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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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We dont know because he who cannot sin showed up and ruined his golden opportunity to get the proof to divorce ;) 
I too pray that the writers quickly end their marriage, but i dont think its going to happen anytime soon. 
What about the blossoming romance for hj bro and sy sister? Whats your take @xxxzxxx.

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---financial loss due to SH's friend led to

---suicide attempt by HJ which led to

---SH acceptance of SY's offer that pushed

----HJ to accept MW's offer of watching Roy for 5 days at the same time as

---SH is initiating employment with SY leading to more misunderstanding and anger; causing

---HJ to get drunk and in the process offer herself; which led to SH finally realizing that he's about to lose HJ so

--SH resigns, wants to rekindle the relationship but

---HJ asks for a divorce

Did I miss anything ?

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I don't think it has been said that SH did not make mistakes - he did ;). That fight/argument HJ and SH had in the hotel room was kind of disgusting too though..HJ turning this on SH asking if he had been stalking her and as such turn herself into a victim again... I honestly felt disgusted by HJ in that scene - PHS did some good acting.
I have to admit that I do not care about HJ bro and SY sister at all. HJ-SH-MW-SY is too much already :D.
I think most of us would agree on that Triton823 :). I don't like neither MW nor HJ and I honestly do not care how their endings turn out as long as they do not end up happy (not alone nor together) while SH and SY have a sad ending. If writer gives me a happy ending between SY and SH then I don't care whatever happens between MW - MW's wife - HJ. They can fight it out themselves I don't care.

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There's more of a possibility of an SY/SH couple than MW /HJ because I think MW will be with his wife.

I will be really upset if HJ /SH are together in the end. I would rather each and everyone of them stay single

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Guest ocpanda

I think HJ deserves to be alone. Beside if she somehow ends up with MW then it will actually be the worst scenario ever since MW is and will remain a player. NO ONE CAN CHANGE A PLAYER.
Imagine if she couldn't stand SH behavior, how can she tolerate MW playboy habit. REALLY!
Writer-nim, please don t make HJ/MW a couple since that is really desperated. Drama aside, I think MW is really Sexy if i have to pick one (SH / MW) I will be really TORN

