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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Guest bibidep

everytime @bibidep starting to lose hope. That is when the good news came up!!! You were losing  it just like this before we knew LW went to SS6 concert !! Dont worry .. we will get anothr good news :P

Hahah then let me have those more often so we can exchange for the good news...I'm willing to sacrifice myself to receive the rocks and whatever our members throw at me, just more fruity goody then OK.

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Guest Pepsi2015

^ I'm pretty excited to hear the translated version of the radio show if they were talking about Siwon and Liuwen xD Please do share when it's out!


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And of course you know where that got him, bibidep ;)  Papa Choi is a wise man. He also knows his son. Sometimes impatience can prematurely rob one of immeasurable lasting joy. Just saying.
Good that you're planning to hang around still.

No body know his son like him, I know when he said about a little light it can turn into the fired if it still there hahah.  I hope he know and learn a lesson from his dad and not regret later on.  I just don't want to put my hope too high but still wish them be together for life, it will be the happy day for me when I hear that good news from WonWen.

You don't need to hope too hight, just calming and waiting. Sometime you sanguine, sometime you disappoint.  You are weird make people uncomfortable

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Thank you, everyone, for always sharing! 

I have no doubt that what we've seen progressed between the two of them is real. I can't say for sure that they are dating now (although I believe that they are), but I know there's something between them that is absolutely not platonic. 

About Liuwen crying: I believe she cried for two reasons. One, it's the end of filming. She will not get to see Siwon on a regularly scheduled time anymore. Can you imagine how sad that must be? To like someone (who is caring and ridiculously good looking, not that that's important but reciprocated physical attraction) and have this romance for 2-3 months, and then sorry, time's up, you can't see each other regularly anymore, peace, bye. He's busy, she's busy, but at least with the show, it was always guaranteed that they will see each other and spend time with one another. At the beginning of every romance, is the honeymoon period, where emotions are on a high and to abruptly end it, who wouldn't be distraught to some extent? Two, Liuwen seems to have a good relationship with the staff (for example: birthday cake for staff member). I cry whenever I quit a job where I had great relationships with colleagues. It's sad to not see people you see regularly anymore. It takes time for us to adjust to change. 

I think so often so, people think that because Siwon is a part of the entertainment industry that he's a machine trained to act a certain way and forget that he's just like us. We are all humans. We feel and we have emotional attachments in all settings of life. Why is it that when we love, it's real but when he loves, it seems contrived/acted? Yes, I know it's a reality show but apparently, there's no script so he has to showcase himself for the most part.

Look at the way he looks at her. There are so many instances where he's so floored by her, he just stares or is speechless. One of my favorite subtle moments is after he says " I'm a lucky guy" before cutting to LW's BRI during the swimwear catwalk she did. You can see his breathing escalate and his chest is moving up and down and he's just staring at her in awe. 

Anyways, I understand that we all see and feel and interpret things differently and I respect everyone's views in this thread but I also just wanted to share my own view and perspective. 

Hang on ladies, it's going to be a fun ride! :)hopefully... 

i agree with you...  my favorite moments of siwon is.. in eps 3 when he get caught starring at LW, and he is shocked when LW look back at him suddenly and he immediately  looked away.. you cannot acted out things like that.. since it is reflect gesture.. and he compliment her eyes on BRI ..it was very romantic.. and it is confirmed by his previous interview (not on the show) that when he falls for a girl, he falls in love with her eyes, since eyes can indicates how sincere she is as a person:wub:

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Guest bibidep

You don't need to hope too hight, just calming and waiting. Sometime you sanguine, sometime you disappoint.  You are weird make people uncomfortable

Unless you just come here and read and your feeling never go up and down when all the people comments and posted all the positive things, but when you went to a lot of sites where you gather all the information, they all had different things going and you tried to sort it out then  your feeling have be up and down.  If nothing happen with your heart that's mean you are not normal to feel what the things are.   When you say it easy but try to put your shoe on the same thing and see what you feel.

