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He Loves Naughty Girl Not

Guest s u n d a e_

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Guest Elliott

I love Yoon Sung!! And sang hyuk too, he's such a cute character.

youre story seriously sucked me in i read all the chapters in one sitting.

post more!! :]

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Guest adorkygirl

Omggshh Yoon sung is so ... *___*

his remark, born a b/tch was smart lol.

post more, i'm so addicted to this =DD keep working hard!

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Guest Salina2Short

yes !! ouu lala i betcha his aunt made him ask her out !! ohh wells. i hope they become a couple !! haha and her crush is starting to annoy me !! but THANKS FOR THE PM !!

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ahaha omg he asked her to dinner !! yay !! GO YOONSUNG !! sanhyuk should move lol... anyways thanks so much for the pm and hope you post more soon please !!

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Guest s u n d a e_

Chapter 17 – Something Wrong & Something Right.

Ya what? I spun around on the bus’s steps and looked at him spastically.

Yoon Sung stood completely still, “And my aunty.”

“Oh!” I let out a breath, “with Madam Oh too.”

Phew! He bloody well scared me there.

“But why?”

“Girly, say goodbye to hunny and get on the bus”, the scrawny bloke behind the wheel squeaked sarcastically.

I shot him a glare and he quickly looked away.

I turned to Yoon Sung. “Give me your phone number”, I commanded.

He looked puzzled, “What for?”

“So I can call you and not hold up the majesty behind the wheel there”, I replied pointing behind me.

Yoon Sung ranted his phone number and I memorised it quickly before jumping on the bus as the b@stard decided to take off. Gosh, Kang Yoon Sung is lucky I got a good memory- though umma tells me I’m a goldfish in school work.

I chose an empty seat and sat down. When I looked out the window, Yoon Sung had already gone. Scary stuff, he’s like a very hot ghost.


“Umma, appa! I’m home!” I announced.

They were both sitting in front of the TV and turned around.

“Are you tired?” Umma asked with a kind smile.

“No”, I replied.

She stood up. “I’ll get your dinner.”

Ever since I got a sensible job umma has been treating me much more kindly. Man, I feel like the man of the house bringing home money- I’m the man!

“Why are you grinning to yourself?” Yoo Na was looking at me with one brow raised.

“What? I can’t now?” I retorted.

Yoo Na shrunk back through her glasses and wandered off.

After dinner, I returned to my room and entered Yoon Sung’s number into my phone before I’d forget. I stared at the screen with ‘Yoon Sung’ on it. Never thought he’s name would be on it. I sighed and pressed the green button. I didn’t have to wait long.



I didn’t continue.

“… Who’s this?” He asked.

“Yah! How could you not recognise Kim Yoo Jin’s voice?!”

“You’re right, who’d ever forget that voice…”

I think I need to see a doctor; either I have serious hearing problems or my heart is pounding irregularly.

“It’s so mean”, he finished.

“richard simmons off”, I said.

He replied, “OK” and hung up.

“Yah, YAH!” I yelled into the phone. I redialled him.


“Don’t hang up on me you giant as$hole.”

“I just did, swear freak.”

If he was here I’d show him what this swear freak’s power is.

“Don’t do it again, it’s ruder than swearing”, I stated.

“Whatever, I’m not going to argue. The dinner’s on Friday- come in nice clothes.”

Nice clothes?

“Yah, what kind of dare is this? I have to go dinner and be in nice clothes? What if I don’t have any?”


“You’re just desperate, right? You’ve never had a young girl eat with you?”


“Or maybe you used to have a girlfriend?” I hypothesised, thinking of those Korean dramas. “And it’s her birthday on Friday and you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?”

He didn’t reply, did I score?

“I’m right?”

“I believe in daydreaming at night now. Get some sleep”, he instructed and (would you f*cken believe it) hung up on me again.


I’m not calling him again, that would dub me desperate.

Wait, I still don’t know much about what I’m doing this Friday… nice clothes…dinner…

Sounds like a date to me.


