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I think the use of the black outfit on Bang Won does serve a purpose. It signifies his cross over to the dark side, allowing his dark thoughts to sway him, awaking the worm embedded in him. Kind of like Bidam in Queen Seon Deok when he took over the Mishil's faction. Maybe Bang Won can add a black crow fan as well.

Btw I think the Nameless can stop using the secret code they have been using so far. Now that Bang Won and Boonyi have known about it, how can they be so sure that all the members they encountered using the code are indeed their real members or spies?

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@roneddski liked you "cross to the other side" reference - there is a lot of SW vibe here at least for me so it was spot on

anyway saying a temporary goodby at least post wise since i dont want to read "spoilers" bf watching myself

SFD and to all you dragons AJJA 

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Man, the writers just have to make me keep loving these 2 (as a action duo, of course, my OTP will always be DS - YH)

I love love love it when General LSG praised BW about the way he handled Cho Young and Hwasadan case and he just like came right away and said: "Lady Yeon Hee helped a lot". Awww, what a gentleman. 

And when I watch the scene BW n BY playing snow fight, I kinda get a little jealous, like "man, can you give DS n YH something like this too?". And then suddenly he cried and said: "We end here. From now on I can't play with you anymore", and I'm like "Ok, got it. Nothing good comes after an adorable romantic scene". My children DS n YH can keep on angsty af as long as they're still together. 

Also love the way Sam Bong quoted YH's saying when he talked to Mong Joo: "Chaos is the weak's hell". My girl is such an inspiration :3 , although she's nowhere to be found today :v 


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5 minutes ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:


....but he never wore a topknot.

Married men used these? What about Sambung is he already married too (never showed his spouse or family?)

I'm curious too. They never seem to show family members who are not relevant to the events the show is focusing on. As for the topknot, a quick google search tells me it is indeed a hairstyle that married men adopted after marriage back in the day. It's apparently called "Sang Tu 상투" and many sources refer to it as a Joseon Dynasty custom (I think it's more about the name as the "topknot rule" existed way before that and in different parts of Asia).

I wonder what it means that BW never wore his hair in a topknot even after marriage. Maybe they took liberty with this cultural aspect to put emphasis on his current transition from boy to man?

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I haven't watched raw today but may be what happened to BW BY ? Why netizen in naver react as they can separate forever? Really??? A half of the end, the story wouldn't have funny or romance scenes. It will develop so fast but I like that. Bc at the beginning, I can guest that BW BY won't have a happy ending surely. In my opinion, BY is a fiction character and the ending of her can go back her hometown and disappear forever or maybe die. Anyway, I just surprised when I see some cmts about romantic couple. 

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I forgot who ask me this..Yeah,I watch Jeong Do Jeon drama, there' no subtitle but someone provided a recap from 1st until the end episode.Jo Joon opposed JDj later cause JDJ insisting of Liaodong Peninsula Expedition. That's why the Ming First Emperor didn't like JDJ.. I thought JO Joo opposed him later cause of JDJ just using LSG to establish the new country. I'm still on BW's side. What I hate about JDJ is he can't trust anyone that's why he can't also be trusted. He didn't divulge the plan about the king as a decoration cause he know no one will cooperate him except LSG. Goryeo and Joseon government mostly consisted of yangban and literate class so there's no way a commoner like BonYi could benefit from that country.The Yangban will use their influence to benefit from everything, we can see how the yangban in the goryeo and mid-late joseon dynasty been fighting over for the position in the government. BW consolidated the power and created a strong central government which only lasted 200 years. And the remaining years been ruled by the weak kings, the power of the royal family been reduced into nothing while the prime minister, ministers, and the royal in-laws family hold the power in the court. If JdJ lives,Joseon will not last for a centuries. I think JDj's idea the reason why the middle and later years of joseon dynasty are fighting over the power of the royal family. Forgive me but this is what I thought. Ministers(mostly yangbans) probably believe that they should be the one to rule instead of the king cause from the start they know that's how it should be.They know that if JDJ wins over BW then Joseon will be the country for literate class. Only Yangban could benefit and work in the government since most of them are literate. No Jang Yeong Shil. Jang Yeong Shil was able to work in the government cause of King Taejong who supported him and introduced him to King Sejong. King Taejong is considered one of the 3 great kings of Joseon Dynasty..

