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Photoshop Tutorials And Requests

Guest jasonyc

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jasonyc gave you a pretty good tip, but I think that doesn't make the dashed line that you actually want.

A tedious way to make a dashed line around an image is...well...use the brush tool and do it. This can be done in a new layer. You can also use the Pen tool, make dashed lines manually, then stroke that path in a new layer--just make sure all of your dashed lines are under the same path layer.

There's also a more complicated way by making a customized brush that makes only dashed marks. I'm not too expert with making custom brushes yet, so you'll have to get someone to teach you that. You can then use that brush tool to stroke a path.

i already tired that, but it wont follow the path in the right direction with a brush, it goes diagonal, creating a scanline effect..>.<

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Guest Tailo

i already tired that, but it wont follow the path in the right direction with a brush, it goes diagonal, creating a scanline effect..>.<

Sorry, then, I'm not sure what else I can tell you. Hopefully someone else here can try helping you out.

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thanks for replying, dont think they're that detailed. they're quite brief.

the reason i wanted a detailed tut, because i tried to make a sig of 2 pics, but the background seems so . . . bored.



well, the thing about filtering is that no one can actually give you an in depth way of how to do it. I think the tutorials in this thread are pretty good considering and provide a good base for how to do things. At least in my opinion they're pretty good. Like every poster/tutorial has said on filtering, you really need to play around with the options yourself. I think those tutorials can give you an idea of what you need to do and then you can go from there.

As for being able to make your banners more 'interesting' that's just something you're gonna have to learn yourself. My suggestion is to just already have an idea of what feeling you want your graphic to have and gather all the images/patterns/textures/etc. you will need to make that graphic. I usually just drag a lot more than I need into photoshop so I can pick and choose to make the graphic look it's best. If you're going to depend on a tutorial to make your graphics look good you're not really developing your own style. I initially used tutorials to make my graphics, but I realized that I wasn't really getting anywhere with those. The only reason I look up tutorials nowadays is to figure out how to obtain a certain effect.

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Guest rarer_06

just wondering how to make trhis three pics combine into 1..i mean how to blend them together like the edge are not sharp..it like the edges are fading like..


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anyone knoe how i can get this coloring effect?



credit Orgastic

you can change the color balance

press Ctrl+B and play around with the colors, they can turn more blue/yellow/green/red blah

hope that helped :)

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Guest oO__Fantasyy

errrmmm..how can make all the background bits turn to white and only have the body there?

This Picturee..please help me out ^^, thank you in advance =D

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Guest i KITTY x3 =)*

How can you lower the KB of a file w/o ruining the quality?

Soompi's limit is 40KB and mine is like 170KB o__O I tried saving it as .gif but it's still too high.

I don't wanna save it as .jpg, .JPG really ruins the quality D:

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does n e one no how to change ur eye color? is there a way? thanxz! =]

uhh, you can chane the eye color by

++making a new transparent layer (press Ctrl+Shift+N then okay)

++color over the colored part, i think it's called cornea, or pupil (sorry, i dont know my eye anatomy that well :P)

++and change the blending to color

hope that helps

i'm not exactly the worlds greatest explainer :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Tailo

just wondering how to make trhis three pics combine into 1..i mean how to blend them together like the edge are not sharp..it like the edges are fading like..


What I usually do is the following:

Photoshop Tutorial: Blending Images Using Simple Gradient Edges

(1) Make a new canvas larger than the original image. (You can also just expand the canvas of the original image by going to Image > Canvas Size and making it larger)

(2) Drag the original image onto the new canvas and center it. (Let's label it Layer 1)

(3) Create a new layer (let's call it Layer 2)

(4) Select the Gradient Tool (G). If it's not visible, look for it by right-clicking the Paint Bucket.


(5) Go to the "Gradient picker" (second option on toolbar, it's a horizontal drop-down), and then choose the second swatch called "Foreground to Transparent"

(6) On the same toolbar, choose Linear Gradient (first swatch after the drop-down menu you just used)


(7) Now choose a nice color to work with. I usually use WHITE because it matches the white background.

(8) Starting from one edge of the picture, drag the mouse towards the middle up to a point where you want the gradient to stop. You'll have to play around with the length of the gradient to see which fade pattern you like best.

