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[Official] Sungjae (BtoB) ♥ Joy (Red Velvet) Byu Couple -Home of JaefulJoys! We Love You Bbyu!!


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Guest xellamari

hope someone can translate on their conversation when eating,,,it seem serious......looks like joy close to tearing up,,,,

Joy wasn't tearing up but basically their conversation was about Sungjae forgetting that their 100th day had passed. Joy said in her interview that although she was upset, she couldn't blame him since they were both busy and time had gone so fast that she didn't realize it had been their hundredth day either. She said Sungjae changed a bit since when they first met and mentioned that girls always talk about how guys change after 100 days. But Sungjae said he wasn't changing but he was trying to be exactly how he really was with Joy and wanted to be best friends/partners. Joy then forgave him and asked if he remembered what she was worried about when they began the show which Sungjae remembered. She was worried that he didn't like her back but Sungjae asserted that this wasn't true and Joy said she likes how they are now better than before since they're not trying to change but finding a middle ground. Sungjae said a true couple doesn't change. Joy's fast in a relationship and Sungjae is slow so he said meeting each other half way makes them a true married couple. Haha their conversations are always so deep and they tell each other their feelings genuinely. After that Joy said she wanted to do something memorable to celebrate their hundred days and didn't want to do something superficial. She suggested they do volunteer work which was on their Byuket List and since they both like dogs she said lets go help dogs. I love that they're serious about their relationship and I feel like sometimes we read too deeply into whether things are tense between them or like "Why is Sungjae calling her Joy" and stuff like that when in reality they're probably the closest couple on WGM in a long time :) Rest assured, Sungjae always alternated between Joy and Sooyoung so it isn't a big deal and I really enjoy this couple. They don't force any skinship for the camera and truly care for each other. People might think they're not "romantic" enough or whatever but they have a false perception of a relationship and Sungjae and Joy are honestly the most realistic relationship on WGM.

YES. I've been watching wgm since lettuce couple and these two are something else. then again i really only pay attention to the idol couples haha. but of all of them, i thing sungjae and joy are the most realistic as you said. they seem like smart sensible kids who are not over the top in trying to make viewers believe in them.  sure there is a script, but you cannot deny their chemistry. i believe they have friendship growing between them =] therefore they do care about each other! yes they have to pretend to be a 'married' couple but there are so many moments when i just wonder whats going on in their mind. joy may not be as shy in her feelings, but her actions are honest. her reactions are real and that is so refreshing. sungjae may not be as forthcoming as joy, but there are these moments when he stares and just looks at her WHICH DRIVE ME CRAZY because I'm like 'whoa you may actually have feelings for her?'. 

prime examples of their naturalness towards each other and sungjae staring ahahaha

- when joy didn't want sungjae to see what she wrote about him during the comeback. that little play fight scene was TOO CUTE. how natural was that right?

- when sungjae was staring at her on the couch, when she couldn't look at him when he was asking about the 3 presents (i replayed that so many times hahaha)

- when they were sitting underneath the hut during the rain and sungjae was just looking at her, not even smiling but just looking at her

- when they sat down to eat and sungjae was just LOOKING again but not speaking. /super feels tbh/

yes this is a scripted show but come on, no one is that good.

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hope someone can translate on their conversation when eating,,,it seem serious......looks like joy close to tearing up,,,,

Joy wasn't tearing up but basically their conversation was about Sungjae forgetting that their 100th day had passed. Joy said in her interview that although she was upset, she couldn't blame him since they were both busy and time had gone so fast that she didn't realize it had been their hundredth day either. She said Sungjae changed a bit since when they first met and mentioned that girls always talk about how guys change after 100 days. But Sungjae said he wasn't changing but he was trying to be exactly how he really was with Joy and wanted to be best friends/partners. Joy then forgave him and asked if he remembered what she was worried about when they began the show which Sungjae remembered. She was worried that he didn't like her back but Sungjae asserted that this wasn't true and Joy said she likes how they are now better than before since they're not trying to change but finding a middle ground. Sungjae said a true couple doesn't change. Joy's fast in a relationship and Sungjae is slow so he said meeting each other half way makes them a true married couple. Haha their conversations are always so deep and they tell each other their feelings genuinely. After that Joy said she wanted to do something memorable to celebrate their hundred days and didn't want to do something superficial. She suggested they do volunteer work which was on their Byuket List and since they both like dogs she said lets go help dogs. I love that they're serious about their relationship and I feel like sometimes we read too deeply into whether things are tense between them or like "Why is Sungjae calling her Joy" and stuff like that when in reality they're probably the closest couple on WGM in a long time :) Rest assured, Sungjae always alternated between Joy and Sooyoung so it isn't a big deal and I really enjoy this couple. They don't force any skinship for the camera and truly care for each other. People might think they're not "romantic" enough or whatever but they have a false perception of a relationship and Sungjae and Joy are honestly the most realistic relationship on WGM.

Thanks for translating it,,,even just that part,,,fully appreciated,,,i just love this couple,,how they talk so earnestly,,,even though theyre the youngest on the show:)

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Hello everyone. I have to agree this couple literally takes the cake on how to communicate in a relationship. I've watch a lot of WGM and this 2 can and will communicate. They can be sweet and matured I love the balance of their marriage 1 minute they're acting silly(role plays, selfies, jealousies) the next minute they talk about their relationship how far they've come, date properly and sort out misunderstandings. What else, how about their dates? Isn't their dates so meaningful? It's not only for fun like movies, dinning etc... But also community service. They're creating wonderful and meaningful memories together. Again I'm not hopeful for them to have a happily ever after since they're very young they should build themselves, grow in their careers, explore the world and build experiences. But I'm hopeful they'll be good friends not best friends but the kind of friendship when they see each other on shows they can smile at each other, greet each other, a pat on he shoulder or even a hug. Then as they pass by each other they can look back and think to themselves, communicate with their eyes and say I had wonderful memories with you, thank you. And who knows what the future will hold for them.  So far they're wonderful to watch I hope they will continue to progress for the better of their virtual marriage. 

