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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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@kculturefun_stv...not according me...i just got it from that ig that i had been mentioned before...that she/he said that it seems liu wen holiday with her parents...:)

Thank you, that is sweet.  She has said in the past that she is very close to her parents and she does not want to leave every time when she visits them  Glad they are spending quality time together.  Thanks again. 

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Nila.a.1409 - I was wondering about if she is spending time with her parents... I had thought she might go MIA during her vacation and spend time with her folks... but she has been posting updates everyday... so I was not sure if her parents are with her... are you saying she is with her parents because there seems to be an older couple at the back of the last photo (where she is holding up her cell phone trying to take a photo?)

if she was with her parents. I dont think her parents picture will be on instagram or any other social media platform. Most family are not comfortable  to be put on the spotlight. So LW must be taking  careful attention  to her parents privacy. It would not be uploaded to any of her social  media if her parents didnt like to be exposed 

At this point  i really really think siwon is fine, to  open up abt his relationship,  but i dont think the management approves it yet .. and he just want people to focus  on the movie premiere. I really love the way siwon never deny it ! How cutee are you siwonnie wait for me next year on the street  of Seoul  .. i will violate some of your traffic ruless LOL and you can give me the "tickets" hahahaha @silvergrey

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Of course she'd be with her parents; I suppose she hardly sees them as it is, so if she's spending such an extended time in China you can bet they'd be together as much as possible. I remember reading the parents do not travel to NYC to see her, so every chance available to meet in China would be seized.

Siwon will take this opportunity to meet her parents, I'm positive of that. They've reached a stage where that's sort of the only thing left to do considering she's already met his whole family. Now it just remains to be seen whether anyone (paparazzi, fans) will be able to document them being together in Chengdu. You can be sure there won't be a peep out of SW or LW.


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everytime i saw liu wen in white-big shirts hmmm like she using siwon's...pls ignore my delulu mind :P 


Maybe its because Siwon always wears white long sleeveshirts that he decided to give one to Liu wen hahahhaha

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Guest foxydavis86

okay i went to see him at the event today and let me just say 1 thing HE IS SO HANDSOME!!! look a bit tired at first and busy with all the reporters but most of the time he tried his best to appreciate fans by waving or doing some goofy moves on stage that instantly make everyone (and me..) excited and goes "oppaaaa....!!!!!" :P

now that cycling grin though....not sure what's behind it but i walked pass that street few weeks ago and that la perla poster just so eye catching and impossible to missed even from a far, so i'm positive that this might be another "now i'm shy" moment for him which is adorable


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Sigh.. couldn't help myself but to rewatch some of their cutest scenes! The part where Siwon and Liuwen had their first photoshoot together is adorable. Siwon jokingly asked for some beer because he said he felt so nervous! It was also the first time they held hands and Liuwen was incredibly shy and looked like she had a body shock when Siwon tried to hold her hands :D:wub: He mentioned that he noticed Liu Wen's hands were always so cold and he just wanted to warm it for her.

Starts at 8:11

Edited by teamwonwen
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Guest Connie633

Here is a link to a 2012 Liu Wen interview with NHK. She's such a natural beauty--simply adore her.


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Not sure if someone has posted this already but Siwon wrote something on Weibo: 今天在香港宣傳,感謝來到現場的每一位,明天到廣州,大家明天見 :^) 
Today in HK to promote. Being thankful to everry individual who came to today's function. Tomorrow, Guangzhou! See you tomorrow.

And if Siwon does meet LW's parents, I wonder what he will bring to her parents as 見面禮物 (eng trans: gift) as it is very important in Chinese culture to do so and it's a very important step to have a good impression.. And it seems like he doesn't have much free time to look around, which means if it is true that's he meeting her parents, it means that this gift has traveled  with him along his trip. It's also tricky because it needs to be a suitable gift for her parents as in not too expensive and not too shabby, but enough to show that Siwon is sincere and generous.

EDIT: There's an English article that talks about Eddie and Siwon's friendshp. Link is here.
Also, on an on.cc article, the article states "但講到他跟劉雯的緋聞,他就以活動是宣傳電影為由,拒絕回應。 "
Eng trans: When talked about his own rumour with Liu Wen, he said that because this event focuses on promoting the film, he refused to answer/comment.

