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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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@hazelzerone."Is this the real challenge or will HJ come into business world and try to win SH back through MW's support?"
I hope this will never happen because I can't accept in dramas when random people without any business experience suddenly joins a company like that - it makes no sense. In real life people study and work a long time to do great in the business world but in some dramas they make it out as if it's as easy as walking. They should at least keep basic realism :D.
"However I was stunned that someone said here, stating something like- why didn't SY brought both SH and HJ to hear the offer if its all about business."
I don't know if it means anything but I rewatched this part in episode 2 and SY never told SH to come alone - he just happened to go alone. SY only told him that his wife forgot the shoes and he could come pick it up - she never said he had to come alone. Whether or not SY would have made the offer if HJ had tagged along we will never know. In my opinion though it doesn't matter whether she had made the offer with HJ present or not since HS did tell HJ about the offer before he accepted anyway.

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Hi all, I'm new in this thread!
omo! I feel so dirty watching this drama, because I want SY and SH stay together. I can not control it, even though he is a married man. 
I'm so immersed in each character ... the way SH and SY look each other shows so much...
If SH really wanted to get right with his wife, he would not have answered SY's messages, and met with her and helped her with her business. She seduced him, not only with her beauty but mainly with her professional skills, her coldness to handle the business. Besides physical attraction, there are admiration e ambition. The chemistry between CJW and KSW is amazing! I continue to replay the scenes of their interactions, glances and smiles when they are close.
SY always surprises me with her words and attitudes. She is not afraid to play this game so dangerous. She is playing with a married man, letting her feelings for him grow, and he...  the only thing he do is worsens the situation. 
I like the lyrics of the OST "temptation". This seems to be a SH's POV: 
"Our love started like a lieYes, I prayed that it would be a lieI hoped you’d say goodbye firstLove is so cowardly
I feel like I will die if I don’t see youBut when I see you, I go crazy, what do I do?I want to end it, I don’t want to end itI want you, I don’t want you"
For SY, the things are clear, but for SH, the things look more and more confuse. He said he loves HJ, but misses SY. I wonder how long this love for HJ will "hold him".
I also like the interactions of HJ and MW. Looks like one serves as a support for one another. When together, they find the peace that can not next to their spouses. This is so ironic because it is the opposite of the interactions of SH and SY, which are always troubled and full of tension.
SH and SY have so much to lose if they have a romance, and oddly enough, that's what makes me more excited. How far they can go, how big will the problems, obstacles, intrigue and how much everyone will suffer in the process. 
I'm just curious to know how this story will develop ...
(Sorry if my english is bad, i'm still learning).

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@xxxzxxx you're sharp.  :-bd
Your review seems legit...didn't expect it to be tricky. Good thing you rewatched and review the analysis.
Good job...will comeback to your analysis...if no one comment on it later, time to go back to my life routine.

For your 1st point...anything is possible in a drama. The writer will try to make the plot believable...that's why i stated 'MW's support'...MW could be the one who's actually doing the business work,as a backbone...like typical kdrama in business and even political genre.


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aww...our CEO is in love. her smiles during their text exchange pretty much says it all. on top of telling your doctor that the problem is in your chest, it's "tickling." oh my...I feel like I'm seeing my 16-year old sister in all her "first love" glory...;)

his biggest attraction for her seems to be the fact that he is unfazed by her. when she turned him down for the job, he confronted her asking why he didn't get it. in hongkong, while seated by the fountain, he just grabbed the soda bottle she couldn't open from her. while on a meeting, he interacted with others with confidence not usually shown by her subordinates. she sees him as her equal. in confidence. in intellect. in ability. just without money. 

i guess sometimes, being powerful, rich and beautiful isn't all that it's made up to be.

what did they say again about being lonely on top? :(


... and also, it can't be helping SY's crush that he looks really great in the shower. oh i forgot, she hasn't seen that yet. lol... 

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Guest nifemi

My major peeve with HJ is that she is narrow minded, HJ and SH have been married for  10 years and if this issue with SY breaks her trust in her husband does she think having a child would miraculously make their trust issues go away, she is a nurse and i would assume that she knows that one of the basic need of a child is the love and care and if their trust issues are not resolved it would affect the baby negatively it's simple psychology. If she wants her marriage to work pushing her husband away would not work and she is basically pushing him to the other woman, what they need to do is to go for marriage counselling to resolve their issues then they can take it from there. This is my opinion please pardon any rambling and mistakes, I'm sleepy so I'm writing this post half unconscious, I just had to get this off my chest before I go to bed. Good night chingus.

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@enrye85...ultimately though...SH/HJ are finished at least for now I'm just waiting to see who delievers the divorce papers to whom....I'm thinking it will be HJ the one after SH truly breaks his wedding vows...and that's coming you all see it on the writing like those signs you see driving down Interstate. I think that is when the major shift will come...the happy go lucky SH/SY will be in bliss and then...that's when the hammer begins to fall.

