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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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Hi everyone, long time lurker posting since this lovely series is over and I need to vent. After watching the last episode with your helpful live recaps, I can't help but feel so melancholy but satisfied at the same time.

The last scene of Deoksun joining the four boys in Taek's room, and crying because she misses those times in 88' really got to me. Adult Deoksun's nostalgia for her childhood left a deep impression, making me wish that she could go back in time and have fun with her friends again like old times :') I thought it was a beautiful way to end this touching series.

I've watched all the Reply series', and this is by far my favorite. I loved how all the characters were developed, and honestly the family moments were those that inevitably made me cry. In the last episode alone I cried several times during Bora and Sunwoo's wedding, both because of Bora's quiet love for her father and vice versa, and seeing Sunwoo and Bora grow up over these past episodes, then walking down the aisle, made me feel like they were my friends who were getting married ;____; Argh this show.

It was great following this thread, in particular those who analyzed the shortest scenes or smallest clues to reveal why they thought Taek would be endgame. I, like many of you, didn't think much of Taek for the first 6 episodes. Unlike the Junhwan shippers, however, I was not invested in his character or his love for Doeksun. After ep 6, I fell for Taek and the 1000-watt smiles he and Deoksun shared. Seeing them together never failed to make me happy, but at the same time I was prepared for them not being endgame since he was an unconventional male otp. Nevertheless, their beach scene gave me hope early on, since in another drama I absolutely adore, the apparent '2nd lead' also shared a beautiful scene at the beach with the female lead, and ended up becoming the male otp. (Empress Ki)

Overall, I am really happy with how the writer and director ended this amazing show, and I am so impressed with all the details they managed to cram in throughout its run. It really brings drama watching to a higher level and really demands more than just disengaged viewing from the audience.

Can't wait for the next reply series, because we all know it's definitely coming after those ratings!

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Well, I'm glad I stopped watching at Episode 12. Otherwise, I would've been so sad that JH was left in the dust.  Hmmpph, that coward!!

All the while,all the clues were pointing at him as the potential hubby. The alleyway, the bus, the sweater... And all of a sudden, he was gone.

Did he do something to richard simmons off the writer?

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57 minutes ago, hushhh said:

Back to the writer's message.

The script wasn't change. Consider this, Hamlet was almays meant to die, despite it being his story he didn't get the girl, he didn't get to crown, he didn't get to go back to school and finish his studies. But he did get his story told. ;)

R88 was the story of a community. JH lived. He grew from his experience that's the story I wanted you to have. While I acknowledge your displeasure I am satisfied with my work. See I could have like Willy made it even more his own story by having him meet the ultimate end. But I didn't. Who knows, in Reply XXXX he may get a cameo and you'll discover that he has a wife, four kid, five ponies, and six dogs, a gecko,  and a huge pet foot bill--and is VERY HAPPY despite of it.:rolleyes:

I'm glad you enjoyed the first eighteeen episode. Please comeback to the franchise when you launch our next reply in a couple of year. :D 


Is this really come from the writer ? It hurt more :tears:.
Are we suppose to left hanging waiting..waiting and waiting for a closure for him ?
(I know it's probably the best way to end this way for the drama to make impact but still ....).


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I regret nothing I even loved the pain. Hats off to you writers hats off. It was all right there from the very beginning. I was lead on (I intentionally was made to follow Junghwan and his love and lost from the very beginning) and I lead myself on (I fell/feel waaay too deep for Junghwan and Junghwan Deok Sun that I couldn't or better yet didn't want to see the subtle story developing and growing in the background and then brought to a forefront conclusion). However even though I'm still bitter and mad about many a things....(bless shipper threads so I can irrationally complain and be bitter freely. Yes I do know half of it is being bitter and petty let me swim in my feels for a bit ok) I loved it all. I would change nothing (well I would want Junghwan's man pain to have been reduced and just a tighter ending with resolution for all but even not getting that, not seeing where everyone ended up is true to life) yes I would keep Taek the husband because...because I am sadistic and enjoy the hurt lol nah.....I...Deok Sun made her choice....Taek realized his first love...and I adore to bits and pieces the story and heart break of the missed first love of Junghwan...For me that doesn't compare to what was given with TaekSun (just a difference in taste y'all please don't kill me) and I love it all. I love it all. Man they should have wrecked me further by giving me a TaekSun proposal scene. I even loved the pain...