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Guest bacom

Now I want to have fun looking at SY character. I think SY is the most interesting character in this drama, and huge credit has to go to CHW's great acting. Watching her playing SY is like watching an art masterpiece, I have to pay attention to every details, every expressions, every twists on her face, every gestures she does because each of them tells the story itself.
In this Temptation story, if SH and HJ are like Adam and Eve, then SY is the serpent of the Garden of Eden. She started the Temptation and everyone else is affected by it. Let see how the character SY is unfolded in this drama:
1.  SY is an independent, controlling, and arrogant woman.  In SY's world, everything has to be the way she wants it and in her control. She doesn't like to be forced to accept anything that out of her control, she doesn't want anyone to question her authority, she hates it when someone confronts her, and she hates it when someone wins over her. That's why she despites MW because he's always effortlessly ahead of her. That's why she remembers SH even 10yrs later because he's a nobody who dared to confront and challenge her. She chooses to value her work over men and children since she still thinks she would have no problem of finding a man and starting family w children if she wants it. However, when the discovery of the cyst and the future of no children, she realizes she loses control of her life in this aspect. Plus the constant reminder about marriage of her dad annoys her. Because of her arrogant personality, she wants to prove to herself and those around her that the family idea is ridiculous.
2. SY is a woman full of jealousy and superiority.  When she met SH again in HK, what fascinating her the most was the gesture of love between HJ and SH. The fascinated look she gave them in the restaurant showed she just discovered the nobody who confronted her yrs ago now had something that she hadn't: a love in his life. And she feels jealous. Later, after she saved HJ (it was her kind act because she didn't know the one she saved was HJ when she jumped in the ocean), she again witnessed the lovey dovey between SH and HJ when he rushed in and embraced HJ. The look SY's had on her face is full of curiosity, envy and jealousy. It's brilliant and full of double meaning at the way they showed SH-HJ exited SY's room.  She blocked the way, and SH-HJ quietly stood in front of her, snuggled each other and she had to step aside to make way for them, the casted-aside meaning is priceless. After she found out the reason of HJ's suicide, she found it funny that a wife chose to die because of the mere $1million. The time when she sat on the bed, thought about their ordeal and chuckled is brilliant. It shows she's very please to find out that their love was almost gone because of money. It's a comfirmation that she made the right choice to choose work over start a family. At that time, she's like that lonely kid, jealously watched the other children had fun building sandcastle, and chuckled to assure herself that there'd be no fun because the wave would wash it away soon. But then, the turning point moment was when her eyes caught on the shoes. It's brilliant to watch her expression changed from the time she saw the shoes to the time she tried it. SY felt furious when she discovered that woman (HJ) dared to be in the possession of something she didn't have: a loving husband and especially the shoes that were taken away from her. Now, she felt her superior feeling was hurt so she found the need of punishing HJ, the need of becoming the wave to destroyed HJ's sandcastle happiness. She wanted to play the game of indecent proposal with them to have the satisfaction of seeing how their sandcastle was destroyed. 
3.  SY has the extremely mean and evil way to get back at people.  She enjoyed playing the torturing mind game with people who dared to cross her who dared to have the thing she couldn't have and who dare to challenge her superiority. And the most evilness is she took advantage of their misfortune/their weakness to do that. This kind of behavior does not only happen on SH-HJ but also on MW- wife and lawyer Choi. When SY was offered SH $1million to play the game, she didn't have any intention of helping them. The $1million was a small change for her and it also the money that she got effortlessly.  It's the foolproof bait that she knew SH could unlikely refuse to bite. A highly intelligent woman like her also knew that it wasn't just a test either. With the conditions she gave, she knew fully well that if SH bit her bait, their happiness marriage would be surely shaken to the core. She knew all the wife would assume that her husband had to be a sex slave with that proposal, and she enjoyed to see the result of her game. That's why in the restaurant on the last day, she asked if SH talked to HJ knowing that HJ was suffering with misunderstanding. She chuckled when she said no wife would understand this situation.  Her expression changed when SH said HJ would understand and HJ would trust him. She felt he challenged her so she decided to "honestly" told SH about the sandcastle and wave, about how she wanted to test their trust just to get under his skin, to taut him,  to let him know she had the power to destroy his happiness. She challenged him to call his wife to see if she was right about it. Then came the scene at the hotel when SH's friend arranged for them to meet. At that time, she already put SH in hermind and she wanted a chance to work with him again. That's the reason she dropprd hint about he should contonue to work on his project.  Unfortunately,  SH provoked her by telling her that she can have poker face because she never experienced happiness.  Immediately,  her expression changed to a warrior's in the battle field. She knew exactly that SH was in trouble with HJ's jealousy so she brought HJ's subject right out to rub salt to his wound and bingo, she got him. Her venom also came out when she met MW and his wife. Her expression changed the moment she laid her eyes on how MW's wife hugged his arm and snuggled herself closer because it's the gesture of love that she didn't have.  