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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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@uctqepe I am in, too! I will help in promoting once the post is set up! Can we also include the video of the kiss scenes @Maja posted earlier? That one's nice. Or the one @Noxn made. Wait hold on, I'll find them. :)) Ya, ChangMin shippers better come out of the closet now. Just kidding. Even if your are not a shipper, but loves the OTP, doesn't hurt much to vote, right? :)
EDIT: Here.

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@ruizaio... words cannot express my gratitude for translating SJN's Q&A for us. OMG it's so inspiring, uplifting, informative. As usual SJN is very detailed in her explanation, and it gives us the bigger and clearer picture about Healer. As suspected a lot of things had to be sacrificed due to limitations of time and budget - but it's so obvious that the production did SO WELL despite the insurmountable odds. It is one of the reasons I got so frustrated that the ratings weren't better. If the ratings were, I'm sure they would have had more sponsors, perhaps a better budget. But still they pulled it off, and I still think Healer is the best SJN drama I've watched, and perhaps one of the best overall in my own list of favorite dramas. 
I love what she said about JCW and PMY too - she's like the rest of us, just amazed by their perfect casting into this role. To think she didn't know JCW before - that was a fated meeting, when she finally did meet him and confirmed for her that he is SJH. 
Anyway big big hugs to you... I'm sure you'd prefer this Healer hug than mine. LOL:tumblr_niszvrc7gW1u98dbho1_500.gif

Thank you so much. I know how hard translating is - so my gratitude is sincere and from the bottom of my heart. And looking forward to more. ;)  :\"> :x

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ruizaio said: Writer SJN answered some fan questions at her website. Here are some of those.

Q: Who is JH's interview video for?A: In episode 2, JH copies the content of YS's laptop onto a USB memory. In episode 20, one of the skipped scenes was JH printing off "Interview questions for Healer" that YS had created that was in that data. In other words, it is him fulfilling one of YS's dreams, interviewing Healer. At this point, JH thinks of the possibility of his own death as there will be many cops with guns and there's no sure way of knowing who'd shoot first, but because of the lack of time during the final week of production, the tension was lost. The ending was initially planned to be after about a year's time had passed, and by then YS would have written her book, but...

