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Park Bo Gum 박보검 ♥ 朴寶劍 ♥ パク・ボゴム | Upcoming Drama 2024: When Life Gives You Tangerines | Upcoming Drama 2024: Good Boy


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In all my years of kdrama watching, This is the first time I see reports trying to bring down a show, either for Age or whatever they try to find. Before MDBC started, some of us here wanted different actresses like Park boyoung, the 2nd female lead in DOTs(whose name has decided to escape my memory right now, pfft). When the news of KYJ's casting came up, I was part of the crowd who wasn't happy about it just because of the scenes in the novel LOL. But as time went on, She Became RO and I was satisfied because no other lady would fit the role. 

We PBG fans(some close circles at least) wanted mdbc to pass 10%. We didn't have high expectations for the drama but we didn't relent in trying to advertise the drama. We went as far as contributing along doing word of mouth, creating hashtags on twitter,IG,Facebook and any other SNS pages. Some of us even collaborated with our Korean counterparts. That was our goal(not expecting much but making it get the recognition it deserves).

Then came the issue of the "REPLY CURSE" (actors not getting high ratings after the reply show) which frankly I don't believe but judging from how some believe it exists. We kept hoping that he would break it. To the extent, Bogum was asked about it on mdbc press con and he said, he thinks reply is a blessing because it made him & others known. Bogum is the first reply Actor to say that about the show. I follow SIG(R'97), YYS(aka chilbongie in R'94) after the reply series.

First episode rating and the 2nd one was favourable knowing fully well the giants we were up against(doctors & upcoming Moonlovers) but we remained our humble self. When it broke the bar in the 3rd episode (took all us by surprise) then came all the underage issues, inappropriate scene, various articles speaking negatively about the show, some fans spreading hate due to jealousy or whatever their reasons and I laughed. Popular shows tend to get ALOT of Antis, no matter the plot. 

Mdbc lacks nothing when it comes to acting, BGMs, OSTs, etc. It's understandable why the show will get Antis. I mean, even as humans, we have certain people we like & don't like. It's LIFE. It creates a balance in this world. :D

I'm proud of the cast and crew for a job well done.

Also proud of PBG for an outstanding performance too.

Which bags the question, friday is known as Bogumday by his fans and when the show started, it became Monday. Are we gonna have our "Fridays with everything Bogum" back? We just have to wait and see. :)

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52 minutes ago, chocolatepie said:

Hi @electricblue, you are friom Singapore too?  if they broadcast on Ch U, i hope they show it on Saturday for the 1.5-2hrs slot.  If they do it on weekdays, they will end the episode abruptly.  Weekdays are usually 1hr slot, minus the ad time, it is usually 45minutes only.  MDBC is 1hr per episode and our dear tv station will halt it at 45minutes which is not the exciting part. 

My colleagues commented that he is handsome and they loved his smile.  :wub:

Actually i saw wonderful mama on cable before and did notice him, but did not surf internet to check on him.  :sweatingbullets:  Though Bo Gum character in R88 is quiet, but i like his character who will go forward and fight for what he likes and never back out/step back. I always look forward to Bo Gum's character in the drama and sit up when he appeared on the screen. 

@4evgbogummy, it's happening here as well. Either they focus on KYJ age or they degrade the drama to bring up other dramas.  The other day, they came up with another article stating that Choi Ji Woo's(nothing against her and in fact i like her in variety shows) drama snatched away MDBC viewers when MDBC rating is still twice/thrice as high as the other dramas. If they are not interested to promote MDBC, it's fine with us, just don't degrade a good drama (Daebak cast, Daebak acting, Daebak scriptwriter, Daebak PD, etc) for the sake of promoting another drama. That is why i have commented earlier that if Bo Gum doesn't come to Singapore, i'm fine with it because there will be press conference and really do not wish to see him being interviewed by the same reporters who wrote articles putting down his drama. 

