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He Loves Naughty Girl Not

Guest s u n d a e_

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Guest s u n d a e_


QUOTE(dorky#1:) @ Aug 29 2006, 11:53 AM) »
*new reader* hehe the story is so funny cant wait for the nexted chat i have to agree though sang hyuk is realli odd and girly heheh is it tat embarrasing and it seems this school isnt lead by queenka or kingka its different cool hehe

the queenka is Freak and kingka is Tae Woo, but Yoo Jin doesn't care about them so they don't really play a big role.


Chapter 7 – Money Can Buy Anything.

“Yah. Kim Yoo Jin, are you bored?” Mother asked me from the kitchen.

I sat in front of the TV switching from channel to channel. “Yes umma, Fat Ugly Cow Keeping bored.”

“I don’t want to hear even replacements for that word under this roof Kim Yoo Jin.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw her wipe her hands on her apron and she grabbed something from the table before sitting down next to me.

“Don’t you ever have any homework? I know you had Maths today and you’re shi- I mean, bad. VERY bad at that. You should do more practice if you don’t get given homework! Everyday you come home from school and you’re either out with your girl friends or sitting here lazy like a pig. Never seen you hold a pen to do homework!”

Actually, I mostly hang with guy friends. But she doesn’t know that. I stayed silent. She’s starting to get to the point. Damn the TV, nothing interesting.

“Here. Take this”, she shoved a newspaper article to me.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Since you’re not doing anything after school you might as well get a job”, she said straightforwardly.

“Umma! I don’t want to!” I protested.

She glared at me and I shrank away. Appa, sitting on the lounge perpendicular to where I sat, looked up briefly from his newspaper.

He muttered softly but not in an inaudible way. “So that’s who you inherited it from…”

Umma ignored him. I reluctantly looked down at the shabby article neatly cut out.

“It’s from Mondays to Fridays”, I stated.

“Enough for you.”

I continued to scan the ad.

“Umma! Have you read it properly? The pay’s only eight dollars an hour!” I exclaimed.

She replied matter-of-factly to her own daughter, “That’s all you’re worth.”





I ran into my bedroom and locked the door.


“Yoo Jin, how come by now you’re not with Yoo Sang Hyuk yet?” Hye Young asked after she finished swallowing her donut.

“Damn I can’t say you’re not stupid with sincerity”, ooohh… big language! Hehe. “With a sweety like Sang Hyuk, you have to go slow and easy. He’s so damn shy and quiet and I don’t know where to start with him”, I explained.

I stared across the courts to where he was playing basketball. He shot, and missed. I felt like I needed to do something and so clapped my hands and cheered him on. “WOOOOOH! GO SANG HYUK GO!” I waved my arms in the air.

All at the courts turned to stare at me. A few laughed, a few smirked, a few confused and a few shyly waved back thinking I had waved to them. Sang Hyuk met my eye and quickly looked away. Hye Young’s right. It is far too slow. By now with other guys they’d be starting to crush on me, but Sang Hyuk, if anything else, seems frightened of me.

Hye Young started fidgeting and combing her hair with her fingers. Ha Na nudged her.

“Yah, what are you doing?” Ha Na questioned.

“Can’t you see Jo Tae Woo is heading my way?!” She snapped.

She’s right. He is heading towards us. He leaned on the table next to Bok Ja. I could tell Bok Ja was daring him to move one inch closer to her so that she could beat him for brushing her. I think Bok Ja’s hands are itching from beating someone.

However, Tae Woo did not address Bok Ja, or Hye Young. He talked to me. “Yoo Jin, why don’t you ever cheer for me?”

Did I hear him right? “What?”

“It pains me to hear a girl cheering for Yoo Sang Hyuk while no one cheers for me”, he said casually. He glanced around the area. “Why don’t you be like the other girls and go for the handsome one around here, aka me?”

Hye Young, Ha Na and Bok Ja all looked thunder-struck.

I laughed in his face. “Are you kidding me?”


I stood up and leaned in close to him, placing a hand on his torso. Tae Woo smirked but I pushed him back instead of doing whatever he thought I was going to.

I tapped my temple and said, “You’re brain’s screwed to the max”, with a light laugh.

Jo Tae Woo scrambled up from the floor with a grin on his face. He started laughing and I knew he was only teasing me.

“No wonder you had so many boyfriends. You intrigue people- or at least, males”, he said.


“I came to tease you and I succeeded. So I’ll make it up to you- go to the library”, he advised.

Hell if I ever went to the library. At most I went there twice a year. Who goes there? Every time I do I get kicked out for some stupid reason. The last time I went there, the librarian kicked me out for mooing at the junior dorks. Haha! It took their genius brains ages to figure out it was an actual person making the cow noises.

“Why should I?” I challenged.

“If you want to get closer to Sang Hyuk, then take my advice”, he simply said.

With that, he walked off leaving a grumpy Hye Young. Usually I’d try to richard simmons her off more for the fun of it but I couldn’t be bothered. I had something else to do.

“Girls, I’m going”, I said grabbing my bag.

“You’re not serious are you? Listening to that jerk?” Ha Na exclaimed. Then she remembered Hye Young’s presence and added, “No offence or anything.”

Hye Young raised a brow. “He is a jerk.”

“Right. Bye!”

I left our lunch table.


I swear on my great aunt’s pig’s head that if Jo Tae Woo lied to me I would break his neck off. What the hell does he want me to look for? I scanned the library area but saw nothing of interest. Then I saw it, right beside me on the hiding pole was a mini piece of paper:

I am tutoring people so please come to see me if you need help.
Contact Number: 0492 545 666

*Nods* Oh yeah, I need help from Yoo Sang Hyuk. For a guy with brains like him, you’d think that he would choose a better spot for an advertisement than a pole covered with gum and so unattractive. Oh well, the better for me. At least no one else could see the ad. I ripped it off. Jo Tae Woo you’re lucky this time.

I turned around gleefully and had an eye sore. Standing right there was Kang Yoon Sung.

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

“None of your business”, he replied.

“You were standing behind me”, I pointed out.

“No. You’re blocking my way. If you haven’t realised yet, the world does not revolve around your richard simmons”, he said in the same monotone.

I realised that I had been busy bending over reading the ad and my richard simmons was blocking the way to the library. My cheeks felt hot and I moved aside, sticking my foot out. Kang Yoon Sung tripped over it but did not fall. I punched the air, damn it! Why is he always so lucky! He swung around and glared at me.

