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[OFFICIAL] Darling Couple (Lee Jong Suk ♡ Park Shin Hye)


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@Irenetan, remember that incident with his fan's while heading to HK for fan sign, he blame it on himself and no other, and that's as honest as you get from him.  I'm sure he will speak up one way or another so believe in him because his fans are important to him, that's a fact.  Its a matter of time.  

Like he mentioned he love both cats and dogs but dogs are more loyal because why, dogs love unconditionally no matter right or wrong...

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@irenetan Your thoughts are very insightful. Really! Hmmm. This made me think too, does JS feel that he's not deserving of the award? But that would be ironic because he's one person who always appreciates what his fans are doing for him. So there might be some truth to what you're saying, but I just don't know up to what extent. I guess what really irks me is how Wellmade handled it (I can't ever care with the actual reason right now -- it's just so damn messy to even think about why they turned it down). Wellmade should've said something better. There's just something weird, with the whole situation so I'm sure there's a part of the story that we're not aware of and it just so happened that that part is the most crucial one. I'm still hoping for a miracle, but let's just see. I'm just afraid of the backlash this is causing. :) It's okay to think that way and feel that way right now. Earlier, I didn't know how to sort out my thoughts too. :)

@nyahh you feel it too right? That instinct... I just read your post that something doesn't add up. Anyway, I'm going to have to talk to you tomorrow but I really hope that something is going to clear up by tomorrow although I doubt it. Good night and don't think so much okay... huggies...

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Guest nyahh

@nyahh you feel it too right? That instinct... I just read your post that something doesn't add up. Anyway, I'm going to have to talk to you tomorrow but I really hope that something is going to clear up by tomorrow although I doubt it. Good night and don't think so much okay... huggies...

​Yup. Ughh. That instinct. Sure, I'll wait for you. Talk to me when you're free. I hope we helped you a bit in calming down and feeling better. Good night dear. Sleep well. Don't think of bad thoughts. Hugs too! :wub: 

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@Irenetan, remember that incident with his fan's while heading to HK for fan sign, he blame it on himself and no other, and that's as honest as you get from him.  I'm sure he will speak up one way or another so believe in him because his fans are important to him, that's a fact.  Its a matter of time.  

Like he mentioned he love both cats and dogs but dogs are more loyal because why, dogs love unconditionally no matter right or wrong...

@mygirls agree... He loves his fans too much to keep anything from them/ us. Goodnight to you too, huggies!!!

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actually wellmade is on bad terms wz baeksang since long time ago since Hajiwon 's days wz wellmade

i think it's one of the reasons why wellmade don't want JS to attend and maybe this why baeksang extend the voting by 1 hour when jong suk was leading by 1.4% they wanted to give a chance to  DO fans to vote more in one side they ll get more money and in another side they ll give him a chance to win over suki 

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Guest nyahh

actually wellmade is on bad terms wz baeksang since long time ago since Hajiwon 's days wz wellmade

i think it's one of the reasons why wellmade don't want JS to attend and maybe this why baeksang extend the voting by 1 hour when jong suk was leading by 1.4% they wanted to give a chance to  DO fans to vote more in one side they ll get more money and in another side they ll give him a chance to win over suki 

​Bad terms in what way? What happened to Hajiwon before? Wow thanks for bringing that up. That's another factor to consider. Hmm. That's really a big possibility right now. The decision is so unexpected and it's not like their reason is life threatening. Hmm. What a biased competition indeed. Urgg

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:(:(:( I tried to read all your posts to find answers and maybe wanted to be consoled too..:tears:

I think I'll just save my story tomorrow..I'll wait for JS's statement; directly from him, not from "suckmade"..lol..:P (deep inside like some of you here, I still wish he change his mind and attend tomorrow..im ok if they will not have interaction, as long as she showed up for his fans..esp. his C-fans..I'm just worried about him, and how it will affect him...:()