TMETS a very expensive drama ( ratings 40%) but Mediacorp brought in this drama one and a half later after broadcasted in SK I watched when they repeat the drama on weekdays at 6 to 7pm I guess Mediacorp earns tons of money on this drama,I am sure they will bring in MDBC I guess not so soon I want to watch Chinese dubbing.

No worry nobody can snatch away MDBC viewers because all MDBC viewers are on cloud nine after weeks of lovey dovey from this sweet and adorable couple.

*I guess is very expensive to invite him here he is an A- list star now.

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With the cross-dressing trope and the "Big Moon" rival, I have to admit that I was seesawing between a lack of faith in MDBC and hope that the script is solid in spite of the cliche plot and that this script will be set to life by a skillful director. I also had a "wait-and-see" attitude toward the competition of the two Moons because of the above-mentioned reasons. While I was very much aware of the public perception that "IT WAS A GIVEN that the big Moon would beat into a pulp the small Moon, I refused to be swayed by it and was banking on Bogum's close connection  with God that He (God), together with the cast and crew would turn the tables----which they did!!!!!!Yay!!!!!!---and now, the rest is history. The secret to a drama's success is first a solid, coherent script even with  a trite theme, excellent, creative directing, and raw, sincere, heart-fluttering to heart-wrenching acting, and mind-blowing chemistry of the OTP and the cast. This is MDBC's miracle! Of course, it really helped that Bogum and Yoojung are well-loved by the public!


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Alright, here's the translation of another article hot from the press.


Title: KDW and PBG two flower boys who are good actors

PBG is undoubtedly the hottest flower boy actor in SK now. After 2D1N, he has also shown us his charisma and good personality.

Through MDBC, he has now become to all females, the "precious treasure" as his name signifies.

His fairytale has just begun. He is only 23 years old and he has all the possibilities that one can dream of. It's now all up to him how he wants to take his pathway forward.

It is surprising that he was not noticed in Blind, his debut project. He only got noticed after acting with KGE in Coinlocker Girl. Thereafter, KBS chose him as their Music Bank host. Now, after MDBC,he is acknowledged as the best actor in his age group.

The most amazing thing about him is that although he's only 23 years old, his ability to digest and execute lines is way beyond his age. He is also able to use his face, hands, fingers, shoulders and legs (haha in short every part of his whole body) to deliver his acting to its finest details. His beautifully crafted face can vividly express all forms of emotions - happiness, anger, sadness, blessedness, sense of loss, turmoil, anxiety, giving up of hope and so on. If you consider his use of his hands and fingers as acting too, you will really conclude he is indeed a gifted actor.

And his vocals - he has an amazing range of vocals and a remarkable ability to utilize different vocal qualities to express the different emotions and execute his lines perfectly (yes, yes, 100% agree, he has such swoon worthy vocals and alas, I have a terrible weakness for vocals! I'm indeed lucky that he's not in my reality at all or I will be a complete wreck).


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@mellinadear Well said! I'm extremely proud of MDBC's achievement in light of all the circumstances. It has indeed been a remarkable production and all the more so given that it is not pre-produced with a fat budget. I have now come to realize that when it comes to drama reporting, politics play a huge part. For Moonlovers, it has all the backing from big time investors and political backers. So yes, the attitude I now adopt is, if it is something I don't agree with, I will ignore.

On the underage issue, I am glad that KBS has so far executed all intimate scenes very professionally and tastefully. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the last 2 episodes. My only concern with this issue had been its potential impact on our Bogummy. After all, it's his first lead role and I did not want him to be remembered and his reputation to go down history as the actor who violated an underaged female actor. So honestly, because of this issue only, I could not bring myself to support the choice of KYJ. As it is, that very beautifully executed kiss scene was already reported to be "risqué" in our main newspapers! But you are absolutely right, she's perfect for RO. And I just realised too that KSH is also underaged, sigh...all these potential good female actors are still way too young!

By the way, the name is Kim Ji Won. I was half rooting for her only because my son and all his friends are crazy over her and I wanted a popular female lead for our Bogummy. My personal choice was KGE because I appreciate her as an actor very much. In my heart though, no pairing will ever compare with Hyeri!  But I know and am resigned to the fact that it is extremely unlikely that I will ever get to see our Bogummy with her again since they are now close friends (though of course I am very happy for them to be good friends).