Q: Did you have the actor for the role of Healer on your mind? What was it like working with JCW? A: It was DAEBAK! We've talked a lot amongst ourselves what we'd have done if we hadn't met JCW. I didn't know him very well, either, at first. I just knew his name because I normally don't get to go out and watch plays due to my life cycle. But then I met him by chance (at some kind of a premiers, according to SJN's earlier post), and the feeling of JH just invaded me, so I just pushed for him. I'm very proud of myself for doing that.
Q: How did Hacker Ajumma come across Teacher and visit him 5 times? I'm curious about how they started the Healer business.A: Minja visited Youngjae in 1992. (YJ got out of prison in February of 1993.) MJ had been investigating cases related to the Elder for a while, and eventually resigns from her post when she misses her son's deathbed while investigating the Elder's money laundering case.I think Gilhan and Joonsuk's 1992 case raised a lot of flags for the cops who had been trailing the Elder. (I trust that there are cops like that out there.) Even though the evidence Joonsuk had brought in disappeared, that means there were people out there who did the job of getting rid of them.So, MJ must have somehow figured out that YJ was their friends, she must have found out what kind of people they were.And later, she must have persuaded YJ into becoming Healer, as all she can do is a desk job, and she needed someone to do the action.
Q: What happened to the real PBS?A: Remember what the Elder said about missing people in Korea? That they stop looking for them after 5 years? PBS is probably one of them. Somebody gone missing over 5 years. That must be why MJ used it as a fake identity for JH.PBS, if you're alive and well, go after MJ. She'll figure something out for you.
Q: Is the reason YS feels relaxed when she holds onto JH's arm because of their childhood and does it also imply that they're destined to be together?A: A little bit of that, too, but I personally wanted to express personal contact. People these days are all busy looking at their smartphones, but I think it would be better if we actually touched each other, holding hands, hugging... then you can convey way more than just by texting.
Q: How did you feel as you watched the last episode?A: I just wanted to die. I had posted earlier that I didn't have any regrets, but actually there was one big one. Time.I could see how the cast and crew had been under so much pressure of time. Since I'm the biggest cause of their hardships, I felt like I should die.But as there were so many people around me at the theater (about 150 people rented a theater to watch the last episode of Healer, including some actors like Hacker Ajumma, Det. Yoon, JH's and YS's moms, Sec Oh, couple Someday reporters, etc., and the teaser of the fan project was played to them.)
Q: What is your favorite scene of Helaer?A: I would have to say the elevator scene. It was something impossible to shoot with the time and money we had. Yet, the director told me to write it. So my assistants and I researched the design of elevators day and night and devised a way for JH to rescue her, while keeping the cost low... and while my script was pathetic, they shot a masterpiece. Afterwards, we just couldn't afford any more action scenes like that. I hope the director and the actors get to work on a movie or something where they can really flex their muscles without worrying about the cost.
Q: Why does Hacker MJ obsess so much over money? A: That one got skipped, too. Actually, Det. Yoon was supposed to track her down and see her at a children's hospital. After her son died, MJ had been sponsoring child patients that couldn't afford their medical expenses.
Q: When did JH realize for the first time that YS knew who he was?A: At the hospital, the focus was more on him not wanting to lie to YS anymore. YS couldn't reveal to him that she knew, and JH didn't want to like to YS anymore. Then he was relieved to find the star in the car. Then he realizes at the cafe. She knows. She says she'll wait. If JH doesn't realize after that, he's either dumb or a jerk.
Q: I could tell how you love JCW, but what about PMY?A: Actually, I didn't know about her that well, and when I saw some of her work, the impression was: she has good diction, her voice is clear (something important for me), and that her eyes are clear and powerful. Then our director gave a strong recommendation. That she can be trusted.When I met her in person for the first time, I could feel the aura of "I want to do it. I want to act. I really want to act properly." PMY was someone who wanted to be an actress, not a star. I'll keep on cheering for her. Seriously. What would we have done if they hadn't played JH and YS?
Q: Why did KMS leave the bug in his library even though he knew his wife was listening in?A: I thought about that from his perspective. He finds out MY put a bug. If he gets rid of it, MY will think he's hiding something from her. No, no. I have nothing to hide from MY. MY needs to know that... This is how I felt, so that's why he left it there. (In fact, the conversation between him and Sec Oh about it was supposed to be outside, but because the crew didn't have time, they did in inside, which gave me chills.)
Q: When was the moment KMS started to believe that he didn't do anything wrong?A: I don't really know. All I know is that he was such a vulnerable person who couldn't stand it without deceiving himself like that. I think we all have a little bit of KMS in us. I do that, too, sometimes. Going through a series of steps. Keep deceiving others, eventually start deceiving myself, and then you can only fall asleep once you've successfully fooled yourself. I had such times, too.
Q: What is the message you wanted to send out to the youth today who are put off by politics or social justice?A: One of the questions JCW had asked on the phone was about JH telling MJ that he's just figured out who he needs to fight against, "What and how much did JH figure out here?"My reply was about a quote I liked back in my twenties, "I can't be free if the people around me aren't free. Therefore, I fight for their freedom so that I may be free." He gave a hearty laugh and said that he got it. I think this quote was one of the messages I wanted to say to the youth. Of course, love comes before that.
Q: I saw in the script that you specifically asked for white bedding in JH's base. It doesn't seem to match with the rest of the place. Does it signify anything?A: Ah, it had to be white. LOL I couldn't stand colorful patterns on the bedding because it was supposed to embrace the innocence of JH, and YS and JH's innocence as they'd be together some day. 
Q: I'm curious about YS's missing memories of her childhood, including the man with an iron pipe in his hand.A: I'm not curious about them at all. One of the things I absolutely can't stand is child abuse, so I tried to be as symbolic about that as possible. I didn't want to think about the details there.
Q: What triggered you to work on Healer?A: It was something I wanted to write about before I retire as a drama writer. Something about the parents' generation and the children's generation. But as I could see that the viewership ratings wouldn't be good, I only harbored the idea in my heart. But then Director Lee Jungsub came to me several times to encourage. When I feared the most when I started was about whether I could really take on the children's perspective. I'd keep trying to lecture from the parents' perspective, could I possibly take on the child's perspective with objective eyes? Like that, I started writing the backstory of JH, and thought that it might work, and that's how it got started.