I wonder why there's a statue of JDJ. I know JDJ deserve it cause he initiated change. But what he had done was wrong: 1.) Liaodong Expedition 2.) Plan to Kill BW . JDJ in the end just want the country. He thinks everyone as his puppet.Did he think that what he had done really cause problems to the royal family? Did he think that because of what he did there will be another Lee In Gyeom and Hong In Bang in the personal of the prime minister? Joseon is a failed state without BW.Just look during BW's reign, he revised the tax legislation and found out that during King taejo's reign there's a corruption. Hiding of lands. So if there's no ruthless king like BW there's no way the hidden lands could be discovered. So I am on BW on this.. I hope there's a statue of BW in the korea.. This is what I noticed Bw after killing JMJ he became a symbol of revolution. Someone said that here, I forgot her name.Congrats,you're right. That's why I think too.For me, after killing JMJ he's more of a symbol, a symbol of not succumbing to any injustices. He's the symbol of the poor.. I read that BW was not included in the merit subjects of King Taejo since BW mostly contributed the most in this.Assassinating key powerful officials, heck that's a big contribution already. But in the end he was denied by JDJ and he even offered himself to be sent to MIng. It's so amazing how he had a great son like King Sejong. His son really loved him. I have read some parts of the poem made by King Sejong to his 6 ancestors including BW. BW's name there is the paternal sage. And amazing it said how he was  protected by the heavens in going to the ming and how it he cannot deny the order of the heavens to take the throne..That's why I really cried in TWDR part when King taejong died and Yi do somehow hated him. Actually, in the history, when the king died, King Sejong won't eat and sleep and won't even leave his father's side..King Sejong is one of the most luckiest man to have a father like him, and same with King Taejong for having a son like him.. Same with Prince Yangnyeong and Prince Hyoryeong. That JDJ he burned the tax legislation in from the citizen maybe he wants to impress to the commoners and his role as the prime minister to the founder of Joseon will be approve and justified? But why during King Taejo's reign there's still corruption? JDJ at by his side, there's still corruption.  I really wonder why he had the statue and King Taejong doesn't have it..

Back to the drama, Is that BW's new house?? So amazing. I want to know what did he talk with CY. About the Sangtu, Wang So in the Shine or Go Crazy drama is already married with the future Queen Damok, his hair is not in the top knot.. Maybe it's from the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty?


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@hinatashoyo Actually, there are english subtitles for the drama Jeong Do Jeon now. There were released two days ago on several sites like subscene. :)

There are some small imperfections in these subtitles, for example the korean captions introducing new characters are not always translated. But overall, their quality is really good!


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Yoo Ah In crushed my heart with his acting.He is undoubtedly the biggest draw for me in K-Land.

Yoo Ah In was spot on as always in portraying Yi Bang Won today.... especially today.....

And hats off to the entire team, writernim , directornim , editornim, cameraman..... everyone.... superbly done ...!!!!

Today we saw the brutal change in Bang Won..... he left his innocent Boyhood to become the Cold , Calculated Man that was needed to survive the Treacherous world he discovered .

And am happy he has begun this new journey with a new soulmate.... his wife... his most passionate supporter Lady Min....Thumbs Up Boy... I mean Man..!!!:D

He is no longer the innocent , mischievous and sometimes naive Bang Won .... he has become the powerful Yi Bang Won..... one whose mere mention of name strikes fear in his enemies hearts.....

Right from his Attire , to his Home , to his followers, to his people.... so many changes.....

He wore a man's attire... to say precisely he has now become the head of his family in his new Home with his wife , staff and followers.

He is no longer one of the sons living in his father's home.

He is no longer dependent on his father's people, his staff, his army.

He has his own house , his own staff, his own followers, his own army, his own advisers.

In short he has established his Independent Identity and Authority free from his father and teacher.

He has also established his power base with his Army and Generals consisting of Moo Hyul and Young Kyu and many more to join.....

Yi Bang Won was said to have built up a powerful army by the time of his father ascending the throne.

His Advisors consisting of his Wife, his Father in Law and Ha Ryoon.

I think he will slowly impress Choi Young and make Hwasadan his primary intelligence apparatus.

Basically we are viewing the transformation from Yi Bang Won to King Taejong.....

Waiting for more....!!!!:)



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Today's episode was epic because we saw that the 3 leaders of 3 times were at crossroads..... the destiny of people of Goryeo/Joseon depended on their decisions....

The leader of Past Jung Mon Ju aka Poeun had to decide whether to betray his best friend  and the people of Goryeo or his King and Government.

The leader of Present Jeong Do Jeon aka Sam bong had to decide whether to trust his friend and risk the future of the common people or to side with the people of Goryeo and betray his best friend.

The leader of future Yi Bang Won aka Taejong had to decide whether to submit to his teacher's plans and give up on his dream of fighting for Goryeo people's dream and happiness through politics or fight his Teacher for the sake of his own dream and the dreams of Common People.

We saw what decisions they made... and now we will see how their decisions will shape the future of Goryeo People.....