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I am a new fan of BoGummy and  knew nothing about him before MDBC. Frankly speaking i waited for the competitor drama for quite a long time but i changed my mind and clicked on MDBC after looking at the poster. It showed a very romantic love story feel to me and make me clicked on ep 1 and start watching the drama until now. Then i met the handsome and smart prince and now i am totally in love with BoGummy. He has brilliant acting skills and with angelic character. MDBC storyline is simple compared to the competitor drama. But the crew, the cast, the OST and scenery compliment each other and it turns out to be a good drama. i recommended the drama to my friends and colleagues to watch. Even though they have complaints at the later episodes but they will still continue to watch till the end because of crown prince. 

No one expects MDBC would turn out this big before and because of the rising popularity of the drama, the casts were being attacked because the stakeholders of the competitor drama do not want to lose their shares. I feel so heartache to read the comments on weibo about our Bogummy because of the advertisement issue. Some people can just do anything because of money. But true fans stay and continue to support him which i am glad. I did not know that Singapore media did the same to MDBC. For those people who mistreated the drama and casts, i hope they will be given a change to change their mind and realize they wrongdoing and rectify.

I will continue to follow this thread and support Bogummy and witness his growth until he becomes world star. 






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I absolutely agree with you. After witnessing what our Bogummy has gone through and how God has brought everything to pass and made him shine in His own good timing, indeed the success of MDBC and the recognition he has gained is again another reminder that God knows the way that he takes and when He had tried him, he shall come forth as gold. And as our Bogummy's faith in God has always been: nothing is impossible with God (big Moon notwithstanding haha..).


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4 minutes ago, 4evgbogummy said:


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I absolutely agree with you. After witnessing what our Bogummy has gone through and how God has brought everything to pass and make him shine in His own good timing, indeed the success of MDBC and the recognition he has gained is again another reminder that God knows the way that he takes and when He had tried him, he shall com forth as gold. And as our Bogummy's faith in God has always been: nothing is impossible with God (big Moon notwithstanding haha..).


Many thanks for the translated article, @4evgbogummy! Saving this in a folder...Chicken Soup for the Bogummer's Soul, hahaha!

Oh and I just came across this! 


                                                           Thanks to @ROYALING!

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Bogum and the king


kim_seung_soo71: 이제 정말 막바지라 많이 지쳤음에도 늘 밝고 열심히하는 보검이..
역시 왕위를 승계할만한 세자!!!^^
kim_seung_soo71: Bogum-ie who is always bright and doing his best despite being really exhausted since it’s really the end now..
As expected, the Crown Prince who is worthy of succeeding the throne!!!^^


ramanejeju: 구르미그린달빛 아니 박보검을 사랑하는 사람들에게 드리는 선물컷 ㅋ #구르미그린달빛 #박보검 #이영 #방중현사진 #세자 #착한사람만보여요 #김근교 #교브라더스

ramanejeju: A present cut for those who love Moonlight Drawn by Clouds no, (those who love) Park Bogum ㅋ #Moonlight Drawn by Clouds #ParkBoGUm #LeeYoung #BangJoonghyunPhoto #Crown Prince #OnlyKindPeopleWillSee #KimGeunGyo #GyoBrothers


ramanejeju: 영이 영에게 묻다.
너란 사람은 어찌그리 착하단 말이더냐?
너같은 인간을 내 본적이 없다!
지금도 앞으로도 그리할것이다.
#구르미그린달빛 #방중현사진 #착한영 #박보검 #김근교 #세자 #이영 #착한사람

ramanejeju: Young asked Young.
How can you be so kind?
I’ve never seen anyone like you!
It is like that now, and will be like that in the future.
#MoonlightDrawnByClouds #BangJoongHyunPhoto #KindYoung #ParkBoGUm #KimGeunGyo #CrownPrince #LeeYoung #KindPerson

Trans Cr: Prkbgm tumblr

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7 minutes ago, Gummy Ting said:

Is the king's ig hinting something? :blink: he said "as expected our CP who is worthy of succeeding the throne!!!^^ ". 