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Guest krystal_

What a coincidence that i just googled Stella Kim like an hour ago. I had a few questions about SW and Stella relationship but i restrained myself from mentioning them here at this particularly sensitive of time when everyone seems very doubtful about Shiliu relationship after the show. But now since you guys mentioned her, can I ask that their relationship is really Over? I mean they had distance relationship for a long time and then breakup and getting back together until 2013 which means their relationship was quite on-off for a few times? Thats is normal for any real life lovers :mellow: 

My opinion is if SW and Stella really broke up, SW would somehow holds himself back from having another long distance relationship.. So thats why sometimes we saw him a bit acting in the show. 

But well who knows "the heart wants what it wants", esp for a beautiful soul LW, who can't love her for any reason? :)

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I dont know why now there are some people said that Siwon is not serious in this show, he seem to be acted while they  also shipped them before. As i've watched, although sometimes he looked like acting but i believe he is real and really care about Liuwen and her thinking. If not, why he must call for his father, he can ask help from anyone he knew or find other way. If not serious, why he must take her to meet his family. Just a show, do he need to act like that?.I dont believe so. He is an idol and to be trained to become a celebrity, he must know that dont let the relationship with virtual wife go to far away, ít can make his fan not happy. But as i saw via show, he dont afraid something like that and he behaved with Liuwen as if she were his girlfriend. Its so funny that someone now turn back said that they dont like him because he is not sincere. Maybe his characteristic or his action sometime dont like as our wish or thought but its not mean that he is not serious in this relationship. In some moments, i can see the sincere in his eyes and his love for her. Poor for him, im not bias of him, even i dont know who he is before this show but can feel his warm heart for her. 

Maybe sometimes we shipped them too much, so when something is not right way as we are looking for, we will be dissapointed and we think its not good. BUT i believe in what i see and i feel in the last time and i hope that our couple will be happy. Let's them more time and space





I agree with you...can't understand why some other people are like that. LFIL is a show so it is expected that the characters are maybe required to do some  little bit of  "acting" thus resulting to some scenes looking so scripted. However I do believe that what comes out of their mouth are true feelings and emotions they felt towards each other :) sometimes we should just look at how they are when they are together, as the saying goes... "action speaks louder than words", watching the subbed episode just made me believed that there is a chance of this pair developing whatever relationship formed during their stint in the show to something maybe more deeper , as Siwon have said at the time he was comforting Liu that she need not cry as that was not the ending, only their dating in the program officially ended and that for me means they can now freely date like what normal couples/friends do (away from the prying eyes) :wub: .  I donot expect them to make any announcement in the coming days but I am thankful for those little communications they do on their SNS.  I am not a fan of either of them before but being able to watch them on this show made me shipped them.  They are like the previous couple I shipped on K-WGM when their show have ended no public announcement was made on the real status of their relationship but we the shippers believed that something good came out from that show, we understand somehow that they cannot reveal the real status to protect each other from their possessive fans but we believed that they do give hints to us that they are in touch as they always wear couple items (clothes, shoes, accessories & etc.) which I think is very common with Korean celebrities.  

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What a coincidence that i just googled Stella Kim like an hour ago. I had a few questions about SW and Stella relationship but i restrained myself from mentioning them here at this particularly sensitive of time when everyone seems very doubtful about Shiliu relationship after the show. But now since you guys mentioned her, can I ask that their relationship is really Over? I mean they had distance relationship for a long time and then breakup and getting back together until 2013 which means their relationship was quite on-off for a few times? Thats is normal for any real life lovers :mellow: 

My opinion is if SW and Stella really broke up, SW would somehow holds himself back from having another long distance relationship.. So thats why sometimes we saw him a bit acting in the show. 

But well who knows "the heart wants what it wants", esp for a beautiful soul LW, who can't love her for any reason? :)

I think that Stella and Siwon's relationship is over because if it's anything like WGM, it would require all the couples who appears on it to be single. They don't usually ask people who are in relationships to appear on these types of shows as it ruins the purpose of fantasy or real. And if one of them did have a secret relationship, it can raise problems too. And you raise a really good point but if Siwon is serious about having another long distance relationship with Liu Wen, I think he would try his very best to protect this relationship and maintain strong. And since Siwon is a devoted Christian, he would probably see it as "God, you have control over this. Whatever happens must be part of your plan" or something among that. And you have to keep in mind that although Liu Wen and Siwon are in two different countries, they were able to communicate fine and if Liu Wen works in Beijing, then both Siwon and Liu Wen would likely be in the timezone, making communicating by phone easier than Liu Wen being in the US.