My Jungbong became a well known chef :wub: I will never forget this character or his amazing life hack skills. I am bitter that he doesn't exist and can't be mine but, this writer chose not to give a lot to of things I wanted so I'll add it all into the heart break list :P I love the Kims. They were/are my favorite family to come out this whole franchise. Mama Kim you are my queen. Papa Kim I loved everyone of your lame jokes, and last but never the least Kim Junghwan...Kim Junghwan...Jungpal....my cold pit bull marshmallow....I could write pages upon pages of how much I loved you as a brother, a son, a friend, a first love, a brilliant male lead, an everything....but I won't or people here gonna kill me lol. This fandom is already boiling...I just, I'll never forget you or your failed love story. Holy Molly you stole my heart without me knowing and then when I realized how deep I was, I just couldn't let go. This character is right up there with Oppa-ya as my favorite male leads of this franchise. At lest we stole the show. At least we stole the show. At least we stole the show. I do hope the greater most of kneitzens and fandom calm their t i t s though. Well let them rage (I know I did and a tiny part of me continues to be bitter and salty about so many things that was and could have been) then please let it go.  Let's all go build a snowman LOL. 

SunBora yay for their happy ending. Was that name mentioned in one flash forward their kid? (how I wish I could have gotten into this ship would have saved myself the heart break). TaekSun well it all came together in the end like I asked for. How I wish y'all would have crushed my heart more LOL. I sooo wanted a Deok Sun POV of what he looks like in her eyes similar to what we got with Junghwan in episode 18 (wipes away a tear). I wanted to see adult princess Jinjoo, did I miss out on why they were being interviewed? Where the hell was Dong Ryeong and Junghwan and my gods I didn't get to keep the hair or did I? (did it look slightly different?) or the LMY fanboy or see the dog...seriously it hurts....

So I enjoyed it but I would be lying if I didn't say that in some aspects the show fumbled the ball at the 1 yard line when we could have won the super bowl. Could people who know how make this gif for me using Mean Girls please: Writers: You go Sung Sunwoo. Four four you Choi Taek....and none for Kim Junghwan, bye! The snatching crown meme is hilarious. Could someone also make the "bye b I t c h" one with the toddlers who drive off in the toddler driving jeep and leaving on toddler friend looking sadly in. Off course Deok Sun and Taek are in the jeep and Junghwan sadly looks on. I enjoy laughing through my tears ok LOL. Man it killed me, made me laugh, and applaud to see the crying green doll LOL. 

'Twas a fun journey. I enjoyed the drama. I learned I laughed I cried. I raged with a flat mate. I texted messages of love and appreciation to family. I fell in love with a boy who fell for a girl he simply wasn't meant to be with *sniffle* Thank you writers because I loved ever single one of these squad kids and their families (to varying degrees and even if some left me hurting with the choices made and not made). Le sigh, it's really over....


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32 minutes ago, melissala said:

Ratings 19.6%

peaked at  21.6%.



Ahhh they missed the 20% by just 0.4% that's too bad. But at least the peaks were over 20%, for a cable channel like tvn these ratings are already just....crazy (in a good way of course). And the online ratings were over 90%. I'm happy for the entire cast, writers, PDs, staff and literally everyone who worked on this beautiful drama. Their hard work paid off.

Now when are they going to fulfill the promises they made for 8%, 10% and 18%? :lol:

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31 minutes ago, pi2tni4ng said:


Is this really come from the writer ? It hurt more :tears:.
Are we suppose to left hanging waiting..waiting and waiting for a closure for him ?
(I know it's probably the best way to end this way for the drama to make impact but still ....).



I apologize for my confusing attempt at humor. 

I don't know anyone on the creative team.

I thought my lack of knowledge and connections would be obvious sinc.

Didn't mean to to troll.

I was just rifting on the nature of dramatic narratives and its relationship to Reply 1988.

Don't get your hopes up for a future cameo.

But consider the fact that JH is handsome, thoughtful, tall, smart, focused and successful, there are tons of wonderful fictional women in the k-drama universe. I don't think he will be alone and unhappy for long. It up to him. Once he heals and is ready for a partner, there will be a spunky, good humored, hardworking k-drama female lead what will be there waiting to romance him. And if we are lucky, future female (?) romance lead will teach him to do what DS wasn't able to--loosen up and go for the gold ring.

All the best.


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14 minutes ago, pi2tni4ng said:

@MrsSoJiSub : don't know why, but from your past comments, I feel that you are holding up on Junghwan so much and projecting all the feels to jungbong.
You need to let it all out girl :sweatingbullets: (sorry if I am mistaken )

Half of what I feel for Junghwan I never express here because things get heated quickly lol and like Junghwan told Taek about seeing the picture in his wallet *smirk smile like my bae* it's all water under the bridge go do you LOL.

