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He Loves Naughty Girl Not

Guest s u n d a e_

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Guest leebabe007


o0o so shes gonna flirt wid another guy eh? hmm ish it yoonsung? i dunt reallie like sanghyuk. hes alito too geeky and childish. i like yongsung better. i wonder whose she gonna end up wid anyways. update soon.

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Guest s u n d a e_

Chapter 23 – The Unpredicted.

“Which one which one?!”

Geez, Ha Na’s even more excited than me.

I slightly elbowed her and hissed through gritted teeth, “Shut up. You want all the nosy kool-aids in this school to know or somethin’?”

I continued staring out the window, waiting for a suitable guy for Plan C to come along. It’s the best spot in the world to be looking at since it’s the busiest pathway- it’s the school’s entrance path and joins up all the areas of the school with the many forks in it. We’ve been ditching Mrs. Lee’s biology lectures all morning and instead, we’ve been staring out the window. No luck for me though. If it’s not a girl then it’s some stooge whose idea of flirting is probably milking cows. I need someone who Sang Hyuk could be jealous of… someone that’s better than Sang Hyuk at something that he likes doing.

I lost my patience and just had to help myself to some swearing, “F*CKEN HELL THIS SUCKS!”

The whole class, which was already silent, turned around and looked at me. By the way she took a sip from her coffee and stopped writing on the board, I could tell Mrs. Lee was not impressed.

“YOO JIN!!!”

Indeed she wasn’t.

I grinned like nothing was wrong, “Yes?”

She stomped, ‘causing the floor to tremble. “I’ve had enough of your disruptions this morning!”

What a liar!

“That’s only my bloody first one all morning!!!” I argued.

In response to being embarrassed by her own mistake, Mrs. Lee hurled the white chalk in her hand at me. I ducked down under my table and she missed. I waited for the kloomp sound of the chalk hitting the ground before steadily raising myself back into my seat.

“Phew”, I sighed, wiping the imaginary sweat off my forehead with my index finger.

She huffed and puffed and declared to me, “KIM YOO JIN! AFTER-SCHOOL DETENTION TODAY!”

Mrs. Lee always rings home and notifies umma when I get a detention from her- means I HAVE to go.

I scrunched my face and chucked a Homer Simpson, “Doh!”


My eyes are stinging bad.

“It won’t hurt to blink”, Hye Young said.

I ignored her. I’ve been keeping my eyes wide open on the basketball courts for the past fifteen minutes looking out for the ONE and my friends have been keeping their eyes open for me- when they could be helping me instead. Finally tired, their eyes spread around the area.

I continued to stare in the same direction and watched intently as Sang Hyuk’s basketball was stolen from his dribble (yah! Which richard simmons?) then sent up in the air… and soared straight into the hoop. Sang Hyuk pouted at the shooter who grinned and high-fived his friends. I, too, grinned.

Ha Na noticed the change and correctly said, “I think she’s found it.”

Hye Young and Bok Ja quickly switched their gazes from the b1tches we were planning to get after school for calling Bok Ja ‘Fat Mama’ to me.

Bok Ja’s eyes widened, “Who?”

Why didn’t I think of him before? I studied the chosen one and answered her question without looking away from him, “Park Im Ho.”

I waited until the end of lunch when the boys ended their game and retired to the sidelines for a drink. But being the tactful me, I approached Im Ho before he even reached the sidelines. He looked positively baffled as I smiled and handed him a white towel that I stole from the bench and a bottle of water which I taxed from his own bag.

He took an item in each hand. “Uh- thanks”, he twisted the top off and had three gulps, “So… what can I do for you?”

Damn, even I know I make it too obvious sometimes. I smiled ‘sweetly’.

“Nothing”, I pulled on a dark face, “You don’t like me doing this?”

He nodded his head violently, “I do, I do!”

I smiled again, “Good.”

Going well so far then. I peeked at the side bench at Sang Hyuk who was staring blandly at me and Im Ho. Aha, it’s working already.


I waved one last time to the customer before closing the door behind me as Yoon Sung came out of the staffroom in his school uniform and ruffled hair. He checked the clock on the wall, “Ready to go?”

Cool, another free ride home.


On a motorbike with a hot guy in a bad boy leather jacket sitting in front of you and the breeze blowing your frizzy hair back- just like an Hollywood moment but missing something…

“Yah! Do a cool move!” I ordered.

Can’t he just add some twists here and there like they do in those action movies?

“No”, he rejected, keeping his eyes on the road, “Why?”