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Guest pom16

We need to wait for the whole episode of Radio Star to understand here and there from Siwon story.  I just saw this posted on Twitter about Siwon on the Radio Star show.   They may talk about Siwon on the Chinese Dating show I guess.

KH:    I met Haha hyung and he asked me "'why is siwon like that?  He's crazy, he did everything too passionately!'"

DH:    I didn't do many variety shows

GR:    what r u doing usually?

EH:    working out or go out and take some pictures


Actually, they were talking about his appearance on infinity challenge. He partnered with Haha and did a Seoul bike/foodie tour and Haha was dying from all the biking but Siwon was so energetic to the end and even ate at every restaurant too, that boy can eat!!

If you haven't seen it yet, you should watch Siwon on infinity challenge, 6th man project episodes, he was really funny..hmm maybe I should watch it again to check for his accessories too!! Not ring cuz I think they filmed that before he went to guam

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Guest bibidep

My opinion is if SW and Stella really broke up, SW would somehow holds himself back from having another long distance relationship.. So thats why sometimes we saw him a bit acting in the show. 

But well who knows "the heart wants what it wants", esp for a beautiful soul LW, who can't love her for any reason? :)

For me, I believe at the time Siwon on the show with Liu Wen he was not with the ex-girl any more because if he still I don't think the sister got involved with Liu Wen.  The sister had no reason to followed and liked Liu Wen Instagram and Liu Wen followed her back and took picture together with her last week.   But I think Siwon is a little scare for the long distance relationship and it a coincidence that both girls live in  New York.   May be Siwon's heart still not completely heal who know??  One thing that I hope from him now is he get older, more mature to know what he wants and what in his heart.   He has 2 more years for the Military services by the time he get out from there, he will be different from who he is now, he may choose to go with different way of what he think before.  So everything have to wait for him after 2 more years.

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Guest bibidep

Wow almost 3:00am in Korea and the sister still awake to liked Liu Wen photo??   Liu Wen just post like 10 minutes Jiwon already liked her picture, are they waiting for each other post or what??   And Liu Wen liked her photo when she still on the airplane?? 

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Guest Pepsi2015

Wow almost 3:00am in Korea and the sister still awake to liked Liu Wen photo??   Liu Wen just post like 10 minutes Jiwon already liked her picture, are they waiting for each other post or what??   And Liu Wen liked her photo when she still on the airplane?? 

Why are we also awake............................ xD


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Guest kitkatz23

This photo would have to have been posted after she landed right? As far as I know aren't you required to turn on "airplane mode" when you're in the air? Is LW flying again so soon after landing? I wonder when this photo was actually taken... Coz when she previously updated it was very late afternoon/early evening in Korea, that last photo shot from the plane doesn't look like the sky in the late afternoon. 

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Guest bibidep

Why are we also awake............................ xD

Hahah only you, I'm in the US so now only afternoon not night yet.

This photo would have to have been posted after she landed right? As far as I know aren't you required to turn on "airplane mode" when you're in the air? Is LW flying again so soon after landing? I wonder if this photo was actually taken... Coz when she previously updated it was very late afternoon/early evening in Korea, that last photo shot from the plane doesn't look like the sky in the late afternoon. 

I think she can use the computer on the airplane because it had wifi on, you don't need to use your phone.  Her picture could be the old one too, who know.  This couple they know how to hide and seek so we better check a lot of different things first.  The picture she just post on the Instagram with that weather only from the US where I'm right now, sunshine with a blue beautiful sky.  Europe and Asia now is night time.

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Guest xiaohuajuan


A wonwen fan on weibo made a picture~@不要找借口

Wonwen and  Howl's  Moving Castle(Directed by 宫崎骏)~both beautiful love story~


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Guest missruthieruthie

@liddi...i'm with u...:)

and me too! i believe in ShiLiu love :) 

there are ups and downs, but the love keeps them together.,,  i just prayy one day, siwon will be brave and bold enough to say loud to the world that he is taken and engaged! ;) 

afterall, he's aboy with dreams and fantasies ;) and he's got them all in Liu Wen :wub: 

hehe.. enjoy the ride guys...

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