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Nam Joo Hyuk 남주혁


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On 8/20/2017 at 0:37 PM, moella said:

Don't get distracted by the kiss, we do need to get results for the survey :wink:




Hello, just had to come out from the cave, lol.

They are releasing a Bride of Habaek DVD? Hindi ba to kukunin ng GMA 7 or ABSCBN for Tagalized dubbed? I think there were earlier reports on that. It's better if dubbed in local language, so we can appreaciate more what's going on in the drama, hard to miss the handsomeness of Nam Joo Hyuk haha, lol, also pretty SSK.

Btw, is this Official safe haven fanpage of Nam Joo Hyuk? Have been looking around, its mostly Namlee page.

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On 8/20/2017 at 11:48 PM, moella said:

Wait, there's more rant...:lol:

As I've mentioned earlier, majority of the fans hating on NJH now in his IG are from the Philippines. There I said it! My home country and I'm very embarrassed with what they are saying in his IG. These so called fans are not actually  fans of NJH the actor, but they came aboard when the Namlee picked up and they "liked" NJH coz of the romantic relationship he had w/ LSK, they  really don't care that much about his acting career, they consider him more of an accessory to LSK to sustain their fantasies. They want him to be a doormat, to do whatever they wish or dream of in their Namlee world.

They even hoped for BOTWG to fail big time coz he has a new lead lady and they even started harassing SSK even before BOTWG started showing. Anyway, just to give you an idea..Philippines is a "loveteam" country, oh how they love them there thus it is a Namlee country. So I understand where these fans are coming from, they are really kind of fanatical when it comes to loveteams. Scary but true. They are already showing it in JH's IG and some Namlee fans from other countries are starting to imitate them, bandwagon effect. Hopefully these diehard Namlee fans would get over this anger they have with NJH once LSK is paired with another actor or she will have a new bf. These fans are actually more of LSK fans and they would support her next team up and would probably start fantasizing about the new romance and hopefully....forget about Joo Hyuk and leave him alone, once and for all, crossing my toes and fingers :tongue:


Omg, is this serious?? Talaga, nakakahiya, karamihan ng bashers nila Filipinos? Is Namlee really that popular in Philippines? Ah maybe because of the currently airing Weighlifting Fairy in ABSCBN, hindi pa ba tapos yun drama? Shet, nakakaloka, sana ma Tokhang mga bashers na yan, mga adik lang, hahaha,lol, just kidding.

Anyway, ako si Nam Joo Hyuk lang current catching my eye. Hindi ako fan ng gf nya or ex nya, I have other Korean actresses that I like. Well Good luck to Nam Joo Hyuk, unting hugot pa at acting lessons, his fame will explode more overseas and International stage. But looking at his several fan meetings, he seems well received outside Korea, at least from neighboring countries in Asia. Not sure though if he is gaining popularity too in China and Japan. Oh well, aja aja fighting Nam Joo Hyuk!


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21 hours ago, moella said:

Joo Hyuk is a busy boy. He attended a ceremony or a gathering of cast for his upcoming film Ansi City with Jo Insung. I'm not sure of the exact date of this event but it looks like last Aug 18.




Hello, may I know the source of this post? Have been following updates on this movie too. Thanks!

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@QueenKB17 hello! Welcome! The Ansi City movie post I got from a Jo Insung fan account.  I'm excited and nervous for Joo Hyuk since this will be his debut film but I'm sure  he will have a great time doing this and hopefully he will learn a lot from his veteran co actors They had their script reading last week and will start filming Aug 23, here's the source


pls pardon my rant posts I just got carried away with the unnecessary hating Joo Hyuk got from some Namlee fans. I think it's slowing down a bit in his IG tho I guess some are just waiting for NJH new post and they will "attack" again:lol: Well, I just hope these fans will come to the realization that their OTP have broken up but are still friends and might as well accept it and move on. No need to go ballistic with NJH , SSK and fans of botwg screen couple. No need also to constantly look for hints, clues, evidences whatever that Namlee is still together or they will just end up more disappointed and become bitter and might turn into bashers. That would be a sad fan life for them.

Bigger scriptreading pics -



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Bride of the Water God” (written by Jung Yoon Jung and directed by Kim Byung Soo) aired its final episode on August 22.

After it ended, Nam Joo Hyuk (and the rest of the cast) shared his thoughts about the project.