Just then, Sang Hyuk passed by Kang Yoon Sung to get out of the library. He lowered his head when he saw me, and his friends left him all alone with me. Good boys.

“Sang Hyuk!” I said brightly.

Kang Yoon Sung glanced at me pathetically for my mood swing. His eyes suddenly enlarged fifty times and he spun around to run for refugee in the library. I turned around to see what it was that scared him, but all I saw was a flock of chicks shoving themselves past me. Geez, what’s with the girls at this school? Stalking him?

Once they disappeared into the library hunting for him, I found Sang Hyuk still rooted to the same position. “Yoo Jin”, he acknowledged.

Should I ask him about tuition? Man my heart is thumping from the excitement! Nah, I’ll surprise him later.

“Are you going out to lunch now?” I asked him.

He slightly nodded. “Um yeah… so, I’ll just go- now.”

Sang Hyuk left. Yes! Another successful conversation. I wonder why he’s always in a hurry though?

Kang Yoon Sung walked casually out of the library. How did he get away with those girls?

As if reading my mind, he paused and answered my question. “I lured them into the seminar room and locked them up.”

“So? Why are you tellin’ me for?”

He shrugged. I looked across the library to the seminar room. I could swear that GREEN PEACE (I like the way appa says it, GREEN richard simmons) would protest for animal cruelty with the way all those chicks are squashed in one room. I felt sorry for them, what’s wrong with chasing a guy?

I started walking over to the seminar room. I was at the door when I briefly looked at the library entrance and saw Kang Yoon Sung still standing there, his face telling me ‘don’t you dare’. I do.

I unlocked the door and all the chicks swarmed out.


I smirked and exited the library after them. Kang Yoon Sung had chosen to stick to the ground and say nothing. He was pissed off but silent. I watched with amusement as he tried to get out of the circle by pushing them but the force pushing in was much too great for him. *sighs* Poor Kang Yoon Sung.

Mwhahahaha! Torture Kang Yoon Sung, check.


I crept into the kitchen carefully. Umma was cooking Chinese tonight- hmm… smells good. I grabbed a spoon from the dinner table and quickly dipped it into the frying pan.

“Yum! The fried rice tastes good umma!” I complimented.

Umma smacked my belly. “Why is your appetite so large? You eat eat eat eat non-stop!!!”

I pouted and dropped the spoon into the sink. On second thoughts, I picked it up again and washed it. Umma looked at me curiously.

“Yoo Jin, is there something you want?”

“No umma.”

She nodded and continued tossing the rice around in the pan. She seems to be in a good enough mood.

“Umma, would you pay for my tuition?”

“No darling.”

“What? Why not?!”

“Because I know you’d end up with the same result anyway. Or you’ll take the money and embarrass the Kim family again when the tutor rings me up to tell me that my daughter has skipped class, again”, she reasoned.

Appa came in to get biscuits from the cupboard.

“I bought those for you, appa!” I informed him.

He nodded impressively, “Good girl”, then thought again, “What is it that you want?”

“Would you pay for my tuition?”



“You’ll just end up with the same result anyway. Or you’ll take the money and-”

I cut him off. “OK. OK. Fine.”

Defeated. Maybe I should ask Super Freak to persuade them.

“Take the job”, umma said.


Appa stopped eating the biscuits and concentrated on the conversation.

“If you want the money or tuition or whatever, take the job I told you about yesterday”, umma said and added, “You still remember the techniques grandma taught you?”


After school, I followed Sang Hyuk to his home discreetly. When the door shut, I pressed the doorbell and didn’t have to wait long. Two seconds later, Sang Hyuk opened the door.

His eyes magnified times hundred.

I put on a wide smile. “Hi.”

“What are you doing here?!”

I held up the tuition advertisement. He quickly scanned it and his lips muttered something like ‘naw naw naw’.


A lady with bushy hair and wearing an apron appeared next to Sang Hyuk. She looked from Sang Hyuk to me.

“You are…?”

I introduced myself. “Kim Yoo Jin, Madam.”

An elderly man appeared next to her. He had a mole the size of a baby’s fingerprint smack bang in the middle of his left cheek. Sang Hyuk’s father, no doubt.

“Sang Hyuk, where’s your manners? Invite the girl in!” He said.

Sang Hyuk stared desperately at his father. I laughed. Why is he doing that?

“Come in Yoo Jin”, Sang Hyuk’s mother welcomed.

I came in and his parents left me alone with him in their living room. He sat down and I sat next to him. I wasn’t so close to him but he inched over anyhow.

“Sang Hyuk, you could tutor me, right?”

“No I’m sorry, I’m already tutoring someone else and I can only tutor one person”, he replied.

Before I had time to react his mother came back in. “My God! Is this about the tuition?”

She held two glasses of lemonade and placed one in front of each of us. I thanked her but she turned to her son.

“Thank God! Finally a student Sang Hyuk! No more hesitation, Yoo Jin, my Sang Hyuk will tutor you”, she announced.

I smiled widely but Sang Hyuk hadn’t given up. “Actually, I was just about to tear that ad down bu-”

“How’s $20 an hour?” I offered.

His eyes widened with greed. Nice try Sang Hyuk, but you’re not gonna get away with this one.

“Twe-twenty dollars?!” He repeated.

I nodded. “And I want one and half hours on Saturdays.”

“DEAL!” His mother eagerly agreed.

Sang Hyuk said nothing.

SECURED! As they say, money can buy anything. It made me agree to work, it made Sang Hyuk agree to tutor me and… it’s making a start for me and Sang Hyuk.



Finished two exams, a lifetime's worth to go. Always learning, always growing =)

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Guest azn.gurl*

hehe aww he didn;t want to tutor her.

haha wow 20$/h. thats a lot. and now she's willing to work too haha.

i wonder how long she'll like him for?

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Guest BattleRoyale

heya roxy! ROFLL!! i exposed myself. Ahhh wells.


ROFLL!! omg.. first chap is funny man. I can so picture it xD reading the rest after exams .

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Guest always_urs

kekeeke.... this story is hella

tight!!! pretty good so far

hope u post up soon...

cant wait til what happens...

can i ask a question???

later on in the story i mean later later on

the story... will she fall for dong wan???

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Guest faded_x_memories

LOL she's obsessed with him too much.. haha I would be scared too if someone is like that. xP post soon

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Guest s u n d a e_

Chapter 8 – Devil’s Day.

“Come on. One hundred dollars a week? And you work for 12.5 hours? richard simmons that’s stupid. I earn 100 times that. I’ll pay for your tuition with hopeless Yoo Sang Hyuk.”