“I’M BORED!” I shouted.

“Your screams are deafening”, he remarked.

That’s a mistake because you should never let me know what you don’t like.


I felt myself being lurched forward as Yoon Sung did a sudden takeover to shut me up and the bike balanced over to one side. My heart almost popped out but the feeling was great!

“MORE!” I demanded.

“Are you sure?” Yoon Sung asked in a cheeky tone.

“Am I sure?” I asked rhetorically.

His silence meant he knew the answer- but he didn’t do anything until another three minutes.

“Yah, is driving straight your oh-so-cool move?”

“Yoo Jin”, he said, “Shut your damn mouth up and hold on tight.”

I think I detected excitement in that sentence. The female’s sixth sense told me to obey and I tightened my grip around his waist. Yoon Sung switched to the right lane behind a truck.

“Yah, don’t drivers usually avoid trucks?” I asked him.

His reply was simple, “Not me.”

Then abruptly he tilted the motorbike so that we were lying almost parallel to the road.


He didn’t reply and went straight for the truck ahead of us. The shock was too great for me and I couldn’t close my eyes. Instead, they stay opened and watched as Yoon Sung skid underneath the truck.

richard simmons! My lips weaved themselves like lettuce. My life is over if this truck collapses this moment.

“KANG YOON SUUUNG!” I yelled both fearfully and angrily whilst clinging onto him for my dear life.

Somehow, he managed to get us out to the other side and tilt the bike up the right way again. What can I say about this guy’s skills? I was left speechless for a few seconds but soon regained my voice.

“Teach me teach me!” I pleaded excitedly.

He didn’t say anything until the next minute when he halted in front of my apartment building. I quickly hopped off and lifted the helmet off my head.

“Teach me teach me!” I repeated.

Yoon Sung took his helmet off revealing a satisfied smirk. “You were trembling from the move just a minute ago.”

Big head, he just wants to bask in his own glory.

“Yeah, ‘cause that’s my first time! But now I think it’s fun and I wanna know how to do it!” I retorted.

He tilted his head, “You can’t drive, can you?”

It wasn’t meant to be offensive, but I felt offended.

“So what?” I questioned, raising my chin.

He replaced his helmet on his head. “You’ll learn how to do that first.”

OH MY BUDDHA! Kang Yoon Sung has agreed to teach me! YES!! Now I can do that move and show off to Dong Wan. Talking about the two, didn’t Yoon Sung and Dong Wan say they’d have a race? Heh, it was probably all talk.

“Can I start learning tomorrow?”

“Don’t you have detention?”

Oh yeah, I was meant to go to the detention class today but then I told Mrs. Lee I’d do it tomorrow instead- I didn’t give her the chance to refuse. But fudge that.

“You know what? I don’t.”

Through the reaction on his face, I could tell that he wasn’t yet convinced.

“Then you have work”, he pointed out.

“Doesn’t Madam Oh have a dentist’s appointment tomorrow afternoon? She told me there’s no work tomorrow”, I reminded him.

That’s also the reason I switched my detention date.

He nodded, “OK. We’ll start tomorrow after school.”

He started the motorbike and I waved him off.

Is asking him to teach me that a bit dangerous? After all, I still have four dares left to fulfill and he might tell me to imitate his move and kill myself. I think he forgot about the dares anyhow and I’m not about to remind him either.

I turned around and faced the door that would eventually lead to the evil Queen Umma.

I entered the building and eventually got to my front door. I slot the key into the keyhole and turned it ‘til it clicked. I took a deep breath. Must be bright and happy. I thrust the door open and let myself in.


Before I could even finish my sentence umma had already sent Yoo Rin’s badminton racket to my face.


Pfft, and they wonder why I swear so much.


As soon as the bell rang, Ha Na and I shot out of the classroom and I tried to blend in amongst the other students while Ha Na attempted to cover me from the teacher on detention duty that afternoon- Mr. Moon.

“Do you see him?” I hissed.

“Area clear”, she replied, peering around.

Soon, we arrived at the packed school gates. Danger over! I grinned widely and walked out of the school’s gates in a cocky manner. Kim Yoo Jin has done it again people!

“Kim Yoo Jin.”

I stopped and slowly twisted around.

The Moon had his arms folded and beamed upon me evilly, “I knew you’d runaway again.”’



The Moon finally decided to look out the window of the detention classroom and I seized the chance to slip my phone out from my bag. I kept it hidden under the table and opened a new message. I was in the middle of text messaging Yoon Sung when a shadow cast over me. Busted, again.