“Stupid, why would you take on a bet like that with a brain like that”, Dong Wan emphasised.

Dong Wan tossed a can of coke which I caught and joined me on the sofa.

“Who knew he’s brain is so gi-normous?” I snapped back.

Dong Wan eyed me wearily. “Gi-normous? What’s that?”

“Why are you asking me? I don’t know.”

He took a sip from his can of coke and placed it on the coffee table.

“So where’s he taking you?”

I shrugged.

“Need me to come with you?” Dong Wan offered.

I conveyed him a ‘no, you stupid’ look.

“Why would Kang Yoon Sung want to take you out on a date?” I pointed out.

Dong Wan slowly nodded, “Right.” He went to grab his can but suddenly stopped and abruptly turned to me, pushing his face close to mine. “SO IT’S A DATE NOW?!!!”

“Not really”, I said leaning back.

He sat back.

“I just call it a date, I’m going with his aunty too anyway”, I stated.

“Sounds like you’re a girlfriend meeting the elders”, Dong Wan said darkly.

I grabbed hold of the maroon cushion behind me and rammed it in his face. He spat out the cotton from his mouth and hugged the cushion.

“How’s it going with you and Sang Hyuk?”

I snatched the cushion back and started beating it up. “ARGH! Stupid bloody f*cken messed up screwed up little world”, I gave it another blow, “things that are meant to go right don’t”, I flung it off the sofa, “things that aren’t do.”

I swept it off the floor and had my way with it all over again as Dong Wan stood up.

“Uh- I think I know the answer”, I could feel him eye me weirdly, “Just, when you’re done, lock the door. I’ll be in my room if anything goes wrong.”

I broke away from the pillow and looked at him, “What? Like the cushion’s gonna wake up and strangle me?” I turned back to the cushion and strangled it.


I didn’t bother questioning Kang Yoon Sung further on the topic and he didn’t bother telling me so I assumed that the idea was dropped until that Thursday…

“Oh, and Yoo Jin, remember that the store is closing tomorrow night”, Madam Oh notified as I appeared from the staffroom ready to leave.

“Huh? Why?”

Madam Oh stopped flicking through the money and looked at me blankly. “Hasn’t Yoon Sung asked you to the dinner party yet?”

Oh richard simmons, it really is on.

“Oh yeah! Yes, yes he has. I just… temporarily forgot about it”, I smiled.

She returned the smile and handing me a piece of paper added, “Here’s the address, can you meet us at our apartment tomorrow? Come at around 5 ‘o’clock and we’ll go there together.”

I took hold of the piece of paper. Durh I’d have to go there with them, I don’t even know where we’re eating. But 5 ‘o’ clock? Why so early?


I pressed the doorbell and heard it chime behind the door. The door was quickly opened by Madam Oh.

“Yoo Jin! Come in!”

She ushered me inside and I took my shoes off. My eyes flickered over the white tiles and walls to the little elegant ornaments. Madam Oh likes white alot… or is Kang Yoon Sung gay? I peered through the left passage which could only be seen through the archway. Madam Oh motioned for me to follow her. She turned left into the archway which led to the living room.

Damn, the cream-coloured carpet in here is so soft I feel like snuggling into it! The living room is really bright because of the glass outmost wall. There was a neatly positioned set of white lounges with a square glass table in the middle and the silver television at the front was switched on.

The last thing my eyes spotted was Yoon Sung who was sitting on the lounge directly facing the TV.

“Whoa, are you playing camouflage?” He was dressed in white cargos and a white t-shirt which blended him well with the furniture. Actually, he could pass for a prince charming.

Yoon Sung grabbed the remote control and switched the TV off. He looked to me, “I thought I told you to wear nice clothes.”

I wanted to say ‘I freaken didn’t even know I was coming here ‘til yesterday’ but didn’t since Madam Oh was still standing between us.

Instead, I looked down at my short-sleeved ruffly chiffon black top and blue denims which I had paired with black stilettos. The whole world knows I run better in stilettos than I walk in joggers and I don’t go to fancy places so these clothes are already my best, sheesh. I looked up at him, “What’s wrong with my outfit?” You f*cken no stylish piece of-

“Yoon Sung, why don’t you go and get changed?” Madam Oh intercepted.

