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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Guest rainmoon

I always found it strange that Brownies, a while back, said something like SY changed outfits during the 1st date with JH & then Henry.  I never thought that so I went back a rewatched the 2nd episode to confirm and, yes, no SY never changed outfits during the first meeting between dates or going to the Aquarium.  If you look at aroung 1:55 mark when JH & her pinkie promise/stamp to pick each other you can see the white dress with the black stitch embroidery on her sleeve sticking out of her powder baby blue jacket.  She kept her jacket on the entire time she was on her date with JH and then took it off to eat at the restaurant with Henry.  The white dress she was wearing the entire time on that date.  It's just that at the end, at the Aquarium, after having had the date with Henry, she didn't put back on her jacket.

Maybe I'm confused and someone meant another episode or time where SY was wearing one thing and then in the next segment was wearing another outfit...  but for sure it wasn't during their first meeting.  

​Her van ride to the University is different from the dress she wore throughout the whole day/date(s).  It's when she has the mission card in her hand, and they pass by the intestine restaurant ... her jacket is different as well, the one she has on her lap is dark blue compared to the one she wore.

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​Her van ride to the University is different from the dress she wore throughout the whole day/date(s).  It's when she has the mission card in her hand, and they pass by the intestine restaurant ... her jacket is different as well, the one she has on her lap is dark blue compared to the one she wore.

​Ahhh... from the 1st episode.  The outfit she wore getting her hair done when she got the mission card to the ride to the university? I get it now.  I still don't find that all too big a deal.  I don't think it even means that there was much of a difference in filming.  Who knows, maybe they had the outfit ready that was *sponsored* or she spilled something on it.  We'll never know actually what happened but, two things are for sure, she was driven there either by her manager or WGM themselves so make-up, wardrobe are with her... and the moment she stepped on the campus to the end of the dates, the outfit she wore was the same one.

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This past Memorial Day weekend we did some family beach time so I didn't get to watch the latest episode or get to read everything here until now.  I'm sure everything has been already discussed and analyzed to the nth degree but I want to share how I feel about this episode, because that's the way I am and I'm not happy until I've done this!  :D

And really, after what we saw from the baseball game and the BTS from the Ceci photo shoot I thought this episode would be somewhat anti-climatic, but again, our couple delivers more heartfelt emotions and serious cringe worthy moments.  They never let us down, do they, Brownies!?  :P

It starts with that opening close-up of SY's face as she turns and smiles expectantly because her husband is coming to her.  AiisssHHH! how can she be so breathtakingly pretty?!  With her dusky make-up and wild, curly hair she just makes you gasp (and the MCs!).  Those eyes, those lips, that hair, how does someone like her exist on this planet?   And JH sees it when he walks to her, she is like another person - a sudden sexy angel - that he has never seen before.  Yes, JH, as you have said before - this is big trouble!  The fact that she is so ,so pretty and adorable is going to be big trouble for you.   the fact that she will become popular because of her time on WGM with you as her husband is going to be big trouble for you.  She will have suitors, and people who will want her for projects (MVs, CFs, dramas) and they will want to take her and her time away from you.  This is big trouble.   Please capture her heart now, because when WGM ends, you may not get another chance! 

But we don't have to worry.  From the beginning of the photo shoot (back hug part on the floor) we see JH take control and gently but firmly support and encourage his wife through the photo shoot.  She is nervous, in a strange place and environment but he naturally leads her and calms her down.   The best times are when they are looking at each other in their own little world, crinkling their noses, laughing, talking and just enjoying each other.  When they both move their faces together their lips are close and Choa has a mental breakdown.  But the important thing SY says - she trusts him to lead her, make her comfortable and protect her.  I love the last part where he tells her she can say something and he says gibberish and just laughs "ha, hah, Ha" and she begins to giggle, ah so sweet! :wub:

When SY does her solo picture she is again uncomfortable (ah those long legs in the short shorts!) but he again loosens her up, calling her pretty, pretty and she looks best when smiling.  The staff is starting to warm up to this couple, too.  I sense they see something between these 2 that doesn't exist when 2 strangers do a photo shoot.   There is a palpable connection between these two, they can see it and feel it.  the photographer tells SY to look at JH and smile and her face lights up in a shy smile.  When they interact SY comes alive, her nervousness disappears and her face lights up, it is all because of JH.

During JH's solo photo shoot, she watches him, and realizes he is really good, a pro and really handsome.  You can see in her face she is a little in awe about how good he looks!