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Very glad to see Liu Wen spending this time to rest and recuperate. She has suddenly ramped up her SNS updates, even when on private time. I thought it was mentioned previously that when she's on holidays she doesn't update much online. It sure seems like she's keeping someone updated on what she is up to each day. :phew:

@juzagurl  I will be waiting~ ..... for updates on traffic violations :P 

Thanks for all the SNS post sharings, everyone. It's great to know that some of us here were able to support Siwon at his events in HK (you lucky duck, @foxydavis86!) ... and Singapore (@mywebfoot, @siwonie407)?

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A video from HK Fan Meeting... seems like a riot.. Credit to Owner...Siwon said a combination of English, Chinese and Korean...I don't understand Korean... Can someone help?

I couldn't capture any of that.. but what's interesting is that during this video, Siwon said "let's fall in love" aka he spoke of the reality show Liuwen and he met and as for the Korean statement, I wish I could help you but my Korean is very limited and I think he said the same phrase twice before switching back into Mandarin.

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A video from HK Fan Meeting... seems like a riot.. Credit to Owner...Siwon said a combination of English, Chinese and Korean...I don't understand Korean... Can someone help?

I couldn't capture any of that.. but what's interesting is that during this video, Siwon said "let's fall in love" aka he spoke of the reality show Liuwen and he met and as for the Korean statement, I wish I could help you but my Korean is very limited and I think he said the same phrase twice before switching back into Mandarin.

If I heard correctly, this is what he said: 

I just want to say, [in Mandarin] Let us fall in love.
[crowd roars]
What? What? I mean you [pointing to the crowd]. You and I!
No, I want to say really thank you. Really thank you. 
[In Korean] Boyfriend? Don't have? Don't have?
[In Mandarin] Don't have. All don't have.
I just want to say I'm really thankful to everyone. If I can't speak well, can I speak in Korean?

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Liddi, Thank you so much!  what I don't quite get is that he was also pointing himself when he was speaking Korean... i.e. the don't have, don't have part... I can't connect the language with the context/ body language .. 

Your thoughts?

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Liddi, Thank you so much!  what I don't quite get is that he was also pointing himself when he was speaking Korean... i.e. the don't have, don't have part... I can't connect the language with the context/ body language .. 

Your thoughts?

Hm... assuming I understood him correctly and that he said "boyfriend" in Korean, I am more thinking that the 'don't have' refers to the fans not having one, and thus free to be with him. Gah. Boarding this ship means having to be multi-lingual, and Korean is not a language I know well :P 

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Guest pom16

Liddi, Thank you so much!  what I don't quite get is that he was also pointing himself when he was speaking Korean... i.e. the don't have, don't have part... I can't connect the language with the context/ body language .. 

Your thoughts?

he said "you don't have a boyfriend? Don't have? Me neither, I don't have (a boyfriend) either"

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Liddi, Thank you so much!  what I don't quite get is that he was also pointing himself when he was speaking Korean... i.e. the don't have, don't have part... I can't connect the language with the context/ body language .. 

Your thoughts?

he said "you don't have a boyfriend? Don't have? Me neither, I don't have (a boyfriend) either"

@pom16_stv Thank you so much for the clarification! Now it makes sense, words and body language wise :) 

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@liddi wrote:

"If I heard correctly, this is what he said: 

I just want to say, [in Mandarin] Let us fall in love.
[crowd roars]
What? What? I mean you [pointing to the crowd]. You and I!
No, I want to say really thank you. Really thank you.

Such a tease!

Well, I'm certainly glad both Siwon and Liu Wen have good hearts, with such loving appreciation for their families, friends and even fans. Cos I went looking up the Proverbs chapter he had posted on IG, and this popped up instead! Good warning for all the ShiLiu couple haters and pot stirrers :lol:



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Thanks guys for summarizing what he said in the Youku video! Much appreciated! :D
I had re-listened to it and everything makes sense now.

And I don't know if this has been posted but EEG has made a video that features of what HK and China stars think of the film: https://youtu.be/OKgl3sPogfM
Gist of the video: Many of them praised both how the film is filmed and how it portrays a story with a message to keep on going and never give up. They also hope that it will become a box office success.

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