Yoon Sung glanced at me then went to the back of the living room where there was another door in which he disappeared behind.

I was sitting on one of the sofas and chatting to Madam Oh when Yoon Sung emerged in a black suit and leather shoes. It fitted his broad shoulders and height perfectly. Besides his ruffled hair, he actually looked very Kwon Sang Woo-ish.

I had unknowingly gapped and closed my mouth. I stood up and walked over to him, checking him out up and down. Next to his suit, my denims look absolutely boring. Yoo Jin isn’t happy people, oh no don’t get me wrong- he looks stunning, but that uglifies me!!!

I frowned but muttered, “You look good.”

He stared down at me with a surprised expression but didn’t thank me. Rude b@stard, manners, hello?

“Yoon Sung, why don’t you head off to the restaurant first. I’ll be there with Yoo Jin later”, Madam Oh advised.

He looked across my head to her. “We’ve already made a reservation.”

“I haven’t confirmed it”, she replied.

“Aunty!” Yoon Sung said in an irritated voice.

“Whoops”, she said cheekily and shrugged.

“I’ll get there first then”, he said grabbing a lock of keys from the glass table and slipping it into his pocket. He spun around and glanced at me before turning back to Madam Oh, “And watch out for her.”

“Yah! What do you mean?! Am I some bl-”, I was about to say ‘bloody’ but changed it to “blokey animal?!”

Both nephew and aunty raised their brows at my stupid comment.

“Uh, no”, was all Yoon Sung said to me.

He said good bye to Madam Oh and left. As soon as the door clicked Madam Oh turned to me and said, “Come.”


Everyone knows it is impossible for me to look ‘pretty’. But not everyone knows I can appear softer. The things that can make me look ‘nice’ are a knee-length white skirt, a baby yellow chiffon singlet with straps that cross at the back, silver stilettos and straightened hair- which is all of what Madam Oh has plonked me into.

I stared into the taxi’s head mirror- I didn’t get the chance to at Madam Oh’s house ‘cause we were already so late.

“Holy… cr@p” I said aloud.

Madam Oh turned to me, “Is something wrong, Yoo Jin?”

I was so freaken stunned at what I saw in the mirror that I just left my mouth gapping until I realised saliva was almost coming out of it. There, in that mirror, was a drooling sweet looking girl. richard simmons, that girl is me!!! She’s (why am I talking in third person?) not pretty at all, but she LOOKS NICE. It’s like the yellow has softened my eyes so they didn’t look as sharp. Umma calls me Snow White because I’m too white, but now the yellow is making my skin glow! NO! I DON’T WANT TO BE LIKE THIS! Why? My eyes… my eyes! They’re not mean anymore, Kang Yoon Sung will see me not mean and I’ll lose my powerful image. I felt like groaning.

“I look cute”, I wailed.

Madam Oh trailed my eyes to the head mirror and grinned. “I think this will be a nice present for Yoon Sung.”

What is she talking about?

“Uh… present?” I asked, taking the crimpled expression off my face.

She chuckled, “No, your transformation isn’t his actual present. I just thought it’d be a nice extra birthday present for him.”

I gulped. Rotten bananas, it’s Kang Yoon Sung’s birthday today?!

“Madam Oh?”


“Can we just stop there for a second?” I requested pointing to the entrance of a department store. “I have to pick up Yoon Sung’s present”, I explained.

Madam Oh smiled, “Of course!”

The taxi driver pulled up in front of the grand glass doors and I sped into it holding onto the silver clutchbag Madam Oh had lent me. I ran around the place like chooks in a pen not knowing what to get.

In frustration, I started fretting to myself. “richard simmons richard simmons richard simmons. Damn damn damn. DUMBAS$! Why couldn’t he bloody tell me it’s his birthday?!”

At that moment I saw the reflection of something in the shiny entrance doors and spun around… and smiled.

