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[OFFICIAL] Song Jae Rim ❤ Kim So Eun - LTE Couple [WGM]: PART 2


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Your thought is hit bull eye on Jaerim need someone in the industry to take leap of faith with him and cast him as a lead in a drama that display his potential as actor. Yes you're right he is a adorable n funny person. He is Mr. Next Door that you want your daughter to marry. Soeun is very happy n carefree when she is with him. They are very suitable in so many ways. This is why we ship them so badly. I'm going insane watching TSWWTN n didn't bother with UW because we still discussing them on wgm.  Also casts on UW is not too excited to watch expect for Jaerim. What everyone say that Jaerim didn't have a lot airtime. I don't want to watch it.

Regarding what kind of role he should person, capt you took those words out of my mouth. I have always think it is so challenging to convince viewers when you a bad guy than good guy. Most of know actors don't like to take villain role because you get more people hate u than like. Who like to be hate anyway? When Jaerim is Mo II Hwa is so good playing that role. We want more of him on screen. Now his agency want him to be more lovable n cute person. Why not? He is getting so much attention for this.  I don't foresee any time soon that bad boy Jaerim is being cast. I'm like u really enjoy watching Gwi n how interesting to watch his character. With Soeun coaching Jaerim on acting, maybe we will see him back as bad boy character or good starting role. In the meantime, this adorable man is really enjoyable to watch. Let be happy for this love birds and hope they will cause some troubles so we have fun spazzing about them.


Well, it said, beside every successful man, stands a great woman. We can see this happened on SoLim couple. I didn't said that Kim So Eun took all credit but she's the key of his locked fame. Jae Rim and So Eun built a solid team work. Their chemistry shine on together. What is Jae Rim without So Eun in WGM? Will we see another side of So Eun if Jae Rim is not there? Nope... They're a perfect partner for each other. At least it's proven on their collaboration and I don't see any reason why they can't be a couple. It's not every day we can meet someone who can understand our characters and can read our mind. I already memorize in my brain what Jae Rim said or So Eun said about each other in BRI. If one day they announce those words are bunch of lies then I will personally give them award as "Nation Liar Couple" for bluffing me, HAHAHAHAHAHA

Regarding drama character, "Good is good but BAD is better!" Hahahahahaha

I think bad guy character will be trend now days. Playing an antagonist's role takes a lot of sweat instead being Mr Nice Guy who is keep on smiling from 1st episode until the end, hahahahahaha... People watch drama, I watch drama... people get swayed, I also get swayed but when people said DRAMA is real then I will said "Excuse me?" because drama is 100% scripted.

Overall... Song Jae Rim has an evil face but this evil face can't help you but to fall in love with him!  

EXCUSE ME SONG JAE RIM-SSI.... My Grandma asked her sweater back! 57


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Well, it said, beside every successful man, stands a great woman. We can see this happened on SoLim couple. I didn't said that Kim So Eun took all credit but she's the key of his locked fame. Jae Rim and So Eun built a solid team work. Their chemistry shine on together. What is Jae Rim without So Eun in WGM? Will we see another side of So Eun if Jae Rim is not there? Nope... They're a perfect partner for each other. At least it's proven on their collaboration and I don't see any reason why they can't be a couple. It's not every day we can meet someone who can understand our characters and can read our mind. I already memorize in my brain what Jae Rim said or So Eun said about each other in BRI. If one day they announce those words are bunch of lies then I will personally give them award as "Nation Liar Couple" for bluffing me, HAHAHAHAHAHA

Regarding drama character, "Good is good but BAD is better!" Hahahahahaha

I think bad guy character will be trend now days. Playing an antagonist's role takes a lot of sweat instead being Mr Nice Guy who is keep on smiling from 1st episode until the end, hahahahahaha... People watch drama, I watch drama... people get swayed, I also get swayed but when people said DRAMA is real then I will said "Excuse me?" because drama is 100% scripted.

Overall... Song Jae Rim has an evil face but this evil face can't help you but to fall in love with him!  

EXCUSE ME SONG JAE RIM-SSI.... My Grandma asked her sweater back! 57

OMG he wearing your Grandma Sweater ? i cant believe it Hahahahhahaha LOLimage.gif

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"Solim First Time Ever" series

12. Saxophone

The first time Jaerim played the saxophone live in front of Soeun obviously trying to show off his charm


Soeun was quite impressed


She want to try it out herself


Naturally they got very close to each other


It wasn't easy though!  Soeun tried to tease Rimmie about the lip mark on the reed


When he said his lips would remember it, Soeun said she didn't like such cheesy lines


Sly Rimmie hit back with: "So why is your face color same as the lipstick mark on my lips?".  These two never fail to entertain us with their interactions! :P


Sly fox touching the lower lips of lovely bear...