(9) Repeat for the other sides as desired.


(10) Now, with Layer 2 still selected, choose Select > Load Selection. You can achieve the same thing by Ctrl+Click onto Layer 2 in the Layer Pane.

(11) Now go to Select > Inverse. You can achieve the same thing by pressing Shift+Ctrl+I. (If you have the Marquee tool, you can right click and choose Select Inverse.)

(12) On your Layer Pane, select the layer with your image in it (e.g., Layer 1).

(13) Now go to Layer > New > Layer Via Copy. You can achieve the same thing by pressing Ctrl+J. It creates a new layer with your image, which should now have faded edges.


(14) You can now drag an image behind this new layer (Layer 3) to create the "blended" look. In my example, I prepared it so that I can add another image on both left and right.


You can do this to as many images you want. It's not an exact science, so you'll have to play around with the Gradient tool a lot to get the exact fade effect you want.

For anyone else here, if you have a different, much easier way to do this, please let me know.


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Guest Tailo

First off, sorry for double-posting here. Just wanted to respond individually.

How can you lower the KB of a file w/o ruining the quality?Soompi's limit is 40KB and mine is like 170KB o__O I tried saving it as .gif but it's still too high.I don't wanna save it as .jpg, .JPG really ruins the quality D:

If you're using "Save for Web" on Photoshop, there's a drop-down menu under Settings. There are a few options. Choose the lowest GIF bit that you're comfortable with (e.g., 64 No Dither or 32 Dithered, etc.). The lower the bit setting, the smaller the file size. Doing this will lower the number of colors your image uses, but some times it'll be undetectable.

Hope that helps a little.


errrmmm..how can make all the background bits turn to white and only have the body there?This Picturee..please help me out ^^, thank you in advance =D

It all boils down to just making a selection of the body. A lot of people may tend to use the Lasso tool, but that's too difficult freehand. I prefer using the Pen tool and creating a Work Path around the selection I want to keep.

First: Use the Pen tool to select the body. This consists of making a LOT of anchor points around the body, which creates a collection of little lines that wrap around it. This takes a lot of time and patience, but it's more exact. The key is to just follow the contour of the body, making anchor points at every place the contour makes a slight turn or small corners. [EDIT 2007.07.01] Apparently, this is part of the method on how to create a "Vector Mask". See the first post of this thread for a link on how to do it. THIS post will teach you the basics, and even specifics of creating a vector mask. As for myself, I'm not to pro at it, so I continue with the following steps.

Second: After closing out the Work Path, create a Selection. In the Paths panel, right-click on the Work Path you created and choose Make Selection. Put in a 1 or 2 pixel Feather Radius.

Third: Once the selection loads, make a new layer via copy. (Use marque tool, right-click, then New Layer Via Copy). You now have a new layer with just the body.

Fourth: Deselect all the other layers except for the one with the body. You'll want to clean this up using the Eraser tool just in case the selection wasn't perfect.

Fifth: Create a new layer behind this body layer and fill it with a White background color. You're done!

Here's what I ended up with:


It was a nice picture, but it would have been much easier to work with if the background color didn't blend in with your legs and hair. Because of that, I first created a duplicate layer with a high brightness and adjusted contrast to distinguish the foreground and background images.

Hope this helped. The selection part is the longest. If you want to use the image I uploaded, you can now just use the Magic Wand tool to select the white parts and delete it from the original JPEG image. You can then drag and drop your image onto any other background.


[EDIT] GAH, I keep having to rewrite these because I keep closing the window or something. *sigh*

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Guest carmelxboo

hey there!

can anyone show me how to save gifs with CS3 ?

i always saved it as optimized when i used CS2. but it wasn`t there =/

i tried saving it as a .gif too. it only saved one layer.

sorry if this question has been asked before !

thanks in advanced ~

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Guest YoochunsGirl

im having a bit of a problem. I took the parts i want from a picture, its all the way i want it, and i want to save it so there is no background, i just want the background invisible. but when i try to save it, PS wants to turn the background white. i saved it yesterday like that and uploaded it to my photobucket, and when i put it on my page it was white, and it didnt look good at all.

how can i make it so PS wont turn it white or any other color and just keep the background invisible??