Q: What do you think we need the most to become a real adult instead of just possessing a dinosaur's brain?A: Love boldly. Instead of being tentative without committing yourself, start with loving with all your heart. Not flirting for a momentary flutter in the heart, but to wholeheartedly love someone. Then, it would become very difficult to let the world your loved one lives in hurt your loved one.
Q: Is Healer no more? Has it become a world that is fine without Healer?A: I wouldn't say JH is an ordinary cameraman. I think he's a freelancer that brings in information and pictures an ordinary reporter couldn't possibly get his hands on to Someday. He probably won't make as much money as he did as Healer. But who knows? Maybe his partner MJ helps out while stealing some their money...
Q: What do you think is the right way of fighting against the Elders of this world?A: I don't think it's worth it to fight against the elders of today. We'll all soon die and leave this world. What I fear is the youth of today becoming just like us and doing the same things we did. So don't take after us. Find today what you're most interested in doing... what makes you most happy... what you love the most. Find it and protect it.
Q: How fast is JH? He ran so fast when he ran to rescue ajumma and teacher.A: I know. Even the camera couldn't keep up with him. I did hear that the actor likes soccer and that he normally plays as a striker.
Q: I heard that Healer is based on many real life cases. Could you tell us what they were?A: There are too many of them, and actually citing names would get me in trouble. 
Q: If you could express each character (JH, YS, MH, MJ) in a line?A: JH: I don't know how to run away. YS: I knew it.MH: My crime is silence.MJ: I had to see those eyes.

She'll do more tomorrow.

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Guest snowhite1989

@uctqepe‌ 3 words to describe our OTP: exhilarating, lovely, resilient, passionate, trust, explosive, unique, hot....when I get home I will think some more but this is a start to choose from or add to then we can decide on the final 3.

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It's currently 9:21 in the morning at my side of the world, I'm off work today and currently thinking of rewatching Healer.  But this time, it'll be with a better appreciation of the story given SJN's inputs and especially with the list of favorite things that both JH and YS love.  Watching Healer with that list in mind will be much more swoon-worthy since I know that those are things that really mean the world for both of them.
Love all the screencaps and thanks for posting them.  Hope we can see more bts from the remaining episodes especially with the kiss scenes from episode 20.   :x

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Guest blossomnagr

Don't know why spoiler tag above is not working. Sorry for so many pics without spoiler tag :(

@AppleBanana Please do not quote pics. Can you please remove them? Tnxs :)

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Re SJN interview

When ep20 started I did wonder why Jh is doing that "interview" and I remember about YS wanted to interview Healer back at the start and the camera lingered on the usb drive when Healer plugged into YS's computer back then. It must have meant something I thought back then... I'm glad we know why but like she said the tension was lost in the drama. It's a pity because I thot it will be impt to let viewers know exactly what prompted JH, someone who doesn't like his image taken, to willingly sit in front of the camera and record that.

I think someone also mentioned that back when Kim Hui Chan was running for Seoul Mayor, his speech at the hotel was focused on water in Seoul. And then in ep20 we got to know that Elder was trying to profit from privatizing water treatment. So having KHC to be e Mayor will def pave way for his water tmt plant.

She is really one heck of a writer! From ep1 to ep20 u just cannot let go of small details. They are all interlinked!! Eventually SJH/CYS partnership at work is exactly like how their fathers worked in e past.


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@ruizaio said: Writer SJN answered some fan questions at her website. Here are some of those.
Q: Who is JH's interview video for?A: In episode 2, JH copies the content of YS's laptop onto a USB memory. In episode 20, one of the skipped scenes was JH printing off "Interview questions for Healer" that YS had created that was in that data. In other words, it is him fulfilling one of YS's dreams, interviewing Healer. At this point, JH thinks of the possibility of his own death as there will be many cops with guns and there's no sure way of knowing who'd shoot first, but because of the lack of time during the final week of production, the tension was lost. The ending was initially planned to be after about a year's time had passed, and by then YS would have written her book, but...
It would be nice if we have seen that. Beautiful... But is that mean... he still lives in his lair? Wonder how long had it been when he shoot that vid?

Q: What happened to the real PBS?A: Remember what the Elder said about missing people in Korea? That they stop looking for them after 5 years? PBS is probably one of them. Somebody gone missing over 5 years. That must be why MJ used it as a fake identity for JH.PBS, if you're alive and well, go after MJ. She'll figure something out for you.

That what I thought too.... The real PBS was dead and missing. Thus, Ahjumma was able to fake JH's death using PBS.

Q: Is the reason YS feels relaxed when she holds onto JH's arm because of their childhood and does it also imply that they're destined to be together?A: A little bit of that, too, but I personally wanted to express personal contact. People these days are all busy looking at their smartphones, but I think it would be better if we actually touched each other, holding hands, hugging... then you can convey way more than just by texting.