“We had a fun time filming for six months,” he shared. “Obviously, there are parts that I wish I could have done better, but now that it’s over I feel both relieved and sad. I’m grateful to the cast and crew for leading me well.”

When asked what “Bride of the Water God” meant to him, he said, “Personally I think it’s an important turning point for me. I learn something new in every production but I think I learned a lot of things especially in this one. Rather than feel intimidated, I felt a good kind of responsibility. I hope to embrace that kind of responsibility in the future and show a more mature side of myself.”

He picked his favorite line as “Believing what you want to believe is your truth. Because that’s easier and less tiring.” He added, “I liked the romantic lines, but the words that Habaek [his character] tossed off towards the humans left a deep impression, like ‘If you understand, everything becomes easier.’ It felt like I was coming to realize a lot of things as well.”

About his character, Habaek, he shared that the difficulty of portraying him lay in his combination of godliness and clumsiness. “He’s a god among gods,” he said. “But at the beginning of the drama, through a variety of incidents, he becomes kind of a klutz. I thought a lot about how to deal with the situations where he was a klutz without losing his godly aura. I wanted to show a different image from what I’d shown before.”

Asked about funny incidents on set, he said, “The atmosphere on set was really good. I think we were always laughing while filming. In particular, Nam Soo Ri (Park Kyu Sun) and I found each other’s expressions and dialogue to be really funny so we couldn’t stop laughing at one point.”

He concluded by thanking the viewers. “Thanks to them, we were able to make great memories together. I hope that our production will be one that they remember for a long time.”


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Joo Hyuk's Cosmopolitan Korea (September Issue) Star Interview August 18, 2017



ok, Google Translate pls be kind to me....

The interview was done in Paris, obviously. 


You come to Paris as soon as the filming of the drama Bride of Habaek was over?  How did you choose this drama?

The script was really fun. The fact that the character 'Habaek is 'God' it is fresh and attractive.

 I was an athlete in my school days, and since then I started to model and my career has stabilized. I think time will feel different again. When I was a kid, it was my dream to be a basketball player, so I never thought about actors or models. I was injured  and worried about my career again. It 's quite a miracle now.

What kind of child was Nam Ju-Hyuk during childhood? It was much more bizarre than it is now. I still have a lot of fun, but I have a timid and calm side.

 What is Busan and Seoul like to you? Busan is my hometown and I have memories of being a child. I can not go often, but sometimes I go out and take time to meet my friends. Seoul is my second home.

So what do you want to do here in Paris, where you want to go? Paris has many places where you can buy nice clothes. If I have time, I want to shop for clothes. haha.

There are quite a few people who are curious about styles such as 'Nam Joo Hyuk' and 'Nam Joo Hyuk glasses'. Not only the fashion in the drama, but also the usual attire is fashionable. What if I briefly describe my usual attire? It's always alike. I usually wear comfortable clothes like sweatshirts or T - shirts. I prefer a comfortable and stylish style. I especially enjoy hats so I usually wear it. There are more hats than other items.

Do you enjoy traveling? What is  the most memorable trip so far? I will always leave when the work is over. I get a new energy, and I feel relaxed. Among the places I have visited recently, Jeju Island was good. You can feel the nature nearby, and it becomes healing.

What is the item that you bring when you are traveling? Script. In the airplane, I am reading a script or watching a movie rather than listening to music.

So, what movie did you watch recently? I had a great time watching Dunkirk from director Christopher Nolan. The scale of the war scene is enormous. I was really immersed in the charm of Tom Hardy. 

What is the criterion of "cool" that Nam Joo Hyuk  thinks? I wonder if you think a woman and a man are cool. I think it is really important to leave the man and woman and to have confidence in their life.

In my interview, I often talk about a different type of martial arts player, Corner McGregor, as a role model, because his confidence seemed so good. Since he was not the best in his field, he finally made up with the confidence to 'I'll be the best' and 'I'll see'. I thought I should live with that in mind. I am an actor with a subtle charm between a boy and a man.

How do you want to be when you're older? I want to set a long term goal in 5 years and 10 years, and in 10 years I want to be a hundred times more wonderful. I aim to be a hundred times better as an actor. It may sound vague, but I have such a goal, so I spend my time wisely, I will try to be more careful.


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