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That was a surprise, for me anyway that the legendary warrior GSM and JR head of Biguk Temple and information seller were monks and were members of the Royal Guard? And JR mentioned their last meeting in 1366 internal strife. /so I went to Wiki to see what happened in that year. It was the death of Queen Noguk the wife of King Gongminso  then Wiki'd King Gongmin of Goryeo. An able ruler and talented artisan. He was a great King who started the land reform and also reconquered the lands that once belonged to Goryeo from the Mongols. The generals that were supporting his reforms were the same generals whom JDJ referred to as his teachers in episode 24 when he was talking to Jung Mong Jo (Po Yeon) and the ones who got killed which followed the killing of the children hiding in his cave. General Choi was a faithful General of one of the greatest reformist king. Now reading this makes me dislike Ha Ryun. What did HR read on JDJ's face and Boon Yi's face. Also both JDJ and GSM when they first meet BY seem to think that BY's eyes looks like her mother's eyes.

It is interesting what someone, sorry I can’t remember who, posted in the earlier episodes that the events in this drama were what followed after the dramas of Empress Ki and Faith. Also reminds me of the movie " A Frozen Flower"

The spoiler is from Wiki and it gives some "possible hints" but still does not answer who the owner of the red seal is? GSM and JR keeps referring to “that person” but who is he?I love these writers. 


Although the relationship between Queen Noguk and the king was very close, they failed to conceive an heir for many years. Despite suggestions of taking a second wife, King Gongmin ignored these requests. Queen Noguk became pregnant but died from complications with childbirth in 1365. Her death led to Gongmin's depression and mental instability. King Gongmin became indifferent to politics and entrusted the great tasks of state to Pyeonjo, a Buddhist monk who was born as the son of a princess and a slave. Judging him as clever, Gongmin renamed Pyeonjo as Shin Don. Having the full confidence of King Gongmin, Shin Don tried to reform the society of Goryeo. In 1365, Gongmin gave Pyeonjo the nickname "Cheonghan Geosa", and the noble title of Jinpyeonghu (Chinpyŏng Marquess). After six years, Shin Don lost his position and King Gongmin had him executed in 1371.

Goryeo's entrenched bureaucracy never forgave King Gongmin for his reform efforts. They interpreted his policy of cutting all ties with the Yuan and establishing relations with Ming China as a direct threat to their status and feared that further attempts at reform might yet be made. Kaesong's deposed pro-Mongol faction battled to protect its position and hoped to renew ties with the Mongols who had helped them gain and hold their wealth in the first place.


In 1374, he was killed by Choe Man-saeng (최만생) and others. One of the young men, Hong Ryun (홍륜) had relations with one of Gongmin's concubines, which led to Gongmin's anger. So before Gongmin could kill him, Hong Ryun and Choe Man-saeng killed Gongmin in his sleep.After his death, a high official Yi In-im assumed the helm of the government and enthroned eleven-year-old, King U


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The historical background to help understand Ep. 23~24



■ The Red Banquet?

After Ep. 24 was aired, “Yi Ji-Ran (이지란)” was trending on Korean twitter. Everybody seemed to worry about him after watching the bloody Ep 25 preview. Please, don’t worry about that. Episode 23~24 is happening in 1389, and General Yi Ji-Ran (1331~1402) will live longer. LOL

In addition, the red banquet in the preview is a fiction. It is a taboo for an important historical figure like Yi Ji-Ran to die in a fictional event even if SFD is in “Faction Sageuk” genre.



■ Ha Ryun : A Face Reader (physiognomist, 관상가, 觀相家)

In Ep. 23, Ha Ryun muttered to himself that Yi Bang-Won’s face was out of the ordinary. When Jung Do-Jeon asked him “How is my face?” he didn’t answer it, as if he read something unspeakable from Sambong’s face. In Ep. 24, he told Bang-won “Why do you follow Jung Do-Jeon? It’s strange. You are not a man to serve someone else, but a man to be served by others. From now on, look for someone to command.” Quite interesting situation. Is he unconsciously activating a worm in Bang-Won’s heart?

Historically, it is true that Ha Ryun was an excellent face reader. It was quite rare for a Confucian scholar to learn such a petty(?) knowledge, but Ha Ryun was famous for an expert in various practical knowledge : astronomy, medicine, geography, geomancy, and physiognomy (face reading).

Face readers believe that a person’s character can be ascertained from external appearance so his/her fortune can be read from the face.

In the history, their first meeting was not so exciting as in the drama. Ha Ryun visited Min Je (Yi Bang-Won’s father-in-law/ Lady Min’s father) and asked him to arrange a meeting with Bang-Won, saying “You know I’m good at face reading, but I’ve never seen a face like your second son-in-law. He is not an ordinary person.”  So, Min Je introduced Ha Ryun to Bang-Won, and Ha Ryun began to serve Bang-Won from then on.



■ Yi Sook-Beon (이숙번 李叔蕃, 1373~1440)

He appeared as Ha Ryun’s bodyguard in Ep. 23, but he was a Confucian scholar who excelled in both scholarship and martial arts. Later, he became Yi Bang-Won’s right-hand man during the First strife of Princes (1398). He was the most powerful courtier along with Ha Ryun under King Taejong’s reign, but his fate was not so good in the end. He abused his power under the protection of the king, but his arrogance finally led to his exile for good.



■ The Land System of Goryeo.

Urgh… I know it will be boring. You may hate to read it. (I’m bored, too) So I’ll start with the reminder of the previous SFD episodes about Goryeo’s land system issue.