Mr. Moon stuck his hand out, “Phone, Miss. Kim.”

I grunted and slapped the phone in his hand. He took it to the front and left it lying uselessly on the table. Man, I’ve already served one hour of detention, isn’t that enough? No, I have to serve another hour. The Moon was pacing down the aisle again when my phone started vibrating.

Bzzz, bzzz. Bzzzz.

He walked back to the table and stared at my phone.

Immediately I raised my hand, “Sir! That must be my mother wondering where I am.”

The Moon glanced at me with a frown, “Is your mother’s name Kang Yoon Sung?”

My face read ‘richard simmons’. Then unexpectedly, Mr. Moon grabbed the phone and walked towards me. He held out my phone. “You can go now”, he announced.

I looked at him questioningly. Mr. Moon winked as the rest of the class started whining. I smiled, took the phone and darted out of the room- poking my tongue out at the rest of the class before leaving completely.

My phone was still vibrating as I rushed down the corridor. I pressed the phone to my ear.


Wow. He sounds pissed doesn’t he?

“Shut up you impatient d1ck!” I raved, even though it is my fault. “I’m bloody hell on my way!”

On my way to bloody hell more like it.

His tone transitioned back to its usual calmness, “You are easily provoked. Be fast.”

He hung up, leaving me to stare at my phone in turmoil. B@stard, what kind of test was that? Lame as$.

As I was speeding and nearing the school gates, I found myself hurrying next to Im Ho who was in sports gear.

“Yah!” I said, still jogging, “What are you still doing here?”

He smiled and kept up with my pace easily, “Football training. Why are you rushing?”

“I have to meet some b@stard”, I replied.

If Sang Hyuk was here I’d start flirting with him but I’ll give the guy a break since my love isn’t here and is probably at home buried behind his books somewhere.

We finally arrived at the school’s front gate and surprise surprise! Yoon Sung was waiting for me on his motorbike. Im Ho stopped in his tracks somewhere behind me and stared from Yoon Sung to me.

“You were rushing because of him?” He questioned.

I was out of breath but I never miss an opportunity to make people feel dumb, “Obviously.”

I walked towards Yoon Sung but felt Im Ho’s grip on my elbow. I craned my head over my shoulder and eyed his hand.

“Yah, what are you doing?”

“I have something to tell you”, he said.

He looks so serious… too serious. I frowned and shook his hand off me. “Tell me tomorrow”, I said.

I walked towards Yoon Sung who was waiting patiently.

Im Ho called after me, “Yoo Jin!”

I ignored him and hopped on the bike behind Yoon Sung.


We’re in a quiet street and I’m readily positioned on Yoon Sung’s bike while he is standing beside me.

Yoon Sung held out a black helmet, “Wear this.”

I eyed it in disgust. “No, I’ll look better riding this without it.”

It’s OK to wear it when I’m the passenger (even sometimes when I’m riding with Dong Wan he doesn’t make me wear it) but not when I’m the cool one steering the bike!

Yoon Sung flicked his head, signaling for me to get off.

“No”, I said stubbornly, tightening my grip on the handle.

“Then wear it.”

I snatched the helmet and plonked it onto my head.

“Bossy d1ckhead”, I cursed.

He ignored my comment. “First…” He demonstrated by putting his arms around me to hold onto the handle, “You hold it like this.”

Something’s squirming inside me. His chest is too close to my back. And his head is too close too my shoulder. And I’m losing concentration.

“Not like this”, I heard him say, “Like this.”

His hands went on top of mine…! I jumped and somehow… took off with the bike.

“YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Yoon Sung yelled as I was being carried away by the maniac motorbike.

I yelped, “I DON’T KNOOOW!! richard simmons richard simmons!!!”

What am I gonna do?!

I steered the bike around one corner. From the corner of my eyes, I spotted another motorbike running up beside me.

“Yoon Sung! Is that you?!” I half-prayed.

His voice replied, calming me down a bit, “You’re doing pretty well!”

“richard simmons off! I want: stop!”

The prick actually chuckled while I was busy thinking of the least painful way to die. “You got three options! One, crash into a soft area!”

I turned my head to him for a split second, “richard simmons no!”

“Two, jump off the bike!”

Ooh! Like James Bond- NOT.

“HELLA NO!” I yelled.

“Three, wait ‘til you run out of petrol!” He offered.


“You locked the brake idiot! How can I?!”

When did I do that?

