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Photoshop Tutorials And Requests

Guest jasonyc

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Guest tramy

hey u guys! i was wondering..how do u make skin looks like..porcelain..not the avergae smoothness using the blurring tool but the full on smooth.






credits: pooface

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since a lot of people have asked about this and I didn't really see anything about this in the tutorials list, I thought I'd post something:

How To Save in a Certain Format in Photoshop

Ok, so in general when you go to save the default that Photoshop goes to is .psd (photoshop document) but if you want to save the file for some other use, like an image to use as a wallpaper, choose something like .jpg (make sure you flatten your layers for optimization). I'm not sure about other formats, but things like .tiff are used for high quality images for use in print media and things like .eps I -think- are used for high quailty stuff too like when you're making t-shirts. I'm not sure how to optimize, differences in quality, etc. but this give you the basic options. You can access this by either file --> save as OR ctrl + shift + s


ALSO if you're making stuff for use on the web like banners, avatars, etc. then you probably want to use file --> save for web OR the keyboard shortcut ctrl + shift + alt + s. This optimizes the file for the web and is really efficient in making the file size teeny tiny.

Hope that helped ^_^

edit: I thought I might add a little fyi: .psd files are for saving all your layers so that you can tweak your work later on if you so feel the need. It is not the actual file you would upload online if you wanted to use your graphic for anything like an icon or whatnot. Second, if you've got a graphic that isn't straight edged like a circle or something with rounded edges such that you require a transparent background, it is best that you save it in either .gif or .png form. I think .png saves in higher quality, but .gif provides the least amount of problems when dealing with webdesign.

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Guest &gravity.
Hi. Erm. Recently, I've been having trouble with my type tool in my photoshop.

When I type, there will be really small sized fonts like 1pt? Even if I change the

font or the size of it. It will still be the same. I can't type anymore.

Anyone can help?

Make sure your resolution is at 72.

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Guest Tailo
since a lot of people have asked about this and I didn't really see anything about this in the tutorials list, I thought I'd post something:

How To Save in a Certain Format in Photoshop

Ok, so in general when you go to save the default that Photoshop goes to is .psd (photoshop document) but if you want to save the file for some other use, like an image to use as a wallpaper, choose something like .jpg (make sure you flatten your layers for optimization). I'm not sure about other formats, but things like .tiff are used for high quality images for use in print media and things like .eps I -think- are used for high quailty stuff too like when you're making t-shirts. I'm not sure how to optimize, differences in quality, etc. but this give you the basic options. You can access this by either file --> save as OR ctrl + s

Can I just make a quick correction? To do "Save As..." the shortcut should be "CTRL+Shift+S". (CTRL+S is just regular save, which can overwrite an original image file if you're not careful.) Other than that, thanks for this. I added it to the Tutorial list on pg.141 so hopefully people will find it.

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Guest lucky*13

Question: I can't seem to open any picture files in Photoshop. When I open one, it pops up a window saying "Cannot complete request because there's not enough memory (RAM)" How do I open a file then?

``christyy. (:

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Guest Tailo

Question: I can't seem to open any picture files in Photoshop. When I open one, it pops up a window saying "Cannot complete request because there's not enough memory (RAM)" How do I open a file then?

``christyy. (:

Maybe try doing a quick Disk Cleanup on your PC (I'm assuming) to get rid of any unnecessary temporary files (All Programs > Applications > System Tools > Disk Cleanup). This should free up some virtual memory, and some RAM. Also, maybe close some programs when you're using PS.

Long term solution: get more RAM.

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Guest V A L XD

What version PS are you running? Seems like Muddie Murda is running CS. I'm on PS 7.0, and rather than right-clicking (which also works), I just double-click on the right side of the layer (in layer palette). The Blending Options window should pop up. If it's a much older PS, then I'm not too sure if it has it. Try checking under Layer on the top toolbar to see if it's there. If you have access to your help file, search for it too.

At first when my uncle gave a copy of PS it said 7.0 but when I was reading the info and stuff it said 2.0 haha HECKA old I know. But my other uncle is getting me CS but idk when thats gonna be. (T.T) I'm starting to doubt it has a blending option..'cause ps is somewhat useless without it.

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Guest minwoo012

I don't know if anyone posted this and yeah...

I've checked all the pages, and can't find it.


Does anyone know how to like, do that.

Make the picture black&white and than have color somewhere like that?

i have time soo i'll make some tuts for u =3

1) this tut is very simmilar to the one http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...p;#entry4276844 <---here that Tailo mentioned earlier created by V A L XD.. but different

>basically summed up.. same thing INVERTED =3.. so instead of duplicating and making one layer b+w and erasing the subject u want in colour.. u work around the subject u want in colour and make the background around it b+w


imagecredit: soompi stock photothread @AshleySepia from Cerulean @here

^ thats if u want to make a colour image into a black and white colour selective image

2) this tut is if you have a b+w image and u want to make a certain part of it colour.. so basically colourizing an imagine.. simplified [ i don't think theres a colourization tutorial yet @__@ couldn't see one... but then again..just got off work.. so im kinda out of it ftm xD]


sorry.. started to get lazy..=]

image credit: asianfanatics blend contest thingy mabobber =3 hehehehe

i probably forgot something... or its hard to read.. or something could have done easier =-=; sooo C/C's are appreciated and Q's too!! =3

hoped that helped... sorry if its confuzzling @__@

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Can I just make a quick correction? To do "Save As..." the shortcut should be "CTRL+Shift+S". (CTRL+S is just regular save, which can overwrite an original image file if you're not careful.) Other than that, thanks for this. I added it to the Tutorial list on pg.141 so hopefully people will find it.

oops haha didn't proof read xD These shortcuts are so second nature to me now sometimes I confuse myself.

