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He Loves Naughty Girl Not

Guest s u n d a e_

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Guest s u n d a e_

Wakakakaka why arent YoonSung and YooJin together ? :o


Anyways, ahhh i loved this story, YooJin's character was hilarious ! I cant believe its over *sobs*

Are you planning to make a sequal ? :)

NO chapter 24 wasn't the last! ah you gave me a good laugh.

heyy. is this the end? :tears: this is so sad i`m glad yoojin didn`t get sang hyuk cuz thats weird...

nope. not the end! what a chapter title ay? lol.

i am in love with your storyy :) it would be great if i could be added to your PM list! :w00t:

on the pm list. =]

did i miss any chaps???

it wont go to the post i want

to read TT-TT unless if those arent

the one yet post yet... -_-

ok what is the last post you post

up then.... *sigh* TToTT

the last chapter i posted was 24. =]

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Guest ladyxchristina

OHH! yayy this is not the end. i got a emotional mood swing from :tears: to :D. i`m so weird i dun think that sentence even made sense. but i am 100000000000% glad that this is not the end. :w00t:

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Guest duckii

bwahah! Oh man I loved this chapter!

Yes yes! Don't talk to that geek! Never agian! WHOOOOOPIE<3

No more geek~ No more ho! WHOOOOOOPIE!

..To bad for her though.. She had like 11 months to capture him but then.. He was being such an richard simmons hole xD

Good luck on your exams love<3 You better score a 100000000000000 or a SA++++++++++++++(Super A plus plus...etc...) hehe xD

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Guest MizzNana

YAY! A CHAPTER! OMG! I was so scare that she and him were never going to talk again! Well update soon! I love this chap! =]

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Guest liltoazndevil

New Reader

i love the story line and sang hyuk is so funny

yoojin is adorable with her ways to make him like her

dongwan awsome godbrother

and yoonsung is sweet

can i be on your pm list if you still have space

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Guest xdumbie

gyahhh i didn't check in a while and thought it was the endd!! XOO i'm like "that fast?!?!" nooo I knew ending it in like 3 chapters since the last time i read would TOOOOOOOOtally be rushing things. good thing it's the end for Sung Hyuk and NOT yoon sung!! XDD wooo hooo!! you made my day. yeah.


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Guest s u n d a e_

Chapter 25 - … So It Seemed.

(Chapter Song: Se7en ft. Taebin - Real Luv Story)

[A/N: green = 3rd Person and the chapter title is a follow on from chapter 24's title]

New Year’s Resolution:

1. Study harder to please umma and appa (unless study is too goddamn ugly).
2. Try being nice to Freak and Geek (unless they’re being cows or stupid).
3. Stop fighting with Kang Yoon Sung (unless absolutely unavoidable).
4. Stop hitting Kim Dong Wan (unless absolutely necessary).
5. Cut down on diet (unless umma’s cooking my favourite dish).

So that’s my plan for 1998. *cheers*

“Go Yoo Jin! Go Yoo Jin! Yeah… YOO JIN!” I wriggled my butt just as Yoo Na opened the door.

She studied my dancing position, “Oh. Are you trying out for the cheerleading team?”

I checked over my New Year’s Resolution list in my head. Yep, she’s being a cow. I stretched under my bed for my blue beach ball with yellow duck prints on it and chucked it at her face. I watched as the ball missed her face by an inch.

“Dammit!” I cursed.

“Umma told me to ask you if you’re still going to work now that you’re not seeing that tutor anymore”, Yoo Na said plainly.

I almost forgot- the reason I had started working in the first place was because of Sang Hyuk. I remember how I used to dread working for so many hours and how all my play time is being stolen by Madam Oh but now I’ve gotten so used to it if I don’t work I feel like there’s something missing. I strode over to the ball lying on the ground behind Yoo Na and picked it up before turning to Yoo Na.

“Yep, I’ll still be working”, I tossed the ball up and caught it with one hand and added, “And I’ll still be seeing him.”

“What do you mean? I thought you said he’s not your tutor anymore?”

I smiled mischievously and replaced the ball in its spot underneath the bed. Yoo Na sighed and nodded before leaving the doorway.

What I meant was that I’ve decided… I’m not giving up on Sang Hyuk! Just because he doesn’t go to Chungdong High anymore, doesn’t mean that I can’t go to him, right? I bet Sang Hyuk would miss my daily presence anyway and with a little patience, one day I’ll surely have him!


