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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Guest spideysteve

I think for Mi Young, whether to have the kid or not, the decision is still about herself and the kid. Geon was the least on her mind when she thought about her pregnancy. To quote one of my favorite scenes in ep 4, I think I'm pregnant. I might not be, but I think I am.

Honestly, I'm scared. When I think about having a child, I'm scared to do it. But when I think about not doing it, it's so sad...

And I'm sacred about other people finding out...people like my mother, my sisters, or my colleagues.

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thanks @chunnogirl33, @spideysteve and @gumi for the insights

i guess the whole abortion thing is a matter of culture, so some would be more accepting of it than others. actually, when I saw this scene in the Taiwanese version, i was surprised how open they are to showing such a sensitive topic. but then, what i really liked about the whole sequence in the original is how the guy suggested it to the girl first, and then the girl cried, which i took to mean the idea never even crossed her mind (for which i personally admire and applaud her), and then being the pushover that the girl is, she finally agrees, which caused the guy to look even more unsure and guilty for what he's about to make the girl do.

i guess what i was really looking for, and did not really feel, in the scene with MY and G, is that level of uncertainty and regret in coming up with the decision. i mean, it should still be a hard one to make, right? no matter which culture?

Thinking back, I find that the reason why he suggested that, is also related to the culture there - I can so see many guys doing the exact same thing and to take the easy way out, since it's so convenient. I didn't necessarily felt the uncertainty then, until they finally went to the hospital n she's about to undertake the operation.

Haven't watch the kr episode yet, so I'll hold back my comment. Hehe

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dongwookie said: thanks @chunnogirl33, @spideysteve and @gumi for the insights
i guess the whole abortion thing is a matter of culture, so some would be more accepting of it than others. actually, when I saw this scene in the Taiwanese version, i was surprised how open they are to showing such a sensitive topic. but then, what i really liked about the whole sequence in the original is how the guy suggested it to the girl first, and then the girl cried, which i took to mean the idea never even crossed her mind (for which i personally admire and applaud her), and then being the pushover that the girl is, she finally agrees, which caused the guy to look even more unsure and guilty for what he's about to make the girl do.
i guess what i was really looking for, and did not really feel, in the scene with MY and G, is that level of uncertainty and regret in coming up with the decision. i mean, it should still be a hard one to make, right? no matter which culture?

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The tired old cliché says that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting it to turn out differently. I'm not sure what to call it when you do the same thing over again and expect it to turn out the same but keep doing it anyway.
The first four episodes have shown us a male lead who is much, much nicer than Ethan's was in the original, but apart from that, everything else is the same. The previews for episode five show the lead turning nasty as expected, and so everything is in place for the story to be a very close copy of the original. I would love to hear from anyone who watched the original who DOESN'T think that Se Ra will end up doing what Bai's character in the original did. 
But here's where the mental deficiency comes in. Even though I  intensely disliked the original and only struggled through to the end because of all the rave reviews and my presumption that it must get better (it didn't) and even though there is absolutely nothing to suggest that one of the worst bits of the original won't reappear in this one, I'm very likely to end up watching it all anyway. If next week's episodes show a "nasty" Geon who is still less nasty and less of a chauvinist bully than Ethan's character was, I'm almost certain to keep watching. The Jangs together are just that good. Plus, she looked so very, very pretty in that wedding dress I want to see the happy ending. I'm sure I'll hate myself, but at least  watching with hardcoded subs means I can mute it and FF through all the toxic obnoxious stuff and just watch the 20% of the story I want to see. 

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stuartjmz said:
The first four episodes have shown us a male lead who is much, much nicer than Ethan's was in the original, but apart from that, everything else is the same. The previews for episode five show the lead turning nasty as expected, and so everything is in place for the story to be a very close copy of the original. I would love to hear from anyone who watched the original who DOESN'T think that Se Ra will end up doing what Bai's character in the original did. 

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I think one of the main reason I hated Anna in the original was because of the actress. I mean, wooden n can't act is one thing, but she's totally soulless. If one thing I learn about WJW, it's that she definitely can act the kind of annoying 2nd lead which can make u hate her char but love her as an actress.

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Guest chunnogirl33

@stuartjmz‌ I'm so happy to read your thoughts. Please stay with us and don't hate yourself! lol Let's enjoy the show while it's good! and cry together if it goes bad (I can't help to feel that it won't. I'm now trusting these writers, the PD and of course the cast)

Also, I feel this Se Ra is not as selfish, she seems to love Geon sincerely. The scene when he called her was so emotional. Both of them! I love my OTP but I'm conflicted when I see Se Ra. I think we can have hope they might change things in a way that same events happen but the ppl involved are more "justified"?