Look at those legs of Soeun to see their happiness...



This is really one the classic scenes in WGM, and I am quite sure that Solim will not forget about this for the rest of their lives!

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Omo, omo.. I translate the last paragraph of the article with google translate and this what it says:

"During the visit, he said would be to shoot a volleyball theme of the drama, but because they are not good at sports, so much practice and preparation. As the case may have a show of muscle, he said, because the show mainly young people, it will not often have these scenes, but because the play relatively narrow bodied wear sportswear, will have the opportunity to show the muscles."

Brace yourself for muscular Jaerim under tights!:wub:

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i missed both of them too.... *sigh* :(

watching random Solim episode  and got caught up in it's okay..it's jaerim episode...:D 

their simple conversation & sudden byuntae attack by jaerim always makes me smile..^_^

10SZf2Z.gif  b2e8VIt.gif

mJYfgiK.gif  hllJxxo.gif

xVY8IhV.gif  YiklCLH.gif



and when can i see this happy face again from uri Soeunnie when mentioning her husband...

just looking at LSH naughty smile...he surely know something about Solim...:P

UuPM5rE.gif ymZFENF.gif


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Your thought is hit bull eye on Jaerim need someone in the industry to take leap of faith with him and cast him as a lead in a drama that display his potential as actor. Yes you're right he is a adorable n funny person. He is Mr. Next Door that you want your daughter to marry. Soeun is very happy n carefree when she is with him. They are very suitable in so many ways. This is why we ship them so badly. I'm going insane watching TSWWTN n didn't bother with UW because we still discussing them on wgm.  Also casts on UW is not too excited to watch expect for Jaerim. What everyone say that Jaerim didn't have a lot airtime. I don't want to watch it.

Regarding what kind of role he should person, capt you took those words out of my mouth. I have always think it is so challenging to convince viewers when you a bad guy than good guy. Most of know actors don't like to take villain role because you get more people hate u than like. Who like to be hate anyway? When Jaerim is Mo II Hwa is so good playing that role. We want more of him on screen. Now his agency want him to be more lovable n cute person. Why not? He is getting so much attention for this.  I don't foresee any time soon that bad boy Jaerim is being cast. I'm like u really enjoy watching Gwi n how interesting to watch his character. With Soeun coaching Jaerim on acting, maybe we will see him back as bad boy character or good starting role. In the meantime, this adorable man is really enjoyable to watch. Let be happy for this love birds and hope they will cause some troubles so we have fun spazzing about them.


Well, it said, beside every successful man, stands a great woman. We can see this happened on SoLim couple. I didn't said that Kim So Eun took all credit but she's the key of his locked fame. Jae Rim and So Eun built a solid team work. Their chemistry shine on together. What is Jae Rim without So Eun in WGM? Will we see another side of So Eun if Jae Rim is not there? Nope... They're a perfect partner for each other. At least it's proven on their collaboration and I don't see any reason why they can't be a couple. It's not every day we can meet someone who can understand our characters and can read our mind. I already memorize in my brain what Jae Rim said or So Eun said about each other in BRI. If one day they announce those words are bunch of lies then I will personally give them award as "Nation Liar Couple" for bluffing me, HAHAHAHAHAHA

Regarding drama character, "Good is good but BAD is better!" Hahahahahaha

I think bad guy character will be trend now days. Playing an antagonist's role takes a lot of sweat instead being Mr Nice Guy who is keep on smiling from 1st episode until the end, hahahahahaha... People watch drama, I watch drama... people get swayed, I also get swayed but when people said DRAMA is real then I will said "Excuse me?" because drama is 100% scripted.

Overall... Song Jae Rim has an evil face but this evil face can't help you but to fall in love with him!  

EXCUSE ME SONG JAE RIM-SSI.... My Grandma asked her sweater back! 57


Here I thought you lend him your casino sweater. Your lucky sweater..right? Are you passing your luck to him so he does well at his fanmeeting and upcoming projects? Capt. lately main hp is writing articles about who is dating or getting marry. I always ask myself why there no news on our couple. I got to wait how long to see this couple to be as one.  :( I'm going insane like you. Take this soju with me and how many bottles for us to pass out on Solim's doorstep and demand answer. Are you in? Maybe I'm too chicken to go that far..I still got alot of patience to ride this ship.