Though one thing I'm concerned about it....for every action there is a equal or greater reaction...who will be the unintended consequence of their "Love". This kind of thing someone always gets burned! Secret Love Affair anyone! Just saying.

I also expect some changes for HJ coming...MW will be primarily responsible for that...

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aww...our CEO is in love. her smiles during their text exchange pretty much says it all. on top of telling your doctor that the problem is in your chest, it's "tickling." oh my...I feel like I'm seeing my 16-year old sister in all her "first love" glory...;)

his biggest attraction to her seems to be the fact that he is unfazed by her. when she turned him down for the job, he confronted her asking why he didn't get it. in hongkong, while seated by the fountain, he just grabbed the soda bottle she couldn't open from her. while on a meeting, he interacted with others with confidence not usually shown by her subordinates. she sees him as her equal. in confidence. in intellect. in ability. just without money. 

i guess sometimes, being powerful, rich and beautiful isn't all that it's made up to be.

what did they say again about being lonely on top? :(


... and also, it can't be helping SY's crush that he looks really great in the shower. oh i forgot, she hasn't seen that yet. lol... 

face="Georgia"> 8->

Her smile makes me smile and happy, but then again I'm not surprised by CJW's acting....she makes the viewers connect with her. I personally cry when she cries, happy when she's happy. She's an excellent excellent actress.

I like the fact that SH is not intimidated or even fazed by SY wealth or position. I think he's more mesmerized and captivated by her intelligence and capability and independence; opposite of his wife who so far just relies on him

and is dependent on him, whether financially or emotionally. This dependence can be a love killer because of the pressure to be always successful or responsible.

Sorry but every time I see them together, I go

:D ......I'm loving this drama....LOVE IT I TELL U, LOVE IT :)

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Guest bacom

@Lmangla, yes my dear, that's exactly what I want: thoroughly physical exam, and I'm sure Dr. LJJ will tell me in his sexy voice, "You need to watch your blood pressure." =))Btw, can you or anybody show me how to delete pics in quote, using Samsung note? Presenting the extreme ahjumma's technology challenge :(( you can laugh all you want.
@hazelzerone, I also hate to LOVE SY. She's a self-center, manipulated, control freak and she stays true to her characteristics. She presents herself as what she is abd not ashame about it. Unlike HJ who is also a self-center, control freak but hides inside a righteous, kind and vulnerable woman. After the phone conversation the night SH ends the contract in ep 2, I looses all my sympathy for HJ. Up to that night, she's the only one in SH's mind. He's even willing to violate the 3rd rule just to sneak a phone call to her  He makes SY have to bypass the 3rd rule so he can contact his beloved wife. Untill the last night of the contract, he's still confident that she trusts him and loves him enough to forgives him. Sadly, HJ shows her true personality and denies to give him her forgiveness thus, pushes him to the Temptation right there. Because of that, she loses badly to SY.

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maddymappo said: I think it is all clear now that by accepting SY's offer in Hong Kong the wife intuitively knew he was attracted to SY or he could not even for a moment consider such a degrading situation and one that would demoralize his wife. Better he faced jail and financial ruin like a man, even if the crime and fraud was committed by his business partner.
 I agree with what HJ said to SY, that SY is such a beautiful and accomplished woman  she does not need to ruin a couple's marriage. She could easily have her pick of men. How true.  And SY admits her jealousy over their marriage. She saw how close they were in Hong Kong, and she coveted that happiness. Snhe wanted to soil that out of envy. Then, SH finally admits at the end of Ep 5 that SY has been in his mind.  He was poisoned by her seduction. I think the wife is really faced with a  huge sorrow.  She really wanted her husband's child and that was another aspect of her depression and hurt at his interest in another woman.   For me, there is nothing romantic or heartfelt about SY and SH together, it is ultimately just lustful and it will end badly for them, I think.

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Guest bashful

hazelzerone said: @bashful you should give it a go with subs... considering on their reunion after years i really hope they don't do the same ending as their previous project.
I believe SY is someone who hide her feeling. Even her boldness in her intention seems to have a hidden agenda-in a good way. Maybe its just me...  :>

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Guest wutmuvi

The drama is getting better and better every episodes. I love the last scenes in ep 6. For the first time, SY feels so vulnerable and weak in the dark alley. She felt safe hiding behind SH's back.  She seem totally trusted him and let him held her hand. I cannot get enough of SH and SY together.  I hope the writer would do justice for this couple to be together in the end.




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That alley scene tho. Can I just have a minute to over analyze and fan girl about it? It's the littlest things that make my heart flutter when watching SH and SY together. I found it painfully cute and funny and here's why.

When they first arrive in the alley he quickly gets out of the taxi and goes the other side to help her with the door *swoon*SH initiates contact with her arm and guides her so she doesn't fall behind which she notices immediately but continues.  We see them further in the alley and they walk closely together with him in the front but no longer in contact.