I entered my new classroom and as human nature goes, the students that were already there looked up. Both guys and girls looked at me with observant eyes. So they haven’t seen me for a few weeks, but what’s with this staring?

“QUIT IT!” I ordered, and they all obediently looked away.

I looked down at my uniform. Nothing changed since last year except that I have a new cotton beige backpack. Hair? It’s just flowing down my back in crazy frizz mode as usual. But yeah, it should be the hair. Freak said that my hair has gone less oily and frizzy lately. I didn’t think it made that much of a difference.

I walked across the room to the far left aisle and strolled down it. Of course, seeing as I have to have the window seat, I sat down in the second back row. The moment I had settled in my new seat, Yoon Sung stepped into the classroom. Yes! That means he’s in my class again this year! Last year, I carelessly forgot to check my class list and the only reason I know which one I’m in is because umma emailed the principle yesterday at the last minute. Yoon Sung was appearing very un-nerdy today with his shirt untucked, tie loosely done, black duff bag hanging off one shoulder and hair spiking up like it has been in a blizzard. His eyes found me quickly and he walked straight down my aisle and paused at my row. In this classroom, the seats were organised into rows of three which means including me and Ha Na, there’s still one spare spot. I looked at him invitingly but instead of sitting down, Yoon Sung chose to sit in the seat directly behind me. Knowing him, he probably thinks that Ha Na and I will disrupt his learning.

I spun myself around so that I could rest my head on the back of my chair and face him.

“Whoa, Kang Yoon Sung looking unorganised”, I said teasingly.

He redid his tie. “I almost missed the bus”, he explained.

“You have a motorbike”, I reminded him.

“It’s in service.”

Behind me, I heard a familiar giggle and turned around.

“Yah!” I snapped, eying Ha Na, Hye Young and Bok Ja who were sitting in the row in front of me. Hey, Hye Young and Bok Ja are both in my class this year! I let the fact quickly sink in and continued snapping at them. “What are you giggling at? When did you come? And why are you sitting there and ditching me you doggers?”

I already knew the answer to the first question. Judging from Hye young’s giggle, the three had been eavesdropping on me and Yoon Sung. As for the second question, the answer couldn’t be more or less than approximately a minute ago. What I really wanted to know was the answer to the last question.

Ha Na grinned, “We just came and we didn’t want to interrupt your conversation with Yoon Sung there.”

So that’s it. The little b1tches want to push me and Yoon Sung together. I pulled a face at them but all they did was turn around, giving me three backs. Bloody hell.

“Excuse me, but would you mind moving up?”

I swirled around to see three typical geeky girls, all in piggy tails and thick-rimmed glasses. The one in the middle stood slightly in front of the other two and was pleading to Yoon Sung in a quiet voice, “Please?”

Or, they could have just asked me to move back- but I think they’d rather fail their next math test than ask me to move.

Yoon Sung looked at me questioningly. Since my lovely friends have ditched me I might was well make their effort worthwhile. I shrugged to indicate that I didn’t mind. Yoon Sung came and sat down next to me while the dorks behind us were giggling because they had the chance to talk to Kang Yoon Sung. Just as I was about to tell them to ‘shut up’ the three idiots sitting in front of me started giggling too because their stupid plan worked. Pissed off, I screeched, “F*CKEN STOP THE ANNOYING GIGGLES!”

Yoon Sung rubbed his right ear as behind, in front, left, right, dead or alive all shut up, leaving the classroom completely quiet and in time for Jin Kyu to make a dramatic entrance by strutting into the classroom with his shirt untucked and hair so hard with gel you could crush it. God, he’s in my class again this year? His eyes scanned the classroom nosily and saw me and Yoon Sung sitting side by side. He smirked and headed to us. Yoon Sung took no notice of him. I would too if I had to sit next to the creep for a whole year. I stared at Jin Kyu boringly while he eyed me up and down like he’s never seen me before.

“Yah, never seen a cute chubby girl like me before? Need me to punch your cheeks just to make sure you’re not dreaming?” I warned.

Jin Kyu shook his head like he just awoke from a trance. “Whoa!”

“’Whoa’ what?” I questioned forcefully.

“You look different Yoo Jin!” He exclaimed, eying me over again.

“F*cken quit that!” I snapped. “How different?” I asked curiously, remembering how the other students had all stared at me in the same way.

“You’re still not ho-” Jin Kyu saved his two front teeth by stopping himself and rewording things, “You look the same except… you look skinnier.” Then his face lightened up as he found the word he was looking for, “You lost your PUPPY FAT!”