One more thing... I know how important in SK the 100th day as I've watched it in dramas and WGM they sometimes put emphasis on that but they hardly spend time together every 2 weeks for the whole day... Plus they're so busy! So I kinda get it. 

And another thing this couple is so smitten with each other. Every time they meet is like the first time. You can see the way they look and compliment each other it's like they haven't seen that person that way before. Every time they meet they find something new or even the old ones becomes new. Like falling in love all over again.  Okay I think reach my quota. 

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Hello JaeFulJoys,

Excited to watch the latest ep with eng. subs. Btw, if stares could kill, Joy would be dead right now. keke SJ's stares to Joy were piercing. I don't know if Joy noticed it. 

So curious of SungJoys' whereabouts these days. Pretty sure SJ is very busy filming his movie and other stuff he does as entertainer. Sis. told me that SJ's tweets was his "tired". Who wouldn't be tired, if you're filming and preparing for a comeback at the same time. Aja SJ, I know you can manage stress and cope with the crazy schedule you have right now. Just think of Joy, pretty sure thinking of her would cheer you up. keke




credit to the pics' owner

Where's maybe07? I missed her.

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ahhh, so the "love quarrel" that I felt is about 100th day anniversary. :lol: Joy-ssi, please forgive your husband, I think he's truthful saying that he was too focused on your birthday and coming of age ceremony, and he's too busy to realise it's been 100 day already, me too, I'm waiting for new ep every week but I am kind of scared of time flying too quick

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Just my two scents. Somehow Joy reminds me of Suzy and Kim Yoojung and how their hair is similar. She looks so pretty when her hair is tied up. I guess its her hair. She needs some subtle layers in her hair so that it won't look too bulky because her hair is long and thick.  Just my opinion though. :D

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Press Conference of the Kdrama " The Village: Achiaria's Secret"

Can't wait to watch the series on youtube. Excited for SJ and for the first time I'm gonna see him "act". Anyhow, frankly speaking, I prefer SJ's previous weight before he started doing WGM. I think he's more good looking before than now. "peace out"

~credit SJ and Joy's FB page for this post~









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When i saw Joy and the puppies. I think she will make a good mother maybe because she is the eldest while sungjae was totally clueless ahahahahaha

Haha I thought the same thing too. I feel like Joy would be an affectionate mother who has to be strict sometimes while Sungjae would be a kind dad who can't really be strict and just plays with kids :)

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hello guys~ kinda quiet here i see? heheh

just finished watching ep.16 with subs today~

their hanbok date was still cute esp when they played jaegi (manly joy with hanbok omg haha). and a heart-to-heart convo as usual.. lol so both of them (?) actually forgot about their 100days. they opened up more comfortably now which is really good. but here i started noticing that joy was kind of.. drained? tired? she's more serious that usual.. :(( even when sungjae said he is the puppy (he's so cute ><), joy respond was so flat "a very disobedient one"... poor my baby sooyoungi :((

then we move to the dog center. this was very cuuutteeeeeeeee~~~~ i love the dogsssss~~ tbh this part was so heartwarming :wub:

joy's more cheerful (they both were excited) and she busied herself taking care of the dogs more kkk, she's genuinely happy there :)tbh they looked more like bestfriends volunteering there, i would take it as them being bff-mode couple hahaa.

INFO: Red Velvet and BTOB will attend this Incheon Kpop Concert on Oct 17.

Its a mid-scale concert i guess with less idol groups, yeah so if any of u hoping for some joy-sungjae's group crash kkk ~ and there's this Incheon Sky Festival (aka Music Bank? bcause MC Irene) where BTOB will make their comeback stage on Oct 16! idk if RV would still promoting or not, didnt see their schedule there><

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hello guys~ kinda quiet here i see? heheh

just finished watching ep.16 with subs today~

their hanbok date was still cute esp when they played jaegi (manly joy with hanbok omg haha). and a heart-to-heart convo as usual.. lol so both of them (?) actually forgot about their 100days. they opened up more comfortably now which is really good. but here i started noticing that joy was kind of.. drained? tired? she's more serious that usual.. :(( even when sungjae said he is the puppy (he's so cute ><), joy respond was so flat "a very disobedient one"... poor my baby sooyoungi :((

then we move to the dog center. this was very cuuutteeeeeeeee~~~~ i love the dogsssss~~ tbh this part was so heartwarming :wub:

joy's more cheerful (they both were excited) and she busied herself taking care of the dogs more kkk, she's genuinely happy there :)tbh they looked more like bestfriends volunteering there, i would take it as them being bff-mode couple hahaa.

INFO: Red Velvet and BTOB will attend this Incheon Kpop Concert on Oct 17.

Its a mid-scale concert i guess with less idol groups, yeah so if any of u hoping for some joy-sungjae's group crash kkk ~ and there's this Incheon Sky Festival (aka Music Bank? bcause MC Irene) where BTOB will make their comeback stage on Oct 16! idk if RV would still promoting or not, didnt see their schedule there><

thanks for the info,,appreciated much:)

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