Dong Wan still couldn’t believe I’m actually going to work. Actually, no one can.

“I don’t want it. Besides, I’ll be working and thinking of Sang Hyuk so it shouldn’t be too hard”, I sighed. “And don’t call him hopeless! He has more brain cells than your cuckoo brain could handle!”

“Pfft. All that maths and science doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll earn more than I do. A smart useful guy is one with money and knows how to earn it”, he pointed to himself, “and I’m better at it than he is, Yoo Jin.”

“At least he wouldn’t do it via illegal means”, I retorted.

The other happy cubs all heard my comment and I could tell they were looking at their leader to see his reaction. He didn’t blow up though. Damn! The Happy Yum owner was starting to sweat out of fear.

“I’m getting used to your comments. I knew you weren’t smart but you didn’t have to prove it, Yoo Jin. Don’t you know every rich company and business in the world do illegal things everyday? If they all went by the law then none of them would be rich. I never knew you could be so naïve”, he said.

“Shut your richard simmons. I gotta go now.”

I slung my bag over one shoulder but Dong Wan stood up. All his happy cubs copied him. The owner too, stood up with a relieved smile.

“I’ll drop you off.”

“I want to find my own way.”

“Why? Ashamed of where you’re working?” He provoked.

I nodded. “Yes, now don’t stalk me and get on with your life.”

“I have a better life than to follow you. No one can be nice to you, Yoo Jin. You’re just too fierce.”

“Thank you.”


So you wanna know my new life timetable? I work MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaynFriday.

I think I’m gonna die from working too hard. Nah, from working too damn much is more like it.

I looked gloomily at my workplace and entered the small store. The doorbell rung as I opened the door. The woman with a bun standing at the counter eyed me up and down. If she were at any other place I would tell her, ‘I’ll gauge your eyes out if you don’t quit looking at me, richard simmons’, but she’s not. She and I are both in this place. I glared at her.

“What are you here for? Don’t tell me you want a massage”, she said as if I wasn’t worth one.

“I’m the rookie.”

Yes people. Regretfully and sadly, Kim Yoo Jin is working at a massage parlour called ‘666’. Mind you it’s not one of those professional ones, it’s one of those where men who can barely afford their shoes come in so at least some part of their body will be touched by a female. And no, there is definitely NO SEX! Or touching of any body part other than feet for that matter.

Why would any parent allow or encourage their daughter to take on such a job? Because it brings in money. Nah that’s not true, I eavesdropped on umma and appa talking last night and umma reckons having me do a really dirty and low job would teach me what will become of me if I don’t start studying hard. Pfft. Studying hard doesn’t always bring in money. Look at Dong Wan. Sure, he was alright in school but he never actually studied hard and he’s got money rolling into him uncontrollably everyday.

The hag looked me up and down, muttered to herself then motioned for me to follow her. She led me up the staircase where the floor was covered with straw mats and there were a bunch of Korean females of all kinds- I mean it. They ranged from this huge-as chick plopped on a bean bag, to this short midget with an adult look to this old granny that looked like she’d fall over with a poke.

Deciding I’d have to get used to them, I bent my head and was about to say something pleasant when The Hag spoke. “This is the new girl. What’s your name?”

“Kim Yoo Jin.”

“Right. Lim Moo Shin.” I was about to correct her but she didn’t let me. “Bridget Midget your faithful customer wants you”, The Hag said and the shortie got up and followed her downstairs, leaving me all alone.

The others all went back to what they were doing and ignored me completely. I can be rude, but I would never ignore a poor helpless rookie who has no idea what the hell is going on, I think. So I just stood there, not moving not speaking. The Hag came back up the stairs and glared at me.

“What are you doing?” She snapped in her croaky voice.

I shrugged and she pressed her lips together. “Get changed into your uniform. There’s a spare set in the cupboard there”, she said and went back down.

I walked past the weirdos to the tall cupboard and slid the door. I found a white collared t-shirt and lanky beige pants. Some uniform, I’d rather wear Chungdong High’s white and navy chequered skirt. I located the toilets behind the beaded curtains and got changed. Not knowing what to do next, I joined the females on the floor. Some were chatting, some were eating food, some were sleeping, some were picking their nose, and some were eating it. Great colleagues.

“MOO SHIN!!” The Hag shouted.

I rushed down the stairs. “Wha- I mean, yes?”

“This is your first customer”, she said and smiled. “He said he wants someone with a cursed look and I thought of you straight away.”

I looked at the person standing next to her. Kim Dong Wan.

“You’ve got to be kidding me”, I uttered.

I glared at him. His mouth went to one side and his brows raised. We were reading each other’s eyes at that moment.

His read: You’ve got to believe me, when I said I didn’t want someone cursed I was thinking of her.

Oh… so The Hag has hearing problems. I squinted my eyes to reply: I’ll teach you a lesson tomorrow just for coming.

He put on his innocent eyes: I’m here to support you! What are friends for?

He came to torture me not support me.

Our conversation ended there as The Hag snapped at me. “No one here is kidding you Lim Moo Shin. Now get started.”

The Hag led us into a room cramped with customers having their foot massaged and left. Dong Wan lay himself on one of the long beds with white sheets. He grinned cheekily at me.

“Go on.”


“Take my shoes off.”

I should’ve just kicked him out before, but it’s too late!

I reluctantly pulled his joggers off. I advise you, never go into this profession, your hands will rot from the stench. His feet are more than fifty of my Fart Bombs. I had the strong urge to peg my nose.

“Yah, Dong Wan.”

“What Moo Shin?”

“Why do your feet stink so bad?”

“All feet in shoes stink. Unless you’re Lim Moo Shin because then you’re feet wouldn’t just stink, it would be damn strong enough to kill the world if you could die from stench.”

I stretched my arms and cracked my knuckles. I reached for his foot and just as I held onto it he kicked me making me fall back.

He lifted himself to glance at me. “I didn’t mean it. I was stretching”, he said casually.

I gripped his foot and dug one knuckle deep into the sole. I put in more strength than old grandma had taught me to. Dong Wan howled and sat up.

“Oh dear! I’m sorry but this is how it has to be done. If you can’t stand it you must leave at once, sir!” I said in a fake voice.

He forced a smile onto his face. “No, no. It feels good.” He lay back down.

I’ll see how much you can handle. I twisted my knuckle deeper and deeper into his sole. I’ve learnt many things about Dong Wan, but one is if he’s hurt he’d keep silent. And from his current silence, I think he’s just about dead. Finally he bolted up and withdrew his foot from me.

