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[OFFICIAL] The Lee Donghae (이동해) Thread

Guest le_lisa

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Guest StylishAzNx07

LUCKYY!!! I would have like passed out and cried later on because I passed out and didn't ask for his picture/autograph... hahaha... I'm such a dork. >.<

SAME HERE!!!! omg you are sooooo lucky!

btw, he seems to be pretty friendly. just by looking at him.

was he?? also, was he as short as he seems on tv?? haha

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Guest blablabla

hahaha! if i ever go to korea, pls tell me which shop was it, so that i can loiter there all i want, and also starbucks. LOLLL!!!!

i was at the Galleria Dept Store..the shop was Beanpole

btw, he seems to be pretty friendly. just by looking at him.

was he?? also, was he as short as he seems on tv?? haha

he's quite tall...*i think*......im 5'4~5'5...so yea

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i cant beleive that u met him~~

i wanna see him...

he's my fave..lol

i'm determined to see him b4 i die!!


his manager let u take a pic??

ohhh..no fair..

dont they usually stop u from doing that??

newaiiz.. ur still so lucky!!

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Guest bcdm3w


i'm so jealous of you!

i can't believe you met him and he pulled you to his right awww

sorry, i've been watching a lot of kdramas recently so what you said before sounded really romantic

ahaha alright don't mind me i'm just rambling

just wondering, but were you in korea for vacation? cuz now i wanna go!

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Guest lilkrazeqrl

donghae is just TOO HOT to resist. thanks for all the pictures!

and blablabla .. you're just TOO LUCKY to meet donghae!! such a great christmas present, meeting one cute celebrity! =]

very jealous.

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Guest sonofdork

OH MY GOOOOOSH!! I've found a new home: HERE! A thread about my gorgeous oppa! I cried once because of how much I love him :blush: auuuh anyway, thanks for starting this thread. ^^


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Guest jhecee

he was created perfect.......haaaaaay......such an adorable,cute,handsome,omg...i don't even think words can justify his looks.....................

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Guest utopia

blablabla!!! HEAVEN HAS BLESSED YOU!!! OMGG I can't believe you met Donghae .. THE EAST SEA <3<3 T_________T Oh yeah, btw.. I don't think he's 172 ^^ He's 175 on Daum, but people who've actually seen him claim he's taller. I have a whole network of friends in Korea who are totally obsessed with him... in fact, they're what got ME head over heels =D so they always keep me updated on his activities -0- and that's how I know to look for shows that he's on, etc XD ahahah He's so awesome.. I'll make sure to post some more pictures when I get all of my computer files in order ~ 난 오빠 얼굴 보면서 -0- 완전 갘탄한다니까.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 동해중심!!

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Guest tinathinks

he's so dorky..

but adorable[:

he's always smiling :D

and I love it when he starts talking about his name and the sea..

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Guest guchiguchiageugeu

omg I'm a new *OBSESSED* fan of DH after coming to this thread and I just discovered this clip. Died so many times. SO MESMERIZING. Could someone please tell me where this clip is originally taken from???

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhDMTy81Z60 <-- MUST WATCH.

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Guest Sammie22

Could someone please tell me where this clip is originally taken from???

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhDMTy81Z60 <-- MUST WATCH.

I believe that's from the Making of SAC (Super Adonis Camp).

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Guest Ai-yuA

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oh my god....


Wow~! Calm now ^^

It's so pleasant to see him smiling, laughing, singing, dancing! Ahhh I'm crazy U.U :sweatingbullets:

I want to say in French [sorry ^^ ] : DongHae je t'aime plus que tout tu es si beau et tu as l'air si gentil, bisoux.

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Guest 13miracles

omg I'm a new *OBSESSED* fan of DH after coming to this thread and I just discovered this clip. Died so many times. SO MESMERIZING. Could someone please tell me where this clip is originally taken from???

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhDMTy81Z60 <-- MUST WATCH.

Making of Super Adonis Camp episode 34 ^^

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