Nah, R1994 fandom was a mess and we really came close to that level of "oh gurl, get your richard simmons back in the house and change cause that is not a good look. You are not going nowhere with me looking a mess" (sisters) messy mess here. I just want to keep the peace and remember all this fondly. Besides the show is over and done. It is what is. Junghwan and RJY is getting a lot of love in Korea right now. Not being the husband is the best thing that could have ever happened to him LOL. I mean they loved him before and would love him anyways. But the feeling -right or wrong- of being "cheated" and "they changed the script kill all!!" Lmfao, these children. Has resulted in an out pouring of love and support. There is a project where they have been using his confession to send messages of love his way. LOL he's not really KJH, he read the script and knew this ending. Like really? But this how kfans always been (the love and sympathy YYS/Chilbong got even though they still lived JW/Oppa) and a large part of it has to do with the fact that everyone and their grandmother believed he would be the husband (again applause the writers and actor for this they got me good with the merchandise, the advertising, the OST covers...). I just hope no hate is sent Hyeri or PBG's way. That little boy is like a pocket full of sunshine and too fragile and precious to receive hate. She is an improving actress who did her role. It ain't their fault it ended how it ended. 

This went on far longer than I intended but to answer your question. Don't nobody want to read pages of my sending love Junghwan/RJY's way. There's a thread for that and I'll keep it there LOL *is proud of herself from learning so much from the R94 days :)*

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5 hours ago, blue_angel_1004 said:

Goodbye, Reply 1988... and thank you!

I went in to watch the final episode today, a little scared as I don't have any recent memory of the guy who I was rooting for, being left to be so broken-hearted. I didn't know what I'd think, what I'd feel, or even how I should be reacting to these emotions. But surprisingly, as the final episode finished, I left satisfied, albeit with a heavy heart.

I was so off the mark, but as I reflect back, I realize that this was indeed the story that the production meant to tell. The love story of Taek and DS was so subtle and gradual, truly like that of childhood friends who always grew up together. And like DS who did not immediately see these emotions developing within her, I, as a viewer, completely missed it and even dismissed it. But that was just the kind of love that DS and Taek shared... familiar, and at times, familial. But no less "lesser" for it. And this was the love that DS chose.

Instead, I was pulled into the story of the first love of JH. I don't want to say I was just simply blind and fooled. I do think the production intentionally pulled us into his story for his also had a significant purpose in the grand scheme of this drama.

Even more so than the previous installments, Reply 1988 had a strong and realistic sense of nostalgia for the past. I had mentioned that JH's love story was told linearly, like that of YJ in R1997 and Najeong in R1994. We walked along with them in their story of first love, and delighted as their first love came to fruition. However, I always thought in the back of my mind how truly rare this is in real life for the first time you have loved to be your only and your last one. I just shrugged it off as the production's fantasizing of the idea of first love.

This time, the production dared to show perhaps the more realistic portrayal of the flutter and heartbreak of first love through JH. Is it not true that first love so often fails because it is our first and also at our clumsiest? And so, this was something so many people related to as we watched JH's story and as many of us had failed in our first love ourselves, at least in a drama we wanted this fantasy to come true for JH. Alas, the production chose the more realistic route. As I sit in my little corner with tears falling because I feel like I too went through the pain of unfulfilled first love along side him (when I never asked to be put through this), I do see the artistic merit of it. That's just what a fine piece of work does. And if I had not been so invested in the character but just watched it objectively from afar, I could have appreciated more.

All that said, I don't think this ending was without fault. The production made us fall in love with not just the love triangle, but everyone living in Ssangmundong. Even as a fan service, would it have been too much to allow us to see them living happily in the present? I see why they didn't because like the song Hwehwadong, friends and neighbors naturally moved, grew apart, and contacts became fewer and further in between. Once again, this drama was about the nostalgia of what they used to have in the past that they will never have again. But in choosing to be realistic, the writer was cruel to us till the end.    

Then again, this is me talking because I already miss them all so much....



TeakSun had only 2 useless flashbacks. And the DS diary's flashback was even wrong!!! I can't believe this is the ordiginal story!!! My friend said that there were no flashback of Teak n Duksun so they had to use those hopeless scenes. Even Jung Hwan have many fb from the beginning.

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@MrsSoJiSub  I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it.  I tried to venture back into the JH/DS thread this last week, but man... that place is burning up.  Used to be the MT was the contentious thread in the fandom.  I guess everyone needs their place to vent their anger though. One thing I know, the writer, tvn and PD are laughing their richard simmons off today.  Don't even tell me people won't be back for the next Reply next year.  People love being tortured. 

