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[OFFICIAL] YongSeo/용서/SeoHwa Couple Thread 3 ♥

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I think I like JP album.. nice~

I also like our ggm fans not really so blind until will say YH is fantastic in basket ball... hahahaha

he was funny but then the skill still has more rooms to improve.. However, that was a friendly match and should be meant for enjoying ... 

not too serious about it.. but admit that Jinwoon really good shooter!!! thumbs up for him!!!! impressed. 

.... guess our seolady is now recovering from her great loss of her Dubu.. that's why she could relay this sad news to fans now. 

feel pain for her loss... must be really hard to lose her lovely and adorable dubu.. ... be strong and dubu will in another peaceful place.. 

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Yong looks really tired but anyway congrats for the 4th win :)

Yong looks funny inside the court though he is quite a mess, I enjoy watching it, one thing is proven though CNBLUE's brotherhood rules even inside the court. When Minhyuk gets the goal,his happiness is evident,as if he is the one who makes the score.

Dubu is gone and Hyun is lonely maybe that explains why yong seems not in the mood or rather tired to perform :) 

Rest in peace Dubu.

Full Cut Bball (Yong & Minyuk) ==> https://t.co/fSy2IkpgSZ

Based on what I can see.  There's a lot of room for improvement on Yong as he's really fond of the game.  They (Yong's team) should just deny the ball to Jinwoon as he's really good... when on defense they should always look for him (Jinwoon) and 2 players should always body him for box out (not to get the ball for rebound).  :)

Sorry, just a basketball fan here ^_^

Aside from being good, Jinwoon has the advantage he has the height and the built fit for a basketball player. I believe Yong is good at the game but this time he is too conscious to show off his skills, over confident kills you sometimes.But I love how he reacts when minhyuk shoots the ball :)

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wahhhh.. They are too xtreme..:tears::(:angry: Plzz lorh respect his private life.. so bad..


HYUN very kind hearted person ..DUBU.. We will miss u.. Always keep in our heart..



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OMG. Can't believe how intense the fans are. Sorry to ask are they Korean or foreign fans that came to visit Korea just to stalk? This is obviously the reason why idols and hallyu stars opted to lie instead of not lying to their fans, it's the fans who force them do that,for the reason that gives us no right to accuse them as liars. Lying and alibis are their only means to keep  their love ones safe.

I hope fans will understand his plea and not take it against him, he just love and care for his parents more than anything else,he is just being a good son after all.


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Guest reemksa2000

OMG. Can't believe how intense the fans are. Sorry to ask are they Korean or foreign fans that came to visit Korea just to stalk? This is obviously the reason why idols and hallyu stars opted to lie instead of not lying to their fans, it's the fans who force them do that,for the reason that gives us no right to accuse them as liars. Lying and alibis are their only means to keep  their love ones safe.

I hope fans will understand his plea and not take it against him, he just love and care for his parents more than anything else,he is just being a good son after all.



oops .. i get it wrong .. sorry


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Guest Simply_geri

Woah... Seohyun good heart <3 and yonghwa's wise words. 


This two are really growing up well. Ugh  its just frustrating that there isnt WGM yongseo 2 lol! I just miss this two so much interaction... There playful yet sweet times together. 


Oh well. I still hope to see that day that they had or have a real relationship. That'll be jinjja daebak!


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Woah... Seohyun good heart <3 and yonghwa's wise words. 


This two are really growing up well. Ugh  its just frustrating that there isnt WGM yongseo 2 lol! I just miss this two so much interaction... There playful yet sweet times together. 


Oh well. I still hope to see that day that they had or have a real relationship. That'll be jinjja daebak!


By knowing the stalking incident I would rather not insist of him coming out in the open if he is in a relationship, whether it is SeoHyun or any other girl ,for sure obsessed fans will find a way to harm him or his GF in anyway they can. I believe at this point he has still a lot of dreams he wanted to pursue, he is not ready to lose what he has earned. Fame has a price to take, that is why if he really has a special someone he wanted it to keep in the sideline for safety reason. 