Ufff !!!! I must say Six Flying Dragons has been the best Sageuk I have seen so far.....  and I must confess I have seen nearly 80 percent Sageuks of the last 20 years.....



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Bang Won's sense of Justice and righteousness can be viewed in the manner he never takes credit for other people's efforts in order to elevate himself before his father or other people.... he sticks to fairness.... the ones who work hard should be rewarded fairly... in other words get recognition for their achievements whether its Boon Yi earlier or Yoon Hee today or Moo Hyul before..... he always plays fair..... 

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Lady Min looks so happy and radiant at her husband's progress and resolve to become independent and build his own powerbase.

And it was so heartwarming the way Bang Won co-opts Moo Hyul's family....

He recognizes that Moo Hyul will become his greatest strength and most loyal warrior.... and takes care of his family in a manner fitting his service to him.

Its said that Yi Bang Won was the most cruelest  and dangerous enemy that one could make as well as the kindest and most loyal friend that one could make.

It all depended on what side of him one found themselves to be.

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Its also interesting that today's episode aka episode 31 we saw the conflict starting slowly in Boon Yi.... whether to side with Bang Won or Jung Do Jeon...

Its not apparent yet to her that Bang Won is drifting away from Jung Do Jeon and standing against him but she slowly has started feeling it in his persona, in his words and in the changing atmosphere....

I utterly and fervently wish that Boon Yi supports Bang Won but I suspect it wouldnt be so.... after all writernim has already made Boon Yi conscience keeper of Bang Won kind of what Poeun is to Sam bong.... the one person who is capable of stopping you even at your greatest strength..... 


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1 hour ago, SukBin said:


Today we saw the brutal change in Bang Won..... he left his innocent Boyhood to become the Cold , Calculated Man that was needed to survive the Treacherous world he discovered .

And am happy he has begun this new journey with a new soulmate.... his wife... his most passionate supporter Lady Min....Thumbs Up Boy... I mean Man..!!!:D

He is no longer the innocent , mischievous and sometimes naive Bang Won .... he has become the powerful Yi Bang Won..... one whose mere mention of name strikes fear in his enemies hearts.....

Right from his Attire , to his Home , to his followers, to his people.... so many changes.....

He wore a man's attire... to say precisely he has now become the head of his family in his new Home with his wife , staff and followers.

He is no longer one of the sons living in his father's home.

He is no longer dependent on his father's people, his staff, his army.

He has his own house , his own staff, his own followers, his own army, his own advisers.

In short he has established his Independent Identity and Authority free from his father and teacher.

He has also established his power base with his Army and Generals consisting of Moo Hyul and Young Kyu and many more to join.....

Yi Bang Won was said to have built up a powerful army by the time of his father ascending the throne.

His Advisors consisting of his Wife, his Father in Law and Ha Ryoon.

I think he will slowly impress Choi Young and make Hwasadan his primary intelligence apparatus.

Basically we are viewing the transformation from Yi Bang Won to King Taejong.....

Waiting for more....!!!!:)



:wub: you're right.. he's soulmate is his wife but never love her but just hope that he will show love to his queen in this drama cause it will make this different from other King Taejong's drama.. 

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25 minutes ago, hinatashoyo said:

:wub: you're right.. he's soulmate is his wife but never love her but just hope that he will show love to his queen in this drama cause it will make this different from other King Taejong's drama.. 


Yep !!!

Right from TWDR to Sejong the Great , many dramas have been trying to portray him as a strong antagonist against Sejong.... but the truth was Yi Bang Won loved his sons and Sejong especially the most..... and vice versa .... Sejong loved and respected his father....

Yi Bang Won even gave up his throne because he believed his son Sejong would become a very good ruler , infact it was sejong who begged his father to withdraw his decision and finally he convinced his father to take part in crucial matters of state where he didnt have confidence yet to control like foreign affairs, economics etc....

And also as you mentioned earlier in many writings of Sejong he professes how much he loves and respects his father above all others.

Also regarding his Queen , whether he loved her or hated her is never mentioned , people assume he never loved her because he killed her brothers or took other concubines

But if you think unbiased or rationally Bang Won always put people and justice over family, he wouldnt tolerate misuse of power by anyone including his .sons, therefore he wouldnt spare his brother in laws for their sins for the sake of his wife.

Also  taking concubines from different families was done to consolidate power by kings , remember King Taejo the founder of Goryeo did the same.

So we cannot say that he didnt love his Queen..

If we see the huge number of children he had with her , he had very few with others with the exception of one.... it would seem at facevalue he loved his Queen more than any other concubine.....

