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RongYi Couple (Lego and Rong Rong)


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Thanks so much for the Dimpling pictures ! Very nice!

Now back to the kiss! Or kisses!!!!

The broadcast and the BTS kisses are different angles, the after kiss hug is also different. So that means he got to do the 'smuacks' sound a few times !

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@seungzy_kangdamshipper‌ you are right!! Lego is now mirroring the RongRong's teeth effect!! This happens when a couple has been together quite some time and will start to mirror each other's expressions or even speech patterns ;)

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Guest tohoshiya

AHAHAHAHAHA! In response to the photo @clauric posted, here's the video!

Starting at around 1:44, Lego is acting as the cashier and helping fans to settle their purchases, and the first item he took out from the basket of the first customer is RR's mask XD Then he held up the mask and asked the fan:
Lego: The reason you're buying this is because....?
Fan: (I'm) hinting....
Lego: ...Hinting? XD
Host: Looking at the item will make you think about the owner (an idiom)


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Guest nutella101

i keep on watching the bts in full volume so i can hear that smack sound . i feel like this one is better than the previous.. i think i know the reason behind the mouth adlib heheh. lego wants to kiss RR marker 4:27 and  5:25 he motioned to kiss RR.
:P <:-P <:-P

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awww Lego first notices the product endorsed by RR 

and picks it up from that basket full of other stuff :P


looky he's showing the teeth again ;)




and @ ard 2:58 when he takes the items one by one and place it into the carrier

Lego only takes the RR product and double checks with the cashier whether she has billed it or not

Then when he was about to put it into the carrier, he looks at it amusingly and cheekishly smiled :)




now...now...care to tell us what happy lil thoughts came into ur mind while looking @ RR's endorsed product Lego sshi >:)

btw some fanz are guessing that the commercial RongYi will be collaborating in is "7-eleven" :P

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Thanks so much, @seungzy_kangdamshipper‌ !

Can I say that he's now 'besotted' or 'smitten'?? ;) Just looking at a mere picture of her and he can smile at the picture LOL, so if he sees the real person, what else would he want to do ?!?!

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Soooo, Lego's reaction when he saw RongRong's product:

1. He picked it up first from the basket

2. Ask the fan why she bought it, also place it next to his face to help promote it and show a similar smile

3. Fan answers ' a hint' and he's so happy that he gifted her with a free pack of chic balls which he personally scan for her

4. Find reasons to hold her pic longer in his hands - ask cashier has it been scanned, put it in bag and take it out again to smile at it before letting it leave his hand

Smitten much ?? ROFL

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Guest tohoshiya

@akikisetsu‌ Lol we should all send her a chocolate basket as a token of appreciation and bravery :P what's fishy funny about the whole thing is the fact that he actually ACKNOWLEDGED the masks set. He could have just treated it like all the other items in that basket but nooooo he just HAD to pick to up and ask her why she bought it! Seriously xD I don't know what kind of answers you were expecting Lego dear, "Oh i'm just buying it cuz it's such a greaaaat product, just a coincidence really, i'm really not flaunting it in front of you, oh no definitely not!" :P

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During Lego's birthday party FM four mths ago :P 

@ ard 1:42 RR's birthday wishes to Lego :x


RR: Happy birthday to you!!! ;))

@ 1:41 Lego gt shocked :P

@ 1:43 L holding onto the mic: "what are you doing!?" 

(*cue fans started laughing)

RR: "here's wishing the capable, skillful and best actor in my eyes, Mr Lego Li...a happy birthday~"


@ 1:53 he moves closer to the screen listening carefully to every word RR said :x


@ 1:52 

RR: "Thank you for being with me through the freedom waters~


Thank you for guiding me on this journey of freedom and growth~

Lego: "she has a lot to say~" :P

RR: making great efforts together~


RR: "this small one~"

@ 1:58 Lego :D


would like to trouble everyone over here to show me consideration...sympathy and promote me more  

give me your approval....approve me~ [-O< 

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Thanks for the Watson's video @tohoshiya‌! Love love love that he had no qualms about bringing up RR in public! He could have ignored the RR masks but the fact that he made special mention of it just seems so significant to me. And the way he double, triple glanced at it and smiled before finally packing it into the bag was just so so so sweet.... Hope someone sends a link of that video to RR so she knows her man is thinking about her!!! :\"> :\"> :\">

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Oooh, just came back from stalking baidu. A couple of netizens mentioned that Lego said that there will be a surprise (惊喜) in the remaining 2 episodes while another used the phrase "something special" (有特别的东西). Apparently, RR also commented on fb asking everyone to watch till the end cos there will be a surprise. I'm dying to know what the surprise will be!!! A French style kiss??? A proposal??? What can it be??? I want to know the answer NOW!!! :-? :-? :-?

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Oooh, just came back from stalking baidu. A couple of netizens mentioned that Lego said that there will be a surprise (惊喜) in the remaining 2 episodes while another used the phrase "something special" (有特别的东西). Apparently, RR also commented on fb asking everyone to watch till the end cos there will be a surprise. I'm dying to know what the surprise will be!!! A French style kiss??? A proposal??? What can it be??? I want to know the answer NOW!!! :-? :-? :-?