“Thanks. Felt good. I’ve got to go now”, he said abruptly.

I smirked then widened my eyes and pouted. “What? But I’ve been told each session goes for fifteen minutes and you’ve only done five minutes!”

“Nah. I’ve done my part as a friend”, he quickly said.

As soon as he put his socks and shoes back on, he rushed to the counter with me closely behind him.

The Hag looked up from the counter. “Already done, sir?”

“I’m in a hurry, actually”, he excused and paid.

I followed him to the door and held it open for him. He stepped out and turned around. “The uniform really looks good on you”, he commented.

I raised my hand threateningly, he smirked and left. I stared at his back. Dong Wan waved without turning.

“D1ckhead”, I muttered to myself.

I turned around and The Hag’s face was staring right back at me.

She put her index finger close to my face, “I’ve never had any customer leave within five minutes. You’ve made the record book, girl. One more time and you’re fired. There’s plenty who want this job.”

I stared cross-eyed at her wavering finger. I smacked her finger away with one hand. “Didn’t you hear him say he’s in a hurry?”

She glared dangerously at me and walked away with her hands on her hips. I headed for the stairs whilst massaging my own hands. This f*cking job is gonna cost me my hands. Or maybe I just put too much effort into Dong Wan’s foot.

I had enough time to place my foot on the first step when The Hag croaked again. “Moo Shin! You-”


“That’s what I said you little dummy. Here’s another job for you.”

I spun around to face her again. Standing at the door was an anorexic man wearing a daggy brown coat. richard simmons. Doing fat feet are fine with me, because they’re squashy and won’t hurt the knuckles. Massaging skinny feet means bone against bone… ouch.

I grinned unenthusiastically at the man. He smiled showing all but the 30 teeth that are missing. The remaining teeth were stained and rotting away. How are his feet like then? I’m going to find out soon enough so there’s no point in wondering.

I sighed and showed him back into the room where I now saw the fragile granny I saw upstairs working away energetically. The chubby grandpa whom she was massaging seemed to be having the time of his life and kept groaning. My face scrunched at the two and I turned my attention back to my own client. I pulled his holey shoes off. He wasn’t wearing socks. And… his feet are equivalent to 999 fart bombs. I won’t say 1000, ‘cause that would mean I’d be dead. I have big problems when it comes to scent. Yet this is my job… geez what is the world coming to?

I took hold of his foot and he giggled. I ignored it and pressed my thumbs against his sole. He kicked me square in the stomach.

“Ugh…” I winced clutching onto my stomach. So my stomach is flabby, but it’s not enough to rebound that. For an anorexic person he’s sure got strong legs. I didn’t bother waiting for the apology because I was in no royal position to demand for one. This is a stupid place called 666 after all.

In the next ten minutes, I received three blows to the shoulder and two more to the stomach. Each time I cursed only loud enough for myself to hear. Then I attempted one more time to massage his foot when his dirty chicken skinny foot kicked my forehead making my neck bend back and crack. I bent my neck straight again with another crack and wiped my forehead because I knew there would be a black smudge on it since his feet are so damn dirty.

I stood up as he sat up. “Yah! I’ve had enough! What the richard simmons are you doing? Have your feet got rabbies or what? Why the hell can’t you keep still?!!!”

The man got off the bed. “What? Rabbies? Do you know who I am, missy? I’ve been this place’s customer for the past eight years and never once have I received treatment like this!”

I closed my eyes as the spit coming from his mouth sprayed onto my face. I slapped him and spat back in his face. “richard simmons. Can’t you talk without spitting all over my face?”

“Why you little richard simmons!”

He lunged at me and pulled my hair. I screamed and attacked. I elbowed his chest, head banged him and kneed him where it counts. His knees crossed and he crouched down in pain.

“Aw aw ow…”, he cried.

By now the grandpa had stopped groaning and everyone was focused on me and the anorexic man. The Hag dashed into the room.

“Oh my!”



The Hag threw my bag out after me.


You know what? I bet she heard me and I bet she’s now thinking what a good idea, it’ll save her from using her own fingers. F*cken richard simmons.

I picked up my bag. I could go home now and explain to umma that all I did was defend myself against an anorexic man, punched my boss’s face because her fretting annoyed me and as a result she fired me. Nothing big. I shook my head. No no. Umma would bury me alive next to grandma.

“Dear, are you alright?”

I looked at the concerned person. It was a beautiful woman in her forties. She looked worn out but very gentle and kind. I felt myself calming down due to her concern. I could tell the woman was eying my messy hair, my ripped and creased clothing, my smudged forehead and my droopy tired face. She probably thought I was a bum.

“My my… you poor girl. What has that woman done to you?” She asked in that gentle voice.

“Oh nothing. I just got fired”, I replied.

The woman nodded. “Are you in need of a job?”

“Desperate”, I said.

“I am too.”

I looked questioningly at her.

She smiled and went on, “I’m in need of an employee.”


heya roxy! ROFLL!! i exposed myself. Ahhh wells.


ROFLL!! omg.. first chap is funny man. I can so picture it xD reading the rest after exams .

i found annie, yay!!

ahh, another great chapter

its so funny Sang Hyuk is so scared of yoo jin, it so amusing ^^

anyways post soon!

just did, i hope this one is OK too...

kekeeke.... this story is hella

tight!!! pretty good so far

hope u post up soon...

cant wait til what happens...

can i ask a question???

later on in the story i mean later later on

the story... will she fall for dong wan???

hi, can u keep a secret? ;)

LOL she's obsessed with him too much.. haha I would be scared too if someone is like that. xP post soon

yeah, me too. - _ -"

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Guest annievy;

ahha thanks for the pm . and noo your not uploading to fast . the more the better .sorry i have not commented on your story . school just started . i will read it . just give me time . x]

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Guest always_urs

kekeke =P but any wayz....

i really do though cuz it seems

like he does like her alot...

lol damn this post is hella funnie

she got a job and its the worse one

and she just got fire!!! :o whoa...

kekekee.... ^_^V

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Guest azn.gurl*

ahaha eww feet.

haha what a strong anorexic man.

aww whatt a nice ladyy, i wonder what kinda job she's gonna get now?

post more soon=)

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Guest adorkygirl

new reader, i'm addicted to your fic.!!

post more when you can!!

my guess is that woman is Kang Yoon Sung's aunt >DD

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Guest DaViviCode


I started to addict to your story!!! I' love it

very funny and interesting..

still wondering tho who's gonna end up w/ her

I mean SangHyuk seems to scare of her a lots

and I think DangWan might like her more than

just a god sister..not sure tho

waiting for your post^^

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Guest s u n d a e_


Chapter 9 – Dare You To Dare.

