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He Loves Naughty Girl Not

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Guest simplicity05


just finished reading your story. i absolutely love the ending! so glad yoo jin finally realised that she loves yoon sung!

i felt so cheated when i read chapt 35. i thot she was really engaged to someone else. i mean it's been 8 years and maybe she moved on. then the girls gossiping abt her in e train mention that she was engaged to ki joon. i was practically screaming in my head. but THANK GOD, the chapt ended with yoon sung standing in front of her..aww.. :wub:

i love how u ended with a flashback of how they finally got together. pretty unique :)

although yoo jin is really mean most of the time and loves swearing, i like her character. her swearings made me laugh like crazy. it's like she'll die w.o swearing for a day. haha! :)

really enjoyed reading your fan fics. and im gonna read your other stories too! :)

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Guest wingsywingsy

Wow. No more coming onto Soompi to catch up on this amazing story, huh? *tears up* lols. Okay, first off, I must apologize for commenting so late after you -- OMG! --- updated the last chapters!!! When I first started reading, I was so surprised that it was eight years later! Anyway, enough of my surprise. I really enjoyed reading your entire story! It's wonderful from beginning to end despite any ups and downs! haha, you're right. I think after reading this story, I've started to swear more when I get frustrated. Oh wells. Yoo Jin rocks so much in this story and so does Yoon Sung. Most of all, I love how Yoo Jin isn't some really nice or good person like you put it, but Yoon Sung still loves her. Thanks for writing this awesome story! The ending was interesting...at first, I really thought that Yoo Jin wasn't getting married to Yoon Sung, but I'm glad she is/was.

Wow again. I knew you based this story on a real experience, but I never knew you modeled Yoo Jin after your sister! That's really neat.

Gosh, I just love reading your stories! I hope I can read more of your writing soon, but these coming two months before summer will be really hectic. Hopefully, I will have time. You will be writing more stories, won't you? Pretty please... :P

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Guest mizzochan

Don't you just love amazing stories about sisters' love lives? :] My sister told me her story a long time ago and I'm pretty sure it could be made into a movie. haha

Anyway, I really enjoyed reading your fic, it has such a nice appeal to it. I just stumbled upon HLNGN yesterday night and I read all of it until the wee hours of morning today because I couldn't tear my eyes away from the monitor. Your fic is unique; the characters were extremely amusing and intriguing, especially Yoon Sung and Yoo Jin. Their relationship was quite the rollercoaster but an amazing ride. (Wow, that sounded like something out of a cheesey movie...sorry. haha) Of course, my favorite character is Yoo Jin, I love the fact that she might not have been the prettiest girl on the block but still managed to have guys falling for her left and right because of her crazy personality. I especially enjoyed reading the part when she inquired Dongwan & Yoon Sung to say what they loved about her and Yoon Sung just simply replied, "Kim Yoo Jin". It's amazing how two people who are at times complete opposites yet extremely similar can have such chemistry and a sweet relationship; Yoo Jin & Yoon Sung are just marvelous together. :] There were times when I was so frustrated at Yoo Jin for being infatuated with Sang Hyuk, that no good nerd-o, I just keep thinking, Yoon Sung is SUCH a better nerd! haha At first, I thought Sang Hyuk and Yoo Jin were going to be together but when she started calling Yoon Sung a nerd...I understood that Y&Y were meant to be together.

So in conclusion, I would like to thank you for sharing this story and letting me experience your wonderful writing. Though this fic is not as popular as some other ones out there, I hope you know that I believe this to be one of the best fics I have ever read and I read quite an awful lot of those. I hope you continue to improve your writing and share your work with us, I'd really love to read another one of your fics. :] Good luck with everything and hope to see you again!

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Awwe, so there's no more of Chapter 30.5? T.T

I was late in reading this, it's always been bookmarked but I never had the time to read it. >.<

If you still have it though, please, PLEASE PM me!

I couldn't read past Chapter 30, since I kept thinking what's in it?! Then, I couldn't concentrate on reading it.

Otherwise, I say it's a good story.

It's a good storyline, and it's different from other fics. =)

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Guest ilovesnoopy

ur story always manages to amuse and entertain me. I had read your previous 2 stories and had also loved them. Didn't realise it was you who wrote them until i saw you post up the links.

anyways, just wantedto say i absolutely loved this story. hope you continue to write more! =)

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Guest mrsjungyunho_

wahhh .. im so late this time. *blames school*

but anyways .. YOON SUNG && YOO JIN !! <3333 wooooooooooot ! =)

"Finally, Yoon Sung smiled. “Kiss me.”

I don’t even have to think about that. I grabbed his face and kissed him… and his arms gathered me in. "


oh and , Ha Na and Dong Wan are such a cute couple .. hehe

This is an awesome fanfic. Enjoyed it from beginning to end ! =)

*thumbs up*

sad its finish, but LOVED the ending .