It wasn’t until 8pm that the petrol ran out and the neighbourhood finally got some peace, and when a tired-from waiting Yoon Sung told me he’d never teach me how to ride a motorbike again.

That means I’ll never slide underneath a truck… aw.


Being shaken like a f*cken maraca by your mother isn’t the best way to be woken up- and especially after you spent three hours on the day before driving around in circles non-stop. So durh, I came to school in sh1tty mode. I looked up at the Chungdong High School sign and groaned, taking my first step into the school. The moment I did, I felt a hand grasp my wrist. I looked up to see Im Ho but before I could glare at him he had dragged me along. richard simmons, it’s too early in the morning to be kidnapped. Too sleepy to care just yet, I allowed him to pull me away to the empty stairs in Block B.

“Let go of me richard simmons”, I spat.

If it wasn’t for Plan C I wouldn’t be so polite towards him. He complied and dropped my wrist.

“I told you I had something to tell you”, he said.

He did too. “Yeah, so tell me”, I said impatiently.

Im Ho turned to me with bitter eyes, “Kang Yoon Sung isn’t who you think he is.”

I half-smirked then cracked up. “Haha! Don’t tell me he’s an undercover from one of my godbrother’s foe gangs!”

I continued laughing at the idea but stopped when Im Ho wasn’t joining me. What’s so serious?

“We took on a bet, Yoo Jin.” He was starting to gain my attention. “I told him that once you label someone your enemy, you’ll never be their friend.”

I think I know where this is going already…

“So…” Im Ho hesitated on continuing, “he made a bet with me. He said he’ll make you accept him as a friend. I agreed, but I didn’t think he could do it”, he gazed into my eyes, “… until now.”

I examined Im Ho closely. His face looked stiff- and somewhat honest. I blinked. I’m not hearing this, this isn’t true. Right?

“Park Im Ho, you’ve got to be bloody f*cken joking”, I said hopefully.

His expression remained the same.

“Im Ho, I can’t believe you”, I stated. “Kang Yoon Sung’s not like that.”


I thought of last night... how could someone be so two-faced? I shouldered pass Im Ho and ran away, heading straight for my classroom. The only way I’ll believe this is if I hear it from Yoon Sung’s own mouth.

I burst into the classroom and noticed the teacher wasn’t there yet. I decided not to waste any time and stormed up to Yoon Sung who was leaning back in his chair comfortably. He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but feel less boiled.

I kept my tone matter-of-factly, “Did you make a bet on me with Park Im Ho?”

Stupid! I shouldn’t be asking him about it in front of the whole class! What if he says ‘yes’?! The whole class will know I was played!

His answer came simple, straight and cutting, “You already know?”



Thanks to all the comments as usual and

SPECIAL THANKS TO YOU, DUCKII, FOR THE POSTER. It's now on the first post. =]

I was very, very touched!!!

I want your 100% honest opinion... how was chapter 23? I'd gone through numerous drafts. The chapter's ending was not very satisfying, I'd imagine, but it has its significance. Constructive criticism please!

All comments greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Guest joongie;love

I like this chapter :)

I really like your writing style, i usually hate reading, but im so motivated to read He Loves Naughty Girl Not, hehe.

YooJin is so funny, i hope ImHo is lying TOT;;


Btw. I love Diaries Of A Distance, too <3

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Guest leebabe007

WHAT?!? a BET?!?! hecks no YOONSUNG WTH are you doin?!? ARGH!! lols. that was very 'KOOL' when they both wer on the motorbike. EY! what abut the race with dongwan? post soon.

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Guest MiZzKaEunieee

aghh! i didn't know kang yoon sung was like that!! ahh!!



but i liked him...


imho is coolio...ish.

thanks for the pm. write soon!

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Guest justplainoldschool

Park Im Ho made a bet with Yoon Sung?? So Yoon Sung was playing with her all along? Does Park Im Ho like her? I have so many questions!!! Can't wait till the next chapter! =)

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I'm glad you liked my poster to you ^^ I spent so long figuring what to do, but it came out to be so simple >.<

Oh my goodness! Just when I thought everything was going nice and smoothly, there was another twist! Oh my gosh >.o I really liked this chapter, although I wished you posted more >.<

It was sorta draggy >.< But only a little bit!

I really don't like Yoon Sung in this chapter. He seems rather force full..

Keep up your good work love<3

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Guest azn.gurl*

aww he had a bet on her? goshh

hehe i liked the chapter and it was extra long which was good=)

haha i see you could last 3 hours without crashing. hehe

post more soon <33

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