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Guest nyahh

@Amber03 sorry we're not of big help in terms of the consoling thing. We're all so confused, betrayed and in shock with the sudden news too. :( But, like you, I'm still waiting for a miracle to happen. :) No matter what happens, let's keep our heads up and never stop supporting JS and SH, alright? :) Please don't hide your thoughts once you're ready to share them. We'll listen to you. It's better to let this out than to just keep it to yourself. The bad feeling will eat you away if you do that. haha! Huuuug! :wub:

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@Rania, how selfish is that Richard Simmons  bastard Wellmade.  Is that true?  JS what are you waiting for, cut ties with them NOW, and go to Baeksang tomorrow.  We the fan can manage it better...:D

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@Amber03 sorry we're not of big help in terms of the consoling thing. We're all so confused, betrayed and in shock with the sudden news too. :( But, like you, I'm still waiting for a miracle to happen. :) No matter what happens, let's keep our heads up and never stop supporting JS and SH, alright? :) Please don't hide your thoughts once you're ready to share them. We'll listen to you. It's better to let this out than to just keep it to yourself. The bad feeling will eat you away if you do that. haha! Huuuug! :wub:

​Thanks @nyahh! its not true, all of you here are big help..I felt we are really one family, high or low, im pretty sure everyone here is ready to extend their helping hands..thank you guys!:wub: I'm sorry if I can't talk right now..I'm really disappointed and out of reasoning..i think my mind stop working for awhile so I can't think straight.. I'll just listen to all of you here...and try to feel better..:(I'll be here tomorrow whole day so I'll be watching closely too...

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Guest nyahh

Okay, I have some thoughts. This might sound crazy but hear me out, will you? This is just based on Rania's theories.

What if.. what if Baeksang Committee is pressuring Wellmade (and indirectly JS) to not attend the competition? Given their bad history, and let's just say that they really are leaning more on his competitor's side (hypothetically). Maybe they really are in favor of the other side so they extended the voting. Maybe that competitor can bring them better money (since he has a bigger fanbase compared to JS). So, what they did was extend the voting right? But it's futile since JS won in the end. Now, maybe there are some shady deals that were done in the background that we didn't know of, and they made an agreement on his competitor winning the category. And knowing that JS won, the competitor's side was not happy so to appease the competitor's side, what if Baeksang is just telling Wellmade to not attend the event? That could explain the lame reason and the sudden announcement. Wellmade's not prepared. So what if.. they're intentionally giving a lame reason so fans could pressure Baeksang to force JS to attend? I just don't understand how they could let something as big as this pass by without grabbing it.

Crazy thoughts, huh? Sorry. :crazy:

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I don't know but why do i feel like wellmade will change its mind and have jongsuk attend the awards night at the last minute? :D #WishfulThinking

​Just finished "backreading' I scroll up and I scroll down,read all your sentiments...

and kept coming back in @JongShin; comment....and  honestly we share the same thoughts....I try to avoid commenting coz I my self was also in " total-shock!!

I even went to FB WEllMade...to say "WeLLmade,how CONVINIENT for!! the last minute you will tell us,Jong Sukki, won't come bec of this and that,but I hold my grip! not to say anything...

its true we wan't him on that Red Carpet  51Baeksang Awards,this will be his first ever Baeksang appearance after thos years he was working,this only means his FANDOM globaly is not  a Joke, to be taken for granted ...

But after all these,I told my self...He WON!!....we Made!! till to the last minute...not to mention those nerve wrecking,last 30mins and 5mins.....

but I don't know why I have this feeling as well as @JongSHin....the Agency will finaly let, Jong Sukki.. to attend...(me as well "A Wishful Thinking) ciao ladies..

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Okay, I have some thoughts. This might sound crazy but hear me out, will you? This is just based on Rania's theories.