Chapter 18 - The Many Pleasant Presents.

I heard Madam Oh’s footsteps stop somewhere ahead of me.

“You got us a nice place Yoon Sung, really since it’s your birthday I should’ve organised it.”

“It’s alright aunty”, there was a pause, “Where’s that girl?”

That girl? I have an effing name you di-

“Yoo Jin! What are you doing here?”

She found me. I was hiding on the carpet around the corner of the restaurant not wanting to go in. Darn it, do I really have to look nice front of Kang Yoon Sung?

I pointed down to my toes. “Stilettos. I can’t walk in them”, I fibbed.

Madam Oh’s brows furrowed and grabbing my hand she dragged me along. She was already in the doorway and I was still covered by the wall when I tugged back furiously. We struggled, me pulling back and she forward. Heck, what a cool site this must be to those richies inside, a lady in fancy clothes playing tug-of-war with a pair of hands.

Because I was busy thinking of their reactions, with one tug Madam Oh had managed to jerk me forward next to her so that I was, too, in the doorway. I straightened my back in front of the crowd of people at their tables who had all looked up to see what the commotion was all about.

I looked away and caught sight of it, or him. To the side, looking out the glass window which overlooked the city of Seoul sat Kang Yoon Sung, prince-like as ever in his tuxedo and wearing a bland face. I wonder why he’s not looking this way. Pfft, the snob probably knows that it’s like Kim Yoo Jin to cause such a stir.

The slow poke’s head finally turned my way and his lips slightly parted as he took in my retarted appearance. Damn it, I knew this kind of look doesn’t suit me. I sneered at the floor and when I looked up again Yoon Sung was still staring at me. I’ll pull your eye balls out in a sec if you don’t stop that Kang Yoon Sung. Darn his dare.

I followed Madam Oh over to the white-clothed table. Yoon Sung stood up, walked around the table and pulled out the chair for Madam Oh. I pulled out my chair too.


It scraped loudly against the tiles causing every fool’s head to turn my way, again.

“richard simmons”, I muttered.

There are lots of things I hadn’t foreseen today, but number one is when Yoon Sung came around to me, held onto the top of my chair and said apologetically, “Sorry, so impolite of me.”

The people stuck their noses back to where it belongs and I sat down in blown by the wind mode, surprised that he chose to cover my embarrassment by blaming himself. I watched as Yoon Sung returned to his seat like nothing had happened.


We finished our dinner (I had steak x 2) and our plates were cleared away.

“I’m going to the bathroom”, Madam Oh said as she got up and left me and Yoon Sung alone.

Just the two of us… I started giggling.

“What are you laughing?” Yoon Sung asked me, eying me like I had a fit.

I leaned in closer over the table and he did too. I whispered, “Now that it’s just us… don’t you think it looks like we’re on a date?”

He slumped back into his chair and gave me a you’re-an-idiot look.

“Pfft, you’re no fun”, I complained.

I glanced at the grey-haired man in glasses playing the piano. I kept my eyes on his fingers and spoke to Yoon Sung, “Did you know that I was supposed to play the piano? But I was too shy so yeah… else by now I’d be a master.”

He didn’t reply so I looked at him, only to see him staring- or gazing, at me. I blinked causing him to blink and snap out of his trance.

“You look different today”, he said without looking at me.

See? I knew he’d make a comment.

“I know. I look like an ogre forced to make friends with Hello Kitty”, I said.

He looked at me again. “I wasn’t thinking that.”

Yeah, he’s probably thinking I look like sheep’s richard simmons gone wrong.

“Then what?” I asked, drawing up in my mind an after school bash up plan for tomorrow.

Yoon Sung didn’t get the chance to answer because the lights dimmed and the piano man started playing ‘Happy Birthday’. Madam Oh came towards Yoon Sung wheeling a pretty mango cheesecake and singing along with the tune. I joined in with her and so did the rest of the diners. I looked at Yoon Sung and I wished I had a camera to take a picture of Kang Yoon Sung blushing!!! Aha this is so funny. And just to make his cheeks go redder, I raised my singing level and the rest all raised theirs to match it. With the high volume I wouldn’t be surprised if the floor below could hear us.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Yoon Sung”, it was strange to hear only two voices out of the whole chore sing Yoon Sung’s name since the rest had no idea who the jerk they were singing for was, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!”

