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The Official Chae Yeon (채연) Thread


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^hahaha yeah not_popular that is one 'nosebleed' I would be very happy to have! :D

but you're confusing me now, i thought you were a die-hard giyeon fan, what's this about tei? :unsure:

yeah that last pic is cool, she looks cutie with the 'go reds' bandana covering her face & the korean emblem emblazoned on her arm & the 'devil's horns' too (oh wait, that's somebody in the background wearing that, sorry)!

Edit: thanks not_popular for the gift! you & f.E.M. always manage to find the 'smexiest' pics of CY for me! :w00t:

man with this new 'stamp' i feel all official now & thank goodness f.E.M. didn't require that you pass an exam on yeonnie to get one! :sweatingbullets: i'm terrible on tests & prolly woulda failed! :P

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(am i the only teiyeon lover here?)

no, you are not the only one. Teiyeon is still my NO.1 couple <3<3 haven't seen a lot of this couple lately tho...

f.E.M, am i allow to use that stamp? do i have to do any test? anyway i'm using it right now.

and BOOOO to those stupid posts in popseoul

ps. finally, first term is done!!!!!!! i'm so happy

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Guest mishybear

i didnt tk pics of her, cus was too freakin nervous.

sldnt go into how stupid i looked then.

but ya, we took 2 photos tgt thou.

and she saw the happy birthday pic thing (cus i printed and laminated the ting into a poster) tat i got u guys to participate for her bdae. and she pointed at a few of u, and ask me "chingu?" LOLL.. - -;; den i told her no, we are all fans frm international forum, all frm different countries. and she gave me a O.O look. either she dun understand wad i said, cus its all mixed kr n eng plus alot of stammering cus i cant speak in frt of her.....or dat she is shocked by her international fanbase. -.-

hahahaha.. awwe its okay!

any one of us would have gotten star-struck XD

you're so lucky... getting to take pics.... lol

who did she point at?

i wouls be darn happy if she pointed at my pic

ooohhh is it possible i can see the bday project

i just wanna look at it

omgosh, i was thinking the exact same thing, degilisious! (i hope she pointed at my picture!!!)


T____T that would have been so awesome.... hahaha

she is super down to earth...jus dat ..10+ min of time i haf wif her tat day can prove so. (:

she didnt even believe when i say u guys in the pic at intl fans of hers. -0-

lol yes. the first impression of a person always lasts. (well... maybe not always.. :P)

i wish i was able to meet CY and see how down to earth she is..... lol

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I see her every friday on this chinese channel ("HuNan") in this singing contest show thing...

She's pretty good.. and sings in chinese!! lol... accent probably need abit more practice.. but pretty good!! ^_^

Especially in one ep, she acts like a kid and her partner (bao bao) acts like a grandpa.. lol... it was sooo cute!!

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Guest antinh85

i should burn down the person who ever wrote that comment in Popseoul about Chae Yeon making the clothes looks cheap.. they are too jealous of her looks..

i really miss her.. can't believe Chae yeon debuted this long and the thread is only 300 and yet Wonder girls thread gone up to 600.. we gotta keep fighting guys..heheh..........

it seems to me that Chae yeon's music career hasn't take any turns and gone down lately.. hopefully she'll stay in the industry longer...

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Guest lyly_flower2000

I think WG has a successful promotion to gain more fans than CY.

And CY hasn't still appeared frequently in Korea. Otherwise, she shows up often in China. So this thread is slowing down a little.

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^well said not_popular, it's about quality not quantity! As long as you support CY that's all that matters rite?

btw, checked out your fotolog, you seem to have a very nice family, friends &

you're cute too! hehehe!


i tried your blog, but since it's in spanish, ya know I only know the 'bad words' in Español! :blush:

Edit: hahaha, now i know about LIE SANG BONG! :)

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^ :)

if we spam this thread to the max with meaningless compliments and thoughtless remarks, keep posting things a long these lines: omg i love chae yeon so much; she's the best!!; she's so beautiful ~~~~ we might just as well get 1000 pages anytime we want. But like bulgogie & not_popular said, we're about quality and what matters most is our loyal support for Chae Yeon.

btw, love the pictures not_popular, esp. the earmuffs ones ^^

it seems to me that Chae yeon's music career hasn't take any turns and gone down lately.. hopefully she'll stay in the industry longer...

antinh85, About her music career, she stopped promoting her album on music shows, that might explain why you feel that way, one of the reasons must be because of her hectic schedule, plus she's been busy with "My Love" for the whole year already. It's time for her to take a break ^^, all we could do now is patiently waiting for her 5th album :D

Some pics



Chae Yeon updated her cyworld with this entry



translation anyone? seriously we need to 'woo' some korean speaking fans here, can't just keep bugging mishybear :D

P.S is it wrong of me to stare at my own signature all the time? XD XD XD haha if there's an officer like that, crimes rate will rapidly increase for sure, and there's gonna be queue after queue of people lining up to get shot

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^yeah i'll be one of the first to line up in that queue! :P

i saw that pic on her cy too & wondered what's that about? (i know it's about her b-day, but what are the details). Sure is a lot of pink balloons huh? i hate bothering mishybear all the time too, but she seems to be a good sport about it! ^_^

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