I was out of my seat and yanking Jin Kyu’s hair out before he could utter ‘mummy’. “WHAT THE richard simmons ARE YOU GOING ON ABOUT?! WANNA DIE?!!!”

Someone cleared their throat, causing me to drop Jin Kyu’s head and him to drop in a heap on the ground. I slightly bowed my head and said, “Hi Ms. Jeon.”

Ms. Jeon is another one of those teachers who cannot stand me and who I absolutely hate. She grinned pretentiously at me as Jin Kyu scrambled up and went to sit in the seat that has been reserved by his friend for him on the other side of the classroom. I returned to my seat and caught Yoon Sung smirking. He wasn’t looking at me but I know it’s me he’s mocking. Sheesh.

Ms. Jeon stayed at her position near the doorway and projected her voice clearly, “Welcome back! This is your last year at Chungdong High and I -”

Already bored by her prep talk, I thought about what Jin Kyu said and stared into the window, trying to see my reflection. Have I really gone skinnier? How come I haven’t noticed? That’s the problem with seeing yourself everyday, you don’t notice richard simmons.

Ms. Jeon’s voice was still droning in the background. “But before I continue, I’d like to introduce you to a new family member of Chungdong High! You can come in now!”

The window’s reflection gave me a clear view of the doorway and I almost gagged on air when I saw who disturbed the still picture. NO WAY! I quickly turned around and stared open-mouthed at the person standing casually in the doorway with a backpack slung over one shoulder. He and the teacher both walked to the middle of the front of the classroom. I heard Ha Na gasp.

What the hell is KIM DONG WAN doing here?!

The b@stard didn’t even tell me about this! Dong Wan’s eyes lurked around the classroom and quickly landed on me… then onto Yoon Sung. I glanced at Yoon Sung who didn’t look at all surprised, but was staring at Dong Wan with a small smile on his face. What’s this all about? Gay love now? Dong Wan grinned to me before turning to face the whole class.

Ms. Jeon smiled, “Most of you would remember Kim Dong Wan? He left us a few years ago but he’s back now! Dong Wan, do you have anything you want to say to the class?”

His eyes quickly scanned the intimidated class again. “Does anyone here need me to remind them of who I am?”

Who the hell would be dumb enough to answer that question?

Dong Wan walked to where Yoon Sung and I were sitting determinedly and took the seat beside Yoon Sung. I glared at him before staring out the window in ticked-off-richard simmons mode.

It hasn’t been two minutes since Ms. Jeon started her lesson when the dorks behind us raised their hands and complained that Yoon Sung and Dong Wan were too tall and they couldn’t see the board. I groaned and made a mental note to put a spider in their backpacks at lunchtime before switching rows with the dorks behind us. Since Yoon Sung had reached the row first, he took the window seat. I was about to fight for it when I noticed Dong Wan glancing at Yoon Sung’s position then purposely chose the seat at the end of the row, forcing me to sit between them.

Too lazy to fight for the window seat, I decided to plot myself there anyway. I sat down and felt tension between the two. What’s this all about? I glanced at Yoon Sung who was concentrating deeply on the board and switched my gaze to Dong Wan. He looked at me and grinned. The nerve this guy has! I stomped on his foot and he stayed completely still to hide his pain. Dong Wan turned to me questioningly.

“Yah! Why didn’t you tell me?” I hissed. “Not even a f*cken hint you f*cken prick!”

“Honey”, Dong Wan muttered, “I gave you your f*cken hint last Christmas.”

I whizzed my thoughts back to last year…

I was about to tell you something I thought you might care about…

So this is what he was gonna tell me. That’s barely even a hint.

“Why are you even back here? Gangsters don’t go to school!” I exclaimed.

“They can if they want-” Dong Wan glanced at Yoon Sung, “And I want to because I have someone to compete with.”

I looked at Yoon Sung who sensed Dong Wan’s glance and slightly smirked, seemingly at the blackboard. I widened my eyes and slowly nodded my head. HE KNEW!

I elbowed Yoon Sung, “YAH! You knew, didn’t you?! How come you knew and I didn’t?!”

Yoon Sung finally looked away from the board to meet my gaze, “Ask him”, he said, nodding over to Dong Wan.

I spun around and stared at Dong Wan, pointing over my back at Yoon Sung with my thumb. “Why”, I simply said.

He let out a small laugh and concentrated on the blackboard too.