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20 minutes ago, Kate Springborn said:

There r 2 useless falshback. And the DS diary's flashback was even wrong!!! I can't believe this is the ordiginal story!!! My friend said that there were no flashback of Teak n Duksn so they had to use those hopeless scenes. Even Jung Hwan have many fb from the beginning.


The drama is already end. The only one that has childhood flashback is Taek ever since ep 2. And they already hinted us the flashback in ep 20 in earlier episode. Taek got his head injured already mentioned in ep 10 and by ep 20 we get to see it for real. Idk when the production team say they will make the husband obvious, people keep ignoring the obvious hint toward Taek. Smoking, coffee, scene with Noeul, left handed, selective memory, dont like interview, read manhwa, borrowing manhwa, there are so many that keep ignored by people. And the best confirmation about this is the scene of the parents of ssangmun dong saying "We already know they are close right" and taek said something like "there is nothing change in their relationship after all this time" hinted us that they already soulmate from the very beginning they met. And seems like writer throw the "IN YOUR FACE!!" to viewers. Lol just accept it or go ask doeksun about her real feeling or even the writer. Annyeong:wub:

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Honestly I’m not Team Junghwan or Taek coz I still cant get over my broken heart for Chilbong. But unlike R94, I really love both Junghwan and Taek so I don’t mind whoever Deoksun chose in the end. I just want Junghwan and Taek get their own proper ending coz they deserve it.

That’s why I’m a bit disappointed with the ending. It doesn’t matter for me if they didn’t show the new girl for Junghwan coz I think it’s much better than the “the forced 1 minute loveline for Chilbong”. I just really wanna know what happen to 5 Sangamdong in the future. Are they still close? Did Deoksun know Jughwan had a crush on her or she thought it’s only a joke like others? But we didn’t get the proper answer for all those questions.

Maybe the writer’s intention is to make Jughwan’s first love and coming of age story like YOU’RE APPLE OF MY EYES (Chinese Movie) or HONEY and CLOVER (Japan Anime and Drama) but she totally failed. From those two series, we got the message of bittersweet first love whereas in R88 we got nothing. In You’re Apple of My Eyes, the lead male found the true meaning of loving someone and In Honey & Clover the lead male thanked his first love for being a part of his adulthood and identity self journey.  I think Reply 1988 will be a nonmainstream K drama for making Taek being the husband and we can see the proper ending for Junghwan’s bittersweet first love journey but the final episode ruined those ideas.

I must admit Reply 1988 is so much better than its predecessors in family and friendship themes. It’s more complex and heartwarming. It would be a perfect and the best drama if only that dragging hella triangle love or husband game didn’t exist.


Dear Shin PD and Lee writer-nim, Lets meet in next installment after you learn how to make a better and proper ending. Goodbye Reply 1988. Thank you for healing my wound heart after Reply 1994 and making me falling in love again with this francise! Go Reply~ing!!

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20 hours ago, minibunny said:

Because few weeks back this thread has become JH-DS thread.. Some even claimed JH-DS are the main OTP or ask for kiss..

When some people try to give arguments about suntaek, some tend to skip it or mock us even the posts have been deleted by the moderators.. It looks so aggressive to us.. The thread becomes uncomfortable for suntaek shipper.. That's why many of us (who believe TK is the end game) prefer to stay in the shipper paradise.. And some people are tend not to speak or posts but still believe or enjoy the story.. 

I don't mean to offend you.. I am sorry if I do that.. But I'm one of some people who believe taek is the husband from the beginning and I post some of my arguments even before the break.. 

And it's not because the kiss, we happy that they together.. My personal opinion is because their deep relationship.. They don't need grand gesture but subtle move that pile up and become love.. 


Lol stop. I'm sorry but this is not true. Do you know why the JH/DS thread has way more comments than this main one? Because we felt chased away. Everytime we were confident about something (BECAUSE THE WRITERS MADE IT THAT OBVIOUS), Taek people got offended. So we quietly went to our own thread where we had the BEST time. No one bothered to go into this one anymore because we felt it was better to discuss our stuff amonst ourselves.

Those posts were deleted because that person was downright offensive using slurs and what not to try to make her point. You must have missed that because you were drooling while reading her nonsensical theories.

i really don't mean to be rude but I'm tired of being painted as the bad guy for supporting JH/DS when we never even wanted to interfere with anyone here. 

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