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Guest Tailo

im having a bit of a problem. I took the parts i want from a picture, its all the way i want it, and i want to save it so there is no background, i just want the background invisible. but when i try to save it, PS wants to turn the background white. i saved it yesterday like that and uploaded it to my photobucket, and when i put it on my page it was white, and it didnt look good at all.

how can i make it so PS wont turn it white or any other color and just keep the background invisible??

With your background layers turned off, use Save For Web (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S). From the drop-down in the Settings area, choose one of the GIF options (I usually pick the highest GIF 128 Dithered). This will save your image with a transparent background.

If you're saving your image as a JPEG, PS will always include a white background if you don't already have one.

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Guest Tailo

I'm going to take another crack at this question with the following tutorial.

Anyone know how to stroke a dashed line around an image..i can do it with dots, but not a dashed line..-.-

like this:


Credits to Soy

* * *

Photoshop Tutorial: Creating Dashed Lines Using the Brush Tool

After a failed attempt at creating dashed lines before, I decided to look further into it. After much searching, I finally found a really good way to create dashed lines using a “freehand” brush technique. I haven’t backlogged this thread, so I’m not sure if anyone else has done this, so I’ll post my method anyway.

First off, this method was influenced by asianrice’s tutorial in this thread for creating Dotted Lines (HERE) and Chad Rolf’s How to draw a simple dotted or dashed line tutorials. The rest, I figured out on my own.

Let’s do this on a trial canvas before you attempt it on your own working image. (I’ll be using Windows version commands for this tutorial).


(01) Create a new Photoshop document (CTRL+N). Press CTRL+0 to zoom-to-fit the canvas on your workspace.

>> My new document was 1024x768 pixels with a resolution of 300dpi.

(02) Select the Brush tool (B ) from your palette and open the Brush Preset Picker drop-down menu on the top, left-hand corner of your workspace. (See screenshot.)

(03) Open the options tab (circle with arrow inside it).

(04) From the menu, choose Square Brushes.

(05) It’ll ask if you want to replace your current brushes. Click Append so you don’t lose the brushes you already have.

>> Notice that in your Brush Preset Picker, there are now more brush presets towards the bottom that have square tips. These will be the basis of our dashed lines.


Customizing the Brush:

(06) In your Brushes Palette, under Brush Tip Shape, choose a fairly-sized square brush. You can play with the size of the brush tip using the “Diameter” scrollbar setting.

>> For my example, I’m going with the 24px-sized, hard-edged square brush.


(07) Under Roundness, set the value to something lower than 50%, so that now your brush is rectangular. (Don’t touch the Angle setting.)

>> I put my value to 40% to get a flatter shape.

(08) Now set the Spacing to something much larger than 100%. I recommend something much larger than 200% depending on your image size. You can use the preview window to see what your settings look like.

>> I put my value to 350%.


(09) Now, on the left side of the Brush Palette, choose Shape Dynamics and make sure its checkbox is selected.

(10) Under the fourth setting, Angle Jitter, open the drop-down menu that refers to Control. It should be currently set to “Off”.

(11) For Angle Jitter Control, choose Direction. Don’t touch any other setting, and make sure all the other checkboxes on the left are turned off.


(12) You have the option of playing with the remaining settings on the left. I like selecting the checkbox for Smoothing so that my brush shape isn’t so rough-looking.


At this point, you’re set. You can now use the brush to draw a freehand dashed line. Here’s what it looks like on a blank canvas:


If you create a Work Path, you can also use your brush to Stroke the path and automatically create dashed lines in preset shapes.


I hope this helped some of you. If not, at least it was really interesting for me to figure it out. Enjoy!


P.S. I'm no expert with Photoshop compared to other people here, but hopefully my input have been useful so far. I don't mean to be taking over this thread. I just like putting my theory into practice.

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omg thank you Tailo!

i couldn't find the brushes pallette thing because i never used it before

and i couldn't find it with asianrice's

but thank you! 'm so happy i know how to do it now!!

keczianthei: you can use the sponge tool to make the background black and white

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Guest bohemianheart.

Hello. Ah another filtering question. : ) forgive me. But I've seen this style a lot lately. The flowly flawless look. The one next to G-dragon? and it has that flare look? Can anyone teach me how to do that? Please and thank you.


Credit to: NHI-D.

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