“I’m home!” I announced whilst taking my shoes off.

Yoo Na and appa were sitting next to each other watching TV. Umma was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper.

Yoo Rin emerged from her room carrying a cup of water. “How was your first day?”

“I got fired.”

Yoo Na looked at me with eyes widely opened. “What?”

“What?!” Appa echoed.

“WHAT?!” Umma roared.

I should be sh1ting in my pants by now, but I’m not. On the contrary, I’m very hungry.

“I got fired. Umma, seriously, you can’t expect me to work there for the rest of my life can you?”

“Yoo Jin! You only worked for one day!” Umma said in an exasperated voice.

“How did you get fired, Yoo Jin?” Appa asked me.

“This man kept kicking me when I tried to massage his foot so we had a fight then it turned into a mini brawl”, I said truthfully.

“Is that all?” Appa questioned unsurely.

I was reluctant to add, “And then I punched The Hag.”

“Who’s that?” Yoo Rin asked with a distorted expression.

“My ex-boss”, I replied.

Umma’s face went red and she clapped a hand to her forehead. “Aiya! She hit her boss! What kind of stupid girl are you?!”

A not very stupid one? I crinkled my nose to try and achieve a sulky look. Appa saw and studied my face.

“It’s looking very ugly”, he advised.

I undid my retarded expression and put on my cheeky face. “But I got a better job.”

Appa looked taken aback, Yoo Rin took another sip of water, Yoo Na switched the TV off and umma stopped whinging.

“A better one? How? Where? When?” Umma burst out.

I explained the situation of the lady and how she gave me a job- except I made the picture a little prettier, I told them the lady found me and thought I looked like a smart girl, not a hobo. “It’s the exact same pay and working time, only now I get to do a proper job”, I finished and emphasised on the ‘proper’.

I phoned Ha Na, Hye Young and Bok Ja to tell them the news. Their reaction was just as I expected; they all knew I wasn’t gonna last long but never thought me capable of getting another job. I pondered on ringing Dong Wan, but why should I? I got a better job now and have the right to boast to him. I dialled his home number.

“Miss me already, Yoo Jin?” He said before I even opened my mouth.

“Guess what?”

“You got fired and your new job is a toilet bowl licker.”

“I got fired and my new job is a shop assistant”, I said proudly.

“You- you what?! No richard simmons. Don’t lie”, he said, not believing me.

I went through the whole process of how I got my new job again, except the ‘she thought I was a hobo’ bit.

“Congratulations”, he said. “Another call’s coming in.”

He hung up on me. As$hole.

I checked the time. It’s not past ten yet, not too late to ring Sang Hyuk… but no! I don’t want him to know I have to work as a massage girl to pay his tuition. He’ll feel bad.

I lay down and closed my eyes. I’ve had enough cr@p for one day.



Everyone closed their mouth so I decided to shut mine too. The Moon ain’t happy today.

“What’s with Mr. Moon today? He usually doesn’t give a richard simmons for what we do”, Ha Na whispered whilst copying down the notes.

“Pens down. Today you are getting your partners for the Japanese research project”, The Moon revealed. “And yes, you will be able to pair yourselves. You have five minutes. Once you’re done you can spend the rest of the lesson discussing your project.”

The students started getting up and moving all around the classroom to find a partner. A few girls made their way over Jin Kyu and Yoon Sung.

Jin Kyu leaned on the table with his arms folded. “So which one of you wants to be my partner? If you’re an A grade nerd then I’ll pick you.”

How upfront. The girls all cast him a ‘ummm… no thank you’ look and eyed Yoon Sung.

One of them hinted to Yoon Sung, “I’m an A grade student…”

Jin Kyu buried his head in the invisible hole somewhere beneath the table. Sucked in!

I turned to Ha Na. “Be my partner?” I asked in a childish voice.

“Of course!” She squeaked.

“OK. Let’s pick a Japanese celebrity…” I said.

“Yeah! Let’s go Ayumi Hamasaki!”

I cast her a disagreeing look. “No way richard simmons. Utada Hikaru!”






“No. Fine, we shall bring the matter to The Moon!”


We both got up and approached The Moon.

I spoke before Ha Na could. “Sir, isn’t Utada Hikaru a very good singer?”

His eyebrows rose. “Yes… and?”

“Wouldn’t she make a better project topic than Ayumi Hamasaki?”

His eyebrows almost touched his hairline.

I pressed on. “Since her songs do have more power and passion and-”

“No! Ayumi Hamasaki is way better!” Ha Na cut in.

I tilted my head and glared at her. Then the argument started and we were both raising our voices so The Moon would listen to us. The Moon looked stressed and kept bobbing his head from side to side trying to keep up with who was talking.

“Sir, I would like to work individually.”

Ha Na and I shut our mouth and looked at the intruder. Kang Yoon Sung.

Jin Kyu appeared next to Yoon Sung. “Mr. Moon, who is the smarter girl? Song Han Eul or Bae Yumi?”

The Moon slammed the table and stood up. His face was all red and his head looked like it was gonna explode any moment now. Jin Kyu, Yoon Sung, Ha Na and I all pulled back. The Moon howled.

After he finished he stared at each of our faces and announced horror. “I don’t want to hear another word. Jung Ha Na, Kim Yoo Jin, if you girls can’t work together then don’t. Ha Na, you work with Jin Kyu. Yoon Sung, you’re with Yoo Jin.”

“NO!” Yoon Sung and I blurted out at the same time.

We sneered at each other whilst Ha Na and Jin Kyu were snickering.

Ha Na turned her head towards me and smirked. “At least I don’t have to work with someone I hate.”

I mouthed ‘richard simmons off’ to her.

“I can’t work with him”, I complained to The Moon.

“I said not a word”, he replied and motioned for us to get going.

Ha Na and I hugged each other. Get ready to pull the curtains back…

“I can’t believe we’re not working together!” Ha Na cried pretentiously.

“I’ll miss you so much!” I squealed.

She let me go. “I hope your partner brings you happiness”, she said with an innocent expression. Ha Na’s hand stretched pass me and patted Yoon Sung’s shoulder. “Take good care of her.”

Yoon Sung dodged her touch, and looked at her strangely before leaving. I smiled at Ha Na.

“Do try avoiding Jin Kyu’s hands sliding up your skirt”, I sniffed.