WHAT’S THIS OBSESSION WITH THE BLACKBOARD?! It’s killing me, KILLING ME! How come I know nothing?!!! Since when did the two d1ckheads start seeing each other behind my back? And why do they have to compete against each other?

Oh. I got it. They’re competing for…

Me. For my friendship!

I burst out laughing at our lunch table. Ha Na, Hye Young and Bok Ja stared at me with worried expressions on their faces.

“Yoo Jin, what is it?” Bok Ja asked.

I grinned. “Do you guys want to know why Dong Wan came back?”

They all eagerly stuck their heads in closer. “Why?”

“Dong Wan is jealous”, I stated.

“Of who?” Hye Young questioned.

“Yoon Sung”, I whispered. “They both want to be my best friend.”

Hye Young and Bok Ja ‘oh-ed’ but Ha Na snorted. “Isn’t that our position? Why do they have to fight for it?”

“I meant as in guy best friend!” I retorted.

Hye Young raised her neck, “Hey, what’s happening there?”

I followed her eyes over to the basketball courts but instead of being able to see the whole court, as usual, I could only see a bunch of backs all pressing against each other to get a better view of something.

“Let’s check it out!” I said.


Turning around to look at me, the students at the fence reluctantly moved aside and formed a clear path for me and my group to walk through. I peered around to see what the hype was all about and understood.

“It’s Yoon Sung and Dong Wan!” Bok Ja stated.

“What are they doing?” Ha Na questioned grimly.

“Interesting”, I said, nodding my head slowly, “A basketball competition with only one person on each team… DUMBASSES! Who the richard simmons plays like that?!”

At the sound of my voice, Yoon Sung stopped dribbling and Dong Wan got off Yoon Sung’s back. None of them were sweating but their uniform was all crinkled like they were having a richard simmons fight rather than a basketball match.

“Hey!” Dong Wan grinned and acknowledged me with a nod.

Yoon Sung spared a glance at me before shooting the ball right into the hoop. Dong Wan spun around.

“Yah, that’s not counted”, he said arrogantly.

Yoon Sung went to retrieve the basketball and threw it back to a junior male student who was observing the two pros without blinking. “Thanks”, he said and turned back to Dong Wan. “You never called time-out”, he highlighted.

I snickered. What a smartas$.

Dong Wan chuckled. “F*cken smartas$. What do you say to table tennis then?”

Yoon Sung said nothing but headed towards the sports hall. Dong Wan grinned and headed in the same direction. Of course, the whole crowd tailed them. Bok Ja nudged me.

“Are we going too?”

“Are you mad? Hell yeah are we watching!”

I tagged after the crowd.

It continued like that for the rest of the week. Yoon Sung and Dong Wan just kept competing against each other in all sorts of sports. I reckon if Dong Wan was the ultra smart type he’d verse Yoon Sung in that too- but duh, Dong Wan chose to stay out of that. I don’t think they’re doing this stuff to win me, it’s more of a ‘they want to prove themselves better’ thing, right? If you’re jealous of someone you just want to be better than them.

As for me, as a friend and godsister I should be telling them to stop it altogether- but that’s only a waste of saliva. Trying to persuade a stubborn richard simmons and competitive idiot is useless. So I’m left to stay stuck between the two. Every time a Kang Yoon Sung versus Dong Wan match is on, I’d always be there and I’d always stay right in the middle. Not that I don’t cheer though…

I watched intently as Dong Wan kicked the football into the goal.


Then in the next minute…


I don’t think either of the guys could hear me cheering since they’re so focused on the game… but all my friends could and they all eyed me with the ‘you bad two-face’ eyes.

Well, what else could I do? They’re the ones being stupid d1ckheads, playing around like this.



The day has finally come- the day when I will reappear in Yoo Sang Hyuk’s life.

I stood across the road from the Seoul University campus, waiting for Sang Hyuk to come out. I moved forward a little to make sure the tall figure exiting the gates was him. Black mole on the left cheek, yep, that’s definitely my baby boy! I tightened my ponytail and checked over my three-quarter length grey sweatpants and white t-shirt which I had prepared especially for today. I’m going to pretend that I was going for a jog and ‘just happened to pass by’. Seriously, I never jog. I jogged across the road, purposely bumping into Sang Hyuk.

“Oh richard simmons! I’m sorry”, I said, stopping and turning around to help him up. I never realised how scrawny his figure was… it was just a little bump.

“I’m OK”, he assured, before glancing at me then looking again. “Yoo-Yoo Jin…”

I smiled, “Sang Hyuk! What are you doing here?”