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Written messages in YH guitar strap
Real Recognize Real
I Don't Wanna See Anything
Not Your Life




crying at night and smiling in public.. such a deep meaning


CNBLUE] today released New AL [colors] 9 / 29 dated on oricon ranking Regal's won first place! From the daelim message arrival of joy ★"thank you for! Lot listening to the interesting live at! "

 YH sent joyful message "Thank you very much, pls listen to it a lot and let's all get excited at live show" cr: veronica

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Guest glamrockr69

its been a while since i can post. a month to be exact. and its so sad to hear about dubu. loosing a dog is like a part of ur soul dying with him/her. i was depressed for two months when my dog died. but i never saw seohyun bringing her grief in her work/in front of the cam. she's such a strong person. i know she loved dubu from the bottom of her heart. RIP baby dubu, i'll miss hyun's posts about you...

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Could anyone enlight me with the song lyrics written by who in CNB colors? Congratz to the boys on their wins in Music Event. Condolence to SH for the lost of Dubu. Well.. i'm kinda mourning for my friend's lost these few days so i kinda no very active but i'm back now.


Well... is funny to see the reaction of CNB boys in the interviews and some variety show. YH on the tea, JH on YN aegyo things that nearly caught him off guard. The most laughter i see is the one from China, i think. Where JH and JS laugh out laugh and cant stop laughing. Kekeke

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Could anyone enlight me with the song lyrics written by who in CNB colors? Congratz to the boys on their wins in Music Event. Condolence to SH for the lost of Dubu. Well.. i'm kinda mourning for my friend's lost these few days so i kinda no very active but i'm back now.


Well... is funny to see the reaction of CNB boys in the interviews and some variety show. YH on the tea, JH on YN aegyo things that nearly caught him off guard. The most laughter i see is the one from China, i think. Where JH and JS laugh out laugh and cant stop laughing. Kekeke

yonghwa - supernova, holiday, hold my hands, realize ,hold me, my world

jonghyun - irony, lucid dream

jonghyun & yonghwa - white

DAISY - lyrics : jungshin, music: yonghwa


CNBLUE for mini magazine, November 2015 issue 




MINI MAGAZINE - NOV 2015  (cr kaka960960) (cr @lyuublue- eng)


 1 dream since young Yonghwa :boss

2 what do you do during your rest day Yonghwa :stay at home

3 someone I will exchange life with in Cnblue Yonghwa never think of

4 food that I like Yonghwa meat

5 why do you wear to sleep Yh never set, there are times in pyjamas too

6 3 things that you can't live without with Yh home handphone wifi

7 what would you wanna your kids to do Yonghwa: tell her/him to study hard but won't force to do music

9 when did you start music When my mum taught me piano

10 which part do you pay attention on health A getting vitamins, exercise and throat

12 the period that is popular with girls Yonghwa: primary school secondary school high school ended for now

13 a bad habit that your Members ask you to notice A not really

14sth that Cnblue wants to do now A eat ramen

15 what do you do when you are emo Yonghwa: make the room dark and stay alone

16 sth that I must do in my life Yonghwa: Too many

17 strength and weakness Yonghwa: like work - both a strength and weakness

18 a fragrance that you like Yonghwa: lavender

19 what happen when you are drunk Yonghwa: eyes will spark with lights / excited

20 are you someone that is punctual Yonghwa: very punctual when I am alone

Roles If you can act in Hollywood movie Yonghwa: any role will do, love/happy shows

what words from a girl will make you happy? Yonghwa : cuz it is a girl I like, so any words will make me happy





Cr kaka960960 (jap-chi) cr CNByonghwa



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20151001 CNBLUE left Korea earlier today for [COME TOGETHER] in SHANGHAI tomorrow











20151001 YONGHWA WEIBO : Rehearsal in Shanghai






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Guest dandeliongoguma

Can someone tell me how & where to download CNBLUE japanese albums.I tried iTunes but only their korean albums are available there.!!!

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