BEAUTIFUL! I love that little detail. I love the fact that every time either YS or JH fall asleep, they would hold each other arms. *swoon*

Q: How did you feel as you watched the last episode?A: I just wanted to die. I had posted earlier that I didn't have any regrets, but actually there was one big one. Time.I could see how the cast and crew had been under so much pressure of time. Since I'm the biggest cause of their hardships, I felt like I should die.But as there were so many people around me at the theater (about 150 people rented a theater to watch the last episode of Healer, including some actors like Hacker Ajumma, Det. Yoon, JH's and YS's moms, Sec Oh, couple Someday reporters, etc., and the teaser of the fan project was played to them.)

SJN-shi... Don't be like that. You had created a beautiful world for us that it feels so real. It feels like both YS and JH are real and that they are out there right now fighting justice. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for giving that to us.

Q: What is your favorite scene of Helaer?A: I would have to say the elevator scene. It was something impossible to shoot with the time and money we had. Yet, the director told me to write it. So my assistants and I researched the design of elevators day and night and devised a way for JH to rescue her, while keeping the cost low... and while my script was pathetic, they shot a masterpiece. Afterwards, we just couldn't afford any more action scenes like that. I hope the director and the actors get to work on a movie or something where they can really flex their muscles without worrying about the cost.
That scene was seriously DAEBAK! I love it when JH and YS flew out of the elevator. Too bad they had little budget to do such actions again. The directors and producers are AWESOME!

Q: When did JH realize for the first time that YS knew who he was?A: At the hospital, the focus was more on him not wanting to lie to YS anymore. YS couldn't reveal to him that she knew, and JH didn't want to like to YS anymore. Then he was relieved to find the star in the car. Then he realizes at the cafe. She knows. She says she'll wait. If JH doesn't realize after that, he's either dumb or a jerk.

I always thought he knew that she knew at the hospital. I wonder why would he was relieved to find the start in the car if he didn't know that she knew? Again the part where she said she will wait.... PRETTY!

Q: I could tell how you love JCW, but what about PMY?A: Actually, I didn't know about her that well, and when I saw some of her work, the impression was: she has good diction, her voice is clear (something important for me), and that her eyes are clear and powerful. Then our director gave a strong recommendation. That she can be trusted.When I met her in person for the first time, I could feel the aura of "I want to do it. I want to act. I really want to act properly." PMY was someone who wanted to be an actress, not a star. I'll keep on cheering for her. Seriously. What would we have done if they hadn't played JH and YS?

I'm was not a fan of PMY before Healer but thanks to Healer... I have become her fan. I hope she will continue to grow and improve as an actor. I'm glad that it was PMY being YS! She really let her go be sucked into the character.

Q: When was the moment KMS started to believe that he didn't do anything wrong?A: I don't really know. All I know is that he was such a vulnerable person who couldn't stand it without deceiving himself like that. I think we all have a little bit of KMS in us. I do that, too, sometimes. Going through a series of steps. Keep deceiving others, eventually start deceiving myself, and then you can only fall asleep once you've successfully fooled yourself. I had such times, too.

Scary thought... It was just the matter of how far would you go to lie to yourself and at what degree. MS just went overboard for that. I still can''t hate him much. He was just a pitiful character.

Q: What is the message you wanted to send out to the youth today who are put off by politics or social justice?A: One of the questions JCW had asked on the phone was about JH telling MJ that he's just figured out who he needs to fight against, "What and how much did JH figure out here?"My reply was about a quote I liked back in my twenties, "I can't be free if the people around me aren't free. Therefore, I fight for their freedom so that I may be free." He gave a hearty laugh and said that he got it. I think this quote was one of the messages I wanted to say to the youth. Of course, love comes before that.

This dude is awesome. Like even that he called SJN and asked further regarding that script. He will go further in this business and I will definitely watch every steps he made. WOW just WOW! That is one hell of a dedication man!

I understand the quote but I don't think I got it like how JCW got it... lol

Q: I saw in the script that you specifically asked for white bedding in JH's base. It doesn't seem to match with the rest of the place. Does it signify anything?A: Ah, it had to be white. LOL I couldn't stand colorful patterns on the bedding because it was supposed to embrace the innocence of JH, and YS and JH's innocence as they'd be together some day.