Ha Na snorted and left with Jin Kyu to our seats. After all, at least Kang Yoon Sung doesn’t seem as perverted as Jin Kyu- or if he is, I’ll knock his nostrils off that face. I don’t think any guy has ever tried touching me rudely though.

I forced my feet to carry me over to Kang Yoon Sung and plopped down in Jin Kyu’s seat. We didn’t say anything to each other.

Then at last he spoke, “I don’t really want to see you outside of school. So we should get this done during school time.”

I turned and looked at him with a side smile. “I don’t have the time for you even if you wanted to see me outside school hours.”

“Good. Pick a Japanese.”

At least he let me pick.

“Utada Hikaru.”

His face remained expressionless which made me wonder what he’s thinking. I needn’t waste my effort because his mouth then said, “I knew you were dumb, but not to this extent. The project involves a Japanese artist; an ancient one with significant tribute to the Japanese culture.”

I glared at him. “Don’t be stupid, you jerk. Utada Hikaru is an artist, and without her J-Pop Japan wouldn’t be where it is now”, I argued.

“So… before Hikaru started singing, Japan was… where?” He challenged.

I felt like punching his face but then that would mean I admit I lost. “I meant in the state it is now.”

So we fought and fought and fought until I made a bet. “Screw it. Fine, we’ll do that Japanese poet or whatever- on one condition.”


“You have to get us 100%.”

“No. You have to get us 100%. I could earn the full marks, but it’s a shared project so you have to do your part as well and get 100%.”

“What? Are you saying I’m not capable of getting 100% without you?”

“From what I know, yeah.”

“You’re f*cked up in the head. So you’re confident you’ll get 100%?”

He nodded. But now I found myself confused and had to sort it out.

“I agree to that japanese poet if you can get 100%- or else you’re my slave for a month.”

He nodded. “Right. But you have to get 100% for the part you’re doing as well- or else you owe me ten dares.”

“What the hell are you on about? Get 100% or else you’re my richard simmons. Deal?”

“Only if you agree that you owe me ten dares if you don’t get 100% for your section.”

“Wait wait”, I had to process that through my head again. “So you would take on the bet with me if I bet with you?”

He nodded. “In simple terms, if I don’t get 100% I’ll be your slave. If you don’t get 100%, you owe me ten dares.”

“That’s twisted. I’ll only agree to do the project on that japanese dude if you can get 100%. You’re overlapping the deals.”

Hell, I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore.

“You’re never going to get 100% doing Utada Hikaru anyway. Toss it. Deal?”

I paused for a moment to think. “Aish whatever! Deal! We do Japanese dude and it’s either you’re my slave or I owe you ten dares!!”

“Not entirely. What if both of us get 100%?”

I thought. I’d love to have a slave. How bad can a dare get?

“We both pay.”


Another question popped out from inside my head. “What if none of us get 100%?”

“Durh, higher score wins.”

I snorted.

He ignored me. I realised he does that a lot, and I tend to let him get away with it more often than I would with other people. Or maybe it’s because he does it way too often for me to punch him every time.

The bell signalled the end of the day. Yoon Sung got up, slung his bag over one shoulder and left. Ha Na walked over to me.

“How was it?” She asked with an excited smile.

My group has concluded that whenever there is a clash between me and Kang Yoon Sung, there is a new interesting tale. Well, here’s another one for them to pass on to their next generation.


I hopped off the bus and checked my watch. 5:15. I got 15 minutes to look for my new workplace. Luckily I already got changed at school. The lady told me I don’t have a uniform and that I could wear whatever I like that is ‘decent’. So I chose long black pants and a fancy white shirt for my first day.

I wondered around a little then found the small corner shop at the end of the street. This street wasn’t all that busy... is the shop busy then? I peered inside. Finally, Kim Yoo Jin gets to work in the one thing she really cares for, FASHION! I opened the door and the chimes started chiming. The lady was arranging clothes on a rack and looked over to me.

She smiled. “You’re here.”

Even though she smiled, there was still something about her that made her look weak to me, like she just ate a poisoned apple.

“Good afternoon, M- madam.” I was gonna say Mrs. Blah but I still didn’t know my boss’s name.

“Everyone calls me Ms. Oh. But madam doesn’t sound bad.”

“Yes, madam.”

“I trust that you know your working hours and pay so I’ll tell you your basic jobs. Mainly you have to get to know the price of the clothes well and serve the customers. You can help me with other chores too.”

“Yes, madam.”

This job sounds cool already. “Madam, most stores close during the night… why do you need to open?” I asked her.

“My customers are usually business women who only have time to shop this late”, she replied. “Oh I forgot. The staffroom is over there”, she informed pointing over to an area on the wall.

The walls had a white background with red flowers on top that gave the whole store an antique appearance. And the thing with this wonderful wall was that I couldn’t see the damn door. I stared until my eyeballs almost exploded and still couldn’t detect the handle.


Madam Oh let out a laugh. “I’m sorry, here I’ll show you.”

She walked over to it and showed me the door knob which blended into the flowers. If you took a step back and looked at it, you could see it was designed so that it was the bud of a flower on the wall. Interesting.

So I spent the rest of the night trying to memorise the ton of prices. The store wasn’t busy so I didn’t need to serve any customers because Madam Oh could handle them all. If I had, I reckon about three women would be in hospital by now. The way some of them bossed Madam Oh around and snapped at her was so damn b1tchy!

I realised this was only a very small business; most customers come and buy only one piece and the clothing in this store were set at a medium price.

The phone rang and Madam Oh picked it up. “Runway Styles, Oh Yeo Il speaking.”

I heard the person muffle something in return and Madam Oh dropped her professional tone.

“Oh. So you’re not picking me up or coming home for dinner? Right. Don’t stay out too late. Oh. Take care.” She hung up and looked at me. “My nephew.”

I nodded.

“Yoo Jin, you can go home now. I’m about to close the store.”

I grabbed my belongings from the staffroom and said goodbye to Madam Oh before leaving. Hmm… I never realised it was so dark. I only just turned the corner when I heard footsteps behind me. Without moving my head, my eyes side glanced the brick wall. Three clear shadows- myself, and two men. richard simmons.

I sped up. They sped up. I pulled my bag strap higher onto my shoulder and yelled, “richard simmons youse!” And ran my richard simmons off.

“Come back here you richard simmons!” One of them yelled in a voice that told me he was about 20 years old.

Without stopping I briefly turned my head around. They were both wearing beanies and dressed ‘gangsterly’. I quickly ran onto a main road where luckily, it was busy and full of people. I stopped and bent over panting like a dog. Looking over my shoulder, I was relieved to see that they were gone.

