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Girls, what's your minimum height requirement to date?


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really late reply.

my ancestors were likely all very short being of "peasant" southern Chinese heritage dating back to the imperial days. 

For those of my generation, we'd have access to significantly higher caloric content food which coupled with our environment meant we were able to attain sizes and heights well beyond our ancestors. 

In any case genetics is a whole nother thang.

my gf is about 5'4. She'd probably like it if I wasn't quite so much taller than her.....


ayahuasca: I disagree in the context that you probably don't know EXACTLY how tall your ancestors were as you've never physically seen them in real life and I'm sure that whomever in your family told you that isn't exactly 100% sure with what they were even sayin'.  They had the "potential" to grow to their maximum genetic potential but they couldn't because of malnutrition/environmental reasons OR/AND it could just be in their genes get it?  If they got all they could: nutrition, enough sleep, etc then they can hit that maximum genetic height potential.


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really late reply.

my ancestors were likely all very short being of "peasant" southern Chinese heritage dating back to the imperial days. 

For those of my generation, we'd have access to significantly higher caloric content food which coupled with our environment meant we were able to attain sizes and heights well beyond our ancestors. 

In any case genetics is a whole nother thang.

my gf is about 5'4. She'd probably like it if I wasn't quite so much taller than her.....


ayahuasca: I disagree in the context that you probably don't know EXACTLY how tall your ancestors were as you've never physically seen them in real life and I'm sure that whomever in your family told you that isn't exactly 100% sure with what they were even sayin'.  They had the "potential" to grow to their maximum genetic potential but they couldn't because of malnutrition/environmental reasons OR/AND it could just be in their genes get it?  If they got all they could: nutrition, enough sleep, etc then they can hit that maximum genetic height potential.


Afraid I'll have to disagree there. I'm pretty sure I have a better idea of my ancestry especially considering the number of members in my maternal grandmother's generation and what I know of the family from that side.

. While debating this has been remotely interesting, it's derailing the purpose of this thread and to be honest it's leading me to reveal more about my background than I'm generally willing to share on the internet. 

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I've dated guys varying in height. I guess height doesn't affect me much compared to other women. I'm willing to compromise if he captures my heart, treats me right, is loyal, and faithful to me. There are more important things than height.

See, the height issue in relationships becomes a real issue only if a girl/woman or a boy/guy projects prejudices and/or personal inadequacies on this particular feature. Otherwise attraction, love and compatibility between humans are based on all those (and more) factors you mentioned. 

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ayahuasca: That just means you got much better nutritional background than your parents/ancestors, however you guys got the same genetic background.  Believe what you want..but I know for a fact that I'm right.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest mahendar

there is no such limit for date a girl must be this height or something else.you can choose your partner based on you height.it wasn't a problem

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i don't really have a minimum per se. But I do have a maximum. Being 5 foot 3/4 of an inch (almost 5'1) means that most guys are by default much taller than me. So I never had much of a height minimum...I can accept guys 5'4-6'0. But I can't stand super tall guys. Like any one taller than 6'0 is an automatic out for me. I hate the feeling of being this small little thing that he could crush. And I like to see my shadow when I walk in front of him. I also hate the contrast when you walk next to a tall person. Hayden Pantiere and Kim Kardashian has my vote for picking the craziest ex-hubbies...don't even know how they do "it" to be honest. So awkward.

Also, any ladies that select you purely for your height is an idiot. But don't worry, women smarten up the older they get. By the time they hit late 20s, looks and height will be the least of their worries.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest kamienzen

Sorry, but I will stick to cm ;)
Is it for really so important?  I'm just asking. I have few tall friends (girl) and they have the same problem. Shorter guy is not acceptable.
For me it really doesn't matter.

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  • 1 month later...

Been visiting Soompi now and again for a while now, FINALLY sign up to it and after a random browse... THIS is the first article I come across!? I see that some people on here are indifferent towards height - which I'm happy to see. But others... I mean, that's sooooooo pathetic! No one can help their genetics.

On 12/6/2015 at 9:10 PM, severus said:

Double offense. Being short and lying about it.

Saying things like that - as though it's an "offense" to be born a certain way - is absolutely disgusting; your parents have obviously done a terrible job.

Me - I'm 5'4 and personally don't care in the least for a guy's height. Honesty, integrity, loyalty, open-mindedness, courage, how interesting they are, intelligence etc. I've even dated guys who are even shorter than me because they possess these traits. You'd not like it if the guy you fell for just blatantly wouldn't give you a chance because of something out of your control, but you seem fine to do it to others.

So why doesn't height bother me? Well, it could be because I was raised to be a decent person, but who knows? Honestly, grow up and stop being such a (you know what) about something a person can't help. Judging a book by its cover is extremely juvenile.

Sheesh. No wonder there's such a strong inverse association between height and suicide rates in males. I kinda don't blame them if they come across people like this.
Well done, people. Well done.

/rant (yay, already lol)

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@christinalay don't worry about what @severus says. She loves to provoke people and she just made another victim ;)

I actually think this thread is rather funny. I'm from the Netherlands where the average male height is 1.83 cm. I'm 1.74 cm myself. Not even close to the average male height. However, I've never had trouble dating women. Why? Confidence. It's the only thing that truly matters. I've never had a girl dump or reject me because she thought I was too small. I've been rejected because I thought I was too small though. When I got over that little issue, I never had trouble dating again.

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:) Awesome news, @CamelKnight I'm really glad to hear that.
Wow! You're 1.74 cm!? You're not even 2 cm tall; I didn't even think that was humanly possible! :P

In all seriousness though, 174 cm isn't really "short". Saying "I'm just a few cm below average and I have no trouble" doesn't really mean anything.
I think if we want a more accurate assessment, we need stronger/more extreme examples. (Oh goodness, I'm going all nerdy on you now! :lol:)

Like those maybe 5'5 and below. Sure, a guy needs confidence, but I'm starting to look around and see that there are certain heights that - no matter his confidence or anything else - a guy just isn't deemed good enough. And when you think about it, that's really wrong. "Confidence" can only do so much compensating if people are being shallow jerks.

I've known 6'0~6'4 guys with social anxiety, no confidence at ALL (seriously you have no idea), no personality, and not a shred of dignity, yet still get treated like they're superior when in reality, they have nothing real to offer. And it's like... Why?

So no, confidence doesn't cut for those that are actually short when people are being so superficial.

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@christinalay it doesn't sound short, but compared to just about everyone around me 174 cm (yes, without the dot lol :D) it's really tiny. I've got several friends reaching over 2 meters and they never got more girls than I did.

If they are being shallow jerks, would you even want to be interested in them? I'd walk right past them. Nothing to see there, no matter how cute/handsome/georgous or hot they are.

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Guest severus
On February 14, 2016 at 4:13 AM, CamelKnight said:

She loves to provoke people and she just made another victim ;)



That is so offensive and judgemental! Your parents did a terrible job!!! Where is your integrity!!!!!!

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