So.... They really were a virgin before that? Darn... I love that white bedding. And when JH was saying the things that he loves... The first snow and stuff and he mentioned the white bedding... I went full :\"> :\"> :\">  HAHAHAHAHA I LOVE THAT DARN WHITE BEDDING! I want to have one too but that mean I have to wash it like every week. lol

Q: What triggered you to work on Healer?A: It was something I wanted to write about before I retire as a drama writer. Something about the parents' generation and the children's generation. But as I could see that the viewership ratings wouldn't be good, I only harbored the idea in my heart. But then Director Lee Jungsub came to me several times to encourage. When I feared the most when I started was about whether I could really take on the children's perspective. I'd keep trying to lecture from the parents' perspective, could I possibly take on the child's perspective with objective eyes? Like that, I started writing the backstory of JH, and thought that it might work, and that's how it got started.

THANK YOU Director Lee Jungsub! I LOVE YOU!

I hope SJN would not retire yet. Now that she wrote Healer... :(( :((

Q: Is Healer no more? Has it become a world that is fine without Healer?A: I wouldn't say JH is an ordinary cameraman. I think he's a freelancer that brings in information and pictures an ordinary reporter couldn't possibly get his hands on to Someday. He probably won't make as much money as he did as Healer. But who knows? Maybe his partner MJ helps out while stealing some their money...

I knew it! I know he won't just merely be a cameraman. He would be bored out of his mind sleeping in the Office as we seen before. lol

Q: What do you think is the right way of fighting against the Elders of this world?A: I don't think it's worth it to fight against the elders of today. We'll all soon die and leave this world. What I fear is the youth of today becoming just like us and doing the same things we did. So don't take after us. Find today what you're most interested in doing... what makes you most happy... what you love the most. Find it and protect it.

My fear as well.. We keep on saying that the 'powerful' people nowadays just ruining the world and etc. That we wanted a different world from what they had built. But how would you know we would not be just like them if and when we at the same position as them? How can we be sure our views would still be the same as it is now and did not get all wonky when we are at such position?

I want to change the world but I'm scare I will get greedy and just follow the trend.

Q: How fast is JH? He ran so fast when he ran to rescue ajumma and teacher.A: I know. Even the camera couldn't keep up with him. I did hear that the actor likes soccer and that he normally plays as a striker.

Hehehehehehehe JCW! DAEBAK!

Q: I heard that Healer is based on many real life cases. Could you tell us what they were?A: There are too many of them, and actually citing names would get me in trouble.

There REALLY is Healer out there? One as hot as Uri JH?

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sunshine15 said: thanks so much @ruizaio! Looking forward to reading more amazing insights from her and you! About her writing style changing a lot, I need to check out some of her previous works.. If u're familiar with her writing, is there any SJN drama that you'd say had excellent characters (kinda like Healer)? Asking 'cos characters are the most important thing in a kdrama for me.. they make or break a drama, at least for me..

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@2ogirl said: Hey guys!

While I agree that Healer was a solid drama, I have quite a few nagging questions at the back of my mind and a rushed ending did not help to clarify them. I really wish there was a Special Episode!

This is the most nagging question: All this time, Jaeil / ABS News was adamantly opposed to exposing Omega Holdings' corruption. They wouldn't dare to touch those in power. So why did they decide to broadcast that anyway? I mean, even if Elder Park Jeong Dae has been ousted, a new Elder will rise to meet the challenge, right?

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Re-quoting this for those who missed it! Also grouped them a bit, hope you don't mind @ruizaio ruizaio said: I guess I'm really going out of order. Here's a description of unaired scenes from the first draft of the script for Episode 20

  • Before Chief Jang enters Someday Office, a mail delivery person approaches and asks, “Do you work in this building?” and hands him a small box. The old men are shouting, “Punish Kim Moon Ho” and “Devil’s Reporter Kim Moon Ho should apologize!”
After Min Jae’s report about the airport shooting:

Somebody that looks like a college student is reading a book in a book store, then closes it, and the cover features a picture of Healer. The one that YS had on the wall of her bedroom. After that person leaves, you can see the books on display. Among the bestsellers, you see “A date with Healer” by CYS.
The elder is riding a car. He is in the back seat, and Sec Oh is in the passenger’s seat. Then the car stops. The driver gets off,  Sec Oh wipes around, then gets off, too. The door closes. The Elder looks like he’s asleep. He doesn’t move as the cars pass by.Jong Soo is giving two new recruits a tour of Someday office.
  • Today is broadcast #50 for Someday News. Look, our Moon Ho Sunbae. Doesn’t it make your heart race just by looking at him?
“Say hi. This is Chief Choi Myung Hee, who’s in charge of our editorials at Someday. These are our new recruits.”“Hello/Hello.”“Nice to meet  you. Looking forward to working with you.”
  • MY smiles and nods, then leaves the office.
Jong Soo takes the recruits to the pantry, and says, “We’ve got lots of sponsors, for some reason, so there’s always plenty of food. But still, don’t forget.” Opens the fridge door “Of all the food stuff in the fridge, unless it’s got your name on it, you must never…” As he takes something out, it says Jong Soo on the outside, but it’s empty on the inside. “Who ate this? Dang. CYS, seriously.”