What if.. what if Baeksang Committee is pressuring Wellmade (and indirectly JS) to not attend the competition? Given their bad history, and let's just say that they really are leaning more on his competitor's side (hypothetically). Maybe they really are in favor of the other side so they extended the voting. Maybe that competitor can bring them better money (since he has a bigger fanbase compared to JS). So, what they did was extend the voting right? But it's futile since JS won in the end. Now, maybe there are some shady deals that were done in the background that we didn't know of, and they made an agreement on his competitor winning the category. And knowing that JS won, the competitor's side was not happy so to appease the competitor's side, what if Baeksang is just telling Wellmade to not attend the event? That could explain the lame reason and the sudden announcement. Wellmade's not prepared. So what if.. they're intentionally giving a lame reason so fans could pressure Baeksang to force JS to attend? I just don't understand how they could let something as big as this pass by without grabbing it.

Crazy thoughts, huh? Sorry. :crazy:


Yeah...very big possibility on your theory I like it sound many possibility maybe involve behind it that we don't know since jongsuk competitors was from big company ...I just back page reading and I feel like I'm having a heart attack and very hurt deep inside regarding the news...suddenly jongsuk sad face appear in my mind ...

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Guest nyahh

@GutzmanN can I join you on the wishful thinking too? I'm still hoping for a miracle to happen. I know the percentage of it happening is really low, but there can be miracles when you believe. haha! :) I'm glad you're still thinking positive after all of this. I failed that so I'm so proud of you! :D

@diana_123 haha that could only be one of the thousand of possible scenarios that might have happened. I'm sorry that you're feeling that way, and I know that we can't do a lot to comfort you, but let's just try to focus on the bright side alright? Give your self some time to grieve and feel things but don't forget to move on too. :D Don't worry, we're all in this together. ;) 

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@Nyahh,  you are really confusing me.

 Tomorrow is here, let's wait and see..When I wake up in the morning tomorrow I want to see all the glitz and glamour galore...So excited...I wonder what she will be wearing, can't wait!  :D  JS, I want to see that best suit in you too. (Its past 2am in Korea, Japan wherever you are, and I know you are awake because you are the most focus and functional at that time). If you can hear me, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee let me See you at BAEKSANG...:D for real, i'm confidence.

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Guest nyahh

@mygirls sorry dear! I didn't mean to confuse you. This is just me overthinking again. Ughh hahaha Yep, the event is getting nearer so let's just focus our attention on that (I know I know I'm saying this but for sure I'm still thinking of the reason so I'm already saying sorry in advance, I'll try to limit it though :D) I've got a feeling that something good will happen, I just don't want to focus on it. haha :D 

@diana_123 I like the way you think. ;););) Hoping too!

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@GutzmanN can I join you on the wishful thinking too? I'm still hoping for a miracle to happen. I know the percentage of it happening is really low, but there can be miracles when you believe. haha! :) I'm glad you're still thinking positive after all of this. I failed that so I'm so proud of you! :D

@diana_123 haha that could only be one of the thousand of possible scenarios that might have happened. I'm sorry that you're feeling that way, and I know that we can't do a lot to comfort you, but let's just try to focus on the bright side alright? Give your self some time to grieve and feel things but don't forget to move on too. :D Don't worry, we're all in this together. ;) 

​'"there can be miracle when you believe, I love that qoutes

yes lets join with our thoughts.....

me proud of you as well you kept us busy reading comments, gifs, and everything..LOLLL

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@Rania, how selfish is that Richard Simmons  bastard Wellmade.  Is that true?  JS what are you waiting for, cut ties with them NOW, and go to Baeksang tomorrow.  We the fan can manage it better...:D

​really hope he ll never renew his contract wz them :crazy:


​Bad terms in what way? What happened to Hajiwon before? Wow thanks for bringing that up. That's another factor to consider. Hmm. That's really a big possibility right now. The decision is so unexpected and it's not like their reason is life threatening. Hmm. What a biased competition indeed. Urgg

​in entertainment industry it's all about good relations/politics/PR , money and influences , the companies that have  at least 1 or all the 3 of these have the priority to get offered good roles, lot of endorsements, media attention and offcourse awards....

wellmade lack all these that's why HJW left and hope sukii they ll leave soon  they suck in PR & promoting JS (if he was with another stronger co things would v been lot different) 

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