All of a sudden the homeless guy touches her leg trying to grab her bag while seated and she screams and holds onto her bag and SH clutches her. Boom! Eye contact and *cue the romantic ost* lol. SY noticing his hand on her shoulder and removing it. SH not breaking eye contact until she removed it and quietly moving on.

That cat flies out of nowhere and she screams almost losing her balance, and SH grabs her hand, looks into her eyes and holds it. ~sighhhh~  I feel like right here he sees her, like truly sees her. She may be cold and fearless in business but is really like a normal woman who's scared. Pokerface be damned. They walk hand and hand through the poorly lit alley ( such good cinematography here that yellow lit silhouette of their bodies was beautifully shot )

Then my favorite part,  the light is suddenly shined on them and he looks at her and clearly see she's scared so he puts his hand across her body and she scoots behind him and peeks over his shoulder. I died. I swear I died. And she looks at him worried while he looks dead ahead. Then it's over. I just love this scene so much. Plus when she touched her wrist in the taxi. Ah, I don't know why but it makes me feel all asfdrdytgdbdj inside, lol. I just can't contain the feeels.

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nabuta2 said:

What I love about this drama is the fact that we are at Episode 6 and the story is still unpredictable.  How the ending will be I don't know, but I so want SY and SH to be together, they just have that IT factor.  If not, then I want SH to divorce his wife.  Like SY stated, HJ does not know his value.  


Surprisingly, I am liking MW character.  I love his love/hate relationship with SY.  You can tell that he respects this successful, beautiful, intelligent and single woman.  He trusts her. 

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chickpea said:

HJ disparages how SY uses her money yet she, a nurse, someone who vows to care for life, thought so little of her own that she was willing to throw it away for money.  So, its immoral for SY to use her money to bail out HJ's husband but its not immoral for HJ to use her life for the same reason?   This is the kind of (lack of) logic in HJ's thinking that is destroying her marriage, not SY, not SH, her own self.

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AGB Rating (Nationwide / Seoul)
#1 MBC Triangle: 10.5% (+1.3%) | 12.2% (+1.7%)
#2 SBS Temptation: 8.9% (-0.1%) | 9.6% (+0.3%)
#3 KBS Trot Lovers: 8.2% (+0.7%) | 8.7% (+0.5%)

TNmS Rating (Nationwide / Seoul)
#1 MBC Triangle: 10.3% (+1.5%) | 13.2% (+1.6%)
#2 SBS Temptation: 8.5% (-0.3%) | 10.4% (-0.1%)
#3 KBS Trot Lovers: 7.4% | 8.3% (+0.2%)
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Guest wutmuvi

I also love this scene when SY was silently trying to check out or sneak peek at SH.





SY got caught.


SH was also trying to have a sneak peek at SY. 

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Guest chll51

I just finished episode 6 with subs and my oh my... what an episode... and I apologize for spoiling anyone. I've been away from soompi for too long so I am not sure how to use the spoiler tag.
First, HJwhatever-fu.gif

Gurl you are in danger. Calm the eff down. I get it boo. Your husband stayed behind. He didn't call you or let you know until later what's going on. I get it. But you wanted a break. You told him to leave. So...you need to find yourself. Get a job. Gain some financial security. Take this time out to figure yourself out and I don't know, love yourself. Stop trying to be passive aggressive especially if you've already lost the first time (I'm referring to the last episode when she confront SY and again this episode). I want to root for you but you making it real hard. Stop being dumb. Control yourself. If your love for your husband and trust is that great, don't need to rub it in someone's face and then having that someone metaphorically b!tchslap you for your idiocy. Honestly gurl.tumblr_inline_mgjwwugHJz1roqm64.jpg

Second, and probably the only point that's worth mentioning...tumblr_inline_mz1zc3B7LZ1rs4nv6.gif

It's only episode 6 and they're already holding hands. Like IDGAF what happens at the end. I doubt they'll end up together. Whatever. Don't care. Haters gonna hate. She's upfront and honest to his wife when she doesn't even owe HJ that. Like I couldn't careless if they don't end up together. Point is, we got the holding hands momentsssssstears.gif omg5.gif 
Next stop, sexy timeeee~~~~creepysmile.gif

And stuffs happen to other people too, I guess. MW is still ain't that great of a dad and neither is he a husband. What a shocker. oh yeah, and acting shady. tumblr_leftkrHJkw1qf8yek.gif
Like I feel at this point... I"m just gonna fastforward his scenes unless he's with SY....because they have an antagonistic relationship that I find attractive...

That's basically my thoughts in a nutshell. No other one mattered. SY's sister is an annoying whiner. LIke, if you don't want to be the blacksheep, get a richard simmons job, earn your own money instead of trying to blackmail your sister for more money. I don't know who's worse, SY's sister's whining, HJ's constant crying and almost getting kill for being a richard simmons or the grandma's annoying favoritism. NVM, they're all equally horrible.234pw7.gif

And as always, MW's wife was a pleasure to watch. Keep doing you boo and screw your basic richard simmons husband.tumblr_leb4r406KE1qcdbl4.gif

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