And here comes my favorite part about the photo shoot - as always their alone time is the highlight of any of their activities.  We see JH closely walking behind SY (still in her white blouse and short shorts!), he is smiling widely, cheeks high, dimples showing and he is massaging her shoulders and she is smiling.  They stop in the makeup room, and even though there is staff there, here it comes - the sweetest moment, SY leans her head back onto JH's shoulder, you can hear her let out a little moan, the MCs go ahhhhh, and JH lets out a little laugh and looks down at her upturned face.  Can I say here I actually felt hot and blushed when she did that?! :sweatingbullets: 

But does it stop there, oh no!  She cutely whines, says she is tired and can't go on.  JH says he is not tired, even after getting only an hours sleep.  And then comes one of the sweetest, back and forth, husband/wife like exchanges I've ever seen them do!  "Why ,because of?" "because of" because he is with his Energizer Bunny wife, of course!  Their faces get close, they look directly into each other eyes, and then they laugh at his bloodshot eyes.  He says "I am not tired" and this precious scene ends with JY hugging SY and her with a lovely, satisfied smile on her face.   Everybody - Awwwwww!

they continue on the bed with the cake, and we see JH's first "love bite".  Remember when he did this at the baseball game? And we all went crazy?  Well, there's a history to it.  they cutely play on the bed, and JH says "When else would we do something like this?" referring to him laying his head on her leg.  Then he says," Photo shoot is actually nice.  I wish we could do many photo shoots!" And she laughs and cutely wipes her hand across his upper lip.  Yes JH.  We all wish you do many photo shoots with her!

Next scene, SY does her serious, pouty look and JH calls her sexy, but SH objects.   Why, does being called sexy make her uncomfortable?  They continue to do sweet sexy poses, and you can see she is getting more comfortable with the photo shoot.

She comes out wearing a loose fitting white shirt and what looks like fishnet stockings.  She is uncomfortable - this is too erotic?  JH, our Busan namja, immediately objects to his wife being put in this uncomfortable situation.  All I can say is "hell yes, buddy, I would do the same thing!"  Again, we see this is no ordinary photo shoot for him.   This is no model that he will spend a few hours with and then forget, this is his wife who is emotionally attached to and has feelings for and he has vowed to protect her.  And he does.  Another positive mark for her husband goes into SY's check list!   You can see the staff woman in the denim dress puts her hands up to her eyes as if to stop tears, and then cover her cheeks.   You can see even she realizes that JH is protecting her and thinks it is sweet!

With SY laying down in the bed, when JH begins to come over her, SY gets shy and covers her face.  Still shy.  But it is when they lock eyes that the heat comes, and the denim staff member gives them lollipops to cool down the heat.  SY shyly pulls her hair over her face, how cute!

Gahhh.  I've written so much and I'm still on the photo shoot.  Move forward to the kiss scene.   They are both nervous, shy.  Both of them say that if it hadn't been with each other it would have been easier to do.  But because they both have feelings for each other, it made it more difficult.   They possibly love each other, this is someone who makes my heart race, my face blush, my mind go blank.  JH wants to protect her.  They both don't want this kiss to be their first kiss.  Like this, for a photo shoot.  They want it to mean something. Not done because they had to for a photo shoot, or even for a show.   Because they wanted to for each other, when the time was right for both of them.   When SY put her hand on his neck and rubbed the hair on the back his neck, you could see his eyes open wide in surprise.  For a guy, having a special girl do that to the hair on the back of our necks sends a chill, a shock up our necks to the top our heads across our shoulders and down our backs to our man parts.  Not kidding.  Don't want to be graphic, but it's a fact.  That's why JH's eyes got big.  Along with other things, maybe! :w00t:    

I'm stopping here.  I'm probably boring you with so many words.  What I felt from the photo shoot - trust, closeness, mutual admiration for each other.  JH both protecting SH but also encouraging her to grow with his guidance.  SH realizing that with him by her side, she can overcome anything.  Another awesome episode and step forward in their relationship.   I'll continue with everything past the photo shoot later when I have more time.  Sorry for this length, but I'm just so caught up with them, once I start expressing the way I feel it becomes a lengthy confession.  Sorry again!  :(                                 

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I don't know why I felt like going back and reminiscing about our couple while watching the older episodes but as I do new thoughts keep coming to my mind.  Sometimes I get a bit irritated with the sarcastic comments the MCs make about our couple.  I know it's in good humor and meant to lighten the atmosphere when things get too mushy but sometimes I feel like it distracts us from a Big Moment and because we're so busy having the MCs putting thoughts in our heads we sometimes don't catch on until later.   

Like the moment JH & SY meet at the airport in Japan.  I think that was the 1st time we saw the give/give interaction between them.  They were both so thankful to each other and I think, especially for JH, it moved them to know that the other was thinking about them *similarly* while they were apart.  He was thinking about her and wanting to surprise her with some cheesy/mushy "self-created" poster.  She was thinking about him and wanting to surprise him with some cheesy/mushy [even made herself cringe writing "wife"] "self-created" travel book.  I think that was why JH said in BRI, "..it was the biggest heart attack that moment. It was a heart-stopping moment for me..." even though the MCs all were like "what's the freaking big deal".  It wasn't the travel book itself, it was the fact that she had the same thought and care about him as he was having for her.  They both received something of equal value and importance.  From that point on, us Brownies have not had to look back much because each episode they seem to up the ante. They do even bigger and better give/give gestures for each other. lol....