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Guest LoveItLiveIt


i just finished your fic!

i was wondering when Yoo Jin would realize she couldn't have Sang Hyuk!

i was totally hoping she'd end up with Yoon Sung!

he just seemed so hot!


i just LOVED, i mean LOVED your fic! : ^_^

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Guest shronie_x3

hi~ i just wanted to say that i enjoyed reading your fanfic. i didn`t really read it in one sitting since i went to go watch spiderman 3 in the middle of it lol.. but i read it in one day.

i knew that his last dare would be something like that :]

i loved how it was different from other stories. very cute~

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Guest misz.perfect.

EDIT; Because I mistook Ch. 34 as the last chapter, I didn't read Ch. 35 & basically the ending. xD Grrrrrr. LOL! I can't believe I did that! Haha.

Anyways, I just wanna say, "Awwwww." They are such a cute couple! Are you writing anymore fics? =)

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New reader!! OMG!! This story is so effin cute!! Of course I got mad when she kept pursuing that good for nothing geek, but it all paid up at the end. I just love how cute Yoon Sung and Yoo Jin are so cute together!! Gosh! I can't stop gushing over them. :P Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this story and I hope you write other stories soon!!

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at the end when she was on the train and

there were girls talking about her, and when

they said that her fiance was ki joon, i was

like OMG WHAT?!? O_O

but phewwwww it was a happy ending!!~

i <33 happy endings!! ehehhehe

and i loved the whole idea of your the 10

dare thingeys and how it still came up in

the end ^_^

...but waaaaaaaaaah T__T chap 30.5, i

wanna read it.. i should've come earlier!

anyways NICE WRITING!!


ermmm i kinda confused with misz.perfect. 's comment...the 2nd post above from me..ermmm yoojin and yoonsung DID end up together...

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Guest rynda

whoa.. hahah. thsi is really good. my eyes are sore from reading! hehe. keep up the good work! ill look forward to your next fanfic!! XD

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wow i am totally in love with this fic. Something different than other stories i've read

Yoon Sung, i totally love himg. Smart and good looking. What every girl dream of.

I really like YooJin's personality. She's not pretty and skinny, which makes the story better

because its not one of those pretty girls who always get attention even though s

he does since she knows DongWan. Aww DongWan is socute at times. Too bad she doesnt like him

like he does because he's someone who cares for her but at least he got Ha Na

YS once again is so adorable being the santa claus, i find that hilarious <3

Oh so thats why he started to change towards her because he saw a different

side to her when she was worried about dongwan.

SangHyuk is such a jerk and in the end how he looked at her

he married a nerdy girl i guess. ahahs too bad for him. he sucks anyways.

Aww there were good and bad times but this story was worth reading

i really loved it, i saw it through the recommendations thread (:

im glad I click on it to check out or i wouldnt know what i missed out on.

too bad I came late for this story or i would be so part of the people who got 30.5

Qverall I enjoyed it a lot & in the end i really thought she was with someone else

but she was engaged to YoonSung & i'm glad she chased after him.

Dongwan is really a nosy crackhead.lol

he is like good friends with yoonsung..hahahs and what YoonSung said

"Kim YooJIn" when he described her. she is so slow.lol i just loved how

you described it to let us know that Kim YooJin, thats what he likes about her

just herself, and being herself.. anyways i hope to read more good stories like these (:

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Guest Justalilodreamer

wow it took me along time to finish this (your chapters are long O-O) haha anyways i really enjoyed your fic. I just felt like i had to leave a comment to let you know :lol: I ramble on about this story but i gotta go >< i especially enjoyed your characters, they're very interesting (especially Yoo Jin & Yoon Sung)...i also noticed alot of creative scenes and ideas (like the 10 dares kind of played through the whole story...im glad it wasnt the over-played 'be my slave' kind of thing)

and the ending was cute!

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Guest Hazy

Woman, my fat richard simmons just got bigger because I've been sitting on this chair here reading this fic for HOURS.

Just finished, but WOW. That was one mad fic. It was freaking hilarious (and yes I think you just expanded my vocabulary ;D).

I'm going to read your two other completed fics and perhaps start on 'Cupid's trick' later since I don't exactly read fics before they're completed. =)

But yeah, I just wanted to comment and say that this fic is one of the best fics I've read in a WHILE. Keep up the good work. I'm gonna go read your other fics now. Oh, and you're from Sydney (Australia?) too... Sydney represent, yo. <3

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i love this story :) Its super cute! and so good! hehe i'm glad they are together

at the end! :) & engaged! LOL, that was so funny when she went to america lol hilarious!

hehe but the god-bro's hot dongwan lol! hehe. :)

great story!

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Guest vivi23

read and finished your fic ^^

it is soo good and un owhat i like, how the main chraatcer isnt all hot and skinny etc she normal lol. Your fic is really good and now my eyes are dead lol =)


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