When the wife commented that SY 's a powerful and successful woman while she only takes care of husband and children, SY took that as an insult that she didn't have husband and kids, so she decided to punish MW's wife right away.  Again, she used her knowledge of MW's secret child to taunt MW's wife, and fully enjoyed seeing the woman's brain start to fill with doubt. She kept on playing the wording game until lawyer Choi made the stop on it. She walked away, smiled happily that she had a change to make MW squirm. When she knew about lawyer Choi's situation, she didn't offer help but instead dropped hint for a terrible consequences if he left her. Fortunately,  lawyer Choi understood her so well that he knew what he should do in this situation. Instead of acting noble and provoke her, he lowered himself to beg her, begged for her understanding and her kindness, to satisfy her superior feeling. That's why he was able to get out unscathed.
4. SY is the master of manipulation art and queen of chameleonSY is very intelligent and she uses her intelligence to master the art of manipulation. When she decided she wanted to have SH, she craftily found the way to capture him and to take him away from his wife. First, she "innocently" offered to be a partner in his project. When he asked why her offer was so generous, the way she answered him and her body language are brilliant. She spoke slowly, paused a lot in the middle of her sentences, avoided his eyes, "To be honest .... I feel a bit .... bad for you. ... What happened in Hongkong was .... not only because I need your help ... but also out of my curiosity.  I didn't want your relationship to be trouble...because of that." [Credit to Dramafever]  That's a very cleaver way to drop hint, "you should know there's other reason, that I can't speak outloud, but you know what I mean, regarding the time we spent together in Hongkong."  She's flirting with his ego to let him know that a powerful woman had feeling for him, because she thought he and his wife were still at odd with each other like the day before. Unfortunately,  they already made up, so he refused the offer. When he pointed out that he already patched thing up with his wife, she immediately dropped her shy innocent act. She leaned close to him, looked at him right at the face and used exactly his words he used before on her about  being scared to get close to him. She left him with the hurt ego that he didn't dare to accept the offer because he was scared.When he came back to ask her for a position, she was overjoyed but she kept her poker face. She gave him the challenges to poke at his ego, made him wanted to work for her more to prove himself. It's very funny that when she gave him the challenge or when he gave her the report, her face was hard and businesslike.  But the monent he stepped out of sight, she heaved the sight of relief, and her eyes widened clearly showed that she was so glad she could hold on to her poker face.The time she spent with him in the countryside house was the peak of her manipulation. At that time, she already wanted him so badly, plus her superior feeling got hurt badly since HJ let her knew about his true intention when working with her, she determined that she had to have him. When he spoke on the phone, she knew full well that he spoke with his wife (he got away from her and covered himself) so she deliberately called out his name loudly for the other person could hear her voice, then she deliberately hurt herself to make him drop the call abruptly (come on, what 40-yrs-old woman doesn't know that the lid is super hot). Then came her brilliant "honest" and "vulnerable" confession.  She beautifully acted out as the distressed woman who felt so vunerable and so embarrassed to let out her hidden feeling with tears, anguish face, avoiding eyes contact and quivering voice. However, the moment he turned away after rejected her, all the tears, the anguish face and the quivering voice were gone. She calmly told the old lady that she just got bite (made old lady think she got mosquito bite haha) then calmly told her about how she just got rejected just like she was talking about the weather. So cool!She not only manipulated SH, but HJ couldn't escape her trap either. She played the very important part of using her words to shake all the trust out of HJ's system, left her with doubts, assumptions and angers. The first time they met in tbe hospital, she craftily played words to inflict pain using HJ's expression that she knew her husband like the back of her hand, that SY was a shameless woman for using money to flirt with married man. The way she spoke to HJ clearly implied that your husband did me a great service, he was remarkable on bed and I was very satisfied, he was worth every pennies I paid him and I felt jealous that you had such a great man but you didn't know. Hook, line, sinker!The second time she met HJ at the cafe, she again used HJ's stupid disclosure craftilyand "honestly" to make HJ shaken with anger and to inflict more doubts into HJ's mind (if you tell me that you're trust your husband and your husband isn't affected by me, I'll play game to seduce him. No matter what the outcome, I'll come out a winner. I can either have him by my side or I can stain his mind with me on it, and the stain would be hard to wash away)  The third time she talked to HJ at the hospital was the final blow to HJ's pride. Although she appeared that she honestly told HJ that she lost because SH wanted to come back to his wife, her carefully chosen words sounded  completely insulted to the wife. It went like this, "Now I'm already done with my game, you can have him back. Just patiently wait for him, and don't give up on him just because he's with me." Wow!
In conclusion, SY is truly a spiteful but remarkable woman. Only the mighty and experienced MW can see through her but yet, he still has to be very careful around her. She represents the kind of daring shameless powerful sucessful woman who can do the thing that most women can't do/don't dare to do. She's like the mean alpha girl in your class that you're really hate but deep down still feel intrigued by her. 