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Guest rainmoon

​Ahhh... from the 1st episode.  The outfit she wore getting her hair done when she got the mission card to the ride to the university? I get it now.  I still don't find that all too big a deal.  I don't think it even means that there was much of a difference in filming.  Who knows, maybe they had the outfit ready that was *sponsored* or she spilled something on it.  We'll never know actually what happened but, two things are for sure, she was driven there either by her manager or WGM themselves so make-up, wardrobe are with her... and the moment she stepped on the campus to the end of the dates, the outfit she wore was the same one.

​when I pointed that detail out, it wasn't a big deal.  Just thought it was strange and was wondering if anyone else had noticed this ... it was answered with another one or two posts, then was forgotten.  I try not to over analyse the show, as it a "show" and everything is done for the "show". I don't go on into great detail when posting ... that was just something that I happened to notice ... 

the editing in WGM is not very consistent ...

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I always found it strange that Brownies, a while back, said something like SY changed outfits during the 1st date with JH & then Henry.  I never thought that so I went back a rewatched the 2nd episode to confirm and, yes, no SY never changed outfits during the first meeting between dates or going to the Aquarium.  If you look at aroung 1:55 mark when JH & her pinkie promise/stamp to pick each other you can see the white dress with the black stitch embroidery on her sleeve sticking out of her powder baby blue jacket.  She kept her jacket on the entire time she was on her date with JH and then took it off to eat at the restaurant with Henry.  The white dress she was wearing the entire time on that date.  It's just that at the end, at the Aquarium, after having had the date with Henry, she didn't put back on her jacket.

Maybe I'm confused and someone meant another episode or time where SY was wearing one thing and then in the next segment was wearing another outfit...  but for sure it wasn't during their first meeting.  

​Her van ride to the University is different from the dress she wore throughout the whole day/date(s).  It's when she has the mission card in her hand, and they pass by the intestine restaurant ... her jacket is different as well, the one she has on her lap is dark blue compared to the one she wore.

​Picture's worth a thousand words :)

At the salon prior to meeting:


Car ride over:


Moments later walking to campus:


Dancing with coat off:



So, interestingly enough, SY changed between the salon visit/van to the first date :)

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Guest callmejandoe

​Picture's worth a thousand words :)

[omitted images]

So, interestingly enough, SY changed between the salon visit/van to the first date :)

​Maybe they're just shot on different days? When she receives her mission card and the day of the date?

Either outfits though, she looks beautiful haha.

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​yeah, loved this scene also. It was not included in the gif but I inserted a new gif here. You would notice that SY was so aware of the 2 staff members seated in the room, she side-glanced at them mindful of  the 2 staff that were in the same room where they're at lovey-dovey. She side-glanced at them but she didn't stop JH massaging her and even leaned on him. I dunno if the 2 staff members voluntarily gave them their alone-time or somebody told them to move out. wehehehe


​Oh sure , he is helping her relax while she is helping him get excited ! 

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@luvtokki  loved what you wrote here speaking to JH ( Please capture her heart now, because when WGM ends, you may not get another chance! This one statement really spoke to me. :rolleyes: You 100% right I hope he can do just that!!!  He sure continues to show her in every way that he cares.  I was thinking about the school uniform talk  when he said he would have proposed right away than kind of kidding said what can't I, sorryLooking at her reaction.  I wonder was he kidding?:blink:  Or could he have been testing the waters about her feelings on marriage or commitment in some small way.  Someone already said they wondered what were the questions he wanted to ask. :huh: I feel the same way and hope he doesn't  forget to ask them.  I also hope they continue to stay grounded no matter how much success is stirred up around them.  It's already starting to pile up!!  Success can be blindingB) May they look to each other for strength as they follow their hearts...

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Guest rainmoon

​I'm also wondering if he can wear that ring on both is middle and ring finger. If I remember correctly he had it on the middle finger for his concert and the ring finger for the show...but he switched it out from the old ring he used to wear but just changes fingers??? Someone stealthy spy like care to help? :D 

So I found this on IG... You guys be the judge. 

Cr. yong3seo on IG

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​Maybe they're just shot on different days? When she receives her mission card and the day of the date?

Either outfits though, she looks beautiful haha.

​Hmm, both JH and SY speaking of heading to the first date as they prepare and travel to SY's women's university, so it should have been on the same day... Maybe SY stopped at sponsor for clothes and changed there? Who knows... 


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Some fans pretty awesome Photoshop job lol ...:)
Cr. b.bhang on IG

​I imagine this would be JH's reaction -- only real kisses allowed :)


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@pre I imagine this would be JH's reaction -- only real kisses allowed :)

  LOVED THIS!!!!!  Can't stop laughing because it's so true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well done....

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Hello Brownies!

I just watched the most recent ep with Japanese sub and there is one thing I wanted to share.

After JH commented on SY's short uniform skirt and said he didn't know where to look, then the MC started to comment on it so it was hard to hear but SY asked JH if she should change into a pair of pants.  Then JH says it's okay as she looks great in the uniform.  Does't it tell us how SY wants to be best for JH?   

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