I smiled widely as Yoon Sung looked as if even a bee’s hive would be good enough for him to stick his head in.

Madam Oh had timed carefully because she the cake had stopped right in front of Yoon Sung as the song stopped.

“Auty”, Yoon Sung mumbled.

She grinned. “Make a wish.”

He closed his eyes for a moment and his face was lit by the candles.

I wonder what someone like Yoon Sung would wish for?

He opened his eyes and blew out the candles. The lights in the restaurant brightened again.

“Now cut the cake!” Madam Oh exclaimed.

She provided him with a knife and he sliced it through the cake. Ooh, I can’t wait to eat that.

“It touched the bottom! It touched the bottom!” Madam Oh said excitedly, pointing to the knife.

She’s much more hyper than usual today. I guess she has reason to be, but not this. I KNOW what she’s getting at.

I peered over at the cake as Yoon Sung eyed me.

I shook my head and pressed my lips, “Nope. Didn’t touch the bottom.”

Yoon Sung levelled his eyes with the edge of the table, “Yeah… nah”, he agreed.

We both looked up at Madam Oh who smiled and announced, “He’s gotta kiss someone on his birthday.”

Now that he had lowered himself, his lips were very close to mine. I backed away.

Yeah, he can kiss himself, I was gonna say but what came out was, “Yeah, he can kiss you Madam.”

She sighed and lent him her cheek.


1. Yoon Sung blushing.
2. Yoon Sung shyly pecking his aunt’s cheek.

I burst out laughing seeing Yoon Sung peck his aunt’s cheek and you know what? The f*cken d1ck, glared at me, then bloody f*cken grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips!

I pushed him away and wiped my lips, “Yuck!”

Madam Oh giggled, reminding me that I am in front of my boss which saved me from pulling out every last strand of hair on her nephew’s head. I glared at him so hard my eyes felt like plunging into my glass of lemonade. He grabbed his napkin and dabbed it at his lips. HOW DARE HE?! He’s the one that kissed me and what’s this? Now he’s freaken wiping my saliva off like they’re germs!!! I yanked my napkin and literally slapped my mouth with it.

“Why don’t you laugh now?” He asked me.

I gritted my teeth.

Madam Oh started laughing again, “Thank God I told you to bring friends Yoon Sung!” She turned to me. “You know when I asked him to invite a group of friends to celebrate his birthday and he stayed silent I thought he had no friends?”

Well you got that right.

“But then he said, ‘well… there is one that can come’ and I was less worried but when he said it’s you all my worries were over!”

So that’s why he dared me to come. A$shole taking advantage of my debt to him.

Yoon Sung stood up abruptly and walked off without a word.

Madam Oh sighed. “I think I embarrassed him.”

Yeah, me too.

“Since when did his attitude towards you change, Yoo Jin?”

I looked at her with what I hoped looked innocent eyes. “What change, Madam?”

She chuckled. “I know he didn’t like you at first Yoo Jin. He said he couldn’t understand how a girl tough like a man could have good style.”

My guts were churning to dissolve Yoon Sung’s.

“But then one day- I think it was that time you took a day off work, he came back from school and said he saw a different side to you…”

I was swinging on the edge of my chair with nosiness by this point.

“He said you looked anxious for once, not just fierce.”

That was when I was worried about Dong Wan…

“And he heard from classmates that you had been a brave girl, representing your school in a challenge.”

Pfft, yeah, um, ‘challenge’.

Madam Oh continued, “And he said that he couldn’t understand a girl who is at times the most hated, then sometimes the most loved but then all the time respected.”

You know, I couldn’t figure you out.

And that’s why he was staring at me that day.

I was VERY eager to know the rest, “What else did he say?”