You can see MH doing a broadcast, which Chief Jang acting as PD. Reporter Yeo is there, Chan Young on camera. The new recruits get close to the glass as they watch.Jong Soo brings in the recruits to the editor’s room, and sees Myung Hee in her wheelchair.
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ruizaio said: @uctqepe‌ It's not "trendy" in Korea as a drama, and because a most of the cases are based on what happened in reality (suicide of an actress who was forced to give sexual favors, slush funds in apple boxes, bridge collapsing, etc., just to name a few), it makes the "elders" of the Korean society uncomfortable. In fact, many Healer fans were surprised and worried about her boldness because, unfortunately, it hasn't changed that much from the 80's in Korea. So only those strong enough to face the truth or love the OTP (whose actors didn't have that big of fanbases to begin with) were willing to watch Healer.

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@namyo said: I watched Sandglass and there were far more violent scenes there. Or Eyes of Dawn with a rape scene. Then SK point of view has changed throughout these years??? Because they have been SJN's highest rated dramas. I've been thinking it also has to do that technology has made a big impact on dramas nowdays. Back then there was no other way to watch dramas, so they stayed at home, except radio, they had the so called radio dramas.

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Another of my silent question has also been answered in the Q&A. That is why did ahjumma visit Teacher 5x when he was in prison? Esp since we know her last day as a detective was 2000 and Teacher was in prison from 1981 till 1993. Now we know. It has always been Omega that they are after. Brilliant right? Sometimes u don't need multiple villian/shady orgn. Just 1 good one will do.

Re when JH knew tt YS knew abt him being Healer. I don't think he knew when he was in hospital. It's clear tt he is worried tt YS might find out, hence he checked if the paper star is there. He was relieved it was still there meaning he believed she didn't find out. But in the cafe when she said she is holding back holding hands, hugging, talking thru the night and even kiss with (that person). Although she ended the sentence with "that person", the start of the whole sentence was her answer to PBS that she isn't angry with him but was holding back. Also, she looked straight in his eyes when she said the person still hasn't come and she will wait. Like what SJN writer nim said, if by then SJH doesn't know he is either dumb or a jerk.

JCW ran so fast tt he has to use walls to break his speed. Like he was rescuing CYS and Ahjumma. He can't even run right angles without hitting the wall. Lol!!

Looking fwd to more Q&A from SJN writer-nim!

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juzluvpink said: Another of my silent question has also been answered in the Q&A. That is why did ahjumma visit Teacher 5x when he was in prison? Esp since we know her last day as a detective was 2000 and Teacher was in prison from 1981 till 1993. Now we know. It has always been Omega that they are after. Brilliant right? Sometimes u don't need multiple villian/shady orgn. Just 1 good one will do. Re when JH knew tt YS knew abt him being Healer. I don't think he knew when he was in hospital. It's clear tt he is worried tt YS might find out, hence he checked if the paper star is there. He was relieved it was still there meaning he believed she didn't find out. But in the cafe when she said she is holding back holding hands, hugging, talking thru the night and even kiss with (that person). Although she ended the sentence with "that person", the start of the whole sentence was her answer to PBS that she isn't angry with him but was holding back. Also, she looked straight in his eyes when she said the person still hasn't come and she will wait. Like what SJN writer nim said, if by then SJH doesn't know he is either dumb or a jerk. JCW ran so fast tt he has to use walls to break his speed. Like he was rescuing CYS and Ahjumma. He can't even run right angles without hitting the wall. Lol!! Looking fwd to more Q&A from SJN writer-nim!

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Agree. JH definitely suspected YS might know. I mean how to explain him wearing all black with a hand wound and lying unconscious on rooftop?!? His lame explanation doesn't have any credibility too. Lol. But I guess deep inside he hoped YS hasn't found out and finding the paper star still inside cld hv given him the false belief tt she hasn't.

Judging from his shocked looked in e cafe when she said she is holding back to hold hands I think that was the when he is definite that she knows who he is. And it's obvious also that she wants him to know she knows.

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