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3 hours ago, SukBin said:


Yep !!!

Right from TWDR to Sejong the Great , many dramas have been trying to portray him as a strong antagonist against Sejong.... but the truth was Yi Bang Won loved his sons and Sejong especially the most..... and vice versa .... Sejong loved and respected his father....

Yi Bang Won even gave up his throne because he believed his son Sejong would become a very good ruler , infact it was sejong who begged his father to withdraw his decision and finally he convinced his father to take part in crucial matters of state where he didnt have confidence yet to control like foreign affairs, economics etc....

And also as you mentioned earlier in many writings of Sejong he professes how much he loves and respects his father above all others.

Also regarding his Queen , whether he loved her or hated her is never mentioned , people assume he never loved her because he killed her brothers or took other concubines

But if you think unbiased or rationally Bang Won always put people and justice over family, he wouldnt tolerate misuse of power by anyone including his .sons, therefore he wouldnt spare his brother in laws for their sins for the sake of his wife.

Also  taking concubines from different families was done to consolidate power by kings , remember King Taejo the founder of Goryeo did the same.

So we cannot say that he didnt love his Queen..

If we see the huge number of children he had with her , he had very few with others with the exception of one.... it would seem at facevalue he loved his Queen more than any other concubine.....

I agree:wub:.. I just hope there's no concubines here or Lady hyobin.. In this drama, I hope he only loves his queen.. cause I am really tired of seeing same thing again and again. They already appear in Tears of the Dragon, Great King Sejong and Jeong Do Jeon.. ..I hope his romance with the queen is very different.. I wanna see a happy ending between them, though he killed her brothers but she didn't did anything to him..This is drama anyway..I hope they focus more on his government, what he did for the people and just only one woman by hus side, the queen..I wanna see his 9 children.. Prince Hyoryeong did many great things before he died at age of 90... and I love Prince Yangnyeong's tomb.. I've never seen it but I heard it's beautiful, the hidden oases. You know King Sejong was originally buried west near his parents' tomb, separate from hi wife's tomb,  but was moved after King Sejo usurped the throne cause they think it's ominous. Is YBW house and his wife is big???? I love korean traditional houses...

About King Taejo of Goryeo, that's what I think too. King taejo of goryeo have 7 queens and 22 concubines that's why the sons of the queens could become kings. that's the problem here when he died anyone from the queen's children could claim the throne. while King Taejong had only one queen. but he take many concubine to balance the power. but in the end, the only one could become the king should be the son of the reigning king.. that's why he's so amazing. but the problem lies later cause the weak kings rule so mostly the one in control are the maternal relatives and the ministers.. just remembering this, i remember the horrible thing that andong kim clan did , it sent shivers to my spine.. it is so horrible..i heard they even manipulated the annals of joseon..the politics during the mid and later years of joseon is so messed up..

But i hope they won't show it here. We already know how many concubines he have so I hope they just focus on one queen and his governance. That's what I have never seen before.. I want something new. What so amazing is he had only one queen until he died, 38 years of marriage with 11 children and they have the son like King Sejong the Great. The father is already one of the 3 great kings and even the son and the grandson,Sejo...And also maybe someone will target his queen and children that's why he pretended not to like her..That's why I don't believe he doesn't love her. 11 children that's too much. I heard in the history he love Lady Hyobin but when I search about her they had only 1 child.. I know that the quantity of children is not the measure of love for someone but still the queen rocks!! I remember Queen Inhyeon and the other queens when they have nothing..

I wanna see Gwon Geun here in the SFD. I have read somewhere how he received mistreatment from JDJ. King Taejo gave Gwon Geun a gold, then JDJ said something harsh about Gwon Geun and said that "How can a poor scholar afford gold? JDJ said that Gwon Geun received it from the Ming Emperor." What's wrong with JDJ?? I hate his personality..

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'Six Flying dragons' Yoo Ah-in shows tears to Sin Se-kyeong, "We're over now"



On the 31st episode of SBS' Monday & Tuesday drama, 'Six Flying Dragons', Yi Bang-won (Yoo Ah-in) cried in tears in front of Boon-yi (Sin Se-kyeong).

Yi Bang-won and Boon-yi smiled happily while they were having a snowball fight as if they had gone back to their childhood. However, Yi Bang-won stared crying in tears lying on the snow. After he found out about Jeong Do-jeon (Kim Myeong-min)'s plan on the new nation, Joseon, he became extremely confused and had been trying hard to bear the complicated mixed feelings.

Yi Bang-won said, "Boon, we're over now. I cannot play with you like this any longer". It seemed he realized the path of his destiny would be far different than his previous expectation.


I'm so sorry for them...such a sad fate...

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