthy/have an equal balanced relationship. YH's family always treated him with kid gloves, something fragile that could break at any given moment, heck his dad didn't even touch him. He wants to have a relationship not be a patient to his GF. She would've cried and been just as hurt had she helped with the recovery. But, YH might've not been able to recover emotionally after seeing what he put her through because of him.


2 hours ago, blueroses said:

Thank you for your post! You made great points, most of which I totally agree with :)

For me, I think of them as two adults in a mature relationship and in every relationship, it's important to communicate concerns and make compromises when the time comes to make decisions. In this case, he doesn't give her a choice. He decided on his own that it was best for her and him to go this route. I know his intentions are noble. He doesn't want her to be hurt and worry because of the state he is in but it doesn't change the fact that it's unfair to not even allow her a say in the situation. Let's say if the situation was in reverse, would he be able to let go of her for a whole year? I think what he's done has created more harm to KJE. Now, she's going to be forever paranoid that he will disappear from her at any moment. And like some people have said here, I think he's going to realize that in the last episodes.

Anyways, I'd like to see a wedding and cute babies with dimples, please!


I am conflicted about "tap tap" (and don't know if anyone else noticed, but JK was in so much pain he could not even type those words properly- leaving me teary eyed), and agree with all the opinions on both sides of the argument (just highlighting two here).  It is both selfish and noble.  It is both a step back from progress made in their relationship so far, but also confirms that their relationship can withstand such a hardship.  It seems to be a double standard on many levels, yet it is fairly consistent with JK character.  But let's not discount emotional pain JK is enforcing on himself too during separation.  I'll reserve final judgment on the value of the time jump til next episode.  We did get what we asked for though: injuries were not severe, there was no amnesia (thank goodness!), and the separation passed quickly.  So I'm down for final 3 episodes of happy times, a little hanky panky, and maybe even a wedding scene.

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33 minutes ago, ladychan1984 said:

You're not a Scrooge, you're just being frank. It's a little lazy and uncreative, if you ask me. As if there was a serious writer's block. Sure, screenwriting is tough business but so are the hardworking actors and production crew who have to serve up your concept. While I understand that this isn't your typical average couple and YH wants to be noble and supposedly 'protect' her from pain, for every single person to keep pushing JE away to where she literally had to ask for Chief Min's permission to talk to a damn door was frustrating to no end for me. It suggests that JE, as a woman, can't handle it. She already said she knows the pain. Again, we already had the inauguration scene that's supposed to clear that air too. That part was a bit inconsistent. JE is a genuinely strong Shero with well-known vulnerabilities, so it was silly to keep her away lingering in sorrow by herself. I think it's a founded frustration of mine with KDramas in general but when the writing's good, it's damn good guilty addiction. 

When will we see that in KDrama Land, to be a man who shows his vulnerabilities and welcomes help from his woman is more...in the lines of OMV, 'sexy and handsome' than to hide them? /END RANT


Thanks for that. :D I think it's the inconsistency that grates more than anything. Sure it's hard watching the people you love suffer but I'd think it be worse knowing that they're suffering and you can't be next to them. And as you've rightly pointed out, JE has already proven that she is quite capable of dealing with his pain and the pain of watching him battling it

It's a mealy-mouthed separation which really doesn't contribute all that much to the development of the OTP's relationship, made almost redundant by the time jump. 

A footnote in the overall scheme of things.

I'm not in principle against time jumps but they're almost always so badly used in K dramas to rush through things.

However, seeing that it wasn't much of an obstacle to the OTP's relationship with 3 more episodes to go, I imagine there's something even worse on the cards. :lol:

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What with the released still JE was in the hospital while YH recuperating?  Does that mean that not only JE hallucinating YH come back to her BUT YH also hallucinating JE comforting him in his moment of despair?  Maybe the writer meant "separation" as motivation for both.  For JE, she will always be reminded to live healthily, not to be a worry or a burden to YH in his absence. I hope she takes up jujitsu too from his ideal woman as a surprise for him.  For YH, he will take JE's promise to heart....like a carrot dangling in front of him.  He will come back to her pretty and sexy.  He will use her conviction "if you believe, you can do it, you are not at your limit yet" as a mantra.

Though we have been bracing for an emotional episode, nothing prepare us with ep 13.  Accolades to all the actors and actress for giving us such emotional episode.  Only gave us 5 mins happiness in the end.  I still belief in this writer for delivering a rom com that not only fluffy but full of empathy.  That what the theme of this drama, healing through empathy.  And the master of it all go to SJS for portraying YH.  I so looking forward to today sweet after the bitterness of yesterday episode.