He said that? Wow!!!!! That's loaded! Here's what I got from the drama thread...


OK, FACTS are:

1) Eunuch jang's color robe is similar with Eunuch Han

2) CP's pictures is made black and white, plus with different kind of hat


CP will likely become a KING! :glasses::heart:

cr: @happypuppy


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Newsen - Nate: Park Bogum #1 in brand reputation for 2 consecutive months... Jo Jung Seok jumps to #2 

1. Park Bogum
2. Jo Jung Seok
3. Kim Yoo Jung
4. Lee Jun Ki
5. IU
6. Gong Hyo Jin
7. Kim Ha Neul
8. Woo Hee Jin
9. Seo In Guk
10. Choi Ji Woo
11. Lee Dong Gun
12. Lee Joon
13. Ha Seuk Jin
14. Park ha Sun
15. Im Ji Yeon
16. Son Ho Joon
17. Kim Hee Ae
18. Kim So Eun
19. Cha In Pyo
20. Jin Se Yeon

1. [+397, -40] Park Bogum is amazing!! Moonlight is ending next week ㅠㅠ

2. [+353, -42] #1 for 2 consecutive months. He's a wall.. Congrats on being #1

3. [+326, -37] Congrats for the # 1

4. [+40, -17] I like Jo Jung Seok more

5. [+37, -16] Jo Jung Seok over Park Bogum. You know why if you're watching Jealousy Incarnate




Segye Ilbo - Daum: 'Moonlight', Park Bogum to hold fan sign event at Gyeongbuk Palace on the 19th

1. [+129, -6] I love you~~^^

2. [+120, -6] I'd love to see Park Bogum and Kim Yoo Jung♥

3. [+114, -6] Hoping be one of those 200 people!

4. [+50, -5] I live in the countryside so I can't go. On top of that, it's on a weekday. Broadcast it on V app at least..

5. [+49, -6] I wanna skip school and go to this


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Wow, this is one ridiculously cute clip of Park Bo Gum filming VPROVE. Thank you VPROVE for sharing more, but I hope I don’t have to create another new post for another BTS tomorrow, and the day after before I actually see the actual CF. That said, I am looking forward to the actual clip because it looks like one of those CF with stories, and I love CFs with stories. Well okay, just the ones that has a good storyline.

This CF is 100 times more adorable than last night’s. It’s really off the chart and overloaded with Bo Gum making the cutest-ever-expression. It came at a good time too, because it immediately lifted the foul mood I developed from watching episode 16.


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52 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:

He said that? Wow!!!!! That's loaded! Here's what I got from the drama thread...

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OK, FACTS are:

1) Eunuch jang's color robe is similar with Eunuch Han

2) CP's pictures is made black and white, plus with different kind of hat


CP will likely become a KING! :glasses::heart:

cr: @happypuppy


but the robe is same as cp's ussual robe

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This is so nice that I thought I should share over here.

One C fan went to wait at the MDBC to catch a sight of our Bogummy. (Sorry this just surfaced on weibo on 16 Oct and I had assumed that the C fan was referring to waiting at MDBC site. But upon a closer look, the date might not gel and so, this could have happened at some other time. I can't quite figure Bogummy's handwriting of numbers haha...his childlike scrawl is very cute.) After a long wait he came out and when she introduced herself as a Chinese fan, he was so happy and expressed his appreciation saying it must have been very hard for her to wait so long. 

She said in person, he is really really good looking and his behavior is very very adorable. His face is really very very small and his features are really delicate. He asked if she could understand Korean and when she said not really, he gave her an autograph with words in English. As he wrote, he also read out loud (imagine the same cute voice and accent you hear in YoF). She said he sounds so so adorable. He also repeatedly said "真心感谢!” meaning thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

All who have met him or worked with him have nothing but praise for him especially his kindness.


Edited by 4evgbogummy
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