He continued staring at me in the exact same way that the others had on the first day back to school. Ah, so now you gaze at me you little hard-to-catch brute.

I let go of his elbow, “I was just going for a jog.”

Sang Hyuk nodded as I tried to keep a relaxed posture. Truthfully, I need ten bottles of water and a bed to lie down on- now. Now I know what Yoon Sung and Dong Wan go through after their little matches- and I only jogged across the road. I’m so unfit. How the hell did I manage to lose my puppy fat?

“Yo! Sang Hyuk!”

Sang Hyuk turned around and looked pass him to see none other than Park Im Ho. But it wasn’t him who had spoken, it was the unfamiliar guy standing next to him who seemed to be leading the ten other guys following behind them. Let me take an educated guess: this group is one of the most popular of Seoul University’s first years and the guy who opened his mouth is their leader. No doubt, I glanced at his height and muscles, another one of Park Im Ho’s best friends. He’s not bad- not half as good-looking as Yoon Sung or Dong Wan, but his average with round eyes, a nice nose and thin lips. His spiky hair suits his overall appearance too.

Despite checking him out, I didn’t bother acknowledging him. He placed a hand on Sang Hyuk’s shoulder.

“Who you talking to there?” He looked at me and his eyes brightened. “Yah, aren’t you Kim Yoo Jin?” He turned to Sang Hyuk, “Buddy, you know Kim Yoo Jin?!”

Sang Hyuk smiled proudly.

“No, buddy”, I called out to him, “It’s: ‘you know me’?”

He let go of an intimidated Sang Hyuk and nodded his head to me. “You’re quite… famous- and you’re the godsister of the Gentle Tiger’s leader too, aren’t ya?” He stuck out his hand, “Song Ki Joon.”

I glanced at his hand and gave a small smile, “Hi.”

Awkwardly, Ki Joon withdrew his hand. I felt uneasy at the way Im Ho was still staring at me and decided to take off, quickly saying to Sang Hyuk, “See you some time later!”

Who knew Im Ho made it into Seoul University?! He’d better not be an obstacle- again. And this Song Ki Joon too, he seems like the type to bully Sang Hyuk. I’ll rip his balls out if he dares.



Dong Wan smiled to himself, wasn’t she cheering for him just a minute ago?

The game ended with a draw- yet again. Dong Wan and Yoon Sung shook hands and headed into the change rooms where they both sat down on either end of the benches and drained the water bottles in one go. Yoon Sung withdrew a white towel from his locker and thrust it around his neck. He turned around, ready to go into the showers when Dong Wan’s voice stopped him.

“Time to take the next step.”

Yoon Sung slightly turned then walked away with a bland expression on his face which hid his mixed emotions of readiness yet nervousness.

When it comes to human relationships, Yoon Sung knows he’s crap.



...I’ve decided… I’m not giving up on Sang Hyuk!

*bangs head on table*



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Guest MiZzKaEunieee


i'm first...

ahahah. lol. i LOVE her b!tchiness.

lol. this chapter cracked me up. can't stop laughing...



dongwan's back in school? is he STUPID???



thanks for teh pm.. write soon!

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Guest faded_x_memories

gosh, i thought she gave up on Sang Hyuk or something cause she really DOES. it's obvious that he doesn't like her. >_> post soon

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Guest azn.gurl*

lol yay a longg post =)

haha she's so funny.

ohh dong wan in school again? lol

i wonder what the next step is?

hehe i love this fic post more soon=)

ohh and she's still going after sang hyuk omg lol.

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Guest joongie;love

Whoa, Sang Hyuk seems proud that people think he knows the Kim YooJin XD

Anyways, great chapter, but why are the guys to competitive against each other ? O_____O

Post soon :D

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Guest leebabe007

OMG! shes still goin for sanghyuk?!? OH MY! OH MY! GOOOSHH!! why sanghyuk? why not that hot and handsome YOON SUNG!? lols. j/p but yeah why not him. hmph. why is dongwan back in skewl. is he that DUMB? naw just playing. but wth is this guy soon ki joon? anyways update soon. ^__^

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Guest annievy;

woahh . sorry for not posting comment sooner ! thanks for the pm . everything is so differnt now . how did dhe loose all of her baby fat?

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Guest liltoazndevil

i kinda liked how she like sanghyuk :D glad she didnt give up

i feel bad for him tho juss escaping her and now shes back

thanx for the pm

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