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Guest chunnogirl33

I don't think her vocal cord is even possible of doing that LOL

I kind of want to see her try though lol! btw are they wearing matching or similar pijamas on the preview? Gahhh If not, I want them to. The Jjangs are so perfectly matched and cute together!

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whoaaaa why so serious guys??? woa onion headwoa onion headwoa onion head kkk. btw, i love every single opinion and insight.
@stuartjmz me too like @chunnogirl33 said, the phone scene with Geon and Sera is sooo heartbreaking. i love it and feel sympathy to her at the same time. she's maybe ambitious but she love Geon sincerely. i couldn't help to think that later she maybe feel betrayed. to said it all her mistake she not present herself in Macau also doesn't make sense, she have her favorite career and people can't expect her to carried the burden and pressure from Geon family coz she have her own life and decision. (in this case i think she doesn't know about the deal in episode 1, does she?). if she turned like we expect her to be after this, i hope we can see how hurt she is not only because of jealousy. the charmed of K-drama is, sometimes antagonist character have their own pitiful side and reason that make us couldn't help but sympathy with them sometimes. 

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I feel the part when Lee Geon is talking to his psychiatrist about the snail, its like he is very scared that if he is not careful, because of the snail slow and powerful suction, he will fall in love with MY. owh silly lee geon, just let yourself fall! hahaha although, if I'm in his shoes, I would freak out too since he really sincerely love Se Ra and marrying her has always been one of his dreams but things has come to this stage with little choices for him so it is understandable for him to be this crazy at the early stage. no denying that he actually finds comfort in MY and possibly attracted to her as well. ahhhh! can't wait for next week's episode! *___*

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heppy said: I think one of the main reason I hated Anna in the original was because of the actress. I mean, wooden n can't act is one thing, but she's totally soulless. If one thing I learn about WJW, it's that she definitely can act the kind of annoying 2nd lead which can make u hate her char but love her as an actress.

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I kind of find it interesting that Lee Geon seems to have spotted MiYoung's strength already. When he's comparing her to a snail, he screams that they may be slow, but they always get to their target. Am I putting too much meaning onto it?:P I also kinda liked how he said she will be on top of him before he knows (oh wow this sounds wrong now lol). Almost like he already knows he's gonna be attracted to this girl and altho he hasn't fallen in yet he has no choice :P

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gumi said: I kind of find it interesting that Lee Geon seems to have spotted MiYoung's strength already. When he's comparing her to a snail, he screams that they may be slow, but they always get to their target. Am I putting too much meaning onto it?:P I also kinda liked how he said she will be on top of him before he knows (oh wow this sounds wrong now lol). Almost like he already knows he's gonna be attracted to this girl and altho he hasn't fallen in yet he has no choice :P

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Feels like this is gonna to be one of my all time fav Kdrama!!

JH&JN's perform really well. They suit &act to the characters. Eps 2-4 really steal my heart away but looking at the eps5 preview I must be ready to be broken hearted.

I wish the drama continue to gain viewers as well as the ratings.

Oh thank you soooo much to all the live recappers.


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Guest spiritedaway13


GUYS I JUST GOOGLED WHO DANIEL'S LONG LOST SISTER IS (i already watched the Taiwanese version ,i just wanted to refresh my memory), and I am SO SAD. 
 S e  r a is going to be his sister. NOO. I felt like they had chemistry when they were on the plane together. I would rather they end up as a couple. I wish they could just have MY be his sister.

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An interview with Jang Na-ra, lead actress from the drama `Fated to Love You`

An interview with Jang Na-ra, lead actress from the drama <Fated to Love You>

Caption: Fated to Love You

Every Wednesday night at 10p.m.

Producer: Jang Na-ra, who plays Kim Mi-young.

Na-ra: Nice to meet you.

Caption: Jang Na-ra, who plays Kim Mi-young

Na-ra: I am Jang Na-ra, and I play Kim Mi-young in Fated to Love You.

Caption: Character Introduction

Na-ra: Mi-young's character is like someone you could find anywhere around you. Naive and pure people with warm hearts have a tough time in today's world,

and of course the same is true for Mi-young.

She can't say no easily. She's overly sensetive to causing others discomfort, and she kind of lives in her own world, and she is a really genuine person.

Caption: Feelings on the first filming

Na-ra: I couldn't sleep at all last night; I was really nervous and worried, which kept me up, but after I got here, I found it interesting.

Also, Hee-bon, who plays my character's friend Jeon Ji-yeon, is a friend I've known since I was very young, when I was in my teens, and now we're in our 30s, so I'm really glad, and it's good to be acting with her, and the staff are really good, and the director has a nice voice, so it's all really good.

Caption: To the viewers

Na-ra: Fated to Love You will be broadcase in the hot hot July,

so I will film this drama with a warm heart and happy smile, to fill the show with happiness.

I hope lots of you watch it.Please look forward to it, and support it.I'll work hard.


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