Yes, after watching the full ep 24 last night, i went around a few tw forums and saw similar comments. Lego said the ending is very cool and some surprises are in stored for viewers.

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Aaaaahhh the Watson got me giggling and laughing....I am sending another basket of chocolates to the smart RY shipper who represented all the shippers out there...Hehehe hey it was all Lego who picked it up first and put attention on himself..He could have picked any product but he saw his RR's face lol..he could have ignored or skipped it BUT HE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT HIS GIRL.. this boy was all smiles lol gaaah..but the best part was when he was bagging he gave a second or looks like a triple look on RR's mask before putting it in the bag...Lego must have missed RR's beautiful face and flawless skin-we know how much you love admiring her face!

ahhhh something special..hahaha if this is LC and JE related..can only think of french kiss or lol hahaha hmmm making llllooove (lol sorry for pervy thoughts but most likely not going to happen)

ahh im so happy with the watson video..lego acknowledging RR in public that is not IAGW related and it was all him who brought it up is making my shipping heart happy..

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Knowing myself, i can't stop once spazzing starts so again, making my RY list is the wise choice. Feel free to skip my catching up long blah blah post :D 
MingPao Weekly to Watson's, i'll start with our guy...  1- Lego's bts history has shown, he keeps it friendly & professional with the female costars, at most, with those he knows wells, he makes it fun or it's the sibling affection such as in the art-house film, Loaf Rock (which i encourage all to watch), shown with his interaction with Summer. So the skinship in IAGW is an uncharted territory.  2- For a reserved guy, even uptight at times, well demonstrated through his past public demeanor, to suddenly abandon his set work principles and in return, picking on/messing with her takes a special feeling and certain level of comfort.  3- He's a no-mess type of guy (his old interviews posted in this thread and elsewhere), her bubbly personality can be a big fail and turndown, yet the tide turns its course. Instead of viewing her candidness as noisy and bothersome or feeling weary, he actually contributes to her actions and encourages more. At times when his energy and spirit have wind down due to his back pain and long work hours, he still made time for her. NYE Tent BTS, he gave up some zzz time (rare~) to zipped her up inside the tent (yes, the mature Lego!) or when she was madly running around with Momo when everyone else is working, he took time to film her and feed into her action. SO, why would he spend his precious rest time observe & understand Rong Rong? How else can a guy (and we all know how simple guys are) read her like a book if he didn't spend enough time to know her ins and outs, as Rong Rong not JE.  4- Seeing your costar bruised is never a good thing and a cordial gesture is plenty. No, our guy gave all his attention & time of the day to comfort her, from start to finish, until our girl is all good. Let me say this, to read someone is one thing, to know how to comfort a crying Rong Rong is another. ***Previous comforting Rong Rong experience required. Oh and let's not forget his attentiveness when she got bit by Momo, our girl knows.  5- Though she has a pretty transparent and bubbly personality, she is classy and discipline from her upbringing. Since she's new on my radar and totally girl-crush her, i don't know her past work style but she doesn't come across as the flirtatious type (and plenty are out there). However we can use the present ones. Calling Jay older brother, they seem close and with Steve or Jack, she behaves like a fun gal with a few pal slap here & there, speaking in even tone with no girlie high pitch. So she would know where to draw her line if it's a one way direction and flirt her way into nowhere.  6- In one club house BTS, they chatted about dating phases (especially the exchange with Steve), her style is rather slow-cook than the general dating styles, so our girl has her own guidelines and doesn't develop feeling on impulse. Our guy must've scored some huge brownie points for her to instinctually ran to him when she needed some comforting (where's her assistant?). The level of certainty she has of how well he knows her speaks volume for me.  7- While he's going the extra yard to wash away LC's imprint, he sure didn't see JE when he picked up facial mask from the Watson's basket. AND, it's a cherry on top for a non-fan-service guy to publicly initiate those responses and acknowledge the RY fan hint leaves me fuzzily happy.  8- Hearing her verbal usage and the pace of her talk in the diamond event interview, she sounded 》》》i'm-not-closing-door-on-potential-possibility-but-let's-stay-away-from-headliners.  9- Six months together (working beyond 8-5 work hours) isn't stargazing long but enough to know someone, personally. Not to discount the personal "hang out" time and the milking from Santa helpers (director Wu and his team) can do wonders in 182 rolling days (sorry, been doing too much stats this week). And we are ever evolving so we are influence by people around us , six months is plenty for a group of young actors, personal and professional.  10- As much as he wants to deflect LC off, He poured a part of himself in molding a character we've come to love - Liu Chuan. I beg to differ if there isn't a part of each actor in the roles they portray; life is like a drama. For me, i see subtle changes in both and so far, he continues to show how special she is, in his own way. Of course, our girl just can't stop bragging about the guy. 
p.s. From my reading, i believe the MingPao reporter is the one who asked her about how she feels to be transparent and readable.

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Guest tohoshiya

Apparently they went for a late night karaoke session ;) the gathering probably just ended a few hours ago
photo imagejpg1.jpg "Eh? I've been freedom-ised"

photo imagejpg2.jpg
This ig user is also an actor named Yang Ge Wei 杨铬威

:D:D :\">

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