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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Ashley Chia said: AW! Both PMY and JCW updated their insta in the same place! But I want them to take a selfie together instead. ;( Wonder what's happening at the location. But I didn't see any cameras or filming crew in the video.... HMM. Are they there alone?

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I'm imagining this scenario...

JCW: I'm going to post a video on IG.

PMY: Should I post one, too?

JCW: Do you want me to take a picture of you?

PMY: Okay, wait! I'll go there and take my picture.

Kyaaaaaaa!! That's why they are not together in the picture. =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

I posted a comment in their IG requesting for a picture of them together. :-) I hope they will see it.

I requested also. :x hopefully we will see it soon.

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They're there to film for episode 18 based on PMY's hashtags.

I don't think it's moru-moru island... the location still looks cold and Ep 18 would be too early to show that. The island should be at a tropical place!

But both of them are so hyped to take pictures despite being cold & tired? JCW you are not sleepy now? :P

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Guest uctqepe

@Sia3 miaaaannnnheee.. did i wake u up? ;)) ;):-* 
WHOAAAAAA... My oppa got a new brown jacket.. it's not black black anymore B-) B-) I guess, thank you costume director for start noticing my oppa's wardrobe after 16 episodes!! (:| 
@Ahpheng :(( Poor SS hotties.. We wont see them anymore as they are not Elder's fave :(( I want to see Mr.SS getting beaten again ;)

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@ruizaio‌ ....my order for dvd is done success. Payment by my brother cc...is that okay ? Different name.custemor name leyla. But card payment irwin.but we r have same mailing address. Is is okay rite?

That should be fine. Now the wait begins!

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Episode 16 !!!

The chief dectective who got "fired" honestly angered me when he said because of Seo Jeong Seok they lost their jobs. Correction, you lost your jobs because you all held hands with corrupt people and when they deemed you unecesaary they got rid of you!!

MS is sick just plain sick, manipulating the facts to what make JH and YS work for him?wow sick!!So instead of killing them, he will make them like him ,give them good careers with some power instead. Sorry MS, not everyone is as corrupt and perverse like you. There is actually good people out there with a heart like YS and JH for example.MS kind of reminds me of KC in faith, wanting to bring people to his side instead of killing them.

I love YS expression the whole time team leader Ahn is giving her the brieing of healer. She is rolling her eyes and restless in the chair as if saying " yeah, yeah I don't care Healer is no murderer, you won't convince me and this whole conversation is useless!!" Until her expression changes to shock and that of being disturbed. Which is when she finds out that JH dad killed her dad although up to this point she has no clue it is her father. This scene told so much,when YS goes up to JH pic and touches it, it's like she is caressing him and saying it's okay. Even in that moment she thinks of him regardless of what others say about him.

I never doubted YS love for JH nor that she would doubt him and she proves it when she is with MH. When she says that MS is a poweful rman yet he came for me to tell me all these things, you are our CEO yet you are here to come and get me, why?

I feel that she is more suspicious of MS and even MH than she ever will be of JH. To her it's as if they are both lying and that if JH is working with MH is to fight against his brother,like a battle over power and that MH has coerced JH into the whole situation. Meaning JH has been fooled yet is still innocent. In other words JH is the victim of the fight of power among two brothers. She had no doubt of JH, its MH and MS that are evil to her. Reason why she keeps backing away from MH.

Honestly how many people does MS have working for him, really saddens me how the human race can be at times. So easily swayed for a few bucks. I dont know what disgusts me more, corrupt people or the ones who hold hands with the corrupt for a few bucks. I can understand people will do it out desperation to have money to support their family, but it still disgusts me.

 I love how JH is figthing and talking to YS on the phone while being sweet to her. Who does that no one else but the awesome best boyfriend ever, HEALER!!

When MH is telling YS about her mom's condition, I got a sinking feeling, there is a great possibility that she can die if she is too stressed. Meaning when she find out that her daughter,YS, is alive she will get too stressed and go into convulsions and perhaps die. Oh Please SJN don't kill her. Now that is a death I simply won't be able to bare!!

OTP finally meet,I just love them to bits, how they both care about the other before themselves, such a strong selfless love they have for one another. First thing JH does is make sure YS is breathing and making sure she is okay about the truth of her mother then trying to convince her that he isn't a bad person. YS although is avoiding eye contact, is because she can't do it because it her hurts her that her dad was killed by JH dad and if she can't bare it how can JH handle it. Even when JH tells her that he met her mom, she gets worried and asks if he was okay meeting her, worried he may have found out that his dad killed hers.Then she goes and hides the papers of the 1992 case so he won't notice to spare him the pain, yet he obviously knows and her expressions falls as she finds this out. JH like for the same reason as her could not tell her that truth. Really these two are just awesome to JH, YS is first then him, to YS,JH is first then her.

YS doesn't let her doubt sit for too long, that if she has it to begin with and reassures JH to find the truth and even if he doesn't to come back to her, she will do the same. I am not sure if she has reached that point or will soon, that she would rather prefer that JH dad did indeed kill her dad, to save JH the effort of  putting himself in danger to find out the truth. Reason why her expression is the way it is at the end of the episode. She is like no,your in danger now. It's a trap. She doesn't doubt him one bit,she doesn's care about 1992 all she cares for JH to be by her side, which is why she insists on him that no matter the outcome he HAS to return to her and the last scene in which JH is bloody and PDC is dead,shows to her that he won't be returning. To her he has to runaway because he will most likely be framed. Sad how history is repeating itself JH dad was framed and now his son is.

Now I get where YS gets her intelligence from her mom. She bugged the powerful man,and acted like she was asleep to spy on him. good thing if not she wouldn't be able to warn MH about JH being in trouble.

What an awesome episode,can't believe I was dreading it for no reason. Again I reiterate YS is worried JH will be in danger she has no doubts about him in case anyone is still skeptical.

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