If the trend is bad guy roles, you should see Jaerim might get his sway back soon. Bad boy image is so hot that why I marry one.  I'm innocent type with dirty thoughts whenever I'm spazz with you guys. I'm firm believer that opposite always seem to attract each other. Destiny and faith will lead you to your soul mate. Solim both work in showbiz industry that got some opportunity to meet in drama but didn't. WGM brought them together and instantly click so well. Solim knew they got something going for them. As a fan, I'm thrilled to be a part of their ride. You're right this chemistry will not work if they are not pair with each other. Many haters will disagree and say they could be with pair with different person and still work. I truly doubt there is ever the possibility that will work. There is no but or on their chemistry. Honestly Soeun is bigger factor on this chemistry. Not because I'm a woman and siding with her. I just don't think she get all the credit that she deserve.

Good is good. Bad is better. You know I'm with you 110% on your statement. I think we easy sway in real world on what is trendy and follow the crowd so we are not left out. Playing the bad person is so much fun that you ask yourself why you didn't play it before. The challenge of playing bad person is not easy at all. You got reverse your way of thinking and convince yourself to be bad intentionally. This is why I know it so hard to be actors/actresses. They got my most respect.

Capt. if anyone question your commitment this ship, they don't know this thread too well. You have been shipping from beginning and still continuing your work here. Yes we can't be here 24/7 to show others that we're hardcore Solim OTP. We try our best to come here and share what we got on Solim and pass it on to other honeybees. Networking and hoping to see our OTP will be real. That is our payoff. Solim is ruler breaker couple so expect the unexpected from them. They are my favorite couple of all time. As long as Solim continue sailing, I'm with them to end. Right capt? Let's have fun.

Happy spazzing to everyone:wub:

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I'm missing Solim too much! :(

My chingu is been too long that we haven't seen Solim together. I hope soon they will be cast together. Are producers afraid to cast them as couple? Because they don't want to see too much lovey-dovey off camera or don't admit they too are Solim's fan. Can't wait someone  cast them in CF or something like runaway models. Jaerim can teach Soeun do the catwalk like this

Image result for song jae rim modeling  too sexy n hot

Shaving cream CF

Image result for song jaerim and kim so eun How to give your man smooth shave without any cut? Or shaving his hairless legs,,if you dare.

I miss this hottie chicken legs

Image result for song jaerim and kim so eun Still can't believe his legs is better than mine.

Here is cute moment on love bench....:wub:

Image result for song jaerim and kim so eun SooooooooCuteeeeeeeeeeee

I'm waiting to see this pic on Soompi HP....as their wedding announcement

Image result for song jaerim and kim so eun

cr. rightful owners

Happy Spazzing....


Omo, omo.. I translate the last paragraph of the article with google translate and this what it says:

"During the visit, he said would be to shoot a volleyball theme of the drama, but because they are not good at sports, so much practice and preparation. As the case may have a show of muscle, he said, because the show mainly young people, it will not often have these scenes, but because the play relatively narrow bodied wear sportswear, will have the opportunity to show the muscles."

Brace yourself for muscular Jaerim under tights!:wub:

You got me all excited that we will get to see this man like Image result for song jaerim and kim so eun no shirt and some muscle....:w00t:

I can't wait to see his drama now...I wonder if someone will get jealous of this man with shirtless. Soeun this is just business. Don't worry his heart is your.

Image result for song jaerim and kim so eun Don't you dare forget it...


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It's just a joke but I can't believe someone who used to be model and wore branded clothes from famous designers one day will turn up at airport with Grandma's sweater. Is he stylist is Song Jae Rim's anti fan? Hahahahahaha... Lucky that he has bubble smile and a warm heart...

But... but the sweater has fruit design, hahahahaha... And it has number too... Number 7 55




Ooooooohhhhhh... So, he's going shirtless on his new drama? Or, just during exercise not exactly in drama scenes?? I hope he won't become so dark since it's outside activities due to Knets prefers milky-skin-face on screen...

Still my 200M love to support him... Song Jae Rim, get strength... FIGHTING!!! 105




Am I in...??? As long as not related to Police then let me join you, hahahahahaha... If I'm living in Korea I might apply to MBC or KBS as PD since I'm not good in writing so I have to forget it how to apply to be journalist but I have an instinct, mostly negative instinct, hahahahaha...