I quickly pulled my phone out and dialled Runway Styles. Come on come on pick up the phone!


“Madam Oh!”

“Yoo Jin?”

“Watch out! I’ve just escaped from two men after I stepped out of the store!”

“Oh my! Are you alright?!”

“Yes, I am. But take care!”

She chuckled. “I don’t think they would harm me in any way unless they want money. I’ll be fine, thank you for calling.”

“Just… be careful madam.”

“I will, bye.”

I hung up.

Man. What the hell? Yesterday I got fired, today I get hired and had to face two perverts. Why do I have to do this? Why the richard simmons should I have to put up with smelly customers, with bossy customers, with hags, and with perverts?! Why do I even have to have a job? I should quit. That’s right. I’ll turn around, go find Madam Oh and tell her I’m sorry but I have to quit. I turned around.

Oh. Sang Hyuk?

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

Sang Hyuk stopped and looked at me. “Yoo Jin? I was studying at a friend’s house.”


“Yeah. Um- I have to go home now.”

“Uh..OK. Bye!”

He passed me muttered an inaudible bye back. Well, I don’t know if he even did, but I like to think he did.

It’s all for Yoo Sang Hyuk. The things I’m doing… it’s all for Yoo Sang Hyuk. Just seeing his face makes me all giggly again. I spun around. Stuff it all, I got a good boss and a good job.

Chapter 10 – Not You Again.

“How was work yesterday?” Ha Na asked me.

I glanced at her. “Don’t mock me.”

She laughed. “Kim Yoo Jin running away from perverts after work. You’re the last person in the world anyone would guess to be stuck in that type of situation.”

“I’m never gonna call you at night ever again. Ever!”


I rested my chin on my arms and closed my eyes when some idiot slammed my table. I opened my eyes and saw a pair of hands resting on my table. I sat back and folded my arms.

“I see why you don’t like talking now. You like action and if you ask me, you’re using an old trick Kang Yoon Sung.”

He faked a smile. “Do I look good now?” The smile disappeared. “How else was I supposed to wake you up if I don’t like saying your name or touching you?”

“Say ‘cheese’?” I suggested sarcastically.

“Meet at the library at lunch.”

I smiled and was about to tease him when-

“For the project.”

He left. I glared after him.

Ha Na looked at me. “Yoo Jin, why do you always glare at his back? Have you ever done it to his face like you usually do?”

I suddenly realised it. “Oh yeah… that’s why he acts like that to me! I haven’t given him the silent death yet!!!”

“Maybe it’s because you like him”, Ha Na shrugged.

I gave her a warning look and she laughed. “I’ve known you long enough Yoo Jin. I think you find him more interesting than you find him annoying.”


She held my shoulders and spun me to look in his direction. “And… everyone knows that guy doesn’t like talking. But every time I hear more than three words come out of his mouth it’s always when he’s around you.”

I turned and brushed her hands off. “That’s crazy and unlogical. You’re crazy and unlogical.”

“Is there such a word as ‘unlogical’?”


The reason Kang Yoon Sung talks to me the most is because he hates me. Good.


I saw him already at a table in the back corner. I sat in front of him and he didn’t even look up. My hand hit the desk three times. He shut the book and slid a piece of paper over to me. I read it and pulled out my copy of the assignment notice.

I repeated his phrase. “It’s a shared project. Why did you divide the tasks without asking me?”

“Saves us the trouble of talking to each other too much”, he replied.

You mean saving him the trouble. What is wrong with him?

“How could you hate talking so much?”

“I don’t.”

I was waiting for some sort of an explanation that I knew wouldn’t come because he always keeps his talking to a minimal. I changed the subject.

“Why do I have to do part A? It’s the longer part.”

“And the easier.”

Then he yanked the assignment notice out of my hands and scanned it. He picked up his pen and bent over the table. Is he gonna draw on my face?! I leaned back quickly. All he did was draw an arrow to switch the tasks around. Yoon Sung sat back down.

“You can do part B”, Yoon Sung said.

I smirked. “Why, you need help with part B?”

He tilted his head and said, “On second thoughts, part A requires more work. Why are you even whinging? We’re going to have to put our parts together and edit it so it fits together anyway.”

This is the moment. This the time to death stare him and silent him once and for all! I closed my eyes, opened them and GLARED.

I ceased it. OMFG! I just glared at Sang Hyuk!! What the hell? Yoon Sung was out of his chair and standing at the nearest book shelf… Sang Hyuk must have been just passing by. Sang Hyuk flinched and sped out of the library.

“SANG HYUK! WAIT!” I called.

He didn’t stop. I got up to chase after him.

“Scared he can’t cope with one mere glare?”

I paused and turned. Yoon Sung was still looking through the books.

He continued. “If he can’t cope with your eyes how is he supposed to cope being with you?”


“The assignment is due next week and we haven’t started. You don’t want to see me out of school, right?”

He stopped flicking through the books for a moment and glanced at me.

“Right”, I admitted reluctantly.

It was final. I had to stay. Yoon Sung went back to the book shelf and I glanced one last time at the library’s exit. Sang Hyuk probably thinks I’m angry at him now. Great. Stupid bloody

“KANG YOON SUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

He turned around. “What?”


I gathered my things together.

“Tomorrow lunch again”, he said.


“I’m almost done, one more lunchtime and we won’t have to see each other at lunch again.”

I have a bit of a problem. See, I’m nowhere near halfway. But I can’t tell the idiot that, he’ll get a big head and criticise me. “OK.”

I headed out the library without saying bye.


Ha Na wouldn’t stop laughing. “GO GO GO YOO JIN!!”

“Jung Ha Na! Lower your voice!”

“Sorry Mr. Sit.”

I snickered.

“I can’t believe this. You’re spending lunch with your enemy and doing work. That’s about the most pathetic state you’ve ever put yourself in”, Ha Na said.

“I know. But in return I’ll be master for a month.”

“I wouldn’t hold my head too high up if I were you. I heard that guy is pretty smart.”

So did I. But if Kim Yoo Jin wants something, she’ll get it.

“Yoo Jin… does Dong Wan know about this guy? Or that you’re seeing him?”

I kicked her from under the table. “Are you stupid or just stupid? I’m not seeing him. And what’s it got to do with Dong Wan?” She shrugged. I nudged her, “You’re just thinking of any excuse to find out more about him, right?”




“Yoo Jin! Ha Na!” Hye Young called.

She and Bok Ja caught up to us and together we inched through the after-school-student-traffic in the corridors.