* Six Flying Dragons Episode 4 “Hong In-Bang’s War Sales”
I guess there are lots of translation errors in Ep 4 English subs. So I retranslated the part before. In short, the central government (Dodang) robbed commoners’ lands and gave them out as compensation to the nobles who send their private armies to fight Japanese pirates. As a result, the lands in Yeon-Hee’s village were forcibly taken by the nobles’ servants. You may remember the tragic incident.



Six Flying Dragons Episode 5 “The Law”
Boon-Yi : What do you know as a scrap of a noble man? We used to harvest 400 bags of grains from our lands. “Law”? According to the law, we pay 40 bags to the country and 40 bags to our local official. That’s the law. But I’ve never seen such a thing since I was born. In the year I was born, I heard we paid 240 bags. In the year I became 6 years old, we paid 320 bags. And recently, to 8 noble men who claimed to be the owners, we paid an unbelievable 360 bags. There are more than 200 who have to live on the remaining 40 bags for a year. You have no idea what that number means. It means that we have to live with 2 spoons of rice a day! But we still had to live on, That’s why we kept digging and digging in this wasteland. And it was our first harvest this year. But people were killed and all of our harvest was stolen.


So, what was the problem?

  1. In the pre-capitalist agricultural economy, “land” means wealth.
  2. The rich got richer, and the poor got poorer. While Nobles owned most of the lands in Goryeo, more and more lands of the lower classes were robbed. Goryeo was a paradise of 1% nobles, and a hell of 99% commoners.
  3. Multiple taxation was the worst. One land with too many nobles who claimed to be the owners.  It was common for a single land to be taxed many times by different nobles. The weight of taxation bore hard on commoners.


So, what was the solution?

The land reform began with Jo Joon. He wrote petitions for land reform total three times (in 1388, 1389. 1390), and the first petition immediately became a hot potato in Dodang. Jung Do-Jeon’s revolutionist party vehemently in favor of his plan, but it sparked the strong opposition of conservative nobles. Meanwhile, moderate reformists led by Jung Mong-Joo kept neutrality. The three faction had different perspectives and solutions on the issue. 


1) Jung Do-Jeon’s idea : 계민수전(計民授田)

  • Meaning “Count the number of citizens, and distribute lands to them
  • It is a kind of “Land nationalization”. Lands are taken away from corrupt nobles and revert to the state. Private ownership of lands are not admitted. All lands belong to the country.
  • The government distribute the lands according to the headcount of each family. A land should be given to a person who cultivates it. No big landowner. No tenant farmer. The country of independent farmers are ideal.
  • His radical land system was influenced by Mencius’ “Well-field system (정전제, 井田制)”. For more information, chek out wikipedia.
  • To realize it, social reform was not enough at all. That’s why Jung Do-Jeon sought after “revolution” instead of reforms.
  • Now, you can understand why Boon-Yi is hanging on it for dear life. Her simple dream was to get her own land to farm and to live happily with her brother.
  • However, Jung Do-Jeon’s idea was too radical even by modern standards. Such a policy would inevitably draw fierce resistance from nobles as well as some wealthy Sadaebu scholars.  



2) Yi Saek’s idea : 일전일주제(一田一主制)

  • Meaning “One land with one owner” system
  • Private ownership of lands is admitted in the old ways, but a single land should be taxed by a single owner. It will lighten the tax burden on farmers.
  • Yi Saek was Jung Do-Jeon’s teacher. He was famous for a great Confucian scholar. Most Sadebu scholars were reformist, but he belonged to the most privileged among them. Actually, he owned a great amount of lands.
  • So, Yi Saek joined hands with conservative nobles like Jo Min-Soo to oppose Jung Do-Jeon. 



3) Jo Joon’s idea : 과전법 (科田法)

  • Actually, Jo Joon was the best expert in the land system issue. He played a leading role in discussing the land reform in Dodang. Jung Do-Jeon was his greatest supporter.
  • However, the resistance from nobles was so fierce that Jo Joon had to seek a political compromise and suggested a less radical alternative.
  • The land system is reset. Lands are taken away from corrupt nobles and revert to the state.
  • One land is taxed either by the government or by the private owner, which means his alternative system admits private ownership.
  • The government distribute lands to bureaucrats by rank, but they can not be inherited to the descendants. If a minister die, his land will revert to the state. It is intended to break out of a vicious circle of inherited wealth.


So, the result?

  • Jo Joon’s compromised plan won.
  • In fact, Jung Mong-Joo intervened to pass it during Jung Do-Jeon’s absence of being sent to Ming China as an envoy.
  • In September 1391, the land registers of corrupt nobles, being piled mountain-high in the street of Gaegyung, had been burnt  for about 7 days.
  • People watching this scene shed tears of joy. The public opinion about Yi Seong-Gye’s social reform got extremely positive. 
  • The conservative privileged nobles lost their economic power and collapsed.
  • Meanwhile, the reformist Sadaebu scholars gained new economic foundation. Finally, the age of Sadaebu scholars begun.
  • The tax burden on commoners were lightened, but they couldn’t own their lands. Boon-Yi’s dream was shattered. 
  • The new system looks reasonable. But about 100 years later, the reform’s effect slowly fizzled out to nothing.
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10 hours ago, nevill said:

have no idea what it says


TRANS: Teacher (Seonsaengnim) Kim Mi Kyeong,
Teacher, hello. I'm Kyunsang. I'm sorry that I couldn't personally come. You know that I'm always cheering on you in my heart, right, Teacher? I am always cheering for you! Teacher, I love you! -Kyunsang

Not really SFD related but yeah. hehe. what a cutiepie

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