Maybe I can apply to be paparazzi for Dispatch. handsome

Regarding SoLim haters I just wonder how they survive after SoLim leave WGM, hahahahaha... I know that Shippers will be surprise because we don't have to hunt SoLim in Social Media, they're the one who's feeding us, hahahahaha... Especially Song Jae Rim, he's obviously play push-pull games on shipper for SoLim's future, hahahahaha... But I love this game! hahahahaha..

SoLim as Actor & Actress. They're not coming from A-List. I never put a high expectation that they will be the first choice before Actor's So Ji Sub or Actress Han Ji Won. But if they cast as a couple in drama, I do believe they can make a different. They can make a beautiful chemistry. I do believe what I believe, it doesn't matter if people don't buy it. This is my game... Are you gaming too? Hahahahahaha

Sometimes I read some comments about how netizen looked down on Shippers. Accused how delusional we are... Do they think we're an idiot? Don't know how to separate between real and reel? Hahahahaha... We know how is it living in delululand, this is our choice and we're happy with our choice. At least we have one place with a community and talk same thing. SoLim is not perfect OTP, they have A LOT of weakness... But they're so simple and easy to understand. I don't need to crack my brain just to think how to adore them or protect them. They just what you see is what you get. Bubble Jae Rim and subtly So Eun.

Most of it I don't need to explain to anyone why I'm so faithful to SoLim. I like SoLim, that's all... leocot


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Song Jae Rim is too kind, he accepted everything that his stylish team offer, maybe he thought that the sweater is awful too hhahahaa... what kind of Motor Rider wearing that kind of outfit, image.gif

i seriously will haunt his stylist team, tell me their IG account, i cant bear him wearing that sweater image.gif

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Song Jae Rim is too kind, he accepted everything that his stylish team offer, maybe he thought that the sweater is awful too hhahahaa... what kind of Motor Rider wearing that kind of outfit, image.gif

i seriously will haunt his stylist team, tell me their IG account, i cant bear him wearing that sweater image.gif


If he's less cute, less adorable, and if he's not Song Jae Rim... I might troll him with that Grandma's sweater...

The airport fashion is one of critical event for fans because fans spent a long hours just to see their bias at glance. That's why some of Celebrities, even in they dislike to show off in public but they try to put a decent clothes at airport.

But... but...

He's just like a sick person who just recovery and leave the hospital. 116

Or, just like a divorce husband who left by his wife to pursue her career... He fall sick, hospitalized and even not get well soon but he already have tight schedule and he has to work, hahahahaha...

My LULU is feeding me this story... 13

Embedded image permalink

Photo by : http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/entertainment/20150809/bkn-20150809121205298-0809_00862_001.html

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If he's less cute, less adorable, and if he's not Song Jae Rim... I might troll him with that Grandma's sweater...

The airport fashion is one of critical event for fans because fans spent a long hours just to see their bias at glance. That's why some of Celebrities, even in they dislike to show off in public but they try to put a decent clothes at airport.

But... but...

He's just like a sick person who just recovery and leave the hospital. 116

Or, just like a divorce husband who left by his wife to pursue her career... He fall sick, hospitalized and even not get well soon but he already have tight schedule and he has to work, hahahahaha...

My LULU is feeding me this story... 13


Photo by : http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/entertainment/20150809/bkn-20150809121205298-0809_00862_001.html




the stylist is jailed the REAL SONG JAE RIM, jeballllll release him, i think Song Jae Rim doesnt need a stylish, Bumblebee pants is a proof that he can handle his outfit well hhahahhahaha..... his Bumblee pants is more manly that his stylish sweaterimage.gif

hahahaha long time no see to your LULU Capt kkkkk


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I don't want to jump into conclusion but knets always feeding me this idea if Celebrities wore a weird clothes, then his/her stylist must be their anti-fan, HAHAHHAHAHAHA...

Oh... I miss his bumblebee pants. I had enough with his sleeveless shirt, hahahahaha...

I miss this kinda hubby... Simple, adorable, nice, warm and still has sexy vibe on him


Song Jae Rim updated his weibo... I guess this side is his ulzzang side, HAHAHAHAHA

OMO! Is that a bowl beside him....??? Why he has to take photo beside a bowl???



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When I see this...


Suddenly this moment 'pop up' in my mind...


Song Triplet as the three musketeers

Sarang & Yuto as SOLIM

Kikikiki..Manse reaction just like Seo kang Joon...jealousy........

#all picture credit to the owner

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