“Ha Na said you spent your lunch with that hottie”, Hye Young said.


“You did?!” Bok Ja exclaimed.

“And guess what? She’s doing it again- tomorrow”, Ha Na blabbed.

I side glared her whilst Hye Young oooohed.

“So who is it that you truly like? Nerdy mole Sang Hyuk or ultra hot cold Yoon Sung?” Hye Young questioned.

“Sang Hyuk”, I stated.

“What? Yoon Sung?” Her voice feigned.

“Sang Hyuk”, I repeated.

“We all know it’s Yoon Sung”, Hye Young teased.

“It can’t be! Once Yoo Jin hates someone she never changes her opinion!” Bok Ja spoke up.

Well done Bok Ja! Gold medal!

“Has she ever really declared that she hates him?” Hye Young tested.

“Yes”, Ha Na said.

Well done Ha Na! I award you the silver medal!

She continued. “But in Yoon Yoon Sung’s case, Yoo Jin can’t tell the difference between love and hate.”

Jung Ha Na, you have been tested positive to drugs and your medal is confiscated. We are sorry to say that you must also be thrown in jail.

“Yoon Sung?” Ha Na asked.

“Sang Hyuk.”

“Sang Hyuk?” Bok Ja asked.

“Sang Hyuk”, I confirmed.

“Yoon Sung?” Hye Young asked.


Somewhere ahead of us books were thrown into the air and I realised Sang Hyuk was speeding off.

“Why is he running?” I said. “EVERYBODY MOVE!”

I suppose they all recognised my voice because everybody in the corridor moved to one side.

I ran after him. “OPPA! SANG HYUK OPPA!”

His head turned around whilst his legs kept running.

“WAIT!” I yelled.

He ran even faster and hid in the toilets. I stopped in front of the toilets and panted like a dog.

“What are you doing in there?” I yelled.

He didn’t reply.

Ha Na, Hye Young and Bok Ja paused when they got to me. “We’ll leave you to your business”, Hye Young said and they went. I waited until the school was empty.

“DON’T”, I lowered my voice and softened my tone, “hide, why are you in there?”

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. Ha Jin Kyu.

“Maybe because he needs to pee?”

I ignored him.

Jin Kyu chuckled. “I’ll try.”

He went into the toilets and came back out a minute later. “Doesn’t look like he’ll come out until you go, and even after you do I don’t think he will.”

“What the hell did you do to him?”

Jin Kyu shrugged. “Why don’t try what you did last time to that dude who daringly crossed you, Jeong Jae Yeong or something like that?”

What did I do to him? Oh…




Yoo Jin barged into the toilets.

“Poor guy”, Ha Na said.

Hye Young and Bok Ja both nodded.

“You still remember that?” I asked.

“Everyone does. What happened to that guy after you went in?” Jin Kyu asked.

“You can have the exact same experience if you stay here any longer”, I replied sweetly.

“I’ll be on my way.” He left immediately.

Well… if it was anyone other than Sang Hyuk I probably would have done that. But I don’t think it would leave a very good impression.

“Sang Hyuk”, I called.

Someone shouldered me whilst passing into the toilets.

“Yah!” I called.

That someone was Kang Yoon Sung.


“How can you be so damn rude?” I questioned.

“Not as much as you. Always blocking my way.”

He continued his path. Yoon Sung was out of there in two minutes, and Sang Hyuk two seconds after.

“Sang Hyuk!”

Sang Hyuk flinched and Yoon Sung left. He helped me get Sang Hyuk out?

“Why were you hiding from me?!” I questioned.

“You- you gave me the Yoo Jin Death Stare and yelled my name!” He reasoned.

“No no. It wasn’t like that! They weren’t meant to sc-”, I can’t believe I’m saying this word to a guy I like, ‘cause usually I hate the type, “scare you. I promise.”


I nodded. He let out a breath and took the pole out of his richard simmons. Geez, it must have been stuck there all that time. I’m not that scary.

“I really would have come out if you counted to three!” Sang Hyuk stated earnestly.

“Huh? But I didn’t.”

“I know. I was lucky”, he muttered.

“What do you mean by you ‘would have’?”

“Oh… Jin Kyu locked me in one of the toilets and said I would be safer in there.”

D1ckhead Jin Kyu, but I guess that makes Sang Hyuk one too for letting him do it. But honestly, I thought Sang Hyuk was smarter.

“Luckily that guy freed me.”

I stared at Yoon Sung’s back but it didn’t help me figure out a guy like him. Ha Na’s right… I do find him f*cking interesting- but not more than I hate the guy.

“My parents would be expecting me at home…” Sang Hyuk hinted.

I checked my watch. “SHI- I mean, oh my! I’M FAT UGLY COW KEEPING LATE FOR WORK!”


I burst into the store. “I’m so sorry I’m late madam!”

Madam Oh was talking to someone with their back to me. However, this someone’s back was looking oddly familiar…

Madam leaned out to talk to me. “It’s OK, Yoo Jin. I’d like you to meet someone.”

I was still eying the back. Hey… that’s Chungdong’s-

He craned his head over his shoulder.

You-have-got-to-be bloody sh1tty f*cken kidding me.

That someone was Kang Yoon Sung.



<!--quoteo(post=3610450:date=Aug 30 2006, 03:01 PM:name=adorkygirl)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(adorkygirl @ Aug 30 2006, 03:01 PM)
» </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->new reader, i'm addicted to your fic.!!
post more when you can!!
my guess is that woman is Kang Yoon Sung's aunt >DD<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

This was the reason for 3 chapters in one day haha. I guess my writing was too predictable.

PS. I've received queries from a few people wanting to know how I can post fast. I wish I could say 'Because I'm a machine!' but the truth is that I'm a very slow writer. The reason is that I started this fic back in Feb or so, but never posted. By the time I had posted it I was already up to Chapter 12. No secret tricks there =p

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heyheyhey you're not posting too fast. HAHAHA. the pace is great. :D

and woottts she got fired. LOL.

hmm i wonder who that woman is.

hahah post soon!


woots i just realised that you just posted 2 more chappies!! YAY.

gosh, her boss' nephew's yoonsung? its getting sooooo interesting.

hahaha and yoonsung's really mysterious eh?

sang hyuk. LOL. he seems really afraid of yoojin. LOL

POST soon okay!! :D

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Guest always_urs

0_____0 OMG!!!! the nephew

is him!!! hahahhaa.... now

he is going to boss her around

this is so funnie....

she always getting into something

she always hates... ^_^V

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