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@triton823 I do so agree I also wished that Badui or what his name is, his insight would have been great on this drama, He will not come back after the attack he got in" a kind word" I do miss him for that he could explain it to a T. I am married 47 years and I have seen divorces a plenty it leaves big scars and most of the times the partners wished they never did it. Second marriages bring their own problem and a lot of times also end into a divorce. It kills me how HJ gets attacked. I love you all for defending her. She is a women deeply hurt and when I see those 2 googly eyeing each other it makes me want to puke. At the end of ep. 8 we can see that SY is not going to give up on SH she wants him. Trust is the biggest thing in marriage besides communication I trust my husband a 100% and so he trust me a 100%. You have to be very loving and forgiving to step over that hurdle if trust is broken. I still believe very deep down HJ still cares for SH but for now she is hurt and wants to retaliate which is a normal reaction.

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Guest SherryJ

ocpanda said: I think HJ deserves to be alone. Beside if she somehow ends up with MW then it will actually be the worst scenario ever since MW is and will remain a player. NO ONE CAN CHANGE A PLAYER.
Imagine if she couldn't stand SH behavior, how can she tolerate MW playboy habit. REALLY!
Writer-nim, please don t make HJ/MW a couple since that is really desperated. Drama aside, I think MW is really Sexy if i have to pick one (SH / MW) I will be really TORN

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Thing about mw is that his character is to meet hj and slowly change.....which honestly is the typical kdrama second lead syndrome most of the time. I am bracing myself for either a sad ending or bittersweet ending because this is a melo....and they generally end either sad or we all are po and we threaten never to watch this writers work again.....example my boycott of glass mask writer....still suffering from the war flashbacks at that drama! Lol

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ocpanda said: I think HJ deserves to be alone. Beside if she somehow ends up with MW then it will actually be the worst scenario ever since MW is and will remain a player. NO ONE CAN CHANGE A PLAYER.
Imagine if she couldn't stand SH behavior, how can she tolerate MW playboy habit. REALLY!
Writer-nim, please don t make HJ/MW a couple since that is really desperated. Drama aside, I think MW is really Sexy if i have to pick one (SH / MW) I will be really TORN

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Thank you, @bacom! That post was breathtakingly magnificent! You covered anything, everything on Se Young!

Se Young's the "Temptation" of this drama! And I will not be surprise if she destroy her own sand castle at the end!

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Why do I feel SH and HJ will end up together... :(( from what I've seen kdrama loves to keep married couples together no matter what. The last public broadcast drama I remember watching in which they actually managed to divorce was Goddess of Marriage, and they delayed it until the last episode.

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@BACOM. Your analysis about SY character is very impressive, like a pro, before we understand the story, it's importance that we understand each character well so we can criticize fairly, not prejudice (most members here just love the pair of KSW & CTW) For my point of view, HJ is a vulnerable, insecure (troubled) woman whose husband  just about to be snatched by a wealthy woman. Each individual has difference way of retaliate for their frustration, I don't think she overreact. She sensed that her husband has quite attracted by SY and she can't trust him anymore, the best is to let him go and we all knew that SH has really attracted to SY, so why hold him when his heart is gone (he may still love his wife but the other woman on the side) I believe HJ still love her husband. We have to see how the writer going to end this triangle loves.. IF THEIR LOVE IS STRONG THEY MIGHT FIND THEIR WAY BACK.

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Guest SherryJ

ymiss said: Thank you, @bacom! That post was breathtakingly magnificent! You covered anything, everything on Se Young! Se Young's the "Temptation" of this drama! And I will not be surprise if she destroy her own sand castle at the end!

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