Madam Oh smiled warmly at me, “I think he’s found a different- good, side to you. That’s why I wanted to expose some more of it through different clothes.”

This guy thinks he’s God. Even I don’t know my other side and who said I have a split personality?!

“Your smile looks daunting.”

I looked up to see Yoon Sung sitting down and stopped swinging on my chair. Why the heck does he always comment on my smile? And I’m not smiling…

“Shut up”, I blurted.

Luckily Madam Oh didn’t notice because she was busy reaching under the table. A moment later she pulled out a black gift bag.

Oh God. Gift bag.

I fidgeted underneath the table whilst Yoon Sung thanked his aunty and withdrew a black box from the bag. He flipped it open and inside was a key. He lifted it out of the box and examined it carefully.

“Aunty, is this what I think it is?” He asked with a happy smile.

She nodded.

“You shouldn’t-”

She cut in on him, “I should of got it when you turned 16 last year but I hadn’t saved enough.”

I suddenly felt a lump in my throat and in the next second was overwhelmed with emotions.

“Why are you teary?” Yoon Sung asked. “It’s not your present.”

“SHUT UP!” I snapped as Madam Oh shook her head disapprovingly at Yoon Sung.

Madam Oh tried to change the subject, “What have you gotten for him, Yoo Jin?”

Yoon Sung, not knowing that I knew it was his birthday, quickly interjected, “Dessert anyone?”

I pulled it out from under the table by the ear and dangled it in front of him. Stuff the gift bag.

“Happy Birthday”, I said, clearing up my voice.

He was taken aback but accepted it, “Thanks.”

I observed the way he held it between his hands, eying it with passionate confusion.

Madam Oh slowly nodded. “A… teddy bear? Very, uh, nice, Yoo Jin.”

I sniffed and smiled, “I thought it looked just like Yoon Sung here.”

He glanced at me pathetically.

What had I seen in the reflection? A thirty centimetre tall bright brown teddy bear that looks like a nerd. It wore glasses and its nose was buried into a book, and its head was twice the size of its body.

“I think you could name it ‘Big Head Yoon Sung’”, I suggested.

“Nah, since you gave it to me I’ll name it Big Head Yoo Jin”, he smiled evilly and patted its head, “Alright, Miss. Big Head?” He said to the bear.

One day I’ll burn your pretty tongue off, Kang Yoon Sung.


“You take Yoo Jin home using your new present, Yoon Sung. I’ve had it readily parked in the carpark”, Madam Oh instructed as she climbed into the taxi.

Yoon Sung shut the door and the taxi took off immediately.

I’ll catch another taxi”, I stated.

“Didn’t you hear? Your boss told me to take you home with my new present”, he repeated.

“I’m not deaf”, I said but tagged after him as he walked away. Really, I just want to know what’s this so exciting new present.



“Last year”, he replied.

I ride on the back of Dong Wan’s motorbike all the time, but this guy I don’t trust. What kind of geek rides a motorbike?! I forced myself to tighten my grip on his shoulders.

“Woman, if you squeeze my shoulders like that we’re gonna crash”, he warned.

I ignored his threat and gripped on tighter.

We were passing a gigantic office building that took up the whole block and I could see our reflection in the glassy walls.

A guy in a suit on a motorbike + a girl in a skirt holding onto the guy = totally movie-like!

Actually, we don’t look too bad together…


I looked away from the building and concentrated on looking at everything else but things which reflect. Soon, I recognised the deserted road Yoon Sung was driving on.

I hit his shoulder with one fist. “Hey! Why are you taking me back to school?!”

He responded calmly, “Because, you don’t want me to know where you live.”

“YAH! You haven’t asked me yet!!!” I shouted in his ear.

He didn’t even shift away. Dang it, maybe it would work better if he wasn’t wearing a helmet.

“Last time you said”, he imitated me in a squeaky voice, “‘Knowing where I live won’t be that easy Kang Yoon Sung’.”

