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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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He said...
Jang Na Ra!!!In my dream, I was being chased by a dog. By the way, Mi Young sshi, what are you doing this early in the morning wearing an apron?
Something fun?

She said...Geonnie sshi, what is it? What?Did you have a nightmare?I was in the middle of something fun.
It's so fun.
He said...Are you saying that making bread is fun?It's more fun over there (nose pointing to the bed)

She said...While we're waiting for it, I'll get ready to go to my studio.

Geon: Kim Mi Young! Are you leaving me here alone now?I'm on my vacation.
MY: Since you're not working, I should make a living at least. 
Geon: By the way, that sounds really good. Like we're a married couple.Shall I quit everything and work as your new assistant?Ma'am, do you want to have me as a fatally attractive male assistant?
I will be on call 24/7.
MY: I will get in trouble with my husband.
Geon: Ah, that's a very good attitude of a wife. 
MY: When are you going to let me go?
Geon: If you kiss me, I will let you go.

(me melting....) :x :x

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He said...OmmaOmmoniI am hungry.Her country accent isn't that hard.Gosh, good thing I learned it.

Heuhahahahaha...Ssambap lady, did you wait for me?Be honest. You were waiting for me, right?I brought a bribe this time. You can use this as much as you want."Mom, I'll be a filial son. No worries!"It's a nutritional supplements.You're being difficult. 
Are you saying this is nothing?Okay, I will prepare something small and sparkling next time.It'll be even better. Even if it sparkles, it won't be brighter than your eyes. I feel empty. I'm hungry. Please give me something to eat. 
Ommoni, aigoo...shouldn't I eat before I go?Ommoni...
I can't even call my mom by name? What am I, Hong Gil Dong?
Did you just call me, Ommoni?
You called me! Why?I also feel as though you're like my real mom. So please accept me.
Please let me marry Mi Young sshi.Let me marry her.

Ssambap lady, I am not sick at all.
Do I look like I'm sick?I never even caught a cold in the past three years.I'll get check up every six months too.You want to see how healthy I am?Want to see me do some push ups?Watch how I can do a push up with just my thumb. Watch.Heuhahaha...you thought I would give up this easily, huh? Wait and see. Just wait and see!
I'll be far more demanding next time. Far more demanding!I will be back, Ssambap lady.

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He said...Ah Ssambap lady, you were getting your hair done here?Ssambap lady, take one.You're stubborn.How can I change your mind, huh?I only have one wish.Do you know what it is?I want to see you wear a traditional Korean dress.You know the elegant and traditional look.
Omma: Save it. Once I say No, it's always a No.
He said...Ssambap lady, you are a woman with principle!How can I not like you?Ssambap lady, I know eventually you will give us your blessings.I will come better prepared tomorrow. Look forward to it.

Take one (the drinks)It's from my heart.It's good for you.
 (Love Geon's hand gesture.)

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MY: It's the pollack eyeballs ramen you wanted to try so much.
Geon:  Is this the ramen Yong sang praises about? I'll try some.Wow, I was wondering how it would taste.This tastes different than anchovy rolls. It has its own taste.Hey Dragon, I've tried it now!It's really delicious.
MY: Convincing my mom isn't easy, right?I know that you have been trying hard to get her blessing.
Geon: It's no fun when a woman is too easy.
MY: Komayowo.You probably have reason to be upset with her but you hide it well.

Geon: Trust me, okay?No matter what it takes, I will have her blessing.
MY: Geonnie sshi, fighting!
Geon: How come there's only one bowl?
Let's eat together.Eating alone is no fun.This is really tasty.

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He said...There is a woman I know. I really need to be on her good side.But she's extremely stubborn.She thinks that I won't live to see tomorrow. So I am planning on living for a long time. I need to prove to her that I can protect the woman I love!If I do, then she will slowly come to change her mind.Watch Ssambap lady, I will show her how healthy I am.First, on the parallel bar!
She said...Wooo...Geonnie sshi, hwaiting!

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His dad said...The moments in life...The moments when I lost people I loved because of the fear of death.I regret those moments so much.Why did I make such a foolish decision?
"Men should always be smiling, looking down from a high place, okay?
You're such a cutie, Geonnie. Yahoo!"
Even now, I will remember those moments. I will return to my family now. 
(For Geon)

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He said...May I ask you something?Do you remember how my father was when you last saw him?
Yong's mom said...That day he seemed like a different person. 
"I'm sorry.....and Thank you"- Geon's dad
Yong's mom said...I was merely someone he felt bad for and grateful towards. So when he said he would go back to his family, I couldn't stop him anymore. While his memory was gone, I thought it would be nice if he were my man.It was my own greed.But I felt sorry for him too.The day when he finally went to the family he wanted to see, he got into a car accident. He died with your mother and spent his last moments with the woman he really loved.So I thought maybe that was enough of a relief. 

He said...Thank you....for giving me his diary. Thank you. 

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Omma: You're criminal to me from now on because you're going to steal my daughter away from me, Nothing will happen to you and can you promise to always take care of Mi Young?
Geon: I promise I will always make Mi Young smile. I will make her happy so that she never feels down, okay?

If there's no ssambap in this world, there would be no fun in life.Fun fun funIn the morning!Ssambap!At night!Ssambap!Ssambap is the best!Best best!
(Such a funny drunk song)  :))

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Omma: Seriously, you won't forget me?
Geon: How could I forget you? I can't forget you.

MY: Omma, don't worry.You're going to come to the wedding wearing something pretty, right?
Are you sure you won't come?

Omma: I'm approving of your relationship because that man is crazy about you. But I can't congratulate you. If you call me a bad mother, then so be it. That's how I feel. You punk, that's my pillow. Hey, go and live your life! I don't care. 
Geon: Of course, we should live well. Live well.Thank you.
Thank you.

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Geon's dad said...Let's see what is going to come out.
Ta-da!When you become an adult like daddy, there are some thing you wear like a gentleman. You should wear these later too, okay? I will put these special items in here. 

Geon: I will put this in here too. It's the autographed baseball when we went to our first game. 
Geon's dad: When you become an adult like daddy, you find this and open it then.
Geon: This is fun. Let's do it next time.

Geon's dad: Of course, we should do it next time. Geon ah, listen to dad carefully. You're like this now but if you ever get scared in the future, just laugh like Daddy. Like this...Always laugh like this. Then Daddy will always protect you. 


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Geon's dad said....Geon ah, by the time you read this letter when you're an adult, you will probably know everything about me. The fact that I walked the same path you did. Even though I decided to leave you and your mother's side right now, I know that perhaps one day, I will come to regret my decision. Should there come a time when you have to make an important decision, don't worry about the things that haven't happened yet. 

Don't waste this moment in the present and I hope you will enjoy living life to the fullest every day. My son.My loving son, Geon ah.

(End of episode 19)

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sooyoungdaebak said:

Geon's dad said....Geon ah, by the time you read this letter when you're an adult, you will probably know everything about me. The fact that I walked the same path you did. Even though I decided to leave you and your mother's side right now, I know that perhaps one day, I will come to regret my decision. Should there come a time when you have to make an important decision, don't worry about the things that haven't happened yet. 

Don't waste this moment in the present and I hope you will enjoy living life to the fullest every day. My son.My loving son, Geon ah.

(End of episode 19)

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Guest SandiRa

sooyoungdaebak said:
He said...
Jang Na Ra!!!In my dream, I was being chased by a dog. By the way, Mi Young sshi, what are you doing this early in the morning wearing an apron?
Something fun?

He said...Are you saying that making bread is fun?It's more fun over there (nose pointing to the bed)

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