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Guest lucky*13

Maybe try doing a quick Disk Cleanup on your PC (I'm assuming) to get rid of any unnecessary temporary files (All Programs > Applications > System Tools > Disk Cleanup). This should free up some virtual memory, and some RAM. Also, maybe close some programs when you're using PS.

Long term solution: get more RAM.

I just closed my Photoshop window and reopen it again and worked. If that happens again, I do a disk clean up.

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Guest whohungjen?

hey guys! quick question,

is there any way to compress your files to be smaller OTHER than cutting back on layers?

because my images always come out crazy big [file size wise]

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Guest Tailo

@ VAL X D PS 2.0? Wow, yeah, I'm really not sure if it has blending options at all. Cross your fingers for CS. (There's always a workaround, of course, but you may have to just play with brush settings to get the glowing effect.)

hey guys! quick question,

is there any way to compress your files to be smaller OTHER than cutting back on layers?

because my images always come out crazy big [file size wise]

Hello. If you're talking about animated GIFs, then you should choose a lower bit/dither setting. (In ImageReady, choose from the 2up or 4up optimized windows). If you're just talking about images in general from Photoshop, maybe flatten your layers first, then save the image. (Just do a quick 'undo' when you're done, then save the *.psd file for later.) ALSO, choose a lower bit/dither setting if you're using "Save for Web" (click the drop-down menu) or choose a lower quality setting when using "Save As..." (slide the setting to the left).

Lowering the bit/dither/quality settings usually decreases the number of colors that the image uses. Depending on your color use (and contrasts) it will either be detectable or undetectable (hopefully). Choose the best settings that keep your image looking okay with the lowest file size.

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Guest lucky*13

I saw these two graphix on SJ*FullHouse. How do you get SJ to hold these different letters? I know it's not taken from the photoshoot.

Please help. X.X

Credits to SJFH-users. I forgot who made these.

Thanks in advance! <3

``christyy. (:

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Guest jasonyc
(T.T) I'm starting to doubt it has a blending option..'cause ps is somewhat useless without it.
If I knew where you lived, I'd find you and punch you right in the kidney.That is quite possibly the most incorrect (ie. retarded) thing said about Photoshop (any version) EVER.P.S.Some kids in China don't even HAVE Photoshop.CHINA!Mmm... stir fry...Actually, I'm pretty sure Photoshop CS3 costs around $4 in China. Haaaaaaaaaii-YAH!!Werd.Wait. What was the question?
i got problem x_Xi put sindot plugin in the filter folder but when i open the PS the filter not showing up please help me ><-mai
Might want to take a look at the ... 'sindot' documentation. Or search for support from the originating site.Most third party plug-ins need to be 'installed'. Not just copied and pasted into place. Although, sometimes that's the case (rhymed. awesome).Also make sure that the plug-in is intended for use with your version of Photoshop.
i have a question about brushes, though... how do you make an .abr file with a collection of brushes? i tried experimenting on ps 7, but i only managed to make separate individual brushes. how do you group them in a single file?
Edit>Preset Manager.Use the drop down menu at the top to choose what you want to manage.In this case, you'd choose 'Brushes'.Your currently loaded brushes will be shown (you can change the way the brushes are displayed in the same way you would in the brushes palette).Select multiple items by clicking with the Ctrl/Cmd key held.
Just a quick question (I don't think this has been asked before)-- I'm pretty sure the font that was used is Arial, but how do you adjust the settings for the font so that the letters are closer together?
A new question! Holy christ!
i had a question. I wanted to know how people did that glowy effect.. i'm pretty sure i knew how to do it before.. but being without ps for over 3 months i've forgotten everything <.< how do you get the similar effect here?
1. Duplicate the 'girl' layer.2. Set Layer mode to 'Screen'.3. Adjust 'opacity' or 'fill' percentage to taste.4. Filter>Blur>Surface blur. Adjust to taste.Probably the quickest way. Not too much control, though. But consistent.
okay this is a TOTAL NOOB QUESTION.but once ur done making ur masterpiece, how do u upload it to a link.photobucket dusnt work cause it dusnt accept photoshop files.do u convert the file or what?cause i print screen, crop it to paint and save it ther to upload them.
You figured out how to use the Print Screen key to copy your entire desktop, launch Microsoft Paint, open a new blank file, paste the copied desktop image, crop it, then SAVE IT AS A JPEG to upload to Photobucket (or wherever), but you didn't think to check in File>Save As<Jpeg in Photoshop? That is the most backward thing ever.
hey u guys! i was wondering..how do u make skin looks like..porcelain..not the avergae smoothness using the blurring tool but the full on smooth.
See above.
I saw these two graphix on SJ*FullHouse. How do you get SJ to hold these different letters? I know it's not taken from the photoshoot.Please help
Type one letter at a time (each letter will be on its own layer). After typing one letter, hit the enter key to finalize the text. Ctrl/Cmd+T for Free Transform (Edit>>Free Transform). With the cursor on the outside of the bounding box (the cursor will turn into a double headed arrow), click and drag to rotate the letter. Before hitting the enter key to confirm, you can click inside and drag the letter to where you want it placed (you can do this after, of course).
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Guest lucky*13

After typing one letter, hit the enter key to finalize the text. Ctrl/Cmd+T for Free Transform (Edit>>Free Transform). With the cursor on the outside of the bounding box (the cursor will turn into a double headed arrow), click and drag to rotate the letter. Before hitting the enter key to confirm, you can click inside and drag the letter to where you want it placed (you can do this after, of course).

I sort of get it by reading it, but I can't do it on Photoshop.

Not that I can't, but I don't think got it.

Can someone make a tutorial on this?


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