Hmmm… how much would it cost to repair a motorbike? Probably a lot. And that’s the only thing that kept me from steering his present into the brick wall. Stupid git.

“That was last time!” I bellowed.

“You shouldn’t have to wait for me to ask”, he pointed out.

For a response, I banged my helmet head forward against his. Oww… the vibration hurts.

The motorbike suddenly came to a stop and Yoon Sung turned around. His glare isn’t much worse than mine, for one thing he was wearing a helmet and I could still feel a burning sensation. He removed his helmet.

“Are you mental?”

The vibration of the helmet slam was still in my brain so I didn’t bother defending myself.

“Well where do you live then?”


I lifted the helmet off my head, passed it to Yoon Sung and turned away.

“Yoo Jin.”

I spun around again, “What?”

There was a true smile of appreciation when he said, “Thanks.”

I nodded, “Thanks for the dinner.”

He nodded back and said, “Yeah… goodnight.”

He just stayed there.

“Aren’t you going?” I asked him.

Yoon Sung shook his head at me.

“Yah! Why are you shaking your head? What are you? One minute you’re all nice and gentle then the next you’re f*cken-”

He replaced his helmet through my ranting and took off.

“I’M NOT FINISHED YET!” I yelled after him. “Pfft, b@stard.”

(BoA - Amazing Kiss)

B@stard... my first kiss... was stolen by a bloody b@stard.



Really, the introduction of 'Amazing Kiss' is an amazing descriptor of the scene where Yoon Sung plants on on Yoo Jin.

I've just realised that I began writing this fic on 26th October 2005!! It was left on the back burner for a while though.

Here's a little secret... for the first time, my readers have actually caught up to me. I have no secret chapters already written in stock!

From here, you will all be with me every step to see where this story goes =)

also, i started writing another fic a while ago before i started this thread called In a Pretty Box. so that might interfere a TINY bit with this 1. what will interfere ALOT is the 4th fic ive started also a while ago called

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _.

hangman, anybody? jkz.

damn i wrote alot.

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Guest always_urs

^_^V its ok if you wrote alot

this is how i like it... a long post :Dd

awe... she she finally look purdee

for once.... i wonder after he took off

did anyone see her wearing a

dress... kekee..... ^_^V

well hope u post up really soon...

cuz i cant wait.....

you were saying you wrote another story???

what??? :o where i wanna read it too!!! TT_TT

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THANKS FOR THE PM... i read the last time you posted but i dont know why soompi didnt let me reply to it so sry that i couldnt... anyways i cant believe he kissed her... lol i wish she would have kissed him back... and i hope they get together again... sanghyuk should move lol... anyways thanks for the pm again... hope you post more soon...

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Guest Alias1234ever

I like this update. :) YOON SUNG! <3 I bet he's hot. PROLLY SMELLS NICE TOO lol! I'm looking forward to another update! I hope you still keep updating this fast now that we've caught up with you :D Why can't this kind of stuff happen to people like me dammit.

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Guest faded_x_memories

O_O that was her first kiss even though she have gazallion boyfriends?? DANG!! and I think Yoon Sung likes her alot!! ^^ even though he's mean to her but deep inside he's in love!! haha. well post soon!

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Guest s u n d a e_

QUOTE(always_urs @ Sep 9 2006, 03:08 AM) »

you were saying you wrote another story???
what??? image where i wanna read it too!!! TT_TT

I have 4 stories currently including this 1. i've finished one and posted it but havent finished posting all the chapters yet. It's called Diaries of a Distance, if you want i can post the link. =]
the other 2 are still in the making.

and about my pm list... reply via pm or posting in here is fine. sorry i didnt specify.
thanks for everyone's cooperation! just waiting on 3 more ppl from the pm list to respond.

guess what? i finished chapter 19 at midnight and will post it with the song soon enough... hopefully with chapter 20?

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yay!!!! i have FINALLY caught up....wow...a week of no reading and there is so much to catch up on...hehe...i love ur fic....its developed through the time that i havent read...hehe...so glad that im up to date now...hehe...newaiiz...post soon... ^^"

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