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Zhang Li Yin / Jang Ri In (張力尹 / 장리인) Official Thread


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Can someone dl the performance from Clubbox and share with the rest of us who (are using stupid macs) cannot see it? Thanks!

*note* through pms or other (:

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Guest chinguz

she didn't perform as well as i would of thought, but it is her first one so that's ok. Good to see a live though and Junsu was as good as always.

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I thought the performance was good. They both did great. Even if her voice was shaky at some parts, but that's probably because she was nervous and plus it was her first time singing live and all so yeah. XD I like Jun Su's hair. (:

^I see you 8D

I loved the performance. Her voice is beautiful. Even though she forced it a little too much, I'm sure she'll get better in the peformances to come. She just debuted so. XD JunSu was amazing in the performance, not to mention he looked great too 8D

I loved the Mv as well, I so can't wait to see the second part.

Thank you for the CB link as well! I want to watch it HQ 8D

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Guest tiffany_v

i think her voice was a bit shaky in this performance, you can feel her nerve cracking as she tried to push more force in her voice. However, for a newcomer like her, it's an awesome job, she's new and she still needs more chances to perform in order to mature her voice.

Somehow, I prefer the Korean version over the English one, maybe Korean version is what I listened to first

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wow that was bad.

I seriously was disappointed.

I think if I was her I would've cried afterward.

'cause I know she could've sang 100% better.

Hopefully in the next performances she won't be as nervous but it really does suck that her debut performance wasn't at all her full potential.

But I still like her. I wouldn't have been disappointed if I didn't.

I'll just have to wait until tomorrow's performance.

I hope she blows them away. :)


I was SOOO scared he would crack 'cause his neck?voice conditions were not good for the past week or two right?

I heard he wasn't supposed to sing until the doctors said okay...

(well as of now I think all of DBSG are having throat/vocal problems which is why they've been delaying the recording of their third album)

but yeah, Junsu was just born to sing... *sigh*

And I love how during all their duet parts he toned down his voice. And he sang softly so her voice could be heard over his. Even though that's how it completely should be and is expected from him (because it is HER debut and he's just featuring) but I still find it incredibly sexy because it feels like I finally saw the very 'senior' side of dbsg. now they're no longer total newbies. (even if it was only Junsu in this example) carrying, not too much experience yet, but enough to start guiding a few juniors themselves. :)

okay maybe i'm exaggerating. ahhaha but iono...

you have to admit, Junsu was utter and complete sexiness in that perf.

in all aspects. :D

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Guest ginaaax3

Ohmygoodness I heard her sing Timeless,

And I guess it was good but her voice as VERY shaky.

And her high notes weren't the best, and she seemed off tune at times,

BUT she must have been very nervous! She can improve though!

JunSu was sooooo good <33333 they both will do better tomrrow!


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Guest *wenDzie^^*


after the performance... just wanted to comment how much emotions junsu put in the song....

especially at the beginning verse ♡.∩▂∩

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add oil zhang li en!~

I hope she and han geng gain fame over some of the talentless(or lack of talent thereof) 'singers' cough183clubcough in taiwan -__-

well in her first perf, it went well considering its a debut and that the fans were mostly cheering for xiah..

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I couldnt get over how short she was standing next to junsu even with heels on. xDDD

I dont blame her for being so nervous, i mean, a whole orchestra behind her, xiah junsu next to her, and an audience to sing to, i would nervous as heck.

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Guest cee.jay

I love the song Timeless so bad. I can't stop playing it hahaha

this version is way much bettter than the English version.


cool i own the 6th pages hahaha

I have to say this but honestly I prefer the english version because well. I can understand it and Kellys voice is stronger than Ri-Ins but I am quite happy with the Korean version :D!

btw, junsu looked really, really good in the perf. 8D

Go away :x!

Will edit reply when finished dloading :x<3


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Guest VitaDolce*

After watching the perf...

Is this Xiah's solo debut ? lol

Because he was awesome!

I was a bit disappointed with Zhang Li Yin

but I'm still giving her a chance since it's her first performance. :P

I know she ca do 100% better than todays perf.

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Guest lala111

oooh have these been posted b4? sorry if they have


haha oooh look @ the way shes looking @ him, Jang ri in likes xiah! haha aww they'd look good together. love these pics.


credits bestiz

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Guest tigereyez

I waited an anxious week to see her debut....

And I saw her debut performance just now (if you go to cafe.daum.net/soul48 - TVXQ's official cafe, you can find the video) and I'm kinda...well, disappointed.

In the single, her voice seemed very powerful w/wide range and I became an interested fan. The song is very difficult, melancholy, and beautiful and her voice seemed so flawlessly ranged...but in her debut performance, she was shaky and sounded...rather choked. The powerful voice I heard in the song wasn't there...and she was just...instable and was unable to control much of the song's vibrato, etc. Her pronunciation wasn't clear either, but I suppose that's expected. That's what the pessimist would say.

The optimist would mention that it was her first performance, FIRST, and for her first performance, she had a very difficult and wide-reaching song in "Timeless." No other artists, really, start with a difficult song for their "initial" song...but she did. I give her muchos props for that and being able to sing as well as she did deserves kudos all around. And for such a young girl with such difficult song in a whole another country with much pressure, she did very well. Although her voice was shaky, it was still very beautiful and it matched with Xiah's voice perfectly. Nice duet.

Xiah, by the way, did the beautiful job like the pro that he is. He sounds exactly, no, BETTER than the single itself....

Before I form my opinion of her, however, I'll need to see a couple more live performances from her. Can't wait for the Inkigayo, ladies and gents...:) Hope she steps up and performs better in that one and maybe more fans will garner to her side, because I know she lost the 100% positive remarks from the people with this performance. Nonetheless, JangRiIn fighting!

BTW, I think they officially spell it Zhang Liyin, or something like that.

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Guest chigurl

thanks evryone for all the links :)

you could tell she was so nervous..

she had that scared look on her face :(

i thought it wasnt bad at all atleast she had the first performance out of her way

so hopefully tomorrow will be much better

cant wait for tomorrow's performance

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