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@40somethingahjumma and @ladychan1984 I agree with both of you. I have enjoyed shows that had this type of episode but for me it did not fit with the characters as developed so far. I am hoping some of the flashback scenes of the missing year will show us that in fact they were reasonable adults and that they did have contact. One of the voice overs during the missing year scenes are his voice saying "so don't cry. Everyone is hanging in there. That's how everybody is living". I took that as a sign that they were communicating during that time in one way or another.

But guessing about the missing year and motivations of staying apart aside there were several other things I did not like

- Why was she not called to the hospital? If JJS could let JW know then he could also have called KJE. She kept both boys informed when KYH was hurting and also again when he was hiding at her house. (he should also have called his mother but given she has not been part of his life at all I can understand he forgot that, but he lived with KJE for pity's sake)

- How on earth did KYH read his phone much less type into it? The angle was all wrong.

- Why did Chief Min decide to let her past the guards suddenly. That was utterly unclear to me. Did he have a change of heart and decide she could go in? Did he use some psychic powers to determine that she had decided to only go as far as the door??

- Halmoni is really pretty awful to CHR. I am hopeful they find some peace in their relationship but it seems to me she could have melted a bit given the poor woman saved precious grandson's life and was in the hospital.

Having now whined there were things I did like.

- the scene with KJE at OSJ's home. I particularly like how KJE mocked her for the bad password choice (if any of you do this please change it asap) and then at the end OSJ saying "it is a good thing I didn't change the pw". It felt real and like they had not solved all their issues but they could probably be friends again.

- The client hugging KJE was super sweet. I liked her line that was something like "i've lived this life for 20 years I can wait a couple days to get the divorce settled". I think this might also have been the message of the time jump. Sometimes you have to take care of things immediately and other times it is better to wait a bit.

-JJS and JW at the hospital when KYH is in surgery. JJS holding JW back and then JW falling to the floor. very moving.

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31 minutes ago, miss-guided said:


At first I was also annoyed with the writer's decision to separate them.  But then I realized that it somehow mirrors KJE's past relationship with IWS.  She said that they would always break up and get back together all the time.  The problem was, Woo Shik took that for granted and didn't use their breakups to make the relationship better.  (here's to hoping that YH would learn from his mistake) It also somehow mirrors IWS and SJ's relationship.  They also had a break, but instead of reflecting on the relationship as something positive and motivating, SJ saw it as a downer - that she still wasn't good enough to be a part of a relationship and be loved.  Meanwhile, KJE saw her break with YH as a way to reflect on how her life has changed for the better and that this break will also be an opportunity for better things ahead.  I'm hoping that just like the other aspects of our OTP's relationship, it will show a contrast to the other relationships.

I kinda want to smack YH on the head for deciding to tap tap - but then again, he's human.  People always give up.  People always run away when they're scared of getting hurt or getting others hurt (in fact, he admitted to this fault).  That's why we have breakups, divorces, etc.  But what redeems them is not their inability to give up, but on their ability to finally realize that no matter how they try to tap out, they have people who won't give up on them.

I think it's actually nice that KJE's job involves breaking people apart but she has a knack for healing people and bringing them together (as shown by her crying scene where the divorcee ended up consoling her).  While YH's job is all about helping people get stronger and better, but is actually quite vulnerable and quick to run away himself.  They're quite a contradiction to each other, but instead of their traits breaking them apart, it's their differences that make them even more attracted to the other person.

And besides, if KJE thinks of herself as Cinderella, then the break mirrors the fairytale.  Because Cinderella had to go back to being alone and taken for granted - and yet, she remained hopeful and in love.  She didn't chuck out the glass slipper and say "Oh, well.  I guess that's the end of it."  She held on to that glass slipper because she knew that what they had was real.  And it wasn't until the prince himself came looking for her that everyone realized she was right all along.  I guess for KJE, the fairytale doesn't end when the prince is gone or when there's no more happy/lovey dovey scene.  Instead, it ends when she chooses to no longer believe in the fairytale.  And for her, it's not yet the end.  So you go, KJE.  Go and fight for your happily ever after.  You definitely deserve it. (Why am I cheering for a fictional character?)


Understanding why the writer did what she did is not hard. ;) That's not really my issue. It's a standard feature of K dramas to do so. (And yes, I'm pretty sure that there is a playbook because they ALL do it) But it was clumsily done. And it's Noble Idiocy in the flesh... and I detest it with a vengeance. 

What you say about the possibility of history repeating itself in the relationships is interesting and if that's the case, it wasn't presented all that well. To me it was all about "the pain" and "the pain" of dealing with "the pain". Maybe I'm a hard-hearted ajumma... but to quote that famous literary masterpiece, The Princess Bride... "Life is pain your highness and anyone who says otherwise is selling you something." As her coach and the man who's seen her go through so much in her emotional life, he should know much better. 

But it's a drama... and Prince Charming has his pride. Cinderella has to sacrifice hers in order for him to keep his.

Oddly enough I don't have any issues with separation per se... but it's almost always... really badly done.

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Yahoo!! JE saw him while he was still on treatment!!!! Thank you writernim!!!!

Hope it's not his imagination, one still has JE looking back so maybe someone knocked and she had to flee because she visited him in secret. I can only wish!

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1 hour ago, luv2skulz said:


Ay "lucky number" 13....

Usual random thoughts:

- Brother in law makes kdrama understatement of 2015 (it is awards season) with the line, "No... uncle did something stupid."   You don't say!  We should all be so fortunate to experience kdrama karma-- it's so sweet and forgiving. waaaahhhhh.... tra la land!!!! and we are the suckers for watching still!!!! but sexy, pretty and healthy suckers!!!! so what more can KYH ask for ???? WE ARE ALL AVAILABLE!!!! the poor guy will disappear if he takes on all of us!

- Thought baby bear and big brother bear were excellent this episode.   Great job boys! I SECOND AND THIRD THAT!!!!

- I live in warm climate, which suits me perfectly, but damn kdrama stars can really rock some winter coats!  Makes me wish for winter just a wee bit.  Wee... The men look so gorgeous in their overcoats somehow even if plain or plaid or table cloth type ..... I am more of a dark-colored or black clothing person but never for Christmas!! that's why I found KJE's dress ominous....

I am conflicted about "tap tap" (and don't know if anyone else noticed, but JK was in so much pain he could not even type those words properly- leaving me teary eyed), and agree with all the opinions on both sides of the argument (just highlighting two here).  It is both selfish and noble.  It is both a step back from progress made in their relationship so far, but also confirms that their relationship can withstand such a hardship.  It seems to be a double standard on many levels, yet it is fairly consistent with JK character.  But let's not discount emotional pain JK is enforcing on himself too during separation.   I think I understand where JK is coming from....all his life he was left alone far too long  without feeling genuine love (chief min is an employee), to suffer his sickness alone - mom passed away, halmoni and dad too busy with the family business - so as a child he had to man-up by himself.... (wonder how he lost his virginity)..  as his stepmom said, he had to do it all by himself ....... and endure the pain.  Commitment was not in his vocabulary, his answer was to run away.  So we can say he is not used to "sharing" himself.  That takes commitment too but he cannot commit to KJE when he doesn't know what the future holds for him if he will be physically capable (not just walking mind you!) or not. So now I can understand and accept why he did  what he did.... Imagine for 35 years, you are used to a certain way of life, doing things on your own.  One can't expect a 180 degree turnaround in a span of 2 months (Oct-Dec 2014).  I used to say if it took me 20 years of doing the same thing, it will take me another 20 years to undo it....

AND WHAT I HOPE IS GOOD NEWS : the pics of KYH  in the hospital again (how can someone in the hospital possibly be good news?) ...... I wish this is a current scenario and not a flashback because now, for once, he is not alone anymore!!

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5 minutes ago, zeppy10 said:

we don't know if it's a hallucination or not... cus JE looks abit too SMILEY?? lol 


I hope it wasnt hallucination and just JE showing a cheerful face to encourage KYH.

(Trying to convincing myself of that until we get episode 14..)


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@demarchelierthank you for the pics!! made an otherwise dreary day perk up.... whether it's a flashback (it may be cuz why does he have a bonnet?) or current, my heart is light. Whatever works either way is good...... until the writer blindsides us again?? I can't help but dread her style and her penchant for happy scenes then a problem for the cliffhanger! like.... oooops she did it again!

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59 minutes ago, zeppy10 said:


is this new still?? wonder if this is flashback or...... 

should be flashback because the arm injured is the same as the accident.. So i guess it's not all without contact.. They probably remain in contact till he went america...... :D

 YH is in tears in one of the stills. I really think he's hallucinating. I'm laughing at SJS reading a dating book. Is that a hint for oppa? What a tease.

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