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Snow and Struggles: "Dad! Where Are We Going?" Episode 99


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As previewed last week, our families 0f "Dad! Where Are We Going?" are off on another low-cost backpacking trip. This time, the dads got to choose what themes they want their trips to have and the producers planned the rest.


Ahn Jung Hwan and Ahn Ri Hwan set out with anticipation to go to Canada. But they're surprised to stop, not at the airport, but at Yoon Hoo's house. Surprise! Yoon Min Soo and Hoo will be joining them for their trip to Banff, Canada.DWAWG 121414 1DWAWG 121414 2 From Incheon, they fly to Vancouver, and then finally land in Calgary, Canada. From there, Banff is another 1.5-hour drive. The families split ways, renting separate cars, and drive through the falling snow to get to their individual housing for the night. DWAWG 121414 10 Min Soo and Hoo arrive at their hostel and are welcomed by two female travelers from Ireland. Yoon Min Soo is loving this trip so far. DWAWG-121414-1 Ri Hwan and Ahn Jung Hwan arrive at their housing as well, immediately eating dinner that they bought on the road. Ri Hwan is in a great mood. DWAWG-121414-2 So Jung Hwan is too. DWAWG 121414 11 The next morning, the father and son are greeted by a thick layer of snow on the ground. They are both too excited about the view and the snow... DWAWG 121414 13DWAWG 121414 12 ...but mostly Ri Hwan. DWAWG 121414 14DWAWG 121414 15 But alas, snow is not always good. As they head out for the day... well, they haven't headed out for the day yet. The snow is keeping their car firmly in its spot. Hopefully they figure out how to get moving next week. DWAWG 121414 16Philippines Waiting for their bus to Incheon Airport, Jung Woong In and Jung Se Yoon run into Ryu Jin and Lim Chang Hyung at the waiting area. The two families are surprised and glad to see each other. DWAWG 121414 4DWAWG 121414 3 Then they are off to the Incheon Airport, where they take their flight to Manila. In Manila, they get exactly two hours of sleep (wow) before they need to be up at 4 a.m. to catch their flight to Bantanes, their final destination. Chang Hyung and Se Yoon are both troopers, not complaining or whining as they get up early in the morning to continue their trip. DWAWG 121414 5 Their arrival in Batanes is worth the struggle though, greeted by a cute, garden-like airport and friendly people. DWAWG 121414 7DWAWG 121414 6 Next week they get to see other parts of Batanes... like caves with bats. DWAWG 121414 18Taiwan Kim Sung Joo and Kim Min Yool have arrived in Taiwan, but they do not get to their hotel for another four hours. After asking airport workers and random people how to get to their hotel, they eventually give up and start eating at the bus station. (Reminiscent of Hong Kong, yes?) DWAWG 121414 8 Finally, a kind-hearted soul takes mercy and tells them which bus to get on, where Kim Sung Joo mistakenly hears 447 instead of 47 and blows 400 TWD on bus fare. On the bus, he gets lucky and meets a couple who is staying in the same place as he and Min Yool are. Finally, after a four-hour struggle, they find their hotel. Hopefully, the rest of their trip won't be as much of a struggle. DWAWG 121414 9Japan Actually, Sung Dong Il and Sung Bin do not appear on this week's episode, but the preview for next week promises their trip to Nagoya to be more than entertaining! DWAWG 121414 17 Honestly, international trips are my favorite trips on "Dad! Where Are We Going?" (...totally contradicting what I said about going back to the basics... but I can't help my love for travel). I cannot wait to see the rest of the families' exciting adventures! If you could go anywhere between Canada, Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan, where would you choose to go? Give us your input in the comments below! [tv]Catch the beginnings of the exciting international trips on